Glitching PQ

TrueDMG - Sanctuary
TrueDMG - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
edited January 2011 in General Discussion
i have a twink at lvl 63 and tried to do PQ. But its not possible becasue of squading of lvl 100players with lows. In 80% of attempts a l lvl 100 sin/archer squads his toon and and lol **** the mobs in 10min. Maybe some GM reads this an can give a a feedback if something could be changed . thanks
Post edited by TrueDMG - Sanctuary on


  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    It's not a glitch. It's taking advantage of the situation.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Grats, you got the PQ done 5 times faster in turn of loosing maybe 1 or 2 medals. You are posting this... why?
  • krelianmage
    krelianmage Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    It might pisses u off at first, but look on the bright side:

    PQ with only people lvl 60-80 takes a looooong time, specially cause at this lvl theres no overpowered people...

    So, if 1 person is getting first cause of his lvl 100, other are getting their 2nd to 10th rewards way faster.

    And diference from 2nd to 1st is only 2 medals. So getting 2nd twice in like 30 minutes> getting first once in a hour

    Edit: Okeano ninja'd me
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I sometimes go out there and help random groups out of boredom.... so yeah... I also leveled one of my characters using the method... but yeah it would take normally a long time so I don't think you should even be complaining that you got 4-5 PQ done with 6 medals instead of 1 with 8 in the same amount of time b:laugh
  • Jaggerjaques - Sanctuary
    Jaggerjaques - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The first section of PQ is meant for characters lvl 60 to 80. Is it a glitch to squad with someone outside of that level range for the quest? Not exactly, since it is in an open area. Is it fair to the people who are actually the right level range? Nope.

    @ everyone who points out that it gets the chain over faster: Yeah, so would a few more people of the right levels. Plus its less fun, you can't even try to compete with damage for someone 20-30 levels above you. :(
    punching_bag-barb 7x
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Okeano and Kreli are absulutely right.... u just saved an .. HOUR and lost... 30k exp? **** my 68 Sin came in first against a few 100's the first couple times i did it..... I've done it enough to welcome high lvls taking out the 50 elites a **** load faster...... I blew through an entire lvl in half a day with a 100 cleric there aoe'ing like 12 elites at once.

    U want the points? kill the 200 mobs faster and blow past everyone else. If there arent' alot of people there it's going to take so long you might as well go grind regular mobs and get $ doing it.

    Edit: and what the hell's a twink?
  • Naivety - Harshlands
    Naivety - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Actually, you are all pretty wrong., those saying its not harming anything.
    It depends just how much the "helper" kills.

    If they kill too much, there isnt enough contribution for anyone else to qualify for the lowest prize, and trust me, it really pisses you off when that happens.

    Lil tip : If you wanna help, gtfo after you kill 20 Elites or so, so other people can get the contribution they need to even get a prize. (More elites if theres less other people, obviously).

    Seriously, ive been down there and got nothing because of some **** killing everything, and other times its been over fast but we all got exp because someone with a brain stopped "helping" partway so we could get contribution.
  • Phrilly - Sanctuary
    Phrilly - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Edit: and what the hell's a twink?

    A twink is an alt that's been giffted a crapload of gear by his main. Considered an unfair advantage by those who don't have the wherewithal to twink out their own alts (or they are new and their lowby IS their main).
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Get over it.

    Its not a glitch, its how it works
  • IAmNoodle - Lost City
    IAmNoodle - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    easy way to **** off low lvls doing pq....

    go lure off the 2 boss's get them to low hp then when it comes to boss section kill them... easy 3k points most of the time this is first or second
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    easy way to **** off low lvls doing pq....

    Isn't a faster and easier way is just to AoE the low lvls? ijs
  • IAmNoodle - Lost City
    IAmNoodle - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    no need to rpk now...

    but eh pq is there for everyone... if i have a high lvl to help my low lvls lvl faster then great. most of the time there is no one or just a few people at pq
  • _Hysteria_ - Dreamweaver
    _Hysteria_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol all i seen was twink, i was expecting something different <.<
    Marshal of the Lvl 3 Faction SubZero on DW server, pm me in game!!!b:victory
  • TrueDMG - Sanctuary
    TrueDMG - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My point is iam enjoying low thinks like alpha/beta/gamma pq doing BH/Fb within lvl range.
    IMO its nomore playing to run behind a highlvl and look at the things drop.

    But i guess most ppl a more a kind of i have to be 100 + fulll nirvana NOW!!!!

    btw my twink ins overpower he has 3star 59 hammes 3 star Armor unrefined and only lvl 4 citrins in it.
  • Norui - Sanctuary
    Norui - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Please GMs take off the lvl restriction for Rebirth, so us low lvls can get help from our lvl 100+ friends to make gamma go faster, i mean c'mon we are expected to be concentrated for over 2 hours and do it all by ourselves within the lvl range 70-85? .... wait ... what you dont have lvl 100+ friends? omg you poor soul..... /end sarcasm

    I can understand, i myself did PQ1 and was rank 3 with my lvl 65 LA wiz for sometime, but then when u had to kill those 50 elite mobs, a lvl 100 bm, demon spark.... and oooooops i went down to rank 7 then 10. I know i can hold my rank quite well if theres not a lvl 100+ chara or an overpowered sin coming.... however I agree its not glitching, but it took away the fun.... glad RB still has the lvl restriction so I dont need any lvl 100+ to plvl me...
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah everyone keeps saying "oh you only lose one spot" What happens when that high level is helping 3, 4 or more people?

    Then it's 3, 4 or more spots. And that's not cool.

    I'm sure someone's gonna say "Well if that high level is killling fast enough to put 5 people ahead of you, you deserve to place behind them." Yeah well, we've seen what 5 aps sins do PvE, and there's no fighting that as a low level.

    Edit: I find it pathetic that people are so level hungry that they get high levels to **** with 60-80 level events.

    You want to power level that much go run an alt-FC or something, at least you're only hurting yourself there.
  • SaiIorMoon - Lost City
    SaiIorMoon - Lost City Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol all i seen was twink, i was expecting something different <.<

    lol, where I'm from twink is another term for ***...ijs.