transfer characters from one server to the next

Xique - Heavens Tear
Xique - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Suggestion Box
I am in terested in Having on of my characters to another server if not all,
What do you guys think? i sent a ticket and this was the last respond

Support Staff 01: "Miguel, we do not have a system that can transfer characters from one server to the next. However, we have noted your ideas for a character server transfer system. Please check the patch notes occasionally for any updates. We will announce any changes there."

I would like to ask you everyone to support this and sent tickets to GM's <(**<)^(*.*)^(>**)>

I want my character in "heavens Tear? to be placed in "lost City" server

I am placing this thread on all "Sub-Forums : Server Symposium"
Post edited by Xique - Heavens Tear on


  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I want my character in "heavens Tear to be placed in "lost City" server

    And I want you to do two things.

    1. Search before posting. This has been answered many times already.
    2. Read this...
  • Xique - Heavens Tear
    Xique - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ok i know later on it can to happen

    answer me this, Why can we now change from Demon to sage oR from Sage to Demon?

    When we picked what we wanted to be by picking Demo or Sage we where told we could never go back and now look at what they added to the things we can buy in-game to change that. I want something to be done, they can make it happen.
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Until the GMs officially say that server transfers become possible, then there's no point in even suggesting it. And spamming in multiple forum sections won't make any difference, except possibly get you banned for it.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Seriously stop asking for it . . b:surrender
    There already enough spam thread i see . . (the other spam thread not just these one)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Xique - Heavens Tear
    Xique - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i want this to happen so i wont stop supporting this idea
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    They're not telling you not to support it, they're telling you not to be a bother.

    Basically, server transferring wouldn't happen, for several reasons, but mainly:

    1. Because it mean that people who want characters on multiple servers would only need to buy that one perfect character and then transfer it over.

    2. Because it would instantly crash the economy on every new server they ever made, since people would transfer their 100s there with tens or hundreds of millions of coin and abuse the heck out of the system.

    3. Because people could use it to fix their bad reputations just by switching servers.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i want this to happen so i wont stop supporting this idea

    . . . b:surrender . . .
    I don't understand you, even fellow player say no to you . .
    Tell us why it so important ? (other than because you spent a lot on your char then want to change server)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • GohanX - Raging Tide
    GohanX - Raging Tide Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    They're not telling you not to support it, they're telling you not to be a bother.

    Basically, server transferring wouldn't happen, for several reasons, but mainly:

    1. Because it mean that people who want characters on multiple servers would only need to buy that one perfect character and then transfer it over.

    2. Because it would instantly crash the economy on every new server they ever made, since people would transfer their 100s there with tens or hundreds of millions of coin and abuse the heck out of the system.

    3. Because people could use it to fix their bad reputations just by switching servers.
    On top of that it would be very confusing because you could have 2 players on 1 server with the EXACT same name b:shocked

    Plus ruling factions on one server would dominate far too quickly on new servers.

    Even if this does become possible it's a bad idea.
  • Xique - Heavens Tear
    Xique - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i want this to happen so i wont stop supporting this idea
  • DarkNeko - Lost City
    DarkNeko - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    They're not telling you not to support it, they're telling you not to be a bother.

    Basically, server transferring wouldn't happen, for several reasons, but mainly:

    1. Because it mean that people who want characters on multiple servers would only need to buy that one perfect character and then transfer it over.

    2. Because it would instantly crash the economy on every new server they ever made, since people would transfer their 100s there with tens or hundreds of millions of coin and abuse the heck out of the system.

    3. Because people could use it to fix their bad reputations just by switching servers.

    I've never actually seen anyone give good reason to not have server transfer. I have been hoping it would be put into place because even if i can't move my character i would like to send all my stuff to a character on another server. I was a complete noob when i started playing and didn't realize there was a pve server. But I guess now I need to give up my hope of switching.
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    wanting something to be so won't make it magically happen

    how would you feel having struggled to get your character to decent level on a pvp server, then someone who had none of the hardships gets bored of doing their dailies on their lvl 100 pve character and swaps over to your server with ALL gold, items, etc

    how is that a fair way to run a game..

    ps at lvl 5x (unless you have already herc or nix) it's not too late to roll on another server - levelling these days to the same level would be pretty fast even without oracles
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • pregar
    pregar Posts: 1
    edited June 2010

    Tell us why it so important ? (other than because you spent a lot on your char then want to change server)

    Ping. I have ping over 200ms on west and under 100ms on east servers. And 2 chars on west. ****.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    One of the main reasons people don't want the ability to transfer servers implemented is because they would introduce more gear, mats, coins, and other items to whatever server they go to, resulting in a messed up economy. Couldn't they make it so you can't transfer gear, that way you send a character over to another server but they have absolutely nothing but their skills and manufacturing. If they didn't allow you to transfer the gear and items then transferring a character from one server to another would in no way affect the economy. Then the only real problem would be duplicate names...I wouldn't mind a server transfer, but meh. It most likely won't happen.

    (If you couldn't transfer gear then only the people that wanted a new start or to try a PvP/PvE server after playing whatever server they've played would even be interested in it. People would whine about not transferring gear, but it's not insanely hard to farm TT. Buy npc gear, get some squad members and work for some gear again >=O)
  • G_ree_n - Sanctuary
    G_ree_n - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The only reason PWI doesn't allow server transfers is because you spend more money rolling a new toon on another server then you do paying for a one time server transfer. If you want a new character on a different server bad enough, you'll pay the costs of leveling it. I'll eat my hat if someone at PWE hasn't already measured the cost ratio of this.

    Are people really concerned about server transfers messing up the economy? Really? In a game with a cash shop, all it takes is an increase of cash shop users to upset the economy on any server. People transferring their toons will make little difference.

    As for duplicate names, it's simple: if your destination server has someone with the same name, you either have to change it or you simply can't transfer.

    The only real problem is rich guilds transferring and taking over the map, but as I understand it, most of the older servers have 1 or 2 rich guilds dominating the map already. Imagine how much worse this would be if guilds like this could transfer their alts ... which are usually better then most people's mains ...
    Roll a barb on Sanctuary for hot cleric action. b:kiss
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i want this to happen so i wont stop supporting this idea

    Got bad news for you. On just about any game that they do allow character transfers, they allow PvE > PvE, PvP > PvE, and PvP > PvP server swaps. Its a big taboo to ever allow PvE > PvP character transfers. If you cant level you character in the harsh PK environment, you dont deserve to just pop a high level onto a PvP server. Even if characters transfers ever become available, you wont be able to go from HT to LC. Quite frankly, you didnt earn a character on a PvP server.
  • Linkmas - Sanctuary
    Linkmas - Sanctuary Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hey dude i understand you and i support this idea
    i am in a pve server and i like to try pvp servers
    when i start a new char i just think about the pain i have to go through just to level it to a decent level (70 or so b:shocked ) i get lazy and just delete it
    while transfere the char from server to server is easier
    of course ppl ( as i readed in previous comments ) are saying stuff like : economy , rep ...
    so i kind of found out some seloutions :
    1- about the economy : there should be a period between each transfere
    like a month or 2 between each transfere that way the economy will saty safe b:victory
    2- about the rep : WHO CARES ?!
    there are a lot of ppl in other servers who have at least the same rep as they do
    so WHO CARES ?

    wow seems to have this type of system and it turned out well ...

    in the end i support this idea and just to add : i was about to make a thread about this <.<
    b:laugh b:laugh
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hey dude i understand you and i support this idea
    i am in a pve server and i like to try pvp servers
    when i start a new char i just think about the pain i have to go through just to level it to a decent level (70 or so b:shocked ) i get lazy and just delete it
    while transfere the char from server to server is easier
    of course ppl ( as i readed in previous comments ) are saying stuff like : economy , rep ...
    so i kind of found out some seloutions :
    1- about the economy : there should be a period between each transfere
    like a month or 2 between each transfere that way the economy will saty safe b:victory
    2- about the rep : WHO CARES ?!
    there are a lot of ppl in other servers who have at least the same rep as they do
    so WHO CARES ?

    wow seems to have this type of system and it turned out well ...

    in the end i support this idea and just to add : i was about to make a thread about this <.<
    b:laugh b:laugh

    Like Darksylph said, most of the people who want to switch servers (PVE to PVP) were the same ones who didn't want to be pked while they were leveling, but now that they've finished levelling, want to kill people. Reiterating what Darksylph said, if you didn't level your character up on a PVP server, you don't deserve to be there.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    1- about the economy : there should be a period between each transfere
    like a month or 2 between each transfere that way the economy will saty safe b:victory

    No it won't. You don't seem to realize it, but there are several people in the game who literally control billions of coins. If you don't realize how much that is, let's just say that 1 billion is equal to 2,500 Gold at 400k each.

    What would happen is that people would go to servers with cheaper gold or cheaper items, buy out the supply and then go to a server with higher prices and make ridiculous profits and repeat this process. And no, pushing a 100 Gold price tag to it won't matter to someone who's got 1,000+ Gold at their disposal and is looking at a potential, extremely high amount of profit.
    2- about the rep : WHO CARES ?!
    there are a lot of ppl in other servers who have at least the same rep as they do
    so WHO CARES ?

    People do care. Why else would you see people posting on low-level alts here?

    And yes, anyone who is asking to be transferred to a PvP server after leveling up a character in a PvE server is pathetic.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And yes, anyone who is asking to be transferred to a PvP server after leveling up a character in a PvE server is pathetic.

    Not anymore. Not with this patch. TW was a preferred PvP environment for alot of people and, effectively, it has been taken away since the cost of TW will now exceed the reward, and that's assuming you are successful.

    They should let you switch servers the same way you switch sage/demon. Have a cost involved, even a significant one, but it should be an option. Particularly when they have just effectively removed ALL meaningful PvP from PvE servers.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ^necro.. read the rules before u enter this forum plz
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • Xique - Heavens Tear
    Xique - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Good news ppl

    in the game A I O N the allow character tranfers so hope fully PWI will soon chatch since they take all our money and would lets us do the same when they feel like it -.-
  • Naraian - Lost City
    Naraian - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    wanting something to be so won't make it magically happen

    how would you feel having struggled to get your character to decent level on a pvp server, then someone who had none of the hardships gets bored of doing their dailies on their lvl 100 pve character and swaps over to your server with ALL gold, items, etc

    how is that a fair way to run a game..

    ps at lvl 5x (unless you have already herc or nix) it's not too late to roll on another server - levelling these days to the same level would be pretty fast even without oracles

    I completely agree with that you said, as you can see by my level I just recently turned level 31. Everywhere I go I'm getting PKed, and to be honest it's bull, I think PW needs to have something where you can just turn it on or off, or they can do it like they do on the game my dad plays (Legendary Champions) and just let us server switch.
  • Naraian - Lost City
    Naraian - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    so i kind of found out some seloutions :
    1- about the economy : there should be a period between each transfere
    like a month or 2 between each transfere that way the economy will saty safe b:victory
    2- about the rep : WHO CARES ?!
    there are a lot of ppl in other servers who have at least the same rep as they do
    so WHO CARES ?

    To be honest, I think they should allow like one or two transfers a year, or a month or something like that... the economy shouldn't change that much, and if it does, then set a limit on how many people from a location. (Like 20 from Tx, 20 from cali, ect.)
  • Naraian - Lost City
    Naraian - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    (Sorry for spamming but after reading everything..)
    I truthfully think they should have a button to turn PVP on or off.
    That's what would be the smart thing to do, or at least I think so.
    Just hit a key that turns it on or off.
    I don't think it would be that hard. :|
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hmm first necroing is bad..
    second triple posting is worse - there is an edit button there for a reason.

    to comment on your third post (as the others are just pointless as it isnt going to happen) but you can switch PVP on or off - if you play on a PVE server where PVP is optional

    if you choose a PVP server the whole point of it is that it is PVP 24 Hours a day after you reach a set level (in this case Level 30)
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Naraian - Lost City
    Naraian - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The only reason I signed up for Lost City was because one of my friends created my account for me, (I changed the password and everything else) so I didn't really know it was PVP server but I was just recently PKed twice in a row... and every time I try to finish a quest I keep getting PKed no matter what I do. :|
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ok, at the log on screen - click the select server button.

    look at the ones with PVE next to them - if you select one of them you can create a new character which won't be automatically PKed at level 30. This will give you a chance to level up and then later you can choose when you want to pvp or not. it should only take a couple of weeks casual playing to reach level 31 again (now you have an idea what you are doing) and it could save you a lot of heartache if pvp isn't what you wanted to do.

    if you want to persist on a pvp server - try and get yourself in a faction or squad up with a couple of friends to do quests, then at least you can watch each others backs - wont help if the pker is an endgame player though.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Naraian - Lost City
    Naraian - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Okay, thank you :D
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    people REALLY need to THINK before posting their ideas.there are so many things that can go wrong.

    right off the bat it won't be fair for a that safely leveled up in a PVE server to jump on a PVP server. although it would make thing interesting in TW.

    if one were to jump to the server with the cheapest gold, buy it out, and resell in another server at a much higher price........need i go on? it would put this game out of it's misery.

    i personally would have like to move to a different server cos in my noobness when i picked a sever, i picked a west server and later found out that eastern severs would have given me less lag. so i suggested a one time server move a while back but it got ignored.

    something like character transfer between servers needs to be heavily restricted. like one jump per account every year or something. and even then there are ways to work around that.

    PWE knows they are under alot of flak form the players about their constant obsession with cashshop items and the crazy market they created as a result. they are not stupid enough to do something like this. if the did they may as well go in their sever rooms and chuck a few sticks of dynamite and blow them up cos PW would most certainly die soon after.
  • Revens - Dreamweaver
    Revens - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    One of the main reasons people don't want the ability to transfer servers implemented is because they would introduce more gear, mats, coins, and other items to whatever server they go to, resulting in a messed up economy. Couldn't they make it so you can't transfer gear, that way you send a character over to another server but they have absolutely nothing but their skills and manufacturing. If they didn't allow you to transfer the gear and items then transferring a character from one server to another would in no way affect the economy. Then the only real problem would be duplicate names...I wouldn't mind a server transfer, but meh. It most likely won't happen.

    (If you couldn't transfer gear then only the people that wanted a new start or to try a PvP/PvE server after playing whatever server they've played would even be interested in it. People would whine about not transferring gear, but it's not insanely hard to farm TT. Buy npc gear, get some squad members and work for some gear again >=O)

    thats pretty much what i was thinking and to fix the name problem simple if somone has ur name when u transfere it can just ask you to change it.also new servers could be forbidden transferes until at least say 10-100 people on that server reach lvl 100-105 first.