List of FIXes needed. Please give this list to devs if ppl support it.



  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ill take your word for it thats this is a problem on the PVP side. so we need to come up with a solotion to fix that without disrupting the PVE side.

    I think you never read carefully the post. "Remove 30% dmg output" + "reduce bosses HP by 30%" now tell me the DISRUPTION in PvE :/ u know i play since 2 years ago, and i always did VERY NICE without the blessing.

    several options appear to us

    cutting the jone's blessing entirely as you suggested

    but again this would be a cataclysmic loss on the PvE side

    LOL CATACLYSMIC, in fact i had to wait 1,5 years to PWI add that blessing, cause without it PvE was really impossible ahahahahah. no.

    removeing the jones blessing for PvP servers.

    which sould fix the problem you end but would also prevent people lvls 1-29 on the pvp servers not from using it for PvE. And would also keep the PvP issue on the PvE servers.

    Without blessing you cant kill mobs anymore? When did this happen? Did new players all become incredibly stupid cause you all rely on blessing now?

    negate the effect of the blessing in PK mode.

    this would completely fix the problem on PvE server of 1 shots, and the PvP side. but it would also make it so those lvl 30 and up on PvP servers would still have to grind wihout the blessing.

    Like previous answer.

    negate the effect of the blessing Vs players.
    this would allow allow the PvE side to remain the same on PvE AND PvP servers for all lvls
    and stop the enitre issue of 1 shots.
    this is my suggestion although i would still like opinions wither the blessing should works while "dueling"

    Do you know the grade of complexity in programming such a thing in PWI? i dont mean that its impossible, but if they are so lazy to not even fix skills descriptions, do you think they will introduce an entire new programming string to make some stats affect only PvP and not PvE?

    Opinions in yellow.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    like i said last time last time the problem is solely on the PVP side, if indeed it is a problem at all. and therefore it needs to be addresses on the PvP side.

    In PVE this blessing is a god send, and removeing it from there while fixing the PVP side of the problem. would pretty much outrage the entire PvE community.

    ill take your word for it thats this is a problem on the PVP side. so we need to come up with a solotion to fix that without disrupting the PVE side.

    several options appear to us

    cutting the jone's blessing entirely as you suggested

    but again this would be a cataclysmic loss on the PvE side

    removeing the jones blessing for PvP servers.

    which sould fix the problem you end but would also prevent people lvls 1-29 on the pvp servers not from using it for PvE. And would also keep the PvP issue on the PvE servers.

    negate the effect of the blessing in PK mode.

    this would completely fix the problem on PvE server of 1 shots, and the PvP side. but it would also make it so those lvl 30 and up on PvP servers would still have to grind wihout the blessing.

    negate the effect of the blessing Vs players.
    this would allow allow the PvE side to remain the same on PvE AND PvP servers for all lvls
    and stop the enitre issue of 1 shots.
    this is my suggestion although i would still like opinions wither the blessing should works while "dueling"

    I want to kill your whole family.
    I am married to my Jones Blessing.

    Honestly, PVE they are to be brandished by all, fast run=efficient? I hope?

    PVP, 1 shotting may be unfavorable, but why do we see people with g7 in their +3 gear brandishing +11 lunar weapons? Clearly people aim to one shot. I say let them. Increased pressure on damage per hit will eventually necessitate a need for better armor, hence the server will quite literally gear up. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday. Honestly, too boot, we all like seeing big numbers in PVP. Please don't take that away.

    Opinions are like butt holes, but I keep mine clean.
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I want to kill your whole family.
    I am married to my Jones Blessing.

    Honestly, PVE they are to be brandished by all, fast run=efficient? I hope?

    PVP, 1 shotting may be unfavorable, but why do we see people with g7 in their +3 gear brandishing +11 lunar weapons? Clearly people aim to one shot. I say let them. Increased pressure on damage per hit will eventually necessitate a need for better armor, hence the server will quite literally gear up. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday. Honestly, too boot, we all like seeing big numbers in PVP. Please don't take that away.

    Opinions are like butt holes, but I keep mine clean.

    woah there, no need to go all hostile.

    he stated a problem and i stated a solution to that problem that wouldn't affect those who didnt have the problem.

    I have no idea if what He said is a problem actually IS a problem as i dont PvP. i just came up with a solution to fix it under the given assumption that is was.

    if it IS a problem you now know how to fix it.
    if its NOT a problem. Then well, its doesn't need fixing.

    again i cant comment of if it is or isn't a problem becuase i don't know. im just trying to make sure that IF eventually it is decided that is is a problem that the solution won't cause more problems elsewhere.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Spliffany - Lost City
    Spliffany - Lost City Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    - Fix Flesh Ream Venomancer skill, so it deals the exact amount of damage stated in the skill's description. (Check "edits" for more infos)

    - Since so many ppl complained about Flesh Ream skill Fix, I'll explain it once forever:
    "Bite an enemy, inflicting base damage plus 200% of Pet's base damage over 9 seconds"
    Assuming that the pet deals 500 damage, this skill should hit for:
    500 + 2x500/9seconds = 500 dmg immediatly + 1000 dmg OVER 9 seconds, wich means around 111 dmg each second.
    I say that the skill description is bugged since the 1000 dmg is not dinstributed OVER 9 seconds, it hits for 1000 each second FOR 9 seconds. The actual formula is then:
    (basedmg) + (2 x basedmg x 9) instead of (basedmg) + (2 x basedmg / 9)
    Wich means that it deals a total of 9500 damage instead of 1500. do you see the point now?

    Ur description on how the skill works is wrong. U get dmg over 9 seconds in 3 ticks, one tick every 3 seconds. Actually for many ppl the dmg dealt with each tick isn't correct as there is no dmg reduction like for other pet skills in pvp.
    It's an old debate, but in endgame nix shouldn't be that much of a problem anymore. Each class can kill nix pretty fast (without even getting hit by the bleeding). On the one hand u can kite (distance shrink, holy path or dropping when in the air) so that nix needs longer to get ya. U kill it while the veno is out of range to heal (at least if the veno isn't smart enough to call the nix back). APS classes can kill it pretty fast anyways. On the other hand u have several genie skills (blood clood, absolute domain and others) or pots (dew, sutra power, ironguard) to help ya out.
    And due to the nature of veno spells and the matt per mag, venos deal less dmg than the other magic classes. As nix dies fast especially to these other magic classes, chance is high that the opponent only gets hit by the bleeding before nix dies. The high bleed dmg is one thing that helps a veno to compensate for the lower magic attack vs the other magic classes.

    Oh, and before i get accused of defending the flesh realm "feature" because of being a veno myself: being a veno doesn't mean that i don't have to deal with flesh realm too. I'm arcane, i pvp a lot. So i know that it hurts, but i also know how to handle it.

    - Remove aoe seal skill from darks/whites boss in nirvana. (This isnt a matter of skill or difficulty, if a dark mob appear just at the same time the seal skill is used, the whole squad dies, no matter how skilled you are)

    depending on ur HP u don't die. and a well timed domain helps too. so shouldn't be a problem. NV is too easy the way it is anyways imo (easier than HH3-3)

    - Make nirvana bosses all affectable by damage increasing debuffs and sharptooth skill effect. (This way nirvana wuold be a lot more fun, cause it would make ppl think of ways to increase the output damage continuously, and it will give a chance to archers to be useful too again)

    archers can go 5aps melee and can use sharptooth where it works. so they r quite more useful than magic classes

    - Remove random aggro ability for nirvana bosses. (There is no more need of tanks actually)

    why? to make easy NV even more easy?

    - HH 3-3 Difficulty back to normal mode. (Hard mode is totally insane, my barb get 7k hp with bosses debuffs, and boss hits for 5k+, whats the point? HH 3-3 should help ppl farming hh99 gear, but only ppl with nirvana gear can now farm it. Totally nonsense)

    i totally agree that a group full of HH90 ppl has a hard time in HH3-3 (and 3-2). compared to NV it should be easier. but while getting to lvl 100 is so easy now, i think it's ok that getting high level gear takes a bit longer.

    - Reduce max HP of any HH boss by 30%. (The amount of total HP is insane, once you see your squad can kill the boss, why should we wait hours to kill him? whats the point? to make us waste time? we dont even have 100% chance to drop golds...)

    there r so many lvl100+ around and ppl keep gearing up. so either u have a high lvl char urself or friends can help u. what's the point in making the bosses have less HP when they die faster than like 1 year ago anyways because of higher dmg output?

    - Reduce max HP of nirvana bosses by 10%.

    like i said before, NV should be harder than it is now, but not easier. it's about endgame gear. work for it. i'd rather have a harder NV which i need to grind less (less raps and uncs needed to craft gear) than an easier dungeon.

    - Make hyper exp stones usable only by lvl 70+ characters. (Hyper exp stones are good, cause the leveling process is very slow without them, but before lv70 they should give ppl time to learn their skills)

    maybe also a cap to make them usable up to a certain lvl (e.g. 102) only

    - Remove oracles from sale for tokens. (Oracles dont give PWI any kind of popularity, without them ppl would continue paying money and we wont have ppl who totally paid their lv100 and dont know how to play. Lv100 should be a big goal to reach)

    u know that lowies can lvl in frost w/o the need for any oracles? but if putting lvl restrictions on hypers, then maybe a fixed amount of oracles that can be done in total could help.
    but otherwise: they just try to motivate new players to still start playing pwi by giving them chances to catch up to the higher lvls.

    - Remove Jones's +30 atk level blessing. (Along with hp reduction of bosses and fist/daggers/claws reduction, this will reduce the overpowerness that would result for high dph classes like wizards. This way oneshots would be much less frequent and would increase the fun in gameplay when fighting 1v1 in pvp. The ability to oneshot is a gameplay killer)

    The blessing can stay ingame, but change it so it also gives u +30 def lvl. In this case the 30 att lvl would help in PvE while the 30 def lvl would nullify the att lvl in PvP.

    notes in red

    one other thing i'd like to mention: imo it shouldn't be that in a dungeon like NV certain classes aren't needed at all and r concidered useless. aps parties with blood paint don't need clerics for example. shouldn't a healer always be needed in dungeons? and compared to aps classes magic classes don't deal good dmg and many NV parties don't want them. venos r lucky to have amp and armor break (and purge for second boss), so venos often find a spot even in an aps party. but to me this seems pretty imbalanced in a MMORPG where every class should have a certain role and should be useful.

    Peerless -> GuardianZ -> RageQuit -> Spectral -> Essence -> Tri-Force [retired]
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    notes in red

    one other thing i'd like to mention: imo it shouldn't be that in a dungeon like NV certain classes aren't needed at all and r concidered useless. aps parties with blood paint don't need clerics for example. shouldn't a healer always be needed in dungeons? and compared to aps classes magic classes don't deal good dmg and many NV parties don't want them. venos r lucky to have amp and armor break (and purge for second boss), so venos often find a spot even in an aps party. but to me this seems pretty imbalanced in a MMORPG where every class should have a certain role and should be useful.

    always remember to take the fixes all together, not singularly.

    Quote OP:

    Remember to consider these fixes like a MASS-PATCH wich would include all the fixes together, cause some fixes, if took alone, may umbalance gameplay even more, but if you consider all them globally, they should just improve gameplay.

    about flesh ream, i can understand what are you talking about. still until you are not endgame its way too umbalanced, and i cant imagine fixes to remove this umbalancement.

    about aoe seal, its a minor fix, yea it should depend on your hp, so, assuming you ACTUALLY CAN farm HH 3-3 for your hh99 gear and refine it to 5k HP then it would be good to have it. ill remove it.

    about random aggro, id like to give barbs back their role, so imagine removing random aggro + increasing dmg dealt by bosses by 70%. as i said, take the fixes all together.

    about HP reduction from bosses, imagine that reduction + reduction of aps dps and removing jones bless, then you see why i suggested it. as i said, take the fixes all together.

    about oracles, ppl can farm in frost, i know, but if you imagine hypers not aveilable till lv 70, ppl could no more farm so easily in frost, and remember that usually only alts farm in frost to level up faster. newbies can just rely on oracles. as i said, take the fixes all together.

    about jonas blessing, your solution is so freakin easy that i cant understand why i didnt think about it before lol, i'll add it and remove the HP% reduction from bosses.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    yeah adding +30 def to the blessing would definitely fix it. but i think having BOTH +30 attack and def would be WAY to powerful for PvE.

    what if you could choose between + 30 attack and + 30 def.

    that way you can pick what best suits your char.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I got another idea for the TW pay issue. At the moment TW reward is mirage stones but towers and catapults still require coins. I suggest to charge 10 mirages instead of 100k coins for the towers and catapults so a tw faction can use their tw reward for future TWs. That wont influence the coin market but provide the mirage stone with a multi use.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @Furries not a bad idea at all.

    @HarmOwnie you can always sell ur 10 mirages for 100k coins at the potion npc inside the TW map, requiring mirages instead of coins would just be a bit annoying i think xD
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ok after the changes you have made i decded to post my opinions of the new ideas
    Class Fixes:
    - Nerf Flesh Ream Venomancer skill by 30% (It umbalances lv90-100 (non-endgame) PvP too much)
    - Increase Phoneix pet Physical Attack by 30%. (To compensate the bleed nerf)

    the problem with this is Nix isnt the only pet that gets ream. and you would be nerfing all of those. so while this may solve the nix problem you have made an unintentional imbalance on every other pet. i don't have a solution myself, but this really doesn't seem like the way to go

    Territory Wars:
    - TW rewards back to coins like in old system, but rewarded coins amount reduced by 50%.
    - TWs time scheduling system that RANDOMLY picks a time slot for each TW. (This way the whole world would have a chance to have TWs in decent hours of the day)

    while i agree the times are an issue, it would suck to bid on a tw and find you whole faction cant attend cause its a 3 am. so you have really taken a problem thats localized to specific location and distributed it to everyone. again i don't have a solution myself, but spreading the problem to others to even it out seems less than ideal
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ok after the changes you have made i decded to post my opinions of the new ideas

    about flesh ream: 30% less flesh ream damage wont prevent venos without nix to rule. its just 30% on a bleed skill damn! u always talk as if ppl is strictly grabbed to their lives ingame and cant survive without their possessions

    about tw: first of all, the other time slots for TW are really good for all american players, they wont suffer anything. other than that, better everyone in the world to have 50% of problems, than 0% for america and 100% for europe, dont you agree?
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    about flesh ream: 30% less flesh ream damage wont prevent venos without nix to rule. its just 30% on a bleed skill damn! u always talk as if ppl is strictly grabbed to their lives ingame and cant survive without their possessions

    about tw: first of all, the other time slots for TW are really good for all american players, they wont suffer anything. other than that, better everyone in the world to have 50% of problems, than 0% for america and 100% for europe, dont you agree?

    all your doing with flesh ream is making nix more powerful and and weakening every other pet. i don't agree with that, nix doesn't even START with flesh ream. you have to teach ream to it. again your too focused on the PvP aspect of things. i don't play on pvp server so maybe every single veno there has a nix. Well on pve they dont. you need to stay focused on making changed that WONT unbalance something else. The biggest problem PWI has is it patches 1 thing and breaks 5 other things in the process.
    We need to come up with ideas that fix the problem WITHOUT breaking something else.

    your taking 1 step forward and 3 steps back. to fix a problem you need to fix the SOURCE of the problem. If there problem only exists in PvP then THAT'S where it needs to be fixed.
    PLEASE keep that in mind.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    all your doing with flesh ream is making nix more powerful and and weakening every other pet. i don't agree with that, nix doesn't even START with flesh ream. you have to teach ream to it. again your too focused on the PvP aspect of things. i don't play on pvp server so maybe every single veno there has a nix. Well on pve they dont. you need to stay focused on making changed that WONT unbalance something else. The biggest problem PWI has is it patches 1 thing and breaks 5 other things in the process.
    We need to come up with ideas that fix the problem WITHOUT breaking something else.

    your taking 1 step forward and 3 steps back. to fix a problem you need to fix the SOURCE of the problem. If there problem only exists in PvP then THAT'S where it needs to be fixed.
    PLEASE keep that in mind.

    PvP can be balanced and fun OR unbalanced and stupid.

    PvE can be easier or harder.

    you see why i care more of the pvp aspect? i repeat, nerfing 30% of a single skill for the other pets WONT AFFECT IN ANY VISIBLE WAY THE PVE FOR VENOS.

    its a single, stupid, damn, 30% less dmg on a skill.

    venos dont rely on a single pet skill LOL

    venos are even probably the EASIEST PVE CLASS TO PLAY. i got bored of it @ lv40 cause i just needed to click 2 skills and the mob died in front of me b:laugh
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can a GM tell us if the promise "we will take this list to devs" was took in consideration, in the end?

    Just to be sure that we're not wasting our time here.

    I always fear that "we will do, we will fix, we will..." is just a way to say "hush now baby, dont you cry".
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    Sage Beastial Onslaught cannot zerk with a zerk weapon, we have tested all other sage skills except for Penetrate Armor because no one has it lol.

    But seriously, in over 600 hits with JUST 11 Sage B.O. grand total of zero zerks, just a crit every now and again.

    This needs to be fixed NOW!

    Sore and tired.
  • Legases - Lost City
    Legases - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    well done. these are obvious bugs, pwi should be embarrassed that they didn't fix most of these before rising tide came out.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Can a GM tell us if the promise "we will take this list to devs" was took in consideration, in the end?

    Just to be sure that we're not wasting our time here.

    I always fear that "we will do, we will fix, we will..." is just a way to say "hush now baby, dont you cry".

    I paid 60 dollars to get rank 8, can i humbly have your attention now? b:surrender
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I paid 60 dollars to get rank 8, can i humbly have your attention now? b:surrender

    Don't hold your breath.

    I'm putting an additional topic on General Dis. These are ideas that don't need to be ignored. I want to see what the general forum lurkers have to say about this.
  • MisTiLady - Harshlands
    MisTiLady - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Here's a list of fixes that PWI need (in our opinion) before the new earthguards expansion comes out.
    First Great Principle on fixing a mmorpg: "If something is overpowered, you dont have to overpower all the rest too, but to nerf the overpowered"

    Class Fixes:
    - Change useless lv79-100 skills with something actually useful, especially skills for party use, so u dont risk to unbalance pvp. (Suggestions -> Wizard: change Elemental Shell to have a 100% chance to dispel instead of 10% and increase its duration to 6 seconds, change Manifest Virtue to (MaxMana/50)% instead of (MaxMana/100)%)

    I agree to this one, very useless skills.

    Territory Wars:
    - TW rewards back to coins like in old system, but rewarded coins amount reduced by 50%.

    Why back to 50%? 10,20,30m is nothing, even if you have the whole map, divide the amount by 80 people, nonsense suggestion.

    - TWs time scheduling system that RANDOMLY picks a time slot for each TW. (This way the whole world would have a chance to have TWs in decent hours of the day)


    - Fix rubberbanding.

    Totally ***** agree.

    - Make hyper exp stones usable only by lvl 70+ characters. (Hyper exp stones are good, cause the leveling process is very slow without them, but before lv70 they should give ppl time to learn their skills)

    Lol? People dont use Hyper b4 70 lmao, they oracle, so this suggestion is nonsense to.

    Overall, this game was GREAT back then, now its just ***** stupid. I would like a GM to answer me back on why you guys ***** corrupted this game with this bullshet, yes im pissed. AND now you guys are basically selling R9, seriously are you all ****** greedy? I expect a ***** answer, because obviously all you have is money in mind. Cant you atleast do ***** something for your cutsomers who have been still putting money into this game and ***** listen to them actually for once. Nope you cant, busy counting your money. /rage
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    MistiLady, its 50% cause of the big difference that would bring holding a whole map for a single guild instead compared to other guilds.

    ANd about hyper exp... did u ever try this:

    Clean frostcover with a high level character till heads quest.

    Put your lowbie lv1 inside and go out with the high level one.

    Activate 12x and try killing the heads. u get around 40-50 levels with a single run.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • MisTiLady - Harshlands
    MisTiLady - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Then they should make FrostCovered only enterable by 70+.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Then they should make FrostCovered only enterable by 70+.

    that would be a solution too
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why fight for a better game when even the owners themselves don't care?

    GMs didnt even answer to this thread, and this demotivated me to the end.

    I'll give up with PWI, its a good opportunity to focus more on real life too i guess! And i think all the people in this section should do it too.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    @Vorhs: dont give up they will check it but it might take some time since they are busy with coding the expansion i guess ( even though the expansion would be a great moment to also modify existing classes alltogether)

    also add - modify weapon dmg range from tideborn rank gear

    i mean the wiz magic sword and the psychic soulsphere have ~ same dmg range when you add the additional dmg stats from the weapon which is simply a complete bull****. I mean psychics can nearly attack twice as fast as a wiz so their dmg should be significantly lower its like giving a fist user the dmg range of a polearm -.-

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Bollojello - Sanctuary
    Bollojello - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously, it isn't that hard to fix the Jone's blessing in PvP. Just make it give 15 attack and 15 defence levels. It willl still give the same bonus is PvE but the 15 attack and 15 defence will cancel each other out in PvP
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    No, is not the new capcom Street Fighter game...

    I was just wondering if some game developer could give us a nice answer about the present/future to all Wizards in PWi.

    I agree that a good wiz, still can hold some pvp, but things are getting always worst.
    I dont know whats going on other server but, in Raging Tides, there are rly few wizards.
    Most, have rerolled sins, others, have spent many many golds to reach end-game refines and shards.

    During all the day, world chat keep spaming "LF aps DD for Nirvana"
    When u finally see a "LF aoe DD for FC" a wiz should say, "Nice, im a good aoe DD, lemme pm this guy. "Hi, lvl 100 wiz" and the answer u have is, "full sry, they got a sin"

    b:victory nice! now sins are tanks, clerics (bp), DD's, and can AOE too! b:victory

    basicly, a wiz should do only Bh and use ca$h to survive atm, since money instances need aps aps aps aps.

    I saw the new Seeker skills today in pwi website and, LOL, they have Dragon Breathe!!

    Dear PWI, is there any improvement for old classes going on?
    cuz at this point, i would love to have arcane gear with interval, bloodpaint and why not, Demon spark that increase aps instead of channeling!

    Hope we get get something new too! (dont forget vintage classes have more then 4 years of concept!)

    pretty much agree with blood, pure pve wise, wizards towards endgame own, so if thats fun for you, by all means make one, i love wizards and thats why i continue to roll them, but as said before, other than tw were not needed at all really, make alot of freinds or a get in a cool fac and they will take you along on stuff, but your still not really needed. so really depends on what you want to do as to whether or not youll find fun in a wizard. and even though cost probly shouldnt be taken into consideration, imma throw it out there anyway, if you do want to be good at pk/tw endgame, your going to have to get to 100 and then either spend alot of money or farm your *** off to get uber gear, average gear just wont cut it. so yeah, thats why you see few wizards now days. its quite a shame really.

    Just few messages from many (look at Wizards' forum).
  • romano185
    romano185 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Please fix some glitches too. Here they are:
    1. The top of the Neutral Celestial Fashion (New year gift) dissappears when you dive.
    2. The Maxiskirt of Divine Order (Reward of the Token of the 7 quest) makes your legs glitch.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Who cares of all this?

    Still china devs have a small d1ck b:pleased

    all i want now is someone to go and promise them a "perfect business" that would fail immediatly after they paid all they had to support it.

    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Let me guess, the person who came up with these fixes has a sin mainb:bye

    Veno bleed dmg is OK, without it venos are underpowered, and then there wont be any venos at all.

    Why nothing about psychic and sin OPness?

    Make fist/claw BM only, make any spark cancel stealth, make all sin and psy buffs purgeable.

    Put that in too, they need a fix very soon, pvp is boring atm, keep getting owned by random fail sins because they can be baddie using 2 sparks + 5.0aps + stun lock nearly as good as axe BMs
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Let me guess, the person who came up with these fixes has a sin mainb:bye

    Veno bleed dmg is OK, without it venos are underpowered, and then there wont be any venos at all.

    Why nothing about psychic and sin OPness?

    Make fist/claw BM only, make any spark cancel stealth, make all sin and psy buffs purgeable.

    Put that in too, they need a fix very soon, pvp is boring atm, keep getting owned by random fail sins because they can be baddie using 2 sparks + 5.0aps + stun lock nearly as good as axe BMs

    Since i got nothing better to do i'll add something about sins.

    Anyway the "person who came up with these fixes" its me, and my main is a wizard, and i totally hate sins.

    And all i can say is that actually the only class that i cant beat is venomancer due to their bleed skill wich hits me for 1800+ each single tick when i have 4k hp, while the nix hit me for 1k+ and their magical spells for 2k+
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lol +10 to this thread,too legit.
    It's all about LoL,yo.