Kitty pondering and arguing

WnbTank - Archosaur
WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Etherblade (West)
Lets talk about a hypothetical scenario. A guy goes and commits a robbery, goes in a wonderwoman costume to take all the moneyz from good old comicbook guy. Nobody would take the action to defend the robber for his actions would both the robber X and victim Y be unknown. Would the comicbook guy, called victim Y, be hated, might ppl think "he got what he deserved" and Robber X would be seen as hero of some kind, bringing justice, in his wonderwoman costume. Would the fatball comicbook guy be loved all around, reactions would be harsher towards the man in girly clothes.

Would the same guy in flameboyant clothes be crossing road when red lights are shining and nobody is on sight, he wouldnt be frowned upon for his actions. Both of the actions are forbidden in law, agreement you have accepted(Trying to keep it simple, explain if you QQ about it), and therefore equally binding. Difference one might argue for different reactions is that latter has no victims, therefore making it victimless crime, how can it be wrong if it hurts nobody? I myself dont really care what ppl do as long as it`s done in manner it doesnt affect others, marry a goat all I care, just dont tell me about it, I really dont want to know.

Now would somebody intentonally ruin a football game, drive a tractor with a plow in in the field, making the field rdy for new crop to be planted till security catches his sorry ***. That surely would bring reactions out of ppl as the game wouldnt be happening. Would the game be impossible to play, therefore giving championship trophy to other team, might really bring out strong reactions.

Now would there be an airstrike instead of a tractor and instead of crazy guy on country a mysterious note, with time and place for the strike, with a stamp of approval in it. Lets not end it here, no, would there also be "evidence" against that old fool with a tractor that later will be judged false and intentionally planted. Would the team who gets free champsionship point out the old fool, throwing the false evidence at you. Now after we know about evidence being planted, who do you think is behind it?

If we step out of hypothetical scenario for now, I was told by 2 Nemesis officers that certain person was behind behind fake bid, "He hates nemesis, tries to make us look bad". Now, I would say there are a lot better ways to make nemesis look bad than the fake bid, letting nemesis keep their lands w/o fighting for it, when there was rather high change of Zulusive beating em. I would say that Nemesis losing land would make em look worse, after all the "We are best" talk. It`s funny, ppl who on nemesis have reasons to brag dont do it, the nonfactors in lowbie gear do, thinking those 10min victories are TWs.

Now that we know this certain person is being framed for it, do we think it was honest mistake, those 2 nemesis officers being fooled by the framing or is it the more likely scenario where Nemesis, the only one with anything to win from the fake bid, was behind it? That is the question, putting the feelings aside, can you really blame anybody for thinking Nemesis is behind it, after the way things went? After all the excuses that have been found out to be complete rubbish, with little if any truth behind them?

Why didn`t nemesis attack Zulusive if they aren`t scared? Was it because Darkside, faction that lost in 10mins week before offered such a competetive TW? Dont you forget, that is what your leader has stated he is aiming for. Was it the really logical reasoning of the woman with quick thinking "1k apos aren`t important???", she must have forgotten, you already had 1k, thus making the whole argument invalid. Or were you blocking others from attacking it? Now who are you blocking it from? BRforce with maybe 30 toons that TW? Treason with few high lvls? Some random faction to be found? Darkside that has lost in 10mins the past weeks? Zulusive is totally unaffected byt the block or you expect them to take long route, going after small factions in order to attack 1k? One probplem, Zulusive did bid on Nemesis, making the whole reasoning of detouring invalid. Or was it mangos cheap TW policy for all? Makes me wonder, why wouldnt you let smaller factions chance to bid on Darkside and bid for zulusive yourself when it was obvious nobody else would do it?

Either I get solid arguments to back up your stories or I can actually say, with clean conscience(for a change), that Nemesis literally got no balls and they talk bs to keep the "we`re about fun" imago. I really dont care if you are about the map if you admit it and stop the bs, I just really hate ppl who dont stand behind what they say. Before you comment anything about me, I challenge you to find anything that I have said that is a lie. I`m known to be sarcastic at times, I troll, I exaggerate at times, in order to make out my point but I doubt I ever lie.

Now why all this hate? I doubt I hate nemesis, I only dislike few of their officers specifically, how they do their best to ruin the game for others. This is a game, yet a hobby for all of us, how much do we play? Quite a bit, at least vast majority of us of whom read these forums. How much money have we invested in this game? A lot, sure there are free to play ppl but I myself have invested enough for my taste, should have just invested it better, sigh. This is no life or death thing to take but we do invest quite a bit, would somebody break rules in order to ruin something you have been working for 2 weeks? I doubt you would take it lightly, ppl tend to take braking rules badly when they are the victims for it.

Would I start fakebidding from my alts, just to mess with you guys, how would you feel? Would you be rdy to throw those 200m bids that your members so helpfully suggested? When even if you win, you just wasted the profit you make from the land for what, 89 weeks aka ~1.5years? Assuming you kittyshop those mirages for 15k each(15k still sells, if kinda slowly), if you just npc em, that`s over 2 years, cant bother making math for latter for exact numbers. I`m not rdy to pay enough for 4aps toon for 1 TW, asking for it is just plain absurd.

Did I make a long post? Yes but why? I actually challenge ppl to think about stories they are getting fed with and think with their own brains for a change. I could have shot troll, kept it short, anything of that sort. I prefered to treat you all like adults with brains and start an argument, let you defend yourself with arguments, trying to keep my dislike towards the fruit mostly out of it. Now you can show me I`m wrong or think yourself, have been hearded like sheeps in a meadow? If you dont mind getting treated like idiots, so be it, but the fruit is good at what he does and many have "seen the light".

Ps. I`m not suggesting fruit is behind the fake bid, yet I`d be surprised if he had nothing to do with it.

Pps. This is actually likely record braking post on archo forums, with lenght, am I hated for doing it here and not just WC for an hour or two? Kitty got lotta tokens, not sure em would have been enough.

Edit: A lotta typos, some words I have only heard, never seen em written, etc.

Edit2: Tried to clean most of typos out of it, there are still some left I vager.
Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
Post edited by WnbTank - Archosaur on


  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Kitty has presented a very strong and valid argument.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    WTS> popcorn
  • Zaibeast - Archosaur
    Zaibeast - Archosaur Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ^^ fully agree to whatever he said

    Of course to Nemesis people, they'd throw the "oh quit QQing" and "just drop it" argument.

    Enough of the Bull**** people like to play out. Either stick to your words and say you're all about fun or say, "**** it, I just want the whole dam map and 10 min tws are so filled with fun".

    Call it QQing or whatever but the truth is there.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This is getting so old now...
  • Zaibeast - Archosaur
    Zaibeast - Archosaur Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Old? It only happened a few days ago. Last time I checked.

    Now, if you talk about your little "fun" at fake-bidding the other time when you were in Ascend, then sure I guess you can argue it is getting old.
  • Anthemyra - Archosaur
    Anthemyra - Archosaur Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ... i like that u point out the money aspect of the whole situation, whoever did the move, they invested a lot of money in it, to much for just 1 person to make another look bad... and i stop here talking about the fake bidding thingy.

    i agree with you when say that officers of Nemessis by bidding against Darkside and not Zulusive did a coward move, ok... you can troll against me as much as you like for saying that, but think about it, Darkside lost a lot of members lately (is not important why) and every1 including the officers of Nemessis knew that, so obviously no matter how much heart the remaining ppl in Darkside put in the TW against Nemessis will still lose = no show TW for Nemessis, on the other side, Zulusive was created especially for a "really good show" TW against Nemessis, and again every1 knew that... including the officers of Nemessis... so i wonder, if officers of Nemessis all they want is great fun fair TW, knew all above, why they made the bid against Darkside and not Zulusive?

    p.s. i want to appologise to my friends in Nemessis, Zulusive, Elusive ... and other factions, who by telling all this i might offended, it was not and it is not my intention, you can not blame all for a few ppl actions...
  • mi6
    mi6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmm i would reely like some ppl to answer to anthemyra 's question.........

    Kitty wanting to beat blood as biggest essay i c...i xpect another big essay from blood now b:laugh
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ... i like that u point out the money aspect of the whole situation, whoever did the move, they invested a lot of money in it, to much for just 1 person to make another look bad... and i stop here talking about the fake bidding thingy.

    Actually I only pointed out what I was told, "Go bid 200m on nemesis and you have your TW". Sure, it was just trolling for reaction I guess, yet it still it`s valid as an argument, should we pay 200m coins for TW, won or lost? If you wouldnt lose money would you happen to win, then might one argue for zulu to bid high, yet it`s not the case. It`s also one of the reasons why fakebids work, you can fakebid land at surprising low cost as nobody bids high due money just disappearing from economy.

    And on this case, nobody expected such a low move as fake bidding, not even when fruit`s reputation is what it is. I`m assuming Proski`s bid was 500k, why bid more when nobody else will bid on land? On this case, ~500001 coins would have been enough, no biggy for anybody `cept low lvls, no offence intended. Now why didn`t we throw 20m+ bid when we saw land got bid again? That is another of the bigger flaws on bidding system, you got 1 bid, that`s it, you cant raise your bid.

    Ps. Am I honestly getting no reply from Nemesis? My argument cant be that solid for you to hide under rocks, or is it?

    Edit: Your reasoning on the post is valid, no matter how you twist and twist, there just isn`t any valid argument to bid Darkside over Zulusive, would you want competetive TW. That is if competetive TW is only thing you are after, like fruit has said he is, as a leader of Nemesis. We can either disclose Mango as liar who talks bs for imago or we get argument for that decision. And no fruit fanboys, this aint trashing, this is just stating the facts. I have only drawn conclusion out of his actions and repeated what he has stated, they dont match, either my reasoning is off(Your place to argue) or fruit has lied straight to all, even your own members. Now I`d find latter to be rather bad charasteric on a leader, wouldn`t you agree?
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • mi6
    mi6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Actually I only pointed out what I was told, "Go bid 200m on nemesis and you have your TW". Sure, it was just trolling for reaction I guess, yet it still it`s valid as an argument, should we pay 200m coins for TW, won or lost? If you wouldnt lose money would you happen to win, then might one argue for zulu to bid high, yet it`s not the case. It`s also one of the reasons why fakebids work, you can fakebid land at surprising low cost as nobody bids high due money just disappearing from economy.

    And on this case, nobody expected such a low move as fake bidding, not even when fruit`s reputation is what it is. I`m assuming Proski`s bid was 500k, why bid more when nobody else will bid on land? On this case, ~500001 coins would have been enough, no biggy for anybody `cept low lvls, no offence intended. Now why didn`t we throw 20m+ bid when we saw land got bid again? That is another of the bigger flaws on bidding system, you got 1 bid, that`s it, you cant raise your bid.

    Ps. Am I honestly getting no reply from Nemesis? My argument cant be that solid for you to hide under rocks, or is it?

    @Wnb Poss was doing the bidding n since he was ill he went off an hour early i dont blame him or any1... we coulda attckd nother land or else ....i dint xpect any1 to sit 5 hrs for bidding during xmas....

    Im hoping for some answers....But the answer i want to the question is
  • MisaxXxMisa - Archosaur
    MisaxXxMisa - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    mi6 wrote: »
    @Wnb Poss was doing the bidding n since he was ill he went off an hour early i dont blame him or any1... we coulda attckd nother land or else ....i dint xpect any1 to sit 5 hrs for bidding during xmas....

    Im hoping for some answers....But the answer i want to the question is

    We didn't attack anyone else, because Zulusive was only created to TW Nemesis and no one else.

    We all want to know why Nemesis didn't attack zulusive. b:chuckle

    Edit: Mango said Nemesis was created to TW for fun, i guess "no show" tws are what fun tw means to them.
  • mi6
    mi6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmm Mango 's ideology is similar to azazaleazoa or w/e who thinks tw is a waste of charm n time...
    n PW is all abt PVE n getting trolled on WC
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Darkside doesnt complain about Nemesis attacking them, on a note i would say let em attack us, let mango fulfill his thirst of my blood which he so wants to have, but end of the day if he thinks that he is going to keep me out of the map then he is wrong, me and my members will always keep fighting for land, its all about objective you know ? Darkside wants lands and have fun, unlike someone who wants particular factions "off" the map for refference Impulse, Elusive and now Darkside. So yeah change your motive and your objective you shall find its a much easier life out there than what ur going through right now b:cute But please dont stop attacking us, we like to see the smile on your face :) But yeah for sure even if its one man coming up (not likely) you will find people there, we are too stubborn to give up b:chuckle
  • Anthemyra - Archosaur
    Anthemyra - Archosaur Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Darkside doesnt complain about Nemesis attacking them, on a note i would say let em attack us, let mango fulfill his thirst of my blood which he so wants to have, but end of the day if he thinks that he is going to keep me out of the map then he is wrong, me and my members will always keep fighting for land, its all about objective you know ? Darkside wants lands and have fun, unlike someone who wants particular factions "off" the map for refference Impulse, Elusive and now Darkside. So yeah change your motive and your objective you shall find its a much easier life out there than what ur going through right now b:cute But please dont stop attacking us, we like to see the smile on your face :) But yeah for sure even if its one man coming up (not likely) you will find people there, we are too stubborn to give up b:chuckle

    Is not about complaining Doom... tell you the truth it makes me so sad to see old friends fighting each other... forgeting that at some point we worked together as a team, that we fight together as a team. They had a great opportunity to have not only 1 but 2 great TW's against Zulusive (leaving behind the "fakebidding" -.-") and yet they prefered Darkside... and pls don't tell me is a "taking over the map" strategy ... there is allways a next week <.<
  • XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur
    XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    theres always next week
  • NoLyf - Archosaur
    NoLyf - Archosaur Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    IT has been 6 hrs since any1 still no nemesis replied to this post....
    Has mango forbidden them from replying to this??b:shutup
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    no but i bet someone has tied his hands for sure :P
  • NoLyf - Archosaur
    NoLyf - Archosaur Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    10 hrs now.....i think imma stop my watch..b:chuckle

    Doom wat did u do to make mango lup u soo much ??b:laugh

    I wonder how ppl in Nemesis feel about Having a easy tw rather than an action packed one.....

    I lup to know what reason mango gave to them for attacking Darkside ..b:laugh
    after all that posts abt fun and competitive tws.....
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    never speak the turth on ur leaders face :P it hurts u more than it hurts him :P
  • NoLyf - Archosaur
    NoLyf - Archosaur Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Doom b:angry u just asked them not to talk... edit tat post naoo b:sad

    250 views i to believe that not 1 nemesis guy viewed kitty's post......

    I feel sorry for u kitty
  • bovar
    bovar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think the answer is obvious. Nemesis is trying to land lock Darkside. It's a good strat and I can't fault them for it. I would try to do the same to them I could. Hopefully some of the QQ'ing factions get their shiot together and are able to take on Narla IV. Oops I mean Nemesis. I'm sure they will attack Darkside again next week and try to landlock them again.
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I wish mango good luck in landlocking BDoomed :)
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What bovar said. The only reason Nemesis bid on Darkside is because they want to land lock us. But why? Are we really that big of a threat? Is the fruit afraid that our 20 will roll his 80? No, if he is then he's dumber than I thought. It's because there are certain people in Darkside that he doesn't like and wants us to suffer in a land lock.

    I asked a certain officer in Nemesis why they didn't bid on Zulusive if they wanted a fun TW. No answer for 2-3 minutes. When he did answer, it was "we bid on Darkside". Yeah...
  • Bovar - Archosaur
    Bovar - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Personally I don't care as to why. The result is we get 2 TW's a week min. I like it!!!
  • Pannzer - Archosaur
    Pannzer - Archosaur Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Perhaps the reason no one has responded is that, no matter what anyone says, they will get flamed with "LIES, LIES" and other nonsensical inanities when noone has any proof as to who did the fake bidding.

    It's all just opinions and speculations.

    And I'll probably get furious flames over just stating the obvious.
  • NoLyf - Archosaur
    NoLyf - Archosaur Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Guys stop calling mango dumb....

    He deseves more if he can convince 150 ppl attacking dside is better..
    He even got them to defend his version of clean fun tw....

    'The result is we get 2 TW's a week min. I like it!!! '

    Layout the sentence properly plz
  • Bovar - Archosaur
    Bovar - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Guys stop calling mango dumb....

    He deseves more if he can convince 150 ppl attacking dside is better..
    He even got them to defend his version of clean fun tw....

    'The result is we get 2 TW's a week min. I like it!!! '

    Layout the sentence properly plz

    LMAO Really NoLyf you want to critique a sentence layout when you can't even spell?

    I might be wrong here but I haven't read in here anywhere where anyone has called fruity dumb. Liar, cheat, thief, etc.... but not dumb.

    Ps. Kirk thinking fruity is dumb doesn't count.
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Bovar you shouldn't call a deaf person deaf, a blind person blind similarly you don't call a dumb person dumb!! Where are your Manners b:angry.
  • Bovar - Archosaur
    Bovar - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I just find it funny when a window licker points and says "idiot"!!
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Perhaps the reason no one has responded is that, no matter what anyone says, they will get flamed with "LIES, LIES" and other nonsensical inanities when noone has any proof as to who did the fake bidding.

    It's all just opinions and speculations.

    And I'll probably get furious flames over just stating the obvious.

    Perhaps the reason is you have nothing to defend yourself with.
    Give me one good reason why Nemesis should bid on Darkside and not Zuluisve when they claim to want fun TW and prove me wrong.
  • Pannzer - Archosaur
    Pannzer - Archosaur Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Perhaps the reason is you have nothing to defend yourself with.
    Give me one good reason why Nemesis should bid on Darkside and not Zuluisve when they claim to want fun TW and prove me wrong.

    Sure, Darkside had 2 territories next to 1K, they take one more, they can attack 1K. By attacking Darkside, we protected 1K from attack.

    But I guess that's too simple of an answer for most.

This discussion has been closed.