Harshlands History



  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Last night, Harshlands/PWI died. Close thread. b:cry
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Last night, Harshlands/PWI died. Close thread. b:cry

    u gonna quit now?
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    the game is not dead the babies are just crying
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i should stick my **** in their mouth to shut em up right?

    i agree with that pot b:chuckle
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Martiin - Archosaur
    Martiin - Archosaur Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    martin miss u hoe b:victory dude what u been up to =)? and ya the old days were the best..fish crashes and crud..but thats never gonna happen..oh and bflies pk..that wasnt to bad either b:victory

    How, how are you still not 100? Are you going to be HL's "devoted" and level up once every 6 months??!?! Bflies were very fun, I did not do alot in fish's...at most 1lvl, considering I stopped at 96..wow just liked devoted =\.

    I also miss the mass orgy's in Kingdom guild chat back when it was crazy active. We couldnt go 5 minutes without saying something perverted or sexual. Truly kept everyone entertained during grinding and instance. Kingdom b:cry
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    rofl this game without those kinds of comments would be boring
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • PinkaIicious - Harshlands
    PinkaIicious - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This list is ballooney. You obviously can't be on this list unless you have kissed major butt or used your parents credit card.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i think there was a thread like this like 6 months ago...
    the best moments were the group grinding times at fishes... we could grind for 10hrs straight then say : wtf i forgot university....b:chuckle
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i think there was a thread like this like 6 months ago...
    the best moments were the group grinding times at fishes... we could grind for 10hrs straight then say : wtf i forgot university....b:chuckle

    there was :o?
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hmm harshlands history.

    people came. factions were made.
    people died, QQed. factions died.
    most old people quit/got banned.
    more people came.new factions made.
    old players start to QQ about packs. newplayers spend $$$on packs and oracles to catch up old players.
    hyper exp stones were released. all new players now get to 100 in like 5 days because they think rushing their lvls will make them awsome :D.


    best factions ive been in.. in order that i was in them

    Tactics. Omerta. TeamLlama.
    I have been in more factions but there were my favs.
    all other factions were **** and boringb:pleased
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hmm harshlands history.

    people came. factions were made.
    people died, QQed. factions died.
    most old people quit/got banned.
    more people came.new factions made.
    old players start to QQ about packs. newplayers spend $$$on packs and oracles to catch up old players.
    hyper exp stones were released. all new players now get to 100 in like 5 days because they think rushing their lvls will make them awsome :D.


    best factions ive been in.. in order that i was in them

    Tactics. Omerta. TeamLlama.
    I have been in more factions but there were my favs.
    all other factions were **** and boringb:pleased

    lol fox you would say tactics was good
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    lol fox you would say tactics was good

    lol tactics was good, it was fun.drama.fun.drama.KoS on us for no apparent reason.fun.drama.fun, then it got stolen when xen failed at selling itb:laugh
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    lol tactics was good, it was fun.drama.fun.drama.KoS on us for no apparent reason.fun.drama.fun, then it got stolen when xen failed at selling itb:laugh

    tactics was not that good :/ Trying to control its members was work enough b:surrender
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    tactics was not that good :/ Trying to control its members was work enough b:surrender

    thats why you should have gave me or ali lead. we never seemed to have much problem controling themb:laugh

    but that was never gonna happen.
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    thats why you should have gave me or ali lead. we never seemed to have much problem controling themb:laugh

    but that was never gonna happen.

    lol neither of you were ready to lead.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    lol neither of you were ready to lead.

    b:chuckleif you say so luti
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:chuckleif you say so luti

    if you were you would be leading a faction :)
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Deathdealer was HL's history.
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    if you were you would be leading a faction :)

    i would be leading a faction if i wanted to. if i wanted to waste the money to get it to level 3 and if i was on more than 1 hour a day, however i am very happy being in teamllama the ppl in there are awsome b:bye
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i would be leading a faction if i wanted to. if i wanted to waste the money to get it to level 3 and if i was on more than 1 hour a day, however i am very happy being in teamllama the ppl in there are awsome b:bye

    fox i dont think you could handle it your not willing to take risks (good example: Not letting me take tactics to fight zulu) <.<
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Miinako - Harshlands
    Miinako - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    still remember my first PK at lvl 31, a bee attacked me at heaven's tear, thought it was a pet at first but still killed it and the veno after lol..and she dropped..
    It's so funny coz this is my 1st MMORPG... so I didn't know about PKing at all lol
    Oh gosh, that makes me think up of so many memories.
    I can still remember the amazing times I've had witih Sugarcookie, Truewitch, etc.
    This thread makes me want to cry

    My best Harshlands memory...
    Theres far too many.

    yeah the days in DragonKin...and 'Destiny', Ascension, GoodGame, Kingdom.
    players like Yaoshi, Blizey..I dont know if anyone still remember these guilds and people b:sad
    brendle talking to yukii enjoy b:laugh

    here is a flame thread Pendulum vs crimson http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=255352

    wreck trying to use holy war tactic and you can also read the whole pendulum kos story (page 3) haha good old times http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=248892

    Lol yeah there were a few funny ppl of all times b:laugh like Brendle
  • _lcarus_ - Harshlands
    _lcarus_ - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2013
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    _lcarus_ - Harshlands replied to a message that was 2 years 9 months 11 days 9 hours 51 minutes old.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451

    Status: ONLINE
  • JustAllEvil - Harshlands
    JustAllEvil - Harshlands Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    FC used to be a squad thing.

    You could PK with TT80 gear.

    There was PK fights at Pirates Oracles.

    There was a lot more scary and active venos in PvP.

    Secret Passage PK was drama.

    Nurfed's big tatas.

    K, that's my not helpful contributions. b:cute
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • _lcarus_ - Harshlands
    _lcarus_ - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Things were definitely a lot more fun back then.miss those days : (
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    closed for necro

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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