PokerFace pve/pvp vid

TDarcher - Lost City
TDarcher - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
Post edited by TDarcher - Lost City on


  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Pokerface or Wasteofspace?
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    biggyluv or piggyfail?

    The video's quality give me tears, some scenes are pretty funny tho.
  • _Spot_ - Lost City
    _Spot_ - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Where is lady gaga?b:cry
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    posting a vid were everybody can see how your fac lurs a worldboss into safezone?

    just brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~illiant...

    btw nice pvp frails...b:chuckle
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    biggyluv or piggyfail?

    The video's quality give me tears, some scenes are pretty funny tho.

    piggyfail? That doesnt even go together. Please reach into your bag of rediculousness and try again. Thanks!
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think he meant to say PiggyLuv
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    None of the videos nowdays come close to Transcend's video's.

    Just a bunch of cutscenes of the few times when Frails kills something with a zillion other players helping.

    At least Transcend showed when he got killed by Shin and others.
  • MiIlky - Lost City
    MiIlky - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    None of the videos nowdays come close to Transcend's video's.

    Just a bunch of cutscenes of the few times when Frails kills something with a zillion other players helping.

    At least Transcend showed when he got killed by Shin and others.

    QFT. Frails generally dies every time his expel is in cooldown anyway. b:shutup
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    nice vid frails <3

    I miss yoo :(
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Vids with 0 deaths = turrible. Everyone dies, also nice zooming on Elayne when he had multiple people on him. U KILL GILD LIDAR U DA BEZT
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The bias in this thread just cause hes pokerface is hilarious. And I find it very ironic its the essence people bashing this video so far.

    Miilky if you can't kill people on a overpowered class like sin even with the other class using expel than you should reroll kthx. But that would require you to be good on your archer, which you are not =/.

    Frails does have a couple shots where he does not gank like nevranion (w/e his name is idc) and varaconn. And also a couple scenes where he is ganked by others (not sure about the others refines and gear though) Stop being so biased people.

    Amour you make a pretty good point about the not showing deaths in his vid. But as you said its common sense that all people die in this game. By not showing deaths in his video frails isn't declaring that he has never died. People need to stop reading into things so deeply imo and just enjoy the video for what it is.

    The luring WB part was hilarious btw
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xposed1 wrote: »
    The bias in this thread just cause hes pokerface is hilarious. And I find it very ironic its the essence people bashing this video so far.

    Miilky if you can't kill people on a overpowered class like sin even with the other class using expel than you should reroll kthx. But that would require you to be good on your archer, which you are not =/.

    Frails does have a couple shots where he does not gank like nevranion (w/e his name is idc) and varaconn. And also a couple scenes where he is ganked by others (not sure about the others refines and gear though) Stop being so biased people.

    Amour you make a pretty good point about the not showing deaths in his vid. But as you said its common sense that all people die in this game. By not showing deaths in his video frails isn't declaring that he has never died. People need to stop reading into things so deeply imo and just enjoy the video for what it is.

    The luring WB part was hilarious btw

    Once you've seen:

    There really isn't anything to enjoy about the video. Transcend raised the bar for videos. Haiz's were decent too. But most others seem either:

    1) Too Cheezy.

    2) Very uninteresting.

    Nothing interesting about an archer take pot shots at people being ganked.
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I admit transcends videos are quite hard to measure up to since hes been making vids since the start of the server (over two years) and he is highly skilled. However, Frails ingame skills aren't so bad either comparing the both of them. His videomaking skills however pale in comparison.

    But Haiz.... just watching a couple of his videos all of its basically just dropping BIDS on unsuspecting people in TW and kiting away. In his pvp videos its always group pvp with him assist attacking (some would call this ganking)

    In the few 1 on 1 fights its with his rank 8 wep before it became easily obtained against easy kills.
  • Liyte - Lost City
    Liyte - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    At least when Transcend made his videos, his gear was actually nowhere near as good as the people he was fighting.

    Knowing PokerFace in general, I can imagine them ganking 1 person (Elayne in this case), then more Essence come to make it even, they kill Poker and then Poker go back to SP or West cos they ish too scaredzb:victory
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xposed1 wrote: »
    But Haiz.... just watching a couple of his videos all of its basically just dropping BIDS on unsuspecting people in TW and kiting away. In his pvp videos its always group pvp with him assist attacking (some would call this ganking)

    In the few 1 on 1 fights its with his rank 8 wep before it became easily obtained against easy kills.

    You really aren't too bright. My only 1v1 clips are when I had 99HH, and there are only a few of them. I never actually looked for PvP, the PvP came to me unless it was a group PvP where they asked me to come because it was a big fight. The 1v1's I did show I was just grinding or flying around and they came to me. You do realize that mages specialty is mass PvP, not 1 on 1 fights, right? I'm sorry for playing my class right in TW as well, forgive me. They were never "ganks" either, they are mass PvP fights where people do assist to kill high priority targets quicker. A gank is where you are killing one person who is alone with many people like this video.

    I never picked my TW clips by who I'm killing or how many I'm killing, I always picked my clips that had the most action on my screen. In other words, I do it so everyone else can see themselves and enjoy it more. I don't try to focus on a part where I killed Yoshiki alone, to me I would rather show my guild working together in a TW. If you really haven't noticed yet, my videos are focused on my guild, not me. Only reason why I ever did put in some 1 on 1's were just because a lot of people asked to see how I handled them.

    It also just so happens that when there is a lot of action on my screen, I tend to look for a spot to use BID, which I honestly don't even use that often.
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You really aren't too bright. My only 1v1 clips are when I had 99HH, and there are only a few of them. I never actually looked for PvP, the PvP came to me unless it was a group PvP where they asked me to come because it was a big fight. The 1v1's I did show I was just grinding or flying around and they came to me. You do realize that mages specialty is mass PvP, not 1 on 1 fights, right? I'm sorry for playing my class right in TW as well, forgive me. They were never "ganks" either, they are mass PvP fights where people do assist to kill high priority targets quicker. A gank is where you are killing one person who is alone with many people like this video.

    I never picked my TW clips by who I'm killing or how many I'm killing, I always picked my clips that had the most action on my screen. In other words, I do it so everyone else can see themselves and enjoy it more. I don't try to focus on a part where I killed Yoshiki alone, to me I would rather show my guild working together in a TW. If you really haven't noticed yet, my videos are focused on my guild, not me. Only reason why I ever did put in some 1 on 1's were just because a lot of people asked to see how I handled them.

    It also just so happens that when there is a lot of action on my screen, I tend to look for a spot to use BID, which I honestly don't even use that often.

    This is what I was getting at. Someone before was bashing on frails for "ganking " however aren't people like Elayne and Ignation (second cast plus 10) one of the best geared wizards ingame and be classified as a priority target? Why is it a gank in his case and not called assist target like you say. Double standards are great aren't they... In a lot of frails scenes you can call it assist target since its mass pvp like you said.

    I don't really have anything against you but was just using you as an example of how biased people are in judging videos when the said person is in a kos or disliked guild.

    For instance I was watching one of Transcends earlier videos and he did the exact same thing Frails did with Elayne (zooming up on the kill). Except in his case he did it with Pandora. But of course no one is going to bring that up cause everyones too busy sucking up to him. (not transcends fault, hes awesome but some of his fans think hes god and its not really fair to other videomakers)
  • Danteii - Lost City
    Danteii - Lost City Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I loved the pandas haha
    I am Liam Neeson, you may remember me in such films as I will find you and I will kill you. b:pleased
  • Bictor - Lost City
    Bictor - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Even though frails is a total failure, at least he killed elayne. Looks like sniffing underaged children's underwear doesn't help you survive in game huh.

    Oh look defending interweb honor, "I did this so your accusation is invalid." I thought it wasn't possible, but this is a new low for you pathetic PW'ers.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Woulda loved to see higher resolution :(

    BTW, I missed the part where frails killed Elayne. Besides the fact that frails was dropping when Elayne died, it was really Ouninnee who was doing all the damage. I saw about 4k damage dealt to Elayne in the dmg log, which is about half way to ticking his charm.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Oh look defending interweb honor, "I did this so your accusation is invalid." I thought it wasn't possible, but this is a new low for you pathetic PW'ers.

    Hmmm... not really sure if this is directed at me. But pointing out hypocrisy is different than defending honor. Sorry but whenever I spot hypocrisy it makes me wanna hit babies >:

    If this was directed at me it would be especially priceless since it was you that made a wall of text thread about bashing Drogas E-honor and E-morals for stealing the CV bow you guys farmed. Serious e-business is serious e-business....

  • QuickClaw - Lost City
    QuickClaw - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Grumble catching me not watching out of stealth at SP *shakes fist*

    I'm not too worried about susa really. r9 does not exist in the real world
  • Bictor - Lost City
    Bictor - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sorry if i hurt anyones feelings, because that is what I set out to do.
    I do not recall any Droga or stealing nor do I know what CV stands for, so I insist that you must have mistaken me for someone else of a pathetic origin much like you and 99% of the PW players. Since you are able to remember events that occurred in a pixel world over years ago, I presume that your real life isnt that eventful. So on that note I shall stop with the insults because obviously you are already suffering enough from a lack of self-esteem and real life events and or companions to create such events.
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol thats pretty rich coming from a guy that makes perfect world charts in his free time

    It's ok brah.
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xposed1 wrote: »
    This is what I was getting at. Someone before was bashing on frails for "ganking " however aren't people like Elayne and Ignation (second cast plus 10) one of the best geared wizards ingame and be classified as a priority target? Why is it a gank in his case and not called assist target like you say. Double standards are great aren't they... In a lot of frails scenes you can call it assist target since its mass pvp like you said.

    I don't really have anything against you but was just using you as an example of how biased people are in judging videos when the said person is in a kos or disliked guild.

    For instance I was watching one of Transcends earlier videos and he did the exact same thing Frails did with Elayne (zooming up on the kill). Except in his case he did it with Pandora. But of course no one is going to bring that up cause everyones too busy sucking up to him. (not transcends fault, hes awesome but some of his fans think hes god and its not really fair to other videomakers)

    I dont think you understand the difference between ganking and Mass PvP.

    But sure, if you think 10 vs 3 is Mass PvP then you are entitled to your opinion - however skewed it is.

    In the past couple of months there has yet to be real mass PvP like in the past. They've been more skirmishes between Kamisama and Essence.

    The only real mass PvP on lost city now-days is in TW.

    Truth be told if Frails was shooting the video from Kamisama it may have been received better. Almost everyone on lost city knows if PokerFace doesn't out-gear you or cant gank, they'll stay in safezone.
  • _Spot_ - Lost City
    _Spot_ - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You really aren't too bright. My only 1v1 clips are when I had 99HH, and there are only a few of them. I never actually looked for PvP, the PvP came to me unless it was a group PvP where they asked me to come because it was a big fight. The 1v1's I did show I was just grinding or flying around and they came to me. You do realize that mages specialty is mass PvP, not 1 on 1 fights, right? I'm sorry for playing my class right in TW as well, forgive me. They were never "ganks" either, they are mass PvP fights where people do assist to kill high priority targets quicker. A gank is where you are killing one person who is alone with many people like this video.

    I never picked my TW clips by who I'm killing or how many I'm killing, I always picked my clips that had the most action on my screen. In other words, I do it so everyone else can see themselves and enjoy it more. I don't try to focus on a part where I killed Yoshiki alone, to me I would rather show my guild working together in a TW. If you really haven't noticed yet, my videos are focused on my guild, not me. Only reason why I ever did put in some 1 on 1's were just because a lot of people asked to see how I handled them.

    It also just so happens that when there is a lot of action on my screen, I tend to look for a spot to use BID, which I honestly don't even use that often.

    Sorry to disapoint you haiz but there a clip or i beliver its two clip where you kill a barb(with calamysties axes with you +10rank8 and you brag you were not charmed please...
  • RankEight - Lost City
    RankEight - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xposed1 wrote: »
    I admit transcends videos are quite hard to measure up to since hes been making vids since the start of the server (over two years) and he is highly skilled. However, Frails ingame skills aren't so bad either comparing the both of them. His videomaking skills however pale in comparison.

    But Haiz.... just watching a couple of his videos all of its basically just dropping BIDS on unsuspecting people in TW and kiting away. In his pvp videos its always group pvp with him assist attacking (some would call this ganking)

    In the few 1 on 1 fights its with his rank 8 wep before it became easily obtained against easy kills.

    I think you're confused about what ganking and mass pvp is. Which leads me to believe that you're ****. This is obviously not an insult it is just factual.
  • Skinnard - Lost City
    Skinnard - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xposed1 wrote: »
    Hmmm... not really sure if this is directed at me. But pointing out hypocrisy is different than defending honor. Sorry but whenever I spot hypocrisy it makes me wanna hit babies >:

    If this was directed at me it would be especially priceless since it was you that made a wall of text thread about bashing Drogas E-honor and E-morals for stealing the CV bow you guys farmed. Serious e-business is serious e-business....


    You're thinking of Victor, one of Fiery's 6 characters.

    Frails zooming in on Elayne during the video was quite successful, I mean you'll either think he killed Elayne, or you'll be pissed because you think that's what he wants you to think b:chuckle
    I dodged 200 lightning bolts in a row.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I once ticked elayne's charm 1v1. I shall remember this moment till the day I die.
  • Obilic - Lost City
    Obilic - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    YaKuZa sin fails
    Because making sense is too mainstream.
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You're thinking of Victor, one of Fiery's 6 characters.

    Frails zooming in on Elayne during the video was quite successful, I mean you'll either think he killed Elayne, or you'll be pissed because you think that's what he wants you to think b:chuckle

    or you'll laugh because we all know how much Elayne rages. b:pleased
    Here we go again....