safety lock

SquareGT - Lost City
SquareGT - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Support Desk
hi I'm going to apologize for the spam that I do but I still lock problem does not change the hours I have more than 3 days waiting and nothing is changed I can do in this situation

ATT: SquareGT

Post edited by SquareGT - Lost City on


  • Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    Wolfssohn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,535 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ok...just to be safe, here are the steps again:

    Click on the Safety Lock icon -> Put in a time of your choice (0 hours 1 minute) for example) -> click confirm (or any button that "saves" the settings...if there is one) -> wait 3 days (ya don't have to be online), but DO NOT change the time again in these 3 days/72 hours or the timer will reset.

    If ya did all that and it still doesn't help, I'd suggest to submit a ticket.
  • aek3
    aek3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    my safety lock will not turn off and I have been trying to turn it off for days. I can sell any of my items and my inventory is full.

    how do I fix this problem?
  • Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    Wolfssohn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,535 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Click on the Safety Lock icon -> set the time to whatever ya like (like...0 hours 1 minutes) -> wait 3 days (I really mean 72 hours, ya don't have to be online all the time, though) -> Safety Lock time should be changed...

    DO NOT change the time within the 3 days again or the timer will reset and ya gotta wait full 3 days again...

    I hope that will help.
  • aek3
    aek3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I tried that already it did not work. I set it on thursday and still it has not changed a bit.
  • SquareGT - Lost City
    SquareGT - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If I miss all friends but does not work eh waited 4 days and nothing changed Can you help me is I can not sell the things you pick up waiting 24 hours I need help please

    ATT: SquareGT

    I suggest a package to do if it does not change that no longer do I have to wait 24 hours to sell things and to get coins for potions T_T
  • aek3
    aek3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I am having the same problem as u......
    I have tried and tried to reset my safety lock and I have waited 3 days and still nothing!!!!!
  • ozimov
    ozimov Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, here are the steps to modify it:

    1. Go to the Safety Lock panel.

    2. Set the Safety Lock time to 1 minute.

    3. Confirm the time change.

    4. Wait 72 hours (3 full days). This will be EXACT to the MINUTE and SECOND you reset. Please wait the FULL 72 hours.

    - You do NOT have to remain logged in, nor will logging in/out affect this wait time.

    - If you do log in, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SAFETY LOCK. It will NOT show that you have reduced the time.There is no counter and no indication that time is reducing. Please consider writing down the exact time you reset the Safety Lock so you know you have waited 72 hours.

    - If you do touch your Safety Lock again during this time, the 72 hour waiting period WILL reset to a full 72 hours.

    - The Safety Lock CANNOT be deactivated before the set time has elapsed, nor are GMs able to turn it off for you.
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ozimov wrote: »
    If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, here are the steps to modify it:

    1. Go to the Safety Lock panel.

    2. Set the Safety Lock time to 1 minute.

    3. Confirm the time change.

    4. Wait 72 hours (3 full days). This will be EXACT to the MINUTE and SECOND you reset. Please wait the FULL 72 hours.

    - You do NOT have to remain logged in, nor will logging in/out affect this wait time.

    - If you do log in, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SAFETY LOCK. It will NOT show that you have reduced the time.There is no counter and no indication that time is reducing. Please consider writing down the exact time you reset the Safety Lock so you know you have waited 72 hours.

    - If you do touch your Safety Lock again during this time, the 72 hour waiting period WILL reset to a full 72 hours.

    - The Safety Lock CANNOT be deactivated before the set time has elapsed, nor are GMs able to turn it off for you.

    why are you telling them 1 minute, why the heck don't you say 24 hours and 59 minutes?

    what i want to know is why the **** did PWI suddenly turn my on, my was never set now I can't do a lot of things I did before.
    and searching through this forum produces a lot of stress.
    we need sticky's with no replys locked out so all you get is what your looking for.
    hints, tips and fixes. not a bunch of peoples opinions on things we already know, like that the game sucks because the game doesn't have any real GM's to help out and the dev's don't give a chit about you as long as peeps keep buying their cards.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited December 2010
    why are you telling them 1 minute, why the heck don't you say 24 hours and 59 minutes?

    Dude, what are you smoking?

    As for the rest... I do hope you get banned for spoofing the filter, and really it's just nonsense. The GM, (and others, AND if you actually search you will find the answer stated exactly the same, (by myself even in a few cases.)), gave a direct resolution to the issue. It is the exact fix. ONLY if you follow the directions TO THE LETTER. Just because people can't tell time or are too impatient to wait the full 72 hours is not the fault of PWE.