Noob needing a kind word

Krekkie - Dreamweaver
Krekkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Barbarian
Since it's my first post, Hai all! ^^

I've made my barb a couple weeks ago and honestly I wasn't planning on playing the game much. I also admit I had no clue what each class was about and picked a Barbarian just beacuse I watched too much South Park and pandas make me lol everytime.

But well, I actually started playing and then I found out what I was meant to do with my character and my class, and I actually liked the idea of being the "meat shield".

Lately I've started reading the forums, mainly for guides and advices on builds, but I've also read some discussions about: New classes, patches, cash shoppers, 5.0 aps, -ints [...] and being a total noob of this kind of games, I actually have no clue what they really meant. I have anyway understood that "our race" is at risk of extinction or close to it. It set me into a sort of middle-age crysis since I was enjoying the game, but I am really too lazy to level up something and then find out its useless/unwanted/not needed/boring.

My question is: You, who got experience with the class, the game, the players, would suggest me to keep leveling my dear barbarian? Or to keep playing the game at all? :'x [please note I have no intention on spending a single euro (or dollar) for playing].

P.s. Be honest! ;p
Post edited by Krekkie - Dreamweaver on


  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Prior to endgame, you'll be in high demand.

    At endgame, if you're not prepared to cashshop or for whatever reason is unable to merchant efficiently for above average gear etc., you will not be the preferred choice in the more efficient squads for certain instances.

    You'll still be wanted in the average squad for most instances.

    IMHO if you like the class, it is still worth playing.

    No idea how the upcoming expansion is going to affect us.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Every single time I log on, world chat is filled with an endless stream of, "Squad looking for barb," posts. Barbs always seem to prove even more elusive than finding a cleric. And when a barb is not necessary for a run (like with BH 59 or when there is a herc to tank), people still seem happier, and feel safer, knowing that there is a barb in the squad for moments of disaster. So I really don't understand the discussion lately about barbs becoming superfluous.

    Even with the new classes coming, I still think people will see barbs as a nice safety net to have around for any squad work, and look to them as first choice as a tank for many situations.

    In other words, I personally don't think you have anything to worry about with regards to finding a squad or being considered useless. Trust me when I say, we clerics <3 our barbs - or at least we do when they know how to get aggro on all mobs b:surrender

    The only problem I see for you is.... barbs are an expensive class to play so you may have serious coin issues down the road if you do not plan on spending real life money.

    Lastly, with regards to whether you ought to continue playing the game or not.....just ask yourself one question, "Am I having fun?" ....and you should have your answer b:pleased
  • PaYwil - Heavens Tear
    PaYwil - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    first of all BARBS ARE FUN xD

    barbs are needed in pretty much everything ( prior to endgame ). but hey in a faction barbs will always be needed. I just play for fun and to help guildies and will never PK O.O ( i dont cash shop aswell ) and im not doing to bad.

    so as for your question a barb is worth playing if you are only going to play for fun and help guildies

    just my 2c

    Kind regards
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If you have time and dedication then you'll be fine. Keep leveling. As far as all the -int and what not you just need to choose friends that don't have that type of gear or understand that when you run with those types of people you wont be the tank. This being said you won't even have to worry about that until you start running with players 90+. If you like being top dog and don't have time do dedicate or real life money to spend then you should try a different class or just uninstall.

    Also note: Barbarians have the highest maintenance cost of all classes expect possibly a Venomancer.
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    New classes, patches, cash shoppers, 5.0 aps, -ints [...] and being a total noob of this kind of games, I actually have no clue what they really meant. I have anyway understood that "our race" is at risk of extinction ...

    My question is: You, who got experience with the class, the game, the players, would suggest me to keep leveling my dear barbarian? Or to keep playing the game at all? :'x [please note I have no intention on spending a single euro (or dollar) for playing].

    P.s. Be honest! ;p

    New classes - People complained when sins and psychics were released in January because they became the highest damage output caster and highest dmg output overall in the game. This was bad for barbs because psychics and sins are very hard to keep aggro from. We now have 2 new classes on the way, one of them looks like a healer, the other looks like a veno/tank class further replacing us a little.

    Patches - Patches come out weekly, just little upgrades,fixes, and add-ons to the game.

    Cash shoppers - Instead of being good or working hard, you can just pay your way to success. This has always been a problem, just is more notable recently when rank gear, some of the hardest to earn and best gear in the game, became purchasable and very cheap. Now everyone is running with insane gear.

    5.0 aps- aps is attacks per second. Fists have an attack speed of 1.43 attacks per second. This means you attack once every .7 seconds (1 sec/1.43aps). - interval gear reduces the seconds per attack until you can attack 5 times a second, doing some insane damage.

    -int - the inverse of "attacks per second" is "seconds per attacks." Seconds per attack is what the game uses so when you see your axe speed is .83 aps, it really is using 1.2 second per attack. Minus interval subtracts from that number, so -.05 interval from 1.2 gives you .87 aps. The problem is it exponentially grows, so you get more benefit starting with a faster weapon, namely fist. Now everyone is using fists because the -interval function is somewhat overpowering. For instance .83 axes with -.45 int = 1.33aps (60% increase). 1.43 fist with -.45 int = 4.00 aps (+180% increase)

    So, is our class obsolete? I think not. First, most -int gear is 90+ so we are able to tank until then. Second, the super DDing classes leave their vitalities at 5, or reset to 3 to increase their damage and afford the high dex of fists. When they steal aggro they are extra squishy, so having one of us along to give them BKI for an hp boost is one thing that actually allows them to tank. Also, when you are dealing so much damage, the 30% boost from strength of titans is huge. Since the -int only applies to melee, they get the benefits of our devour too. So having a barb in squad for 30% increased weapon attack, -50% phys def debuff, and an hp buff is still very worth it.

    As for the status of the game?... Well, alot of the actual players are very angry that their hard work is undone by people with their parents credit cards. When everyone has access to endgame their is no more feeling of accomplishment and the game becomes stagnant. PW is releasing their new flagship game and it almost seems like their trying to suck pwi dry before it dies.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • MrSyko - Raging Tide
    MrSyko - Raging Tide Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ok so I didn't read all of the other replies b:surrender

    Here's my 2 cents...

    As a barb getting closer to end game, myself, I experience what the aps craze really does with our class. I am mostly used for my buffs and debuffs, in which case we will always be useful. No other class has our buffs.

    If you enjoy the class and the style of play, stick with it for a while at least. If you truly expect to tank every instance and never lose agro, then you will be disappointed later.

    I have become somewhat of a cash shopper the past few weeks, so I will stand a small chance against the rest.

    If you don't plan on spending money, then just play for a while and test it out.

    As Axelire said...
    No idea how the upcoming expansion is going to affect us.
  • Krekkie - Dreamweaver
    Krekkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Thanks all for the tips and precious informations.

    Guess I'll stick around, eventually as Sakubatou said the game will die before I get anywhere close to 90+ and there, problem solved xd
    It looks like in most free to play games all around the net, the only actual free feature is registration... Aaaah, times of finacial crysis.

    See you around \o
  • EffThis - Raging Tide
    EffThis - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If you have time and dedication then you'll be fine. Keep leveling. As far as all the -int and what not you just need to choose friends that don't have that type of gear or understand that when you run with those types of people you wont be the tank. This being said you won't even have to worry about that until you start running with players 90+. If you like being top dog and don't have time do dedicate or real life money to spend then you should try a different class or just uninstall.

    Also note: Barbarians have the highest maintenance cost of all classes expect possibly a Venomancer.

    Wtf? Veno's are the cheapest class to play and the most money efficient, stop spreading false info b:shutup
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Wtf? Veno's are the cheapest class to play and the most money efficient, stop spreading false info b:shutup

    If your a "good" veno you've got $500 wrapped up in just 2 pets, some skills cost MILLIONS! plus all the stuff you have to purchase along the way to keep all of your pets alive and what... yeah your right I'm wrong here. Barb still require the more coin to keep up. They kill the slowest, they take the most damage and they level extremely slow, BUT NOTHING compares to : Squad gets wiped and your still alive laughing at them and 300k Armageddons.
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Barbs are pro and always will be pro.

    Highest psychical spike dmg AOE

    Most HP

    Best Buffs

    I can honestly kill 99.9% of people on my server including fish people. A well built barb is like a roving battle tank, very useful in a lot of reguards and far from uneeded.

    So if you like it keep it, if you prefer a little more flash, range then use another class.
  • Venomocity - Lost City
    Venomocity - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    As an 88 barb I can say with the gear I have and skills I'm a great meatshield to most and it's great. It took awhile, but with more exploration of your class and reading your skills and what you want to use the class for you will find what works best. At least that's what I did. Keep going with him and I guarantee at 100 in NV squads you'll have plenty of coin and squads to join if you are any good.
  • EffThis - Raging Tide
    EffThis - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If your a "good" veno you've got $500 wrapped up in just 2 pets, some skills cost MILLIONS! plus all the stuff you have to purchase along the way to keep all of your pets alive and what... yeah your right I'm wrong here. Barb still require the more coin to keep up. They kill the slowest, they take the most damage and they level extremely slow, BUT NOTHING compares to : Squad gets wiped and your still alive laughing at them and 300k Armageddons.

    1. You're not your.

    2. Please please please stop talking out of your *** b:bye

    Your definition of 'good' seems to be synomous with cash shop.....i can assure you having a baby herc does not make you an AUTO L33T can still suck and have all the best pets the game has to offer...that simply has nothing to do with skill.

    Let me educate YOU good sir on what makes a 'good' veno....NEITHER OF THESE require CS.

    1. Amping

    2. Knowing how to lure.

    There........not hard is it?????? stop making false statements about a class you clearly know nothing about.
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    1. You're not your.

    2. Please please please stop talking out of your *** b:bye

    Your definition of 'good' seems to be synomous with cash shop.....i can assure you having a baby herc does not make you an AUTO L33T can still suck and have all the best pets the game has to offer...that simply has nothing to do with skill.

    Let me educate YOU good sir on what makes a 'good' veno....NEITHER OF THESE require CS.

    1. Amping

    2. Knowing how to lure.

    There........not hard is it?????? stop making false statements about a class you clearly know nothing about.
    Okay so your right, venos are pretty much worthless with a genie now and barbs cost the most play. b:bye I can be a rude *** hole to.
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • EffThis - Raging Tide
    EffThis - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Okay so your right, venos are pretty much worthless with a genie now and barbs cost the most play. b:bye I can be a rude *** hole to.

    1. Pure mag venos deal a lot of damage 1-105 and are still useful as damage dealers in TT (unlike barbs who if not tanking are hardly required since their damage SUCKS).

    2. Venos have lending hands a skill that is essential to any squad....and no genies cant replace that.

    3. 90+ barbs are worthless as tanks since int gear becomes available making you unable to hold aggro effectively.

    As you can see Venos dont JUST lure...we are a lot more USEFUL than barbs 90+ and its funny you make that comment considering you are 100.
  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    C'mon folks, do we really need to diss each other's classes, and play the "I'm more useful than you at endgame" game? I play both a barb and veno... not very high level at the moment, granted (56 and 59 respectively, atm) and they're both a blast. I say if you have fun playing a class, play it. If you get people dissing you and telling you they don't need you for [insert activity here] find someone else to run with.
  • Deago - Lost City
    Deago - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    1. Pure mag venos deal a lot of damage 1-105 and are still useful as damage dealers in TT (unlike barbs who if not tanking are hardly required since their damage SUCKS).

    2. Venos have lending hands a skill that is essential to any squad....and no genies cant replace that.

    3. 90+ barbs are worthless as tanks since int gear becomes available making you unable to hold aggro effectively.

    As you can see Venos dont JUST lure...we are a lot more USEFUL than barbs 90+ and its funny you make that comment considering you are 100.

    I am very sorry you got it all wrong. Our damage doesn't suck its the fact that are dps is so low. We can do amazing damaged fully buffed high crit rate and spark watch out. And yes all a veno is pretty much good for is amp and debuff and luring. I would personally love to see a herc hold aggro better then a barb. They can hold aggro until someone like a sin starts to spark. Im not fighting about who is better but your last statement that a 90+ barb is useless, you have that wrong too.

    But about the forum barbs are wicked i got 90% of my gear together took me awhile but it worked out and i dont cashop
    Nothing is true. Everything is Permitted.
    Ezio Auditore
  • fuhma
    fuhma Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Thanks all for the tips and precious informations.

    Guess I'll stick around, eventually as Sakubatou said the game will die before I get anywhere close to 90+ and there, problem solved xd
    It looks like in most free to play games all around the net, the only actual free feature is registration... Aaaah, times of finacial crysis.

    See you around \o

    1.) I don't think the Barbs will be useless, when he reaches lvl90+, even I can't really
    play them.
    2.) A Venos Job ist to lure, and to debuff the Bosses and somtimes,but its really rare
    personally I've done this about 1 or 2 times, to tank.
    You don't need a Herc as a Veno a Crystalline Magmite or a Glacial Walker
    does ther Job pretty good.The only Pet for whih you will have to pay is
    the Kowlin because its one of the dastest pets in the game.

    For the New Races, I see them as a possibility for someone who wants to play a Tank but dont like the Barb, the same goes for the Veno.