The Great Zerg Rush Bot Army of Cn Pw

Posts: 48 Arc User
edited December 2010 in General Discussion
We all heard of the botting problem in the chinese pw...
We know its the reason why so many fixes were made to coin income, you know such as the reduction on the price of dq items and tw pay being changed into mirages...
But after playing a bit on one of their servers... It really is a huge issue...

Now, just on one of the newer servers...

First, they were like:

Then they:

Now they:

For right now, the gold prices are kinda "cheap" on that server, they go around 150k per gold.
But just looking at the prices from a (presumably) more older server, it'll jump around to this:

And note this isn't our currency, but china's yuan...
According to google, the exchange rate is 1 US dollar = 6.6545 Chinese yuan
1 gold is really about the worth of 6 gold, which means if their prices were on our servers, that's like about 9.5 mill per gold.

That's not all.

The infamous overpriced tidal serpent, for 228 yuan. That's about 34 dollars.
If you think the mount is overpriced at 70g, or 70 mill in coins on our servers...
They have to pay 342 million on their servers. b:shocked
(That's of course assuming the prices are gold trade prices and they are not reduced when someone tries to sell one)

Correct me if I'm wrong but...
You guys think that our game is dead with all the anni packs and rep badges in cs?
They don't even have any of that and they have it worse then we do. b:surrender
Post edited by Tni - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Wonder why those bots picked venos instead of archers.
  • Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Cool story bro.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Wonder why those bots picked venos instead of archers.

    Venos were always the best class for grinding in general.
    They can use magic and their pet tanks for them.
    Archers are not since they have to take damage (assuming mob is close by) and they use up arrows.
  • Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited December 2010



    Yup they sure do have the bot prob bad there.
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Jesus ****ing Christ.

    As for why they're all venos...'cause easy to farm with. Especially at low levels.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Venos were always the best class for grinding in general.
    They can use magic and their pet tanks for them.
    Archers are not since they have to take damage (assuming mob is close by) and they use up arrows.
    Easy enough to pot though.. I've seen bot programs before and they use an autopot feature. Spamming magic is certainly going to require mp pots too, as well as the easy possibility that the veno pull from their own pet.

    On a side note, it must really suck for actual players to have their sound on near that army of scorpions.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Easy enough to pot though.. I've seen bot programs before and they use an autopot feature. Spamming magic is certainly going to require mp pots too, as well as the easy possibility that the veno pull from their own pet.

    On a side note, it must really suck for actual players to have their sound on near that army of scorpions.

    Venos have self mp and hp recovery skills. Also their skills don't take up much mana, especially if they are full mag spec.
    Very very easy to grind with them.
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Venos have self mp and hp recovery skills. Also their skills don't take up much mana, especially if they are full mag spec.
    Very very easy to grind with them.
    You don't even get NG until well in the 30s (if I recall correctly, haven't been that low on a veno for like a year and a half).. and even then, I still ate up mp pots using NG/MB/ST. Maybe I grinded more intensely than others? I don't imagine bots take many breaks either.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Back in the day, this exact bot was attempted, found, thrown over the edge of the world to infinitely fall, and banned exactly one hundred and thirteen million times in PWI.

    Little waterfall of pink-haired deer venos spilling into oblivion
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sihndra wrote: »
    Back in the day, this exact bot was attempted, thrown over the edge of the world to infinitely fall, and banned exactly one hundred and thirteen million times in PWI.
    Like stepping on ants..
  • Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sihndra wrote: »
    Back in the day, this exact bot was attempted, found, thrown over the edge of the world to infinitely fall, and banned exactly one hundred and thirteen million times in PWI.

    Little waterfall of pink-haired deer venos spilling into oblivion

    long time no see? o_o

    but was that a serious number? the 100 and thirteen million times? if so, then b:chuckle

    seriously though thats freaking sick, the most bots ive ever seen in 1 area was like 6 grinding in a party, but never like that, thats totaly insane...

    but venos have always been the best bot choice, as stated, they have the lowiest MP costs, there pet does alot of damage for them anyway while they dont take no damage, thus making them the easyiest bot choice, on my veno though, i rarely ever touched potions, if your munching pots alot as a veno, your playing it wrong :/ (unless you get hit, then sure drink a hp pot)
    its just like, 0%mp?, Natures grace>Soul Transfusion>Metabolic Boost, then go grind again, also im sure all the chinese servers are open pk, im suprised someone just doesnt go Arma them or just zhen them all to death.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    holy ****, venapocalypse
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    long time no see? o_o

    but was that a serious number? the 100 and thirteen million times? if so, then b:chuckle

    seriously though thats freaking sick, the most bots ive ever seen in 1 area was like 6 grinding in a party, but never like that, thats totaly insane...

    but venos have always been the best bot choice, as stated, they have the lowiest MP costs, there pet does alot of damage for them anyway while they dont take no damage, thus making them the easyiest bot choice, on my veno though, i rarely ever touched potions, if your munching pots alot as a veno, your playing it wrong :/ (unless you get hit, then sure drink a hp pot)
    its just like, 0%mp?, Natures grace>Soul Transfusion>Metabolic Boost, then go grind again, also im sure all the chinese servers are open pk, im suprised someone just doesnt go Arma them or just zhen them all to death.

    I haven't seen the higher level areas yet, but if these bots were also designed to kill players as well, I don't think they can be stopped.
    Hence the name zerg rush (aka many characters after one single target).
    Or maybe they are discarded after reaching lvl 30.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Are you kidding me? One BT would be like a Siege Tank blast to them Zerglings.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Are you kidding me? One BT would be like a Siege Tank blast to them Zerglings.

    As I said I have no idea how complex the bot they are using so maybe just general aoes would kill them off...
  • Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sihndra wrote: »

    Little waterfall of pink-haired deer venos spilling into oblivion

    lol'd at this b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Since when Zergs are allowed to expand their creep colony on PW ?! b:shocked
    Call teh zealotz pl0x D:<
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Correct me if I'm wrong but...
    You guys think that our game is dead with all the anni packs and rep badges in cs?
    They don't even have any of that and they have it worse then we do. b:surrender

    So they dont have packs to ruin the game just high gold prices ? . Its no wonder there gold prices are so high if the boting is such a problem.

    Gold price imo is not what ruined this game its the idea that you can buy your end game gear
    which removed the achievment idea thats the basic of any MMO.
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You don't even get NG until well in the 30s (if I recall correctly, haven't been that low on a veno for like a year and a half).. and even then, I still ate up mp pots using NG/MB/ST. Maybe I grinded more intensely than others? I don't imagine bots take many breaks either.

    Pots take away from the profits so does armor repair. If all the veno is doing is healing the pet then the MP will last a long time. Veno is the best class to make money on because you play them right you wont spend any at all to keep them going. Kill things lower lvl then your pet and you almost never have to heal it.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So they dont have packs to ruin the game just high gold prices ? . Its no wonder there gold prices are so high if the boting is such a problem.

    Gold price imo is not what ruined this game its the idea that you can buy your end game gear
    which removed the achievment idea thats the basic of any MMO.

    I never agreed with pwi putting in end game gear and oracles and all those packs in the cs...

    But while it certainly removes a lot of difficulty in this game, its still possible to get around having to pay for these things. Granted getting enough coins for 72g for rank gear is a bit hard and time consuming to grind in game, but not impossible.

    While yes, pwi does indeed have its own problems, I'm only pointing out that the things that we complain about are actually rather insignificant compared to the other versions of this game. (iirc my-en has similar problems as well)
    Also from what I seen on many other f2p mmos, they suffer a lot worse cs issues than pw does. I think the only mmos that really don't have these problems are p2p mmos.
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Also from what I seen on many other f2p mmos, they suffer a lot worse cs issues than pw does. I think the only mmos that really don't have these problems are p2p mmos.

    Thats because P2P games have monthly sub to rely on to pay for keeping the game running and still make a profit to keep the shareholders happy. I've seen CS issues in P2P games but that was after players started getting bored and started quitting. They had to make up loss-ed revenue somehow.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Thats because P2P games have monthly sub to rely on to pay for keeping the game running and still make a profit to keep the shareholders happy. I've seen CS issues in P2P games but that was after players started getting bored and started quitting. They had to make up loss-ed revenue somehow.

    Obviously, yes.
    However some of the more popular p2p mmos have a lot of illegal gold trading, which I'm not sure to which extent how bad it impacts a game. I haven't played a p2p mmo long enough to see..
    Granted that part is bannable, but I have seen quite a few complaints about it here and there.

    Nevertheless, just pointing out that pwi isn't as terribly messed up as the qqers would like to think it is...
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Obviously, yes.
    However some of the more popular p2p mmos have a lot of illegal gold trading, which I'm not sure to which extent how bad it impacts a game. I haven't played a p2p mmo long enough to see..
    Granted that part is bannable, but I have seen quite a few complaints about it here and there.

    Nevertheless, just pointing out that pwi isn't as terribly messed up as the qqers would like to think it is...

    Lol yep it's not. Thats why I come here when I get pissed at the BS my other games do.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Please reply to my PM asap Tni. It's involving a *cough* patch.
    Race: Elf
    Class: Priest
    "I am Vine - Sacred Elven Healer of DOOM"
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *Launches a nuke*
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    That's actually..pretty mild compared to what I've seen in other MMOs >.<. It's get really messed up when there is no control over that situation. Imagine walking into a big zone that is laggy as hell because you have HUNDREDS of bots..
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    That's actually..pretty mild compared to what I've seen in other MMOs >.<. It's get really messed up when there is no control over that situation. Imagine walking into a big zone that is laggy as hell because you have HUNDREDS of bots..

    I seen similar as well.

    I found this more amusing though since this is a similar version of our game.
    If not for the so called 113 million bans made over bots, this could've happened here.
  • Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    haggleooo wrote: »
    Please reply to my PM asap Tni. It's involving a *cough* patch.

    Oh you mean my wonderfully amazingly English patch? How about no. Figure out how to do it on your own with months of effort figuring out the client structure, a few more months learning Java or another programming language to be able to automate the process, and then getting it all to come together in a few days work and lots of annoying agrivation, then you can have a nice English version of the Chinese client

    Yes, I am admitting to modifying the Chinese client on these forums, no I don't give a damn and PWE can't ban me for it as it isn't their client and I never modified their's as much as I want to but I don't, end of story

    I also don't give a damn if Wanmei bans me from the Chinese servers (doubt they will)
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    But while it certainly removes a lot of difficulty in this game, its still possible to get around having to pay for these things. Granted getting enough coins for 72g for rank gear is a bit hard and time consuming to grind in game, but not impossible.

    While yes, pwi does indeed have its own problems, I'm only pointing out that the things that we complain about are actually rather insignificant compared to the other versions of this game. (iirc my-en has similar problems as well).

    You see this is the problem i had with PWI and why i stoped playing.
    Its not the bugs in the game or the fact you sudenly earned less coin from DQ or that coin was replaced in TW's . Even the amount of time/work involved to get good gear wasnt an issue. I even understand that CS needs to be there for them to make a profit .

    However i play MMO's for 2 reasons , 1 is for the fun and 2 is for what i can achieve in the MMO. 1 and 2 go hand in hand imho so if either one fails then the game isnt worth playing. The introduction of Anni packs follwed by all the other packs took awayc 2 the achievements which made no 1 fail.

    Now i see the only achiement left to obtain is max lvl and in all honesty no game is worth playing just for that.

    I dont play PVP but i would asume that the imbalance the CS has caused doesnt make that fun any more either. Though i will stand corrected if PVP players say otherwise.

    Now from what i understand from your origional post is that the origional game doesnt have these packs ? . If that is the case then why have we had them forced on us ? . Worse still alot of the comunity know why and also know why the changes were made to DQ etc . It all totals up to forcing/encouraging pack sales.

    Also it would have been interesting to have had a few servers new or old pack free. I think i would have played on those servers .

    Lastly it doesnt realy mater what i or others think because whom ever dictates the direction PWI goes they dont listen and just go ahead and doit any way. It all comes down to profit not customer satisfaction.

    Why do i post if i dont play anymore ? simply because i realy thought this game was a great game once and it sadens me to think how they screwed it up by being greedy. So any opertunity i get to remind them that its there pure greed thats spoilt this game i will.

    As for there other game, aslong as the people in charge of PWI arnt allowed to get there greedy mits on it then it may turn out to be a good game for a long time. However if its the same people in charge then theres no point even considering it.
  • Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What they trying to do is making a standard for PWE games :
    " Getting the gear is easier but to make it strong is multiple times harder. "

    On a mmorpg with character development there no real balance because of equipments not because the player skills. At that state *gear > skill* since you need gear that can match your rival gear. Let say a recruit use tank while the veteran only able to use AK-47, the veteran have experience advantage but totally defeated on equipments.
    But if everyone has the same gear *skill > gear* is working again. Which usually mmorpg with development like pw doesn't have. Because the game originally designed to make people work for their equipments.
    That was also a part of being skilled, a captain won't be able to do much if he can't earn his team trust. Maybe these was what most mmorpg on asia has, earning your gear is part of being skilled. Even if you very good on using the blade, there no use if you can't earn the blade.

    In the disguise of making the game more friendly to western people, they do drastic changes that didn't match with game features. Which already or going to happen on each of PWE games.

    JD ? You know . .
    BoI ? OFC
    HoTk ? Coming soon (the sign already show up)
    FW ? Well still CBT maybe 6 month after OB

    Not friendly to hardcore F2P players so make your choices. b:chuckle
    ( Especially if you can't do merchant business. )
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...


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