Around Sanctuary in 80 days

Neveiah - Sanctuary
Posts: 14 Arc User
Neveiah's most appealing factions, with friendly members and top teamwork. as a group and good natures by individuals.
I'm sure most are you out there are either
1. looking for a faction
2. in a faction
or 3 skipping around faction to find the right one.
With many "Join us!" 'all Level welcome!!" " TW faction join now!" screaming in world chat continuously over the world chat. And most sounds the same and give the same message which is "Join our faction". But it is the right one? does the world chat of their leader catch your eyes to join the faction? Do the member gives a positive messages and respect in a positive tones?
Well I'm here to give you a review of some of the most eye catching factions that many have joined, and unfortunately for some...have joined then quit.
All the factions I'm about to mentions are all the factions I have attended in for at least 5 days. And is stated in order of the date I have joined.
This is not a thread thats dissing all the factions that is not stated. Im sure there are many great factions out there that i have not mentions. And simply I do not have time to join them all. Especially the higher level requirement one such as Enyl, Regi, Legend, Nef and ext.
This is a simple review of my opinion of the following factions that I have been in. Of which most are for middle leveler around the Sanctuary Server.
And Please no flaming. if you think Im a noob, thanks. If you think im a jerk for joining and quitting, very sorry. If you think of anything negative about me. plz. keep it to yourself.
"TMK sparta"
Leader: Allannia"TMK sparta"
Director: Dustiany
Marshal: Chezarina, shadowxino
Executor: MightyDude, miniteh_moon, LeoXXander
Current Faction Level: 2
Faction Website:
After meeting Moon near plume city on my first quest. after a short hours, she ask if i wanted to join a the time....what's a faction? lol. anyway this was the first faction i was ever in. and i have got to tell you. the leader is extremely nice. and the entire faction will help you out with whatever you need. FB, BH, quest items. ext. and theres not really a waiting list. from what i remember. i asked for help. and i received. from all the factions i been in. and i gotta tell ya. alotttt. this must be the one faction that helped me right away and not with a bad attitude. with a friendly smile and a helping hand. No offense to any other factions or hard feelings. I think you're all amazing. but Allannia takes the trophy for Most Supporting Leader. thanks Alla,Dusti,Shadow,Moon,Chez ext. for helping me in my earlier levels.
Leader: Aluraine"Charisma"
Director: Aimlia
Marshal: M_Darkwater, Jinchuu, nite_nimph
Executor: behind_U, Elly_Mai, Gabbriellea, Sifu_MohTofu, Daodark, _XxLovexX_, Scarwy_Tigwa, In_yu_as_sha, PewPew_NotQQ, AngelPsychic
Current Faction Level: 3
Faction Website:
"We got Charisma is their model" and if you heard "friendly faction" then you're right. I've overheard Aluraine's Faction over the World Chat. And I have been seeing a lot of Charisma members roaming around West Arch, so this was definitely one of the faction that have caught my eyes. Once I joined. there was multiple task that I couldn't do alone. And who step up to the plate? Lol you got it. If you're looking for mass players and helpful members without the drama. PM Aluraine next time you're on Sanctuary. Cause Aluraine and her faction members would more then likely let you join. Unless youre a total jerk that flames everything xD
Leader: Noxey
Director: LordAeseroth
Marshal: DrKdfder, SynisterWolf, Friskys, IshtainX
Executor: Curls, DEalyPenPen, Nalliandrafox, oFreiya, priittyricky, Adalynne, RevRes, LadyNoxey, XxARILLxX, quizling
Current Faction Level: 3
Faction Website:
TruBlood. sorta a horrifying name at first. But I can assure you. That this faction as well as any faction listed on this thread. Is 10/10 friendly. I've met LadyNoxey in FB I believe. As far as I know she was just another member of another factions outa 1000s of them. But after the FB she asked if I needed help with anything else. As any other player. I had tons of quest. One of which no one wanted to help me do on Nameless Island. She said she would switch on her Barb then help me. Turned out her Barb was Noxey and the leader of TruBlood. I was in this faction and wow. very responsive players. Not one of those faction where all you see in faction chat is BLANK BLANK BLANK so boring. These players are talkative, in a positive sense of course. Anyway the one thing that entertain me or help me kill time while I quest is chatting. And this faction is full of chat bubbles lol. Very friendly factions, lots of laugh and humor, minus the drama that we all don't want. which is great cause they have none !!.
Leader: LuvMuffn
Marshal: baibai, Mallion, BoobiesBabe
Executor: ManOntheMoon, Zoobrina, Mr_Plushie, shusuke, DrgnSlayer, lostwolfs, RocksURWorld, Sellah, BOBSTAR, Meridule, PrincessDee
Current Faction Level: 3
Faction Website:
I don't know much about the leader of Sigil. But she must be doing pretty good to have such good and loyal faction members. Two names on top of my head? ManOnTheMoon @ PrincessDee. lol I met these two while questing, and they decided to help me out with not just 1 of my quest. But nearly all of them. Either if its questing, bh, fb, or just randomly meeting up together (Which Happens Quite Alot) they are always hand in hand giving out help and a friendly smile to go with it. I gotta give you a warning though. you'll meet these two at the oddest time xD. today I met up with PrincessDee while she's dead and ManOnTheMoon when he's spamming jumps on his mount xD.
Now I may not know luvmuffn closely. But I think no one else but her here. deserves the "Nicest Faction Leader" to LuvMuffn . why? it takes a nice leader to influence her faction members to follow in the right ways.
Leader: rihano
Director: Angeliique
Marshal: coolie_skunt, king_of_king, boytiger
Executor: Alvaldi, Taibhsecat, LIL_ROSE, Telarith, NickRockzz, frotis, xLeXiEx, Minrothad_ii, Narin_, Daizengar
Current Faction Level: 3
Faction Website:
Like the last faction, I hadn't talk to the leader of Destiny. Just like Sigil faction. Im always on at the wrong time. sry =[ Anyway. rihano, Im here to say youre running one heck of a faction here. it was Angeliique who invited me to the factions. like many other factions this is a friendly faction that accept many players. not only is this a faction with many free players that will help you quest, bh, ext. But upon joining. I mentions that i was selling all my mounts for "dark negatation" over a conversation with Angeliique. And "ShyBabe" offer to sell that very same wings to me :P. ty again ShyBabe. youre awesome :P. but she has recently left Destiny to join Nefarious. nothing personal. and she is still very much friend with faction. anyway the point is. just 10 minutes after joining this faction. and i got what i was looking for for quite awhile. Dark Negatation don't come easy you know. lol. ShyBabe, Angel, rihano, and all the other members. very friendly. :P pm this faction when you turn 80 + i highly recommend it
Leader: Lyzertt
Director: xxStarshade
Marshal: Tsukita, Vulpez, xxReno, Annilea
Executor: Dumbledore, MewZAkuro, HikariHokoroko, Angilee, MIttvy, SindyGoBoom, Jaggerjaques, Weavel, ArcDivine, GirlieEpic
Current Faction Level: 3
Faction Website:
Special Features:
This is a new faction which i overheard as most of every one else. Over the game updates on PWI main website. I had'nt been in this faction for 5 days to get a clear review. But this thread is about the factions that caught my eyes. And this one certainly did. So far. the leader Lyzertt seems fair and reasonable. Along with the director marshals, ext.. are all nice and understandable. I will post an update on this faction futheron.
Post edited by Neveiah - Sanctuary on
edited edited edited[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
DESTINY FTW, Everything she says is true its a great faction TTs a heck of alot,TWs,FCC everything and you can sure to find help anytime u log and with 40+ mems online on average when i log. All officers are funny and nice and always spice up fac chat, when WC is boring u can always look for Fac chat in Destiny for some amazement. Keep Going Strong Destiny
A Proud Member b:pleased0 -
Awww Thank you Neveiah for the wonderful section on us ^^ -=Huggles=-
Remember to add we TW Weekly; and we have Vent for VC - Forums are Premium n Ad~Free ^_~ xD0 -
Thank you Neve, it was a pleasure to have you with us as well. Stay in touch and keep up the good work b:victory0
Thank you Nev! b:thanks
I'm sorry I wasn't able to play with u more when u were in Sigil... We are very fortunate to have wonderful people - like Dee & Moon in our familyb:cute0 -
It was great to watch you grow so fast from your fb19 to your fb51 Neve. I hope you find a great faction that can help you along your journey.0
Thanks Nev! Ima miss you in fac! Let us know if you ever need anything, you know we do our best to help.0
Thanks for the section on us. Hope to get to know you for the time you're with us in Myriad.helr-cleric-8x
punching_bag-barb 7x0 -
Neveiah - Sanctuary wrote: »AGAIN NO FLAMING.
Too late.
You admit you haven't been in those factions for a longer period of time. That means you can't really tell wether they are nice or not. It usually takes a lot of time to get to know the majority of the members, and the true face of a faction always shows when it comes to a crisis. Five days do not make you a faction expert.
Now how do we usually call a person who joins a faction then leaves after a very short time and for either minor reasons or no reason at all to join the next best faction? That's right a faction hopper.
Now my little faction hopper you could at least have asked the factions for their history or something instead of giving tips that obviously do not reflect the reality. I take Myriad as example because I hardly know the other factions. You claim it to be a new faction? It has been around for a long time, probably longer than yourself. The only thing that changed was the leader from Dumbledore to Lyzertt on good terms.
Also when I look at your reviews the dominating criteria seems to be: How much did the faction help newbe me instantly? And I would like to answer with a question myself: What did you do for them? Nothing. You made them work for you and then left. That's in fact what breaks many smaller factions, when people come and let the faction do everything just to leave for another one in the end. It is real people that invest their time to help members so they one day might get something back like loyality or an officer that helps new members him-/herself. Too many people on this server come in, take, and leave without a thanks maybe even badmouthing how unhelpfull all their factions have been... thanks for giving them an example.And Please no flaming. if you think Im a noob, thanks. If you think im a jerk for joining and quitting, very sorry. If you think of anything negative about me. plz. keep it to yourself.
Ever heard of producing the oposite effect by telling people what all not to do?
Anyway... your thread is fail. It is nothing else than a collection of short term impressions of yourself. You didn't even bother to get some real facts into it. You've made the mentioned factions happy it seems by mentioning their names on the forum... well congratulations that's really admirable.
Good advice for the future: If you don't want to hear other people's opinions, don't post on a forum.Cervantia BM 100 / Calivthel Cleric 101 / Davinella Archer 9x
Kachengy Seeker 8x / Pianna Wizard 8x
I need neither goons nor powerleveling.
Addicted to PW since Mai 09.
Factionless.0 -
i assume this thread is just a summary for new ppl that come what faction to come and what to expect..
but i couldnt agree more with Cervantia - knowing a faction takes Alot of time.. and clanjumpers = any factions worst nightmare.. im staying in 1 faction for almost a year now and i see how ppl quitting affect others..
it might be a good guide for those who just join PWI, but could be more detailed :> 'friendly', 'helpful' and so on doesnt say much.. i suggest you stay in those factions for at least a month to see how active they are etc. what factions do more wbs, what do more fcc, tt etc. so ppl can see what they want more from pwi and join factions depending on that - if THIS is what faction is for
and its hard to make and almost impossible to maintain a new faction these days :> gj to those who did
i have a strategy for clanjumpers: e.x reaching lvl 90 getting all the help with bosses and then quitting - i simply blacklist them and dont squad with them anymore, also give a perma - ban for the faction = see blacklist and if they are to join tell the leader why a person can no longer join us >:P so far got 5 ppl on blacklist - only put those who truly deserve it0 -
I stated that i hadn'vt been in those faction for a long time. but as you can see by comments. I have no negative tensions with any of the faction leaders or mate. And let me see.....
I posted first impression. not last.
obviously if you join a faction and its bad already. people being force around, no positive agrreedment by any of the members. its obviously a no go. these factions are delightful. and all the other i joined. have these negative thoughts on leaders. with greedyness and nothing else about the having fun part. just the LEVELING and one day getting a piece of land. that kind of thoughts are ok. but not when its the only thoughts. and you can tell whats the faction is like in less then 5 days trust me.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
and once again i state if you guys thing these factions have a negative tensions against me.
ask any of them. they don't. Theyre delighted xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I can't speak for all of us in Myriad, but at least for me, Neveiah was a fun person to have around for the time that she was with us, even knowing from the start that she wouldn't be with us very long. She was funny, friendly, and helpful, and i would not hesitate to allow her to come back if she wants.I can certainly understand not wanting to squad or chat with someone who has come to your faction, bothered everyone for help, and then left without saying a word, but that is not the case here.Cervantia - Sanctuary wrote: »Also when I look at your reviews the dominating criteria seems to be: How much did the faction help newbe me instantly? And I would like to answer with a question myself: What did you do for them? Nothing. You made them work for you and then left.
Again, can't speak for everyone, but also not the case. As far as i can remember, Neveiah asked for help once.
So while it is very true that there are faction hoppers out there using people and providing nothing in return, Neveiah is not one of them. So i would thank you to stop raging at one of my former faction mates, and check your info next time.
tl;dr We liked her and we would take her back.helr-cleric-8x
punching_bag-barb 7x0 -
Well, I cant say much about my first fac, since I never knew them well, but the leader was a nice guy. Then at level 9, I joined, SkyKings, which was a nice fac, which helped with FB 19. But at lvl42 I joined Plume, which is an AWESOME fac. They help with everything, from FBs to BHs and quest bosses. Faction members are active, everyone is friendly, and as you can guess from the name, there are PILES of clerics and venos. The leader, LadyNasui, is very nice, and everyone who's an executor or above is very active. I'm still in the faction to this date, and I do not doubt their niceness. GO PLUME!0
i dont help anyone.
wonder why we have so many members b:shutup
well but in general 'i left cos noone was helping me' is an awesome exuse i just love that b:chuckle
yes of course faction is all and only about Being helped b:bye
btw who needs help pm in game if i have time0 -
Every faction has it's ups and downs.
Every faction has it's good people and it's not so good people.
Every faction has those people that become your friends for the remainder of your time in Perfect World and has those people that you just want to stomp into dust every time you see them.
Every faction is a family in itself and each and every family is as different as night and day. I've been in many factions, and really not by choice have I left some. There are just as many reasons why a person leaves a faction as there is in joining one.
Every faction has a different set of goals and reason for being. So sometimes when you join one, after a time period you can discover that it's just not the home for you. That I can understand.
To the originator of this thread: I think I see your point in discovering different factions. BUT... you do not have nearly a comprehensive enough list. AND I agree that staying only 5 days is really just not quite long enough. That said, I'm not sure that our faction would like you to join with knowing you'd only be there a few days just for the purpose of you "trying us out" to see what we're like so that you could publish your thoughts and feelings about us. I really think we'd prefer people to join us after hearing about our goals and desires and deciding on their own if they'd like to be one of us.
Because what if, in those 5 days that you're there, we do have a bit of family drama? And on the day after you leave we are once again our happy friendly family selves. Now you have the opinion of us that we're not friendly and only fight amoungst each other when in fact, it is quite the opposite.
I'm in Liquid and frankly I'm happy about it. It's been a great home but it has had more ups and downs that any other faction I have ever been in. And with each and every up and down, it makes me more determined to stay there. I think I have actually found that in having to deal with the downs, it makes the ups so much better.
To the poster in Plume: I was in there once. Unfortunitely I was there on a "down" and I did end up leaving on not so good terms. BUT... most everyone I came in contact with was very nice and I have even referred lower level people to your faction when they could not come into Liquid because of our recruiting levels. Simply because my experiences there may not have been what I needed, but the faction as a whole is a very good faction.
That's the thing. You might not be able to stay in a faction... but being able to leave and still refer people there... that's good. Just because a faction doesn't meet your needs, doesn't mean it won't meet someone else's. My advice after this very long post... if you need to leave a faction, that's fine... but do so on good terms. I have no use for "rage quitters" and they have no place in our faction.
I have lots more to say but I'm going to be quiet now. (Ig knows I have a problem being quiet sometimes b:thanks)
b:shutup b:bye0 -
ya why talking so much b:surrender
i think i could write a post now ' around Liquid in 360 days' b:laugh but ill prolly wont do that...0 -
Jandira - Sanctuary wrote: »AND I agree that staying only 5 days is really just not quite long enough.
At TMKSparta we had Neve from her fb19 up to her fb51. She was very helpful to all members during her time with us. We had the pleasure of Neve's company for a lot more than a mere 5 days.0 -
Hey so i was wondering how do i add or go to a certain fac on this websiteb:pleased0
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