Dead Classes
Where is the option for sin?0
Javulani - Lost City wrote: »Where is the option for sin?
Wh- I'm sorry but what are you on?
That's just... Hopefully sarcasm b:chuckle0 -
BravestBarb - Heavens Tear wrote: »People are saying barbs are not going to die. However, APS is problem for us. Even after that the poll shows 42.5% of people (unfortunately im one of them cuz of aps b:surrender) saying barbs are going to die. I just hope they dont b:sad
Here's a typical doomsday "PWI is dead/dying" thread almost a year ago, shortly after TB expansion:
Doomsday for BM:
No moar clerics!:
Archers don't exist, they were replaced by sins already:
Sins suck because they are LA:
Here's a set of Mumintroll posts (the person who started this topic) nearly half a year ago:Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »Mine few seconds. I'm playing on private server now without, genies, anniversary pack, tideborns etc. and I have to say, that is MUCH better balanced than this **** of ****. I surprised myself how big difference is it. I recommend to try any1 especially GM. Maybe then they will realize how bad is this version of game.Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm done with this unbalanced stupid game. I don't play anymore.
Yesterday was killed in cube by lv. 89 assassin. I couldn't do ANYTHING just watch as he killing me. Enough if enough. I was also online discussing with GM after I was killed. He was unable to tell me, what I should do against them. NOTHING just told me I should send some suggestions. HA,HA,HA,HA,HA
STUPID GAME. Absolutely not worth playing because of unbalanced races.b:angry
I don't think that GM cannot do anything. I'm leasing the car and if car would be seriously broken I have right to return it. So I think GM has some word in China dev. if they paying for license.
I'm going on private server and wait till ***.
Supposedly ragequit but strangely is still posting and can't manage to find anywhere else to post..
Anyhow, barbs will not die. They will reduce in numbers because people prefer to see big numbers, fast attack rate, and barb aggro skills work for poo because they haven't figured out how to balance this out. However, I still see people whining constantly for lower level FF's about needing a barb, needing them for BH, needing them for RB.. kinda hard for a class to die that can beastial, invoke, have a increase HP buff, increase phys atk buff, and have well over 20K HP. Even the fist barbs are useful. People just like to exaggerate and spell doom and gloom. This is because they likely have extreme social problems without an ability to think and function from any rational perspective.0 -
The order of dead characters 1 being most not dead.
1. BM
2. Sin
3. Wizard
4. Archer
5. Psy
6. Veno
7. barb
8. Cleric
1 being most NOT dead ? So clerics at 8. are dead then ? lmfao.
I have yet to see people running their BH's without clerics.
I have yet to see people rezzing themselves.
I have yet to see GOOD squads without clerics.
IF you're talking about endgame, sure, lvl 101+ 5.0 APS Ubergeared freaks can solo stuff. So who the **** cares about that ? This game isn't about soloing all the time, its about squads, and factions and playing with friends.
I see in faction often enough "any cleric available ? " I see a LOT of squads in Arch asking for clerics AND tanks (barbs).
There is no TW without either clerics or barbs. Going in without any would be a major loss.
The only classes "underplayed" are truly the Archers and Wizards. I have no freakin idea why, but it's those 2 classes that imo do major damage at high lvl. Psy's are also a bit less then the sins and bm's, but they're reasonnably new and about in the same league as wizards, who were less in numbers anyways.
As for veno's, well, they can solo a LOT of stuff, do major AoE damage and can generally **** people off in TW. Who wouldn't like that on their side ?
I'm honestly getting tired of all the bullcrap people spout on these forums. NO class can truly be missed. Or do you really believe that people at lower level, before they have ubergear and 5.0 can solo stuff without tanks or clerics and some DD's ?
Do people really think that the new seeker class will be a replacement for barbs ? Or that the mystics will just replace veno's ? If so, then they should really learn to read the description of those classes....
True, they could give barbs something "extra", but as it stands now, i'm always happy to see our barbs online and willing to tank those pesky bosses, or to see our clerics doing their awesome job of keeping us all alive.
Those that refuse barbs in their squads, or any other class, are total morons who probably do not have the intelligence to grasp the concept of game mechanics and got to a high lvl while disregarding any knowledge of the other classes or forget how they themselves were in need of those classes once.
If ALL the barbs out there would simply do a "strike" for a week, you would immediately see QQing all over the forums "where are the barbs ?" "can't find tank" or whatever. Same deal with clerics. So putting those 2 at 7. and 8. shows how little people know about the game.0 -
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »Here's a typical doomsday "PWI is dead/dying" thread almost a year ago, shortly after TB expansion:
Doomsday for BM:
No moar clerics!:
Archers don't exist, they were replaced by sins already:
Sins suck because they are LA:
Supposedly ragequit but strangely is still posting and can't manage to find anywhere else to post..
Anyhow, barbs will not die. They will reduce in numbers because people prefer to see big numbers, fast attack rate, and barb aggro skills work for poo because they haven't figured out how to balance this out. However, I still see people whining constantly for lower level FF's about needing a barb, needing them for BH, needing them for RB.. kinda hard for a class to die that can beastial, invoke, have a increase HP buff, increase phys atk buff, and have well over 20K HP. Even the fist barbs are useful. People just like to exaggerate and spell doom and gloom. This is because they likely have extreme social problems without an ability to think and function from any rational perspective.
Words of wisdom :O finally someone with the ability to think rationally. I like ur sig too. But I admit I think some parts of the game have been killed off, when they shouldnt have. and some classes are dying as ppl reroll. But I'm not worried about any tank class or support or solo/ balanced classes dying out its mostly dds who have to worry, as they are often seen as being used interchangeably. With this aps craze, i feel that the wizard and psychic could have the most trouble with their numbers going down.
One more thing. Archers stop whining now. We are not dying many ppl are just going claw to keep up with aps craze and lucky us we get 5 aps easier than most. In pk yes we've yet to find a way to combat sins with their stealth, but it can't be impossible we just have to try more and sins likely have a few patches coming their way to balance things out a bit. We are still asked for and wanted more than magic using dds and we have sharpened tooth arrow and barrage, so no we are not dying.0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »What do you think about literally dead classes after new classes will come out in February?
Also, in the poll, "physic"? Really? I hate that misspelling. They aren't even a physical class! It's "psychic", dang it! b:angry b:chuckle
Anyways, I think that the literally dead classes will be vampire and mummy. Does undead count as dead? Er... wait, what was the question?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)0 -
barb is an awesome class, i'd hate to see it die. but if it does, i at least hope that the seeker class will have aggro skills0
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »Here's a typical doomsday "PWI is dead/dying" thread almost a year ago, shortly after TB expansion:
Doomsday for BM:
No moar clerics!:
Archers don't exist, they were replaced by sins already:
Sins suck because they are LA:
Here's a set of Mumintroll posts (the person who started this topic) nearly half a year ago:
Supposedly ragequit but strangely is still posting and can't manage to find anywhere else to post..
Anyhow, barbs will not die. They will reduce in numbers because people prefer to see big numbers, fast attack rate, and barb aggro skills work for poo because they haven't figured out how to balance this out. However, I still see people whining constantly for lower level FF's about needing a barb, needing them for BH, needing them for RB.. kinda hard for a class to die that can beastial, invoke, have a increase HP buff, increase phys atk buff, and have well over 20K HP. Even the fist barbs are useful. People just like to exaggerate and spell doom and gloom. This is because they likely have extreme social problems without an ability to think and function from any rational perspective.
Thanks to posting my opinion. Every normal thinking people have to realize, that I'm right. Falling PWI started adding tideborns. After new classes will come this gap will be even wider. Personally I think I know what dev. doing. They trying to "kill" old classes and lure people to reroll and start spending money on new classes.
The fact is old PW without tideborns and - interval gear or even without genies is much better balanced at all. Either in PVE as in PVP.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I think Wizzys are dead, Psychics killed them.
Barbs can never die neither clerics, their roles are set in stone. The only 5.0 that can tank are the Cash Shoppers really.
Archers/Clawchers/Bm's/Sins are the most popular class right now, everyone wants 5.0 in one of it's variations just because everyone else is doing it. (This is the only reason barbs are thinning out)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »In pk yes we've yet to find a way to combat sins with their stealth, but it can't be impossible we just have to try more and sins likely have a few patches coming their way to balance things out a bit.
Why do people still say this after assassins have been out for over a year?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
/n00bness - Wtf is APS and 5.0...?0
i voted wiz, but thats redundant to say since we are alrdy a ded class, im the only wiz in my lvl range in my entire faction. the most i see is sin's, bm's, and barb's. But the venos will probably go extinct since their coming out with sex changable venos AKA mystics, so the veno might very well go extinct. only thing they'll be used for is for pvp im guessing. Sin's and Psy's replaced the human race (BM & Wizzies) im guessing the earthguards are going to replace the untamed. and their probably going to come out with another expansion wiping out the elves too. although the mystics can revive people still...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »Thanks to posting my opinion. Every normal thinking people have to realize, that I'm right. Falling PWI started adding tideborns. After new classes will come this gap will be even wider. Personally I think I know what dev. doing. They trying to "kill" old classes and lure people to reroll and start spending money on new classes.
The fact is old PW without tideborns and - interval gear or even without genies is much better balanced at all. Either in PVE as in PVP.0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Why do people still say this after assassins have been out for over a year?
Because I believe it to be truemaybe im wrong, most likely i am. Pardon me Im an idiot.b:surrender
but how can one class just completely absolutaly be undefeatable for all of us who arent HA?
Is it really that broken? I try to think its not. Believe me i did my share of QQing about them because undeniably, they are overpowered. Like the rest of us I am waiting on some sort of patch that fixes their broken points...which even I'm not so big an idiot that I have total faith that Gms will come to the rescue.
but that overpowered? We cant do anything no matter what? It's more a matter of me not wanting to believe that I guess.....0 -
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »I know, I know, everyone realizes you're right.. that's why they're still playing the game and you're still posting on the forums in an exercise of futility wishing the game to be back before the tideborn expansion and raging about a game you claim not to play anymore. b:laugh
Sure people still playing but still less and less old classes. I'm not willing to throw out almost 2 years of playing(like others and start new class) because of dev. stupidity.
So I will show their stupidity whenever I will able to. That's why I stopped to play. They don't care about old classes as I said before they just care about suck the money from your pocket.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
No 3 man 3-3 run/wb hunt would be complete without the barb....buffs.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
wizzards for sure. if we are talking about the "appeal of new players" then both psy and mystic will be alot more fun and easier to lvl up in the lower lvls, so new players might gravitate towards them alot more then wizz.
the older higher lvl wizards might stay, but i seriously doubt there will be many new wizzards flowing in.
seekers might prevent new baby barbs from being made, but not to the extent of wizzards.0 -
No class will go extinct, imo. As long as people have the option to choose whichever class they want there's always going to be a noobie "obsolete" char running around. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
To be or not to be.
Current Goals: none.0 -
So . . when we will get the gunner class ?
Ranged class with no range penalty and faster aspd.
Can't wait . . b:victory
Though i think there no more new race after earthguard, only new class maybe though,[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear wrote: »So . . when we will get the gunner class ?
Ranged class with no range penalty and faster aspd.
Can't wait . . b:victory
Though i think there no more new race after earthguard, only new class maybe though,
This idea makes me uncomfortable. At least I still have my slingshot ^^0 -
Lmao as a sin i love seeing this come on barbs and clerics die then who else is gonna keep my squishy *** alive when they add more uber hard instances that i cant tank barbs clerics and all non 5.0 aps u always got a spot with me b:victory0
5APS become a solo class since it wastes their time to be in squads with others unless it's AoE related; so they don't kill any class. Wiz is still in high demand for RB, and I have no problem getting in decent FF squads with one.
The class I hear is dead most often is Barb, yet they're the ones getting large coin offers for various jobs. Some argue for their HP buff, but the time I want it most is for BH3-3 where it gets purged anyway!
Individuals will die:
Barbs that couldn't hold aggro (either laziness or poor build)
Venos that didn't amp or get a herc
Clerics that don't purify, put BB too close to mobs for lure, etc
BMs that use claw/ fist when surrounded by mobs, and don't HF on bosses
etc..Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
This won't happen no dead classes.Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.0
lol physics option in poll. Sorry about being a grammar **** but I could not ignore it.
Physics is not a dead class people English is a dead class on the forums.0 -
Archers, Wizards, and Psychics have always been an underplayed class. With 5.0 becoming more popular, you're seeing fewer barbs.
I'm a little worried about the Venomancer class now, since it seems Mystics will be more "useful".
What is this game coming to?0 -
Archers are remaining the only ranged melee damage dealer. They wont die just like that. Even if a sin or a bm is using a bow it will deal waaaaaaaay less damage. I think venos are going down b:surrender0
I believe that no class is "dead", just some are less common than others. Everyone has their own preferences in playing and gaming style. Although, you generally find that BMs and Sins are the two most common classes.
I picked a Barb, and I have a 89 BM. I have never wanted to reroll my Barb to a different class, or something. I enjoy it quite well. Now, while many people don't play Wizzys anymore due to slow channeling on skills, added w/ hard to get in end-game instances... There are still plenty 100+ wizzys around. Same with Barbs, which have become nothing more than DDs end-game, unless your in a slow squad and must tank (Normally doesn't happen).0 -
Don't say that Wizzies are dead b:surrender
But serious, I think wizards too. Its really hard nowadays to find any other wizard in squad doing BH69 or asking for BHs. Sad, but true.
I have a barb (RT) and a sin (Sanctuary) alt, but I have more fun playing this little squishy toon than those other two. FCC's are much more fun with Dragon's Breath and I like big numbers. I just wish I could crit more b:sad0 -
I dont think an entire class can die out unless there is some sort of PWI-genocide and majority of accounts gets deleted or everyone re-rolls. But its still loads of people playing archer, wizard, barb, veno etc. They will be around after expansions to, maybe a little bit less while trying out new classes.
But of course there will be even less people creating new chars from the "old classes" after expansion. Most new chars today seems to be assassins or interval build BMs, dunno maybe that will change a bit.0 -
Born_Free - Harshlands wrote: »Archers, Wizards, and Psychics have always been an underplayed class. With 5.0 becoming more popular, you're seeing fewer barbs.
I'm a little worried about the Venomancer class now, since it seems Mystics will be more "useful".
What is this game coming to?0
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