Argue me why a level cap exists for good reason

norcalgooey Posts: 6 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Suggestion Box
To be quite honest, the level cap makes absolutely no sense. Everyone knows that. All it does is make all the hard work people put in to achieve 100 in the first place almost pointless. There should not be a level cap, but perhaps at level 100 you could make xp increase by 20% (as opposed to ~10% which is the pre level 100 increase in xp per level) not the astronomical increases in xp you have now.

Even IF there is no new content for these players to play, it still gives them a much bigger incentive to play the game. Why? PvP. Someone who plays more than others should deserve more power. It's as simple as that. You already have to hyper xp system in place for those who cannot play as much or for those who want to squeeze every last drop of xp per day out of there 24 hours.

I started the game 5 days ago. Been playing an MMOs for 5 years and PWE, this is by far the best MMO I have ever played even in its "f2p but P2p makes leveling way quicker, easier (hyper, charms)" and overly priced cash shop form now. (Side not, cash shop should be at max 1/4 of the prices they are now. Seriously. It's just pixels).

I propose a removal of the level cap and a decrease in the xp (20% increase from level to level, still quite difficult by the time you reach 110+..believe me. because mob xp won't increase it will decrease unless higher level mobs are added) needed from 100+. Makes 100+ difficult, but not only obtainable by someone who 18x XP solos frost for like 3 months just to go from level 104-105 AND gain only 5 ATTRIBUTE POINTS.

All xp gained will be kept by all players. So if kitamura has 4 billion xp and 4 billion xp in the new level model happens to be level 115...then kitamura will now be 115.

All gaining levels will do will increase attribute points, and base stats that improve upon leveling (such as HP and MP). It will not grant new skill levels and such. want to take the time to add all that game content in.

Also, this will make it so anyone around level 100 will have a fighting chance to win, but a level 110 will have the slight upper hand due to 50 more Attribute points. And a 120 will crush a level 100 but if level 100 is only 30 million xp and level 120 is like 6 billion, THAT LEVEL 120 DESERVES TO BE STRONGER ON PAPER.

I almost already want to quit knowing that by the time I reach level 100 (probably pretty soon given how fast this xp is) I will have nothing to do.

I've only been playing 5 days and I know most of the major flaws in this game. Don't you think that's a problem PWE? New players discovering flaws within a week? That's not even enough to make someone play through a basic trial of a P2P game.

But the biggest problem by far, is having a level cap period. Want me to give you guys some incentive PWE? With no level cap even more zen will be bought for hypers and training esos. And by more I mean A LOT MORE. It's a win win for both the players and PWE employees.

Please, for the sake of what's left of this beautiful game, remove the level cap and change the 100+ experience in the manner I just suggested. The community will be SO b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased

Edit: I thought my character would be linked but I guess not. I'm level 57 and I dont think I have even played 24 hours yet.
Post edited by norcalgooey on


  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lvling up PWI is no big deal nowadays it's more a question of how much $ you want to put into the game. You can oracle to 90 within a day + then make yourself 100 by hypering but you will do that at the cost of a lot of the game content. Since Rank Gear is also cashable you also wouldnt suffer anything when it comes to stuff questions for endgame PvP. And even if you dont do so your daily quests will also help you making a steady progress with your character which i really think is good. Dont get me wrong im no lazy person when it comes to grinding because i played asian grinding mmorpgs before where you were happy if after a whole day of killing mobs a slight change in the xp bar was there. Let me explain to you why being lvl 100 in PWI doesnt mean the game is finished and why i think your idea of opening the lvl cap might ruin the game.

    -Most of the lvl 100 players still dont have all of their skills maxed especially Sage/Demon skillbooks arent easy to obtain at all and will keep you busy for quite a long time to farm the spirit and coins to get them so if you want to fully max your characters abilities it will take you way longer than the time it took you to turn 100

    -There are several things in the game like instances and areas to unlock (OHT..)that require quests to be done or other effort from the player. If you dont run into the cash shop but farm your gear yourself you wont have lvl 100 gear at lvl 100 if you are average you will have lvl 90 gear so there is also still a lot to be done. You will notice that some of the instances are really hard to be done at the lvl they are designed for. Try a FB 19 when you are lvl 19 with a squad of lvl 19 players for instance

    -If you want to max out your crafting skills it will take you ages to grind for the mats

    -Opening up the lvl cap would simply ruin PvP because the difference normal playing players would have no chance to catch up with the 24h nerds and heavy cash players + lvl differene in PvP also in/decreases dmg dealt/received by a player.

    -I guess im not the only one who doesnt like characters that cant be beaten just because they have reached lvl X thats boring and makes game less fun for others. Players in PvP already are able to gain huge advantages over another player by having better gear so your suggestion would be the overkill and to be honest i dont like to see faction pvps where 1 player easily wipes out 30 others because that kills tactic and teamwork in PvP
    Not to mention the huge amount of idiots who you wont be able to come by at all

    -PWI constantly developes new game content so the next upcoming expansion will bring you 2 new exciting classes and it looks like PWI wants to give people the chance to play more than 1 character to endgame

    greetz harm0wnie

    PS: in 5 days you might be able to handle your character but i strongly doubt you have an idea of all the things to explore in PWI. Trust me lvling speed slows down once you reached the 80s and even more in the 90s. I would even suggest higher cash shop prices even higher on refinement and rep since it shouldnt be possible to receive endgame rank gear which is as good as gear where other people had to farm years.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Because if two people who were over level 105 fought, PWI would explode.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Darksnow - Harshlands
    Darksnow - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    thanks for posting this thread!!!

    i've been wondering since the everything rank went on sale and another set of new classes are coming out soon... if PWI was going to raise their lvl cap. from wat i've read here i doubt they will considering wat everyone has said here.

    I must admit though i was one of those that was hoping for the lvl cap to rise bc when i grind i pick up items i cant use bc their 105+ reqiuremnt lvl. O.o''' weird right?
    other than that im actually fine with the lvl cap since there is only one person that i know of who is actually 105. :D gratz Kitamura.... srry if i spelled it wrong xD
  • norcalgooey
    norcalgooey Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lvling up PWI is no big deal nowadays it's more a question of how much $ you want to put into the game. You can oracle to 90 within a day + then make yourself 100 by hypering but you will do that at the cost of a lot of the game content. Since Rank Gear is also cashable you also wouldnt suffer anything when it comes to stuff questions for endgame PvP. And even if you dont do so your daily quests will also help you making a steady progress with your character which i really think is good. Dont get me wrong im no lazy person when it comes to grinding because i played asian grinding mmorpgs before where you were happy if after a whole day of killing mobs a slight change in the xp bar was there. Let me explain to you why being lvl 100 in PWI doesnt mean the game is finished and why i think your idea of opening the lvl cap might ruin the game.

    -Most of the lvl 100 players still dont have all of their skills maxed especially Sage/Demon skillbooks arent easy to obtain at all and will keep you busy for quite a long time to farm the spirit and coins to get them so if you want to fully max your characters abilities it will take you way longer than the time it took you to turn 100

    -There are several things in the game like instances and areas to unlock (OHT..)that require quests to be done or other effort from the player. If you dont run into the cash shop but farm your gear yourself you wont have lvl 100 gear at lvl 100 if you are average you will have lvl 90 gear so there is also still a lot to be done. You will notice that some of the instances are really hard to be done at the lvl they are designed for. Try a FB 19 when you are lvl 19 with a squad of lvl 19 players for instance

    -If you want to max out your crafting skills it will take you ages to grind for the mats

    -Opening up the lvl cap would simply ruin PvP because the difference normal playing players would have no chance to catch up with the 24h nerds and heavy cash players + lvl differene in PvP also in/decreases dmg dealt/received by a player.

    -I guess im not the only one who doesnt like characters that cant be beaten just because they have reached lvl X thats boring and makes game less fun for others. Players in PvP already are able to gain huge advantages over another player by having better gear so your suggestion would be the overkill and to be honest i dont like to see faction pvps where 1 player easily wipes out 30 others because that kills tactic and teamwork in PvP
    Not to mention the huge amount of idiots who you wont be able to come by at all

    -PWI constantly developes new game content so the next upcoming expansion will bring you 2 new exciting classes and it looks like PWI wants to give people the chance to play more than 1 character to endgame

    greetz harm0wnie

    PS: in 5 days you might be able to handle your character but i strongly doubt you have an idea of all the things to explore in PWI. Trust me lvling speed slows down once you reached the 80s and even more in the 90s. I would even suggest higher cash shop prices even higher on refinement and rep since it shouldnt be possible to receive endgame rank gear which is as good as gear where other people had to farm years.

    The only reason my idea wouldn't work (fixing the xp from 100-105 and removing cap) is the cash shop and oracles.

    THE ONLY REASON. Otherwise, my idea rewards an infinite amount of effort and experience just like everything else in life. You get out what you put in. Not in this game. Kitamura would be level 126 or 127 following my model of 20% xp increase from level 100+.

    It is very stupid to say it would ruin pvp. It would not (honestly it can't get any worse can it?). It would bring the element of surprise back into the game because you wouldn't KNOW that person you are facing is of the same THEORETICAL PAPER ABILITY AS YOU (level don't matter all theoretically just about as good as eachother). But if a level 100 faced a 130+ more attribute points Kitamura, they'd get destroyed. As they should.

    Games should reward endless effort. They should not reward being born rich enough.

    Kitamura deserves level 126-127 because s/he did it F2P!!! That's all I am saying. Oracles, GREAT IDEA. Hypering, GREAT IDEA.

    Making those items available via real life currency...STUPID.

    Who could Oracle if they had to pay 30k coins per 15k xp...? I mean people could if they saved up coins for a long time but making coins in game is nowhere near as fast as making minimum wage (equivalent to 8 million coins) in real life. Not to mention most people who spend money on this game are making more than minimum wage.

    I am going to recreate the original concepts of this MMO without all the bull**** they decided to add. It'll be a few years down the road at least before I'm finished with all the game concepts and design, then it will just be up to graphical artists and devs to implement.

    Why are Oracling and hypering a good thing? They allow quick leveling of alts or if you had a friend who was starting the game new you could give him a jump start.

    MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. I honestly can't believe any game thinks they can charge someone 100s of dollars of real life money for pixels...and not just any ol vanity pixels, nope...these pixels effect game play!! (rank 9..)
  • norcalgooey
    norcalgooey Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    thanks for posting this thread!!!

    i've been wondering since the everything rank went on sale and another set of new classes are coming out soon... if PWI was going to raise their lvl cap. from wat i've read here i doubt they will considering wat everyone has said here.

    I must admit though i was one of those that was hoping for the lvl cap to rise bc when i grind i pick up items i cant use bc their 105+ reqiuremnt lvl. O.o''' weird right?
    other than that im actually fine with the lvl cap since there is only one person that i know of who is actually 105. :D gratz Kitamura.... srry if i spelled it wrong xD

    The problem with the level cap is that it offers minimum reward for maximum effort. They could have made the same 4billion xp level 105 into level 126 and gave a great deal of incentive to continue the leveling aspect of the game (by my model of 20% xp increase at level 100+ not the astronomical proportions they are now).

    Others would have easily beat Kitamura to 105 they just saw no incentive. Most stop at 101 you know.
  • norcalgooey
    norcalgooey Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    -I guess im not the only one who doesnt like characters that cant be beaten just because they have reached lvl X thats boring and makes game less fun for others. Players in PvP already are able to gain huge advantages over another player by having better gear so your suggestion would be the overkill and to be honest i dont like to see faction pvps where 1 player easily wipes out 30 others because that kills tactic and teamwork in PvP
    Not to mention the huge amount of idiots who you wont be able to come by at all

    Your blowing this way out of proportion. Even if a player is level 120 that would mean they could probably barely even handle 2 or 3 level 100s.


    But the cash shop interferring with experience gains is the #1 problem the game has and trickles down to almost everything. I don't care if that level 20 has a cooler mount than a level 100 because they paid 100 dollars in the cash shop for it.

    I do care that that level 20 can catch up to a level 100 in a few days by spending a few 100 dollars in the cash shop.

    PWE you make me sick. Do you not realize how good your game was?

    I love money, but by no means am I greedy. I would not destroy my reputation just to make a quick buck.

    PWE will be no more in a while. They will bleed this game dry and reputation will be so destroyed nothing will bring old players back and new players will leave after they learn more about PWE as a company.

    Or do you want to come out of hiding and tell me everything I just said isn't true? That you are going to reverse the cash shop for game play advantages feature, allow more levels to be gained (via actual in game play not insane xp boosts due to being rich IRL) and actually start caring about the whole reason you made money in the first place? A fantastically designed game from a concept and game play perspective that caused people to become so involved in the game due to sheer enjoyment that they started making the game their job. Literally. Parts of paychecks going to this game so you can have stronger pixels is just ABSURD.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You already quoted that section in your first post.

    Also, /breakpostchainlol.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • norcalgooey
    norcalgooey Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why don't you add something of value to the thread? I was addressing a specific part of the post
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I answered your question. And my previous to post was to keep you from quadruple-posting, which is four time over the legal posting limit (without a break). So therefore, I saved your forum life. You should thank me.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why are you posting anymore if you do not play? And yeah I need to post a lot because this is the first time the thread has seen responses.

    This is the OP btw..
  • Candleflame - Sanctuary
    Candleflame - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You have any idea how much exp you need between lvls 101 to 105 b:scorn
    Yes somebody got 105 much do most fast lvlers have to spend on the game money wise and time wise? How well do they really know how to play their class, how many skills do they have?

    I think HarmOnie makes some good points. I highly doubt you really know that much about the game in a couple days.... b:chuckle

    Also, raising the cap lvl won't solve anything. People will keep on hypering and what not no matter what. Raising it will just make people do it more. Pwi just keeps on making it easier to lvl and get good gear fast if you spend money....that is the main thing that needs to be fixed rather than getting people to spend more on the game.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why are you posting anymore if you do not play? And yeah I need to post a lot because this is the first time the thread has seen responses.

    This is the OP btw..

    Because I'm an emotionally crippled narcissist who finds comfort in prowling his old game forums. That, or I still passively play this game. Also, edit button.
    I think HarmOnie makes some good points. I highly doubt you really know that much about the game in a couple days.... b:chuckle

    OP has been here for 9 days. He is practically PWIsage and should be taken very seriously.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You have any idea how much exp you need between lvls 101 to 105 b:scorn
    Yes somebody got 105 much do most fast lvlers have to spend on the game money wise and time wise? How well do they really know how to play their class, how many skills do they have?

    I think HarmOnie makes some good points. I highly doubt you really know that much about the game in a couple days.... b:chuckle

    That's all I have really been talking about! Have you even read the thread or at least the OP?

    The xp between 101-105 serves absolutely no point but to create a level cap that nobody wants to achieve.

    Why even have a leveling process if everyone ends up the same level? It's like WoW but not quite as bad. That game is terrible because it takes like less than 200 hours to get to level 80 and everyone has an 80. So everyone is the same on paper. So it's all about skill now. So why even make levels? Why not just have a game where its all skill based?

    See my point? Level caps make absolutely no sense. It makes sense to make it progressively more difficult to achieve levels however. Keep it a constant rate. For example

    100 66m
    101 79.2m
    102 95m
    103 114m
    104 136m
    105 164m
    106 197m
    107 236m
    108 283m
    109 340m
    110 408m
    111 490m
    112 588m
    113 706m
    114 847m
    115 1001 million xp

    So on my model, the new level 115 is equal to about level 103 in their model.

    How many level 103s are there in this game? Yeah. Exactly. Idk about you guys but 75 more (15 lvls) attribute pts would be a pretty good difference in stats and incentive enough to keep leveling. This wouldn't make previous acquired gear obsolete. Just more powerful due to more base (non gear) stats.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    - snip -

    Level 115 is actually ONE BAJILLION experience and level 126 is now diamonds. Please sir. You must research these things before you post pointless threads.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Because I'm an emotionally crippled narcissist who finds comfort in prowling his old game forums. That, or I still passively play this game. Also, edit button.

    OP has been here for 9 days. He is practically PWIsage and should be taken very seriously.

    Anyone with half a brain can see that these changes would be fantastic for the game if it weren't for the cash shop. It's better to have a level cap with the cash shop because if there wasn't the game would be even more unbalanced due to people going hyper oracle crazy.

    But it wouldn't be unbalanced if you had to play as much as Kitamura plays (f2p) just to be level 125 and have 100 more skill points. Do you guys have any idea boring it would be to run frost that many times? But some people really enjoy grinding xp.

    It's a brilliant suggestion that would only work without the CS. So perhaps I should just stop wasting my time then. I'm just trying to save the game and no level cap would actually fix territory wars as long as people don't bandwagon. But that's a fault of the community (bandwagon) not the devs.
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Level 115 is actually ONE BAJILLION experience and level 126 is now diamonds. Please sir. You must research these things before you post pointless threads.

    Stop trolling a game you don't play anymore you are absolutely terrible at it.
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Because I'm an emotionally crippled narcissist who finds comfort in prowling his old game forums. That, or I still passively play this game. Also, edit button.

    OP has been here for 9 days. He is practically PWIsage and should be taken very seriously.

    This game has some depth but it's not exactly hard to figure out. Who are you kidding?

    Maxing out gear taxes a long time (which is great because gear should be maxed out and take a long time to do so. if it can't be maxed out then it makes getting previous gear pointless because it becomes obsolete by the next tier. lmao at those of you who purchased rank 9. P

    Previous levels never become obsolte because you needed those previous levels to achieve the level you are at now. That's why infinite level cap (but not infinite gear ability) makes perfect sense.

    All it takes to understand MMOs is MMO experience. You do realize they are all more or less the same? I've played enough MMOs to figure this one out real quick. I'm deciding whether to keep playing or not at the moment actually before I go and waste as much time and money as you probably did and will probably decide to stop playing or maybe just get on every now and then and play the game nice and slow.

    There is no "experience" cap in anything else in life except video games. Everything else in life you can constantly improve upon.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Anyone with half a brain can see that these changes would be fantastic for the game if it weren't for the cash shop. It's better to have a level cap with the cash shop because if there wasn't the game would be even more unbalanced due to people going hyper oracle crazy.

    But it wouldn't be unbalanced if you had to play as much as Kitamura plays (f2p) just to be level 125 and have 100 more skill points. Do you guys have any idea boring it would be to run frost that many times? But some people really enjoy grinding xp.

    It's a brilliant suggestion that would only work without the CS. So perhaps I should just stop wasting my time then. I'm just trying to save the game and no level cap would actually fix territory wars as long as people don't bandwagon. But that's a fault of the community (bandwagon) not the devs.

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Seriously. You've contradicted yourself on every post prior to and including this one. Please, spell out your point, letter by letter, I need it. I really do.
    Stop trolling a game you don't play anymore you are absolutely terrible at it.

    I'm not trolling. This is how I feel about this topic.
    This game has some depth but it's not exactly hard to figure out. Who are you kidding?

    Maxing out gear taxes a long time (which is great because gear should be maxed out and take a long time to do so. if it can't be maxed out then it makes getting previous gear pointless because it becomes obsolete by the next tier. lmao at those of you who purchased rank 9. P

    Previous levels never become obsolte because you needed those previous levels to achieve the level you are at now. That's why infinite level cap (but not infinite gear ability) makes perfect sense.

    All it takes to understand MMOs is MMO experience. You do realize they are all more or less the same? I've played enough MMOs to figure this one out real quick. I'm deciding whether to keep playing or not at the moment actually before I go and waste as much time and money as yst get on every now and then and play the gou probably did and will probably decide to stop playing or maybe juame nice and slow.

    There is no "experience" cap in anything else in life except video games. Everything else in life you can constantly improve upon.

    Unfortunately, you haven't even begun to understand PWI. Sorry. If you bothered to check even one major sale thread (ie. anniversary/coral/sunshine/tiger packs) you'd know PWE doesn't give a damn about anything but PWE.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    1.Play MMOs for 5 years?I've played longer and many others have.Big deal.
    2.Seriously,you don't understand the game,the players and the company
    3.How do you reach 18x?
    4.50 stats points is not the only factor in PvP.There's -chan for magic classes which mean they would hit yu before you can attack and wizards have been known to one shot people so what's 50stat points gonna help?5aps bypass charm ticks from what I heard,I might be wrong but 5aps drops bosses quickly so either way,you will still die so quickly.
    5.New players discovering flaws in a week?Is it really that difficult to find that many flaws?
    6.A level cap isn't pointless
    7.If a level 105 Kitamura faced a level 130 class,the only reason the level 130 won't lose is because that person is a assasin
    8.All games are businesses in the company's eyes and the basic most fundamental thing people want from business is profit.
    9.Parts of paychecks going into a game is not absurd.If there wasn't any,the game wouldn't be F2P
    10.Some people don't spend a dollar on this game and actually farm/grind out coins and buy the items themselves,either directly or buying gold then buying it
    11.Nobody bothers to achieve it since there's no gear that requires 105.Most of the gear people use just require level 100.
    12.Stats isn't an incentive to level.Nobody bothers
    13.The reason for TW falling isn't the fact that there's no challenge or whatever.It might be partially due to that but mainly because the amount you get is pathetic compared to the costs needed to get it
    14.Quit triple/quad-posting or double posting for that matter.Use the Edit Button.
    15.You're just contradictng yourself.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    11.Nobody bothers to achieve it since there's no gear that requires 105.Most of the gear people use just require level 100.
    12.Stats isn't an incentive to level.Nobody bothers

    This. There is level 105 gear, but **** if any of it is actually useful compared to Nirvana and the like. And yeah, stats are not an incentive to level unless you're one of those ****ing which case, you should stick to single-player RPGs instead of MMORPGs.

    Also...would take a lot more time to get to 120 or whatever using FC with your system than it would with the current 105 due to FC's mob levels. You'd probably have to resort to zhenning in Heaven, Hell, or the OHT maps.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I don't get how someone who has played MMOs for 5 years thinks there should be no level cap.

    If this is a RAISE the level cap thread, then that's understandable. But why do we want to raise it when only one person has gotten there?
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Xaelian - Heavens Tear
    Xaelian - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    umm not to be the odd one out or nothing but honestly isn't the level cap high enough isn't it all ready 150? I think.. I would think before you ask to raise the level cap (not destroy cause if someone took a whole month or two of just hybering and orcales reach lvl 200 while everyone else don't see the point. That would kinda just ruin it for everyone and kill pvp when there is a lvl 200 1 shotting level 100s.) Level cap exist for a reason so NO ONE can get over powered and that NO ONE can complain about someone else stronger then them when they have the same ability to reach that level.

    Oh and about that part were you said some people look the same on paper just mix up you class do some crazy **** its a game after all GO NUTZ! I'm a freaking DD barb for crying out loud and im loving it! plus I doubt im gonna be the same as the next barb I fight too :P.
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Seriously. You've contradicted yourself on every post prior to and including this one. Please, spell out your point, letter by letter, I need it. I really do.

    I'm not trolling. This is how I feel about this topic.

    Unfortunately, you haven't even begun to understand PWI. Sorry. If you bothered to check even one major sale thread (ie. anniversary/coral/sunshine/tiger packs) you'd know PWE doesn't give a damn about anything but PWE.

    Yeah I know that they don't give a damn. They did when it first came out. I guess this games devs are far too corrupted to go back to that time.

    You are trolling. You actually feel level 115 is gajaillion xp and 126 is diamonds? Like WTF does that even mean? Diamonds aren't a measure of xp and a gajillion doesn't exist sooo...That's a troll and you are bad at it.
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    1.Play MMOs for 5 years?I've played longer and many others have.Big deal.
    2.Seriously,you don't understand the game,the players and the company
    3.How do you reach 18x?
    4.50 stats points is not the only factor in PvP.There's -chan for magic classes which mean they would hit yu before you can attack and wizards have been known to one shot people so what's 50stat points gonna help?5aps bypass charm ticks from what I heard,I might be wrong but 5aps drops bosses quickly so either way,you will still die so quickly.
    5.New players discovering flaws in a week?Is it really that difficult to find that many flaws?
    6.A level cap isn't pointless
    7.If a level 105 Kitamura faced a level 130 class,the only reason the level 130 won't lose is because that person is a assasin
    8.All games are businesses in the company's eyes and the basic most fundamental thing people want from business is profit.
    9.Parts of paychecks going into a game is not absurd.If there wasn't any,the game wouldn't be F2P
    10.Some people don't spend a dollar on this game and actually farm/grind out coins and buy the items themselves,either directly or buying gold then buying it
    11.Nobody bothers to achieve it since there's no gear that requires 105.Most of the gear people use just require level 100.
    12.Stats isn't an incentive to level.Nobody bothers
    13.The reason for TW falling isn't the fact that there's no challenge or whatever.It might be partially due to that but mainly because the amount you get is pathetic compared to the costs needed to get it
    14.Quit triple/quad-posting or double posting for that matter.Use the Edit Button.
    15.You're just contradictng yourself.

    50 stat points is huge. You can't read obviously. I am talking about if the CS weren't there and if level 100-105 xp requirement was lowered. That's it. You guys are going to keep throwing away money at a game you can no longer progress in a way that doesn't soon become obsolete.

    Levels never become obsolete but gear always does.

    You guys are thick. are you talking about? Level 130 by my model would be almost 10 billion xp more than double what Kitamura has? He would be level 126 by my model.

    Level caps make no sense because once you get there everyone is the same on paper and just wasted time getting there. If you want to play a game that is skill based only play a FPS or WoW where everyone is theoretically balanced on paper to the most basic simple form.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I am talking about if the CS weren't there and if level 100-105 xp requirement was lowered. That's it. You guys are going to keep throwing away money at a game you can no longer progress in a way that doesn't soon become obsolete.

    Fact is, CS will never be removed. Where does this idea go now? And should they implement this with the cash shop, it'd still be the exact same game. Cash shopper have now bought 8943698658975687667767676767676754433 hyper stones and are ready to waste another 3/4 of their life hypering to get to level 974 before f2p players. Your idea is an incentive to cash shop. PWI already has a lot of those.
    Levels never become obsolete but gear always does.

    I'll give you a clue to why this is though. It's not level cap or anything to with experience points. It's a company that's usually abbreviated to three letters. PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE PWE
    Level caps make no sense because once you get there everyone is the same on paper and just wasted time getting there. If you want to play a game that is skill based only play a FPS or WoW where everyone is theoretically balanced on paper to the most basic simple form.

    People hit level 100 so they can wear better gear which usually carries level as it's requirement. And from then on, people are judged by their gear and not level.

    *Uses EDIT button*
    You are trolling. You actually feel level 115 is gajaillion xp and 126 is diamonds? Like WTF does that even mean? Diamonds aren't a measure of xp and a gajillion doesn't exist sooo...That's a troll and you are bad at it.

    Also, lmao.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    To the tune of the Bed Intruder Song

    Obviously we have a troll in PWI forums,

    He’s troling all your threads
    He’s bumping your thread to the top
    Trying to troll more people up,so you better
    Hide your posts, hide your threads
    Hide your posts, hide your threads
    Hide your posts, hide your threads
    And hide yourself
    Cuz they’re trolling everybody out there
    [Mods and GMs]
    You don’t have to come and confess
    We’re gonna ban you
    We gonna ban you
    We gonna ban you
    So you can run and tell that,
    Run and tell that
    Run and tell that, troll boy
    Troll, Troll, troll boy

    We got your IP address
    You done left traces and all
    You are so dumb
    You are really dumb–for real

    The troll trolled leaving behind evidence

    [All Forums go-ers]
    I was trolled by some troll in the forums

    So dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so dumb
  • Laycey - Lost City
    Laycey - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I don't get how someone who has played MMOs for 5 years thinks there should be no level cap.

    If this is a RAISE the level cap thread, then that's understandable. But why do we want to raise it when only one person has gotten there?

    Because level caps are stupid level the playing field. If the level cap is nearly unreachable (with incentive to reach it) like 1 trillion xp then okay that's basically the same as no level cap. But providing a level cap at 105 that takes twice the amount of time to get from 101-105 than to 101 from scratch with hardly any incentive to get to the level cap is stupid.

    I'm done here not going to play or post for a bit unless someone else provides a better alternative suggestion which I highly doubt you can but if you do I'll give you your props.

  • Maisha - Dreamweaver
    Maisha - Dreamweaver Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong and I apologize if I've posted a misleading info., and I'll admit I didn't read entirely everyone's posts. Please pardon the skimming...

    If I am correct, based on previous posts over the years on these forums, PWI isn't fully developed like Wan Mei is. Wan Mei being the original HQ for Perfect World and its partner games within the company.

    I see the reason behind having a level cap at all is that, content based, PWI wasn't provided the fully coded version from China to level beyond the extent of 105, whereas 150 is the cap for WanMei.

    I imagine most MMOs have a level cap to fit appropriate content within the game such as gears and instances, bosses and questing monsters within the appropriate level. Having a feature like level indefinitely would probably imbalance the game and I'm sure PWE wont go rummaging and expecting their design team to come up with new gear designs and firgure out stat points within the gear to release every week. I couldn't imagine having level 9999 characters with no challenge of instances or boss difficulties/tactics. (this sort of reminds me of that south park episode about

    Also Laycey, I've noticed that you've mentioned the benefits of indefinite level to the pvp crowd, but you also have to look at the fact that there are pve servers and those who purely enjoy pve over pvp. To have the idea implemented for pvp purposes is nice, but it would also ruin the pve environment, which is why I can imagine, the game isn't only for the pvp crowd. Thus if you think about it, for example, an indefinite level of 9999+ soloing TT instances for mat farming/selling it to the lower level crowd would become a problem. (and I also understand venos with a herc pet already are a soloing PVE class. This isn't my point, but you can counter argue using venos. :D)

    It would be nice if there is a feature like level indefinitely for pvp purposes, like perhaps, keep the cap at 105 for regular world and turn on the levels beyond in a place like pvp arena. There are indefinite possibilities to make it fun and enjoyable to those in the pvp crowd, and I also imagine it being a headache to create good MMOs that satisfies majority of expectations. x.x

    So to conclude, like a movie, and those of similar metaphors, there has to be an end or a break to some extent in everything. :)
    I quit PW and all its games it had to cater to me. I'm off playing a better pay-to-play game where I experience no glitches, no spamming LF squads, lose stuff in PK mode, lose exp on death or anything for cheaper price than what I paid for here. However, I'll still be lurking around pwi forums from time to time. Quit Date: March 4, 2011 RIP my beloved characters. b:bye
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong and I apologize if I've posted a misleading info., and I'll admit I didn't read entirely everyone's posts. Please pardon the skimming...

    If I am correct, based on previous posts over the years on these forums, PWI isn't fully developed like Wan Mei is. Wan Mei being the original HQ for Perfect World and its partner games within the company.

    I see the reason behind having a level cap at all is that, content based, PWI wasn't provided the fully coded version from China to level beyond the extent of 105, whereas 150 is the cap for WanMei.

    I imagine most MMOs have a level cap to fit appropriate content within the game such as gears and instances, bosses and questing monsters within the appropriate level. Having a feature like level indefinitely would probably imbalance the game and I'm sure PWE wont go rummaging and expecting their design team to come up with new gear designs and firgure out stat points within the gear to release every week. I couldn't imagine having level 9999 characters with no challenge of instances or boss difficulties/tactics. (this sort of reminds me of that south park episode about

    Also Laycey, I've noticed that you've mentioned the benefits of indefinite level to the pvp crowd, but you also have to look at the fact that there are pve servers and those who purely enjoy pve over pvp. To have the idea implemented for pvp purposes is nice, but it would also ruin the pve environment, which is why I can imagine, the game isn't only for the pvp crowd. Thus if you think about it, for example, an indefinite level of 9999+ soloing TT instances for mat farming/selling it to the lower level crowd would become a problem. (and I also understand venos with a herc pet already are a soloing PVE class. This isn't my point, but you can counter argue using venos. :D)

    It would be nice if there is a feature like level indefinitely for pvp purposes, like perhaps, keep the cap at 105 for regular world and turn on the levels beyond in a place like pvp arena. There are indefinite possibilities to make it fun and enjoyable to those in the pvp crowd, and I also imagine it being a headache to create good MMOs that satisfies majority of expectations. x.x

    So to conclude, like a movie, and those of similar metaphors, there has to be an end or a break to some extent in everything. :)

    I think I love you. b:dirty It's unfortunate OP has withdrawn with the idea that his suggestion is the best there ever has or will be without realising it will be ignored by PWE.

    So, to keep this thread going, I suggest all pants fashion be removed to be replaced by nothing. This will promote character aesthetic while at the same time balance PvP/PvE somehow. Discuss?
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Maisha - Dreamweaver
    Maisha - Dreamweaver Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think I love you. b:dirty It's unfortunate OP has withdrawn with the idea that his suggestion is the best there ever has or will be without realising it will be ignored by PWE.

    So, to keep this thread going, I suggest all pants fashion be removed to be replaced by nothing. This will promote character aesthetic while at the same time balance PvP/PvE somehow. Discuss?

    haha~ yeah well, the idea has its good and bad, I like the idea if it's only meant for PvP only in a seperate pvp world like arena. Honestly, I see more people chit-chating on these boards rather than having a PWE staff respond about what they think. Talk about team effort... b:sad

    No pant fashion? hmmm white boxers? *thinks*... ahhh yes, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 -scene where elizabeth goes bottomless b:victory
    I quit PW and all its games it had to cater to me. I'm off playing a better pay-to-play game where I experience no glitches, no spamming LF squads, lose stuff in PK mode, lose exp on death or anything for cheaper price than what I paid for here. However, I'll still be lurking around pwi forums from time to time. Quit Date: March 4, 2011 RIP my beloved characters. b:bye