GoodBye Hasrhland



  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2010
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ice i said i only lose when i want to.

    So Erzenzia you want to know what made me so mad about this group? Ok i will humor you with the story that started it all.

    I was outside west arch with one of my tactics faction members. Then Rome and EmoWTF of zulu came killed him and then killed me but didnt attack the people who could kill them no they were to weak to attack them and by far way to scared. So me being a caring leader went back out and "tried" to kill them well we all know the out come. This only started it but cowerdly attacks on newb players by zulu finished it off. So since almost no one stands for lower lvls except for non rpk factions i started attacking zulu the only way i could. I started attacking their pride and even started gank pking them when i could. Sometimes i helped kill Rome and even emo by distracting them. But then other zulu started killing me to so i attack them back. You see my rule on attacking people is i only attack them if they attack me. I liked alot of people in zulu dont get me wrong. I liked Jlung and others and i never attacked then unless i had to.

    So that is the story of my war with zulu and i can say i will never give up until zulu dies. After they die i will have nothing against the people that were in it except for a few people.

    So you hate Zulu cause rome and emo killed you and not everyone outside west?

    You do realize that people of the same lvl even when in opposing factions are sometimes friends and will not attack one another unless they must but that certainly wont stop them from killing you.

    For the longest time i wouldn't attack crimson unless they attacked me first, recent events have made me change my attitude towards them but i would hardly say i hate them, same goes for kylin i still dont attack every KY that crosses my path not because im scared ( LOL @ fear in a pixel world) just cause i like some of them.

    I also find it personally offensive that you call all Zulu weak and scared. I for 1 am constantly attacking groups of 5+ enemies w/o help or even buffs knowing im gonna die just for kicks. I also go after any and every OP player i find even when i know i cant take them just ask Lumpejudd,Calyptica,Prelude,Bloodfeast hell i could go on and on.

    Your reason for the self proclaimed hatred is asinine,and solidifies my opinion of your character or lack there of. Thank you for answering my question though at least now i know without a doubt i don't like you, not becouse you hate Zulu simply because your a fool.
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So you hate Zulu cause rome and emo killed you and not everyone outside west?

    You do realize that people of the same lvl even when in opposing factions are sometimes friends and will not attack one another unless they must but that certainly wont stop them from killing you.

    For the longest time i wouldn't attack crimson unless they attacked me first, recent events have made me change my attitude towards them but i would hardly say i hate them, same goes for kylin i still dont attack every KY that crosses my path not because im scared ( LOL @ fear in a pixel world) just cause i like some of them.

    I also find it personally offensive that you call all Zulu weak and scared. I for 1 am constantly attacking groups of 5+ enemies w/o help or even buffs knowing im gonna die just for kicks. I also go after any and every OP player i find even when i know i cant take them just ask Lumpejudd,Calyptica,Prelude,Bloodfeast hell i could go on and on.

    Your reason for the self proclaimed hatred is asinine,and solidifies my opinion of your character or lack there of. Thank you for answering my question though at least now i know without a doubt i don't like you, not becouse you hate Zulu simply because your a fool.

    Them not attacking high lvls is what i call fear even if they are friends.

    Do you know why 5+ people gank zulu because zulu started doing that around when they were made.

    If zulu would of fought honorable then i wouldnt need to attack zulu at all. I dont blame you if you hate what im doing and i dont even blame you if you kill me whenever you see me. Yes i am a fool i have attacked something stronger than me and im paying for it. But zulu needs to learn that they are not god's that, they can be killed, that everything has an end.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Them not attacking high lvls is what i call fear even if they are friends.

    Do you know why 5+ people gank zulu because zulu started doing that around when they were made.

    If zulu would of fought honorable then i wouldnt need to attack zulu at all. I dont blame you if you hate what im doing and i dont even blame you if you kill me whenever you see me. Yes i am a fool i have attacked something stronger than me and im paying for it. But zulu needs to learn that they are not god's that, they can be killed, that everything has an end.

    I hate to break it to you. Zulu will end when Nurfed decides its time nothing you or anyone or even any group can end us. For that to happen we would have to start loosing.... and we aren't good at that at all.

    Enjoy your quest.
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    in your dreams ice now gtfo

    A woman has to be intelligent,have charm,a sense of humor,and be kind. Its the same qualities i require from a man,so lutrica try to be kind tipe of a manb:cute
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I hate to break it to you. Zulu will end when Nurfed decides its time nothing you or anyone or even any group can end us. For that to happen we would have to start loosing.... and we aren't good at that at all.

    Enjoy your quest.

    Nurfed wont last forever and when he leaves zulu will die for sure i know that. But zulu cant keep going forever just like QQme and others once people get mad enough they will band together to kill the common enemy. So yes zulu wont lose now but one day it will.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Nurfed wont last forever and when he leaves zulu will die for sure i know that. But zulu cant keep going forever just like QQme and others once people get mad enough they will band together to kill the common enemy. So yes zulu wont lose now but one day it will.

    You missed my point. Zulu will end but on Zulu's terms nothing you or any other faction or even combination thereof will have anything to do with it. If and when we do decide to call it quits its not a loss. Quitting the field of battle after you have defeated all enemy's and taken all the spoils goes in the W column

    FYI i haven't seen Nurfed actually in-game in months then again i hardly login in anymore.
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You missed my point. Zulu will end but on Zulu's terms nothing you or any other faction or even combination thereof will have anything to do with it.

    FYI i haven't seen Nurfed actually in-game in months then again i hardly login in anymore.

    well im not going to argue anymore on this point because i dont know recent events
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    well im not going to argue anymore on this point because i dont know recent events

    You aren't going to argue the point, not becouse recent events or lack thereof, you simply dont have an argument.

    So tell me again why do you hate Zulu? O wait i know cause all the cool kids do!!
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Two, yet you have to use bigger words to prove a point
    I apologize for bursting your bubble already, but I haven't even begun to use big words. If we're going to consider my definition of "big" words, trust me my dear, it will take more than non-sense continuous babbling for you to respond to it.
    you think everyone's opinion is inferior to yours and also that everyone's view is also inferior
    That is you comparing your mental capacity against mine. Never have I disclosed that I consider myself superior than you. However, judging by how you're armed with mediocre facade in terms of trolling, you alone have made the self-assumption that I am indeed better than you, so thank you for the compliment.
    so you attack their credibility because that is the only thing you can attack.
    Credibility in an MMO forum? We clearly are in different paths of life because in my path, credibility is not earned through pixelated ranting and lurking. So you saying that I attack "your credibility" is already nullified.
    Lutirica is hated i know this alot of harshlands and other servers know it so it doesnt matter what you think of this character or my views.
    Hypocrisy at its finest much? Don't attempt to point out other people's dirty deeds if your own hands aren't clean. If this is what you meant by the aforementioned "credibility," then goodness gracious, you're more obsolete than I thought.
    So in my case that ends your opinion even being a factor.
    Such a verdict cannot be finalized by you. That's why such a thing called a "jury" exists. Neither the defendant nor the plaintiff decides it. But then again, as I've mentioned, unlike me, you live inside a bubble filled with gas that somehow rids you of logic and sense.

    The next time you respond, please make it more interesting and challenging.
  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You aren't going to argue the point, not becouse recent events or lack thereof, you simply dont have an argument.

    So tell me again why do you hate Zulu? O wait i know cause all the cool kids do!!

    b:chuckle Zulu's tagline should be "the faction you love to hate"
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I apologize for bursting your bubble already, but I haven't even begun to use big words. If we're going to consider my definition of "big" words, trust me my dear, it will take more than non-sense continuous babbling for you to respond to it.

    That is you comparing your mental capacity against mine. Never have I disclosed that I consider myself superior than you. However, judging by how you're armed with mediocre facade in terms of trolling, you alone have made the self-assumption that I am indeed better than you, so thank you for the compliment.

    Credibility in an MMO forum? We clearly are in different paths of life because in my path, credibility is not earned through pixelated ranting and lurking. So you saying that I attack "your credibility" is already nullified.

    Hypocrisy at its finest much? Don't attempt to point out other people's dirty deeds if your own hands aren't clean. If this is what you meant by the aforementioned "credibility," then goodness gracious, you're more obsolete than I thought.

    Such a verdict cannot be finalized by you. That's why such a thing called a "jury" exists. Neither the defendant nor the plaintiff decides it. But then again, as I've mentioned, unlike me, you live inside a bubble filled with gas that somehow rids you of logic and sense.

    The next time you respond, please make it more interesting and challenging.

    Good Game.
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    nothing you or anyone or even any group can end us. For that to happen we would have to start loosing.... and we aren't good at that at all.

    Enjoy your quest.

    i remember long time ago some QQme member wrote the same things like you do.

    the only reason why you dont lose any tw atm is there are not even 2 guilds who can fill a 80vs80 tw against zulu. zulu cant defend 2xfull tws dont talk like you guys cant lose any tw at all b:victory
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You aren't going to argue the point, not becouse recent events or lack thereof, you simply dont have an argument.

    I already said there is no more point in argueing with you because its just a waste of letters.

    So tell me again why do you hate Zulu? O wait i know cause all the cool kids do!!

    I hate zulu because they think they are better than everyone else which is not true of anyone. All the cool kids? Rofl you think your cool i have never seen more pathedic creatures in all my life.
    I apologize for bursting your bubble already, but I haven't even begun to use big words. If we're going to consider my definition of "big" words, trust me my dear, it will take more than non-sense continuous babbling for you to respond to it.

    You are trying to sound smart but it takes more than useing more advanced english words to make you smart.

    That is you comparing your mental capacity against mine. Never have I disclosed that I consider myself superior than you. However, judging by how you're armed with mediocre facade in terms of trolling, you alone have made the self-assumption that I am indeed better than you, so thank you for the compliment.

    No your not better than me your equal maybe but not better. So sorry to disapoint.

    Credibility in an MMO forum? We clearly are in different paths of life because in my path, credibility is not earned through pixelated ranting and lurking. So you saying that I attack "your credibility" is already nullified.

    Credibility is bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem. So yes it is a matter of that in an MMO

    Hypocrisy at its finest much? Don't attempt to point out other people's dirty deeds if your own hands aren't clean. If this is what you meant by the aforementioned "credibility," then goodness gracious, you're more obsolete than I thought.

    No one's hands are clean, your thinking pattern is way off the scale.

    Such a verdict cannot be finalized by you. That's why such a thing called a "jury" exists. Neither the defendant nor the plaintiff decides it. But then again, as I've mentioned, unlike me, you live inside a bubble filled with gas that somehow rids you of logic and sense.

    A jury is only for people who are to weak to take power in their own hands and it is also very ineffective. I live in the real world I look at somethings diffrently then you. I am not one to just back down without good reason and you have not shown good enough reason to back down you only say thinks like "you live inside a bubble filled with gas that somehow rids you of logic and sense." Insults are the weakest of all responces which just shows that you and what you say means nothing because you have to insult to show your opinion.

    The next time you respond, please make it more interesting and challenging.
    Your not even on the same page that I am so its not even challenging.

    To the first hatter.
    To the second hatter.

    Thank you for trying but this isnt the little league. b:thanks
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I hate zulu because they think they are better than everyone else which is not true of anyone. All the cool kids? Rofl you think your cool i have never seen more pathedic creatures in all my life.

    To the first hatter.
    To the second hatter.

    Thank you for trying but this isnt the little league. b:thanks

    Did you get a grown-up to write that out for you?
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    No your not better than me your equal maybe but not better. So sorry to disapoint.

    No disappointment felt or whatsoever. It's okay, the amount of sense, or lack thereof, in your reasoning is as steep as I expect it to be.
    No one's hands are clean, your thinking pattern is way off the scale.

    Your segwaying thoughts compared to my coherent and relevant responses, of course mine would be off the scale because it's not something that you can level with.
    Insults are the weakest of all responces which just shows that you and what you say means nothing because you have to insult to show your opinion.

    Insults are terms invoking offensive feelings from the receiver. What I have written so far are only mere observations that can either be taken constructively, or offensively. You choosing to do the latter only further stabilizes the fact that you are just like a wind-up doll, easily stirred and controlled without any hassle. It's entertaining.
    Your not even on the same page that I am so its not even challenging.

    Indeed. With a feeble mind like yours? It wouldn't challenge you at all. For one, you do not have the capability to scale with me, failing to recognize that I'm way above your league and two, every single word you utter can easily be countered with ease.

    My advice to you, is that you should try to have a small dose of self-admittance of how depressingly fickle you are, which it alone can be used against you. Neither do you bring to the table anything sufficiently intellectual for me to be fuzzed about.

    Trolls either A) beat you down with brains, making you stutter, or B) wind you up like a mother chucker, like what Taboo does. You're good with neither. So feel free to pretend that you play a significant role by embodying this fake scale of importance when truthfully, you are nothing but just another big-talking nobody who can't distinguish the difference between your and you're.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    and english grammar matter IN A GAME.
    again its a GAME so why ppl care lawl can it we cos in real life ur a geek and u think it matter cos its the only thing takes away ur Geek stamp.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Jeez, Broken English Moar?

  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Scarlet, you have officially inspired me.
    Fo Realz~
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Did you get a grown-up to write that out for you?

    Okopogo i thought we worked it out that you cant fight me your way to weak. b:thanks
    No disappointment felt or whatsoever. It's okay, the amount of sense, or lack thereof, in your reasoning is as steep as I expect it to be.

    The lack of your ability to bring a good arguement is lacking.

    Your segwaying thoughts compared to my coherent and relevant responses, of course mine would be off the scale because it's not something that you can level with.

    My thoughts cought your intrest? So yea your just another zulu that thinks they can own HL but fail so epicly hard.

    Insults are terms invoking offensive feelings from the receiver. What I have written so far are only mere observations that can either be taken constructively, or offensively. You choosing to do the latter only further stabilizes the fact that you are just like a wind-up doll, easily stirred and controlled without any hassle. It's entertaining.

    Your "observations" are way out in left feild. They are not relevant or important enough to the point that im trying to get everyone to understand. For my own example you are like a cow that stands in the middle of a busy road just because you dont think that they will hit you or are to stupid to hit you.

    Indeed. With a feeble mind like yours? It wouldn't challenge you at all. For one, you do not have the capability to scale with me, failing to recognize that I'm way above your league and two, every single word you utter can easily be countered with ease.

    A feeble mind? ROFL Ever since you gave your opinion its just been one pathedic attempt after another. I know i dont have the capability to scale with you because im already over powering what you have to say, but you way above my league no. I dont even need to counter your words because just my presence counters you.

    My advice to you, is that you should try to have a small dose of self-admittance of how depressingly fickle you are, which it alone can be used against you. Neither do you bring to the table anything sufficiently intellectual for me to be fuzzed about.

    My advice to you is that you should learn a few things like:
    1. Your opinion is lacking what it takes to win against me
    2. That your only wasting your time
    3. That your not smart enough to continue this conversation
    4. That everyone has their own thing that they are good at and your thing is not this

    Trolls either A) beat you down with brains, making you stutter, or B) wind you up like a mother chucker, like what Taboo does. You're good with neither. So feel free to pretend that you play a significant role by embodying this fake scale of importance when truthfully, you are nothing but just another big-talking nobody who can't distinguish the difference between your and you're.

    Im not a troll I just have strong opinions which no one can prove wrong. I know im nothing like Taboo I can honestly say i dont even really know anything about him except that he is a good troll. Im a nobody because i want to be a nobody, but if im a nobody then why does almost everyone know about me? If what I say is unimportant why do you respond to it? I will tell you why, Because it does matter to you and you want to have some feeling of being better when really you only make me more popular. Finally if i wanted to become somebody believe me you wouldnt even know it was me unless i told you. So just go and learn your place before you say something that will make your pathedic life more worse.

    Poor Okopogo still trying b:laugh
    Poor Scarlet try and fail thats the only way you will ever learn. b:bye

    Some people never learn. Some die trying. But with me it will only stop when I want it to.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Your freedom to click the "Reply" button as much as you please does not define when it's over or not. You have long been trumped from the very first moment I quoted you. Your inadequate competence, only allowing you to do nothing but emulate me with such failure, thinking that you can par with me when your subjugation is smeared all over your posts just proves it.

    The amount of idiocy your nervous system contains is unfathomable. Whenever you have thought of something that's enough to invoke my notice, though of course, you're incapable of that, then I may consider to keep beating you with every syllable that you can guarantee yourself you'll choke on. But until then, you'll remain as nothing but a speck of filth in this server.
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Some people never learn. Some die trying. But with me it will only stop when I want it to.

    you try too hard
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    you try too hard

    how do i try to hard?
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    how do i try to hard?

    WoW im sitting here stunned are you really that oblivious?
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    A troll in denial is quite possibly the most fail troll. Evar.

    Get a clue...
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    This thread rapidly devolved from a pleasant goodbye to a near-nuclear flame war about the oddest subject...trolling! As such, I have stepped in to remind you guys to stay on-topic and keep the flames out of it...please?

    Thanks! b:thanks
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    This thread rapidly devolved from a pleasant goodbye to a near-nuclear flame war about the oddest subject...trolling! As such, I have stepped in to remind you guys to stay on-topic and keep the flames out of it...please?

    Thanks! b:thanks

    Ok i will stay on topic after i tell these 2 off and sorry it got into a "near-nuclear flame war". But the members of harshlands like to fight over who is better and so on it would be nice if it wouldnt happen but thats the way it is on a PvP server like ours.

    A troll in denial is quite possibly the most fail troll. Evar.
    Get a clue...

    Okopogo Just give it a rest and keep the thread on track :P
    WoW im sitting here stunned are you really that oblivious?

    Im never stunned when im saying b:bye
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ok i will stay on topic after i tell these 2 off and sorry it got into a "near-nuclear flame war". But the members of harshlands like to fight over who is better and so on it would be nice if it wouldnt happen but thats the way it is on a PvP server like ours.


    Funny how few posts earlier you were the one who "can't be stopped until you wish to", now the mod steps in and you have to go for lower-behinds licking to avoid being forced to stop (via locking the thread)

    Packs World International
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Funny how few posts earlier you were the one who "can't be stopped until you wish to", now the mod steps in and you have to go for lower-behinds licking to avoid being forced to stop (via locking the thread)


    its called being smart and making them be the people who get banned b:chuckle
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    This thread rapidly devolved from a pleasant goodbye to a near-nuclear flame war about the oddest subject...trolling! As such, I have stepped in to remind you guys to stay on-topic and keep the flames out of it...please?

    Thanks! b:thanks
    I noticed how you seem to pick on the same people in certain threads.



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