The new error/crash/or whatever is getting more popularity

Zuryel - Harshlands
Zuryel - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Support Desk
ok ive been a victim too of this error, in a moment i was playing and suddently my game crashed and got me off game ok this use to happen sometimes, but...
WHY my game outdated
i tried many times to log in and just one time i could but in load screen before appears the player selected, puff >_> surprise ^-^ the same annoying error again T_T with weird dangerous and unknown simbols for humans beings like these

isnt exactly the same error like mine cause mine said error in window msg but those simbols are kinda appeared me
and well in element window i clicked on verify i thought just was going to verify and maybe fix JUST SOME corrupted files and no, at this time im still waiting for element finishes to update, i have been waiting like 4-5 hours for this thing finishes

maybe is an error from my pc, maybe not, is much coincidence ive heard this problem more than 2 times in this week and i never had heard it before >_>
Post edited by Zuryel - Harshlands on


  • ozimov
    ozimov Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The errors may seem the same, because they all appear to be gibberish, however we have a whole lexicon of errors it could be. Please post a screen shot of the error you receive so we may assist you further.
