So what is all this Game is Dead business?



  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I guess those who are complaining about the QQers think that this makes them feel all grown up and mature. Who knows. Either way, it's not really worth listening to them until they make a valid point...which only Janus has done once, and not in this topic.

    @Zav-- Everybody knows that gold has been raging when the Chest of Coins came out and has been rocketing up ever since. Everybody who was here also remember who much rage there was when they cancelled tournaments, or when the first few Lunar Trophies made their way into packs.

    Of course people have been buying endgame from the CS; they've been doing it for years. I just merely didn't mention it.

    Try again.
    Wrong SuperHebbe. "The game is dead" - People who liked a fair, balanced game where everyone could be on a level playing feild, where hardwork was rewarded with good gear. Where PvP does not include a constant 1shot fest, where skill was required due to weaponary available today not being ridiculous and ridiculously easy to obtain.

    Correct! You win this pair of socks!

    Alternately, people who understand that when you circumvent normal gameplay mechanics by making long-term goals "pay 2 win" (or whatever other term you prefer), you decrease the life of the game and provide less incentive to keep playing.
    PWE may think they have a gold-mine by cycling in new users who dump X amount of cash on their characters, get bored, and move on - unfortunately, they don't seem to realize that this short-sighted business plan they appear to be running will tap out rapidly as well. As per the old "Tortoise & Hare" fable, PWE has gone for the Hare's route, and we all know how that ended, I think.

    Also correct!

    And those are some of the major arguing points. We complained about endgame gear in packs, and it's still a problem. A year and a half later, they're putting rank in the Cash Shop, we're still trying to say the same thing as we had before.
    Deja Vu.
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    We are here to alert the community to not play the game :) and let know PWi is P2F Pay to fun =)
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Obviously if they're on forums and not on game, it means they aren't there. There are plenty of people who don't play the game anymore who come on here to post for the lulz.

    PWI just doesn't have the experience other MMOs have in managing their games... I mean, why put end game gears in Cash Shop? Pretty much kills off almost all possible goals for players to achieve who actually earned what they got the hard way. There really isn't much to accomplish with 72 gold end games sitting in cash shop.

    Have you ever seen maple story? :D
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    oh yeah, im sure many peeps have said this before, but the players decide what gold prices should be, and the peeps that buy gold from players are in such a rush to obtain gold that they actually will pay the extreme price for it, i will admit im like that too, im sure you know what im getting at wif gold prices, other thing is, its not that hard to farm rank8 with this sale now, make a kitty 1mil shuld start you up buy rep sell for more etc, takes long but will be worth it, its not that hard, just use your merchant skillsb:bye

    DONT BITE MEb:sad
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    oh yeah, im sure many peeps have said this before, but the CASH SHOP AND IT'S SALES determine what gold prices should be,

    Fixed it for you.

    Change what is in the cash shop, and the price of gold will adjust accordingly. Sure, there is an issue of supply of gold and demand of gold.... but it's the merchandise that you can buy that motivates needs/desires, not the other way around.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Fixed it for you.

    Change what is in the cash shop, and the price of gold will adjust accordingly. Sure, there is an issue of supply of gold and demand of gold.... but it's the merchandise that you can buy that motivates needs/desires, not the other way around.
    Yup, that's about right^
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory