Does cash shop still destroy game play?

daeori Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
I used to play PWI a while back and fell in love with it instantly. After about 6months of play the sales on gold started to come every weekend it felt like and it killed the in game economy to the point where you HAD to buy gold in order to keep up. Prices got so inflated it was scary.

Is this still the case? Cuz I've been missing the game, but not the capitalistic, every man/woman for themselves environment. Any insight is helpful, thanks.

~LuciFurr (formerly of Equinox - Dreamweaver)

(veno of there are any other classes worth playing)
Post edited by daeori on


  • NiaJade - Harshlands
    NiaJade - Harshlands Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    daeori wrote: »
    I used to play PWI a while back and fell in love with it instantly. After about 6months of play the sales on gold started to come every weekend it felt like and it killed the in game economy to the point where you HAD to buy gold in order to keep up. Prices got so inflated it was scary.

    Is this still the case? Cuz I've been missing the game, but not the capitalistic, every man/woman for themselves environment. Any insight is helpful, thanks.

    ~LuciFurr (formerly of Equinox - Dreamweaver)

    (veno of there are any other classes worth playing)

    If there was no cash shop, the game would not have updates, expansions, and as many servers as you see now. I really cannot see the existance of a game this scale, w/o a cash shop in it or.. ads.

    You know, I have see many players not use the cash shop at all. But, yes they do benefit from it by buying cash shopped items off of others.

    The game can be what you put into it, but sure - not using $ can mean you farm harder, and are more careful about how you spend.

    A side note..

    Everyone rushes to level, and rushes to have. But it is still all going to be there... I know, it is difficult to watch friends bypass you level wise, and go off with others their level, so I'd suggest finding a group of non-cash shoppers to hang with.

    So ... ok... You do not have the cool stuff, or the level 100, or even the rares or refines. But do not let your STUFF define you... Let you define you.

    Once a week since I started PW, I take off my armor, weapon and I go get NPC gear my level. I do not use aviation, fashion, or mount. And I go do my normal quests.

    If I die, then apparently I fell short... and death will be a lesson. If I live, then it means that I was the reason all long I did well - not my gear and items.

    It humbles you... and I think that it helps me remember how hard alot of the players have it and to continue to help when I get pms or hear people calling out in open chat.

    Never let not having - keep you from enjoying the many wonderful things PW has to offer. If anything, I bet you get more out of the game....
  • daeori
    daeori Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I was not clear enough in my original post. I have no problems with there being a cash shop. My problem was the constant sales on gold and inflation that was overwhelming. Please don't preach about the pros and cons of using or not using the cash shop. I played both ways. The issue was constant gold sales making EVERY item in the aution house sky rocket. Nothing was proportionate at all. I understand the need for the cash shop and for the sales. I am also a firm believer in the old addage, " All things in moderation." From what I've read on the forums thus far it doesn't seem that anything has changed. I may still download it again and give it a whirl while I wait for other games to come along. I was just feeling nostalgic and thought I might check up on things.
  • Ixiya - Sanctuary
    Ixiya - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Gold prices are about 900k+ now per. The prices of boutique items also go up accordingly. b:chuckle

    Packs are now half off, and with Rank 8 there has been quite an inflation. But I guess it all depends on what you need.

    Charms were 1.5 mill for spirit and 2.5 mill for Guardian and that was before gold prices rose, a 3.00+ flier is about 6 mill, if your lucky you can find a 8.00 mount for about 1.5 mill, but they are normally much more. Watch AH frequently and you can find some pretty good armor for good prices. But you'll have to watch it as a lot of it's usually pretty expensive.

    Fashion is normally 1mill+, but that's not really a necessity and prices range from many different factors. If you grind you can still make some cash from the DQ drops, though from repairs I never make too much more tbh. b:surrender

    You could possibly farm TT but those have been nerfed from what I hear. Personally before the sale I had been watching WC for DAYS trying to get a TT1-2 squad to get my TT70 mats. Especially since you'd be playing a veno. (Hmm lessened repair/pot costs too) So all in all you just gotta work a lot more as a farmer to break even. Haha, if you put in some gold now you can easily fund a herc too. b:chuckle Well... if SoF/PF prices haven't rose to the roof now.

    Hope I helped.