current state

Haden - Dreamweaver
Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
edited December 2010 in General Discussion
While I do agree with players upset about the current state, there is a side note to be said. I've been doing some bi-partisan thinking from both player and company and I realised that, cashers are what keep the game alive. Truly, As sad as it is, people who spend on the game, no sorry, for the game, are the ones who keep it going. They the company try to influence the market by adding things that people want or need, or by adding shortcuts to obtaining weapons and armor. To argue this point is contradictory; while players hate seeing people who buy from the game, they also understand that, or should understand that, without a source of income a company would just as easily fall to pieces before it even launched.

Pwi Defeated itself, which made no sense to me, by depleting its biggest cash constant almost 2 years ago by allowing players to play without HP/MP charms. But it also brought balance to the game, HP food is now abundant and charms aren't really required any longer. So now that packs are a constant, and HP food is constant what do they do to attempt to reestablish a monetary need? Well sadly, F2P players take a hit, rather a series of hits including but not limited to:

DQ worth less money to NPC (which, they promised they would fix, and they did.)
Toughening of TT Nirvana ( I have a solution to this)
Drop in TW loot.

Now... see here's where I lose their business plan. While, I'm not a PKer, I do love me some TW. Its fun, its frenzied, its exciting, and every single time I had a TW I would go get one thing every single time. A charm. This influenced me to spend money in the game, and I'd have a series of gold left over. Not that I didnt want to have an advantage over other players (okay I lied) But I also dont want to get out of the fight especially when its going good.

But when they took out the coins accrued from TW, I, as I said, got extremely confused. Then of course I realized that they had created a coin vaccum, where the strongest faction, with once cash spending players, now no longer have a need to spend money in game, because they simply just need to steamroll who ever attacks and they get payed for each and every land they posess. This forced a lot of good players to struggle unduely.

Then the largest faction who has quelled all rebellious natured people, who want to casually TW, and no one wanted to play this part of the game any longer. The largest faction started to do "training" TW's, basically telling smaller factions, or giving coin to smaller factions to tw against them. I mean 8 mil vs what 300 mil? I'd give them that in a heart beat if it meant I could double, triple, quadruple my factions net value. So as a fix, they (albiet over dramatically) fixed it to where people really only want to TWfor the sheer fun of it. I honestly think a better solution to the TW pay would've been to have the guild that wins only get the value of the specific territory they posess, not all of them. *queue angry coments*

the "big spender players" have already aquired their gears, and we all sat in awe the day they aquired said items. I still remember the day Goonz aquired his warsoul, and how people complained more that he got something he wanted, than congratulated him.

As a casual TW'er I am greatly looking forward to the Guild base wars, it may rekindle some of that umph that tw once had. And with the aspect of being able to obtain new equipment in this means, it may help other players to get excited once again. (this is a good thing)

Now, the toughening of TT and Nirvana. It hurts, and has hurt for a long time, it discourages players from running said instances, hurts newcoming, mid game players who want to aquire these pieces of equipment. But in the same regard it inspires profit for the company. However, a player can easily over note this with the Dragon Quest item points. A bit of smart spending with Dpoints, and you'll be back in business. But as promised, a solution to difficult TT's to inspire new players to run them;

TT/Nirvana days.

Where the bosses have a series of things.

1. Their difficulty is reset to allow players to, more easily farm the instance.
2. increased drops on the items they posess.
3. Not required to sub, maybe.

But, this would inspire Venomancers and other classes of the like to call for openers for the instance to get a squad then disband so they can rake in all the money for themselves.

Which brings up another point:

Venos were once proclaimed as the "solo" class. Now everyone can do it given the proper equipment, which arguably, the two methods of obtaining "solo" equipment is equal in value. the Problem is, they forgot casters in this equation.

How could they fix this so that all classes now could balance one another?

I had an idea on that. Enable Knockback/seal/sleep/stun to work on bosses and all other things that have only a melee attack. A wizard is specifically a ranged class, as is a cleric. However one does not equate the other. while a wizzy can heal, and heal for a great deal, its inherent long chanel time makes it a non combat heal. Essentially declaring a wizzy as a back up to a cleric, and then eventually a back up to a Psy, in terms of healing potential.

Enabling players to use their constant inherited abilities, against bosses would bring about balance to these classes, but likely make extinct another one. Oh the diacotomy. What happens to barbs if wizards and clerics can now TT on their own? What happens to balancing? Unfortunately, it dies.

I guess if there was a "cash shop advantage" then all the things sold in the boutique would be bound upon aquiring and untradable, but its not. Clothing would posess stat boosting attributes, like in other games, but it doesnt. I digress, and repeat myself as I do all over the forums, while upset, I still greatly enjoy pwi. There's work that needs to be done to ensure that as a gaming community pwi can and will survive, both player side, and company side.

Edited for words missed and wrong wording :\
Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
Post edited by Haden - Dreamweaver on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    My friend save your breath, people on these forum won't agree with you.
    Well i am agree though but . . i think it's better if we keep quiet . .
    What happen is happen . . currently we are the enemy of forum . .
    Kinda ironic . .
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I wish I didnt have a nature to speak up for something I love and care for. Sadly this has gotten me in trouble many times in the past, undoubtably it will again.
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I've never once spent a real life cent on a charm.

    That being said, at one time I did spend regularly. I haven't been a regular spender since 'packs, which will be a limited one-time thing and won't be back' kept coming back. (fwiw, I never spent much on packs either, I found out my luck early on was horrible).

    PWI has done everything to make a casual cash shopper like I was not spend anything in game... and for the most part I haven't.

    Anyway, they've reduced/eliminated end-game content or made it trivial for the ADHD/casual gamer.

    Aside from Celestial Tiger, TW and sometimes City of Abominations... the only fun instance that's left, to me at least, is Rebirth.

    I used to love old Lunar. At this point in the game I would be running Old Frost for the challenge. New Frost? I can solo it and it's boring.

    The game needs more challenge.

    BTW, making 3-3 more difficult doesn't make it more challenging, it just makes it so that you need an epic sin to solo it. It's just too much effort for not enough work. The difficultiy : droprate ratio of the instance was about right before the changes. Now it's just not worth my time and charm to farm.

    They really need to introduce new content that actually provides a few hours of challenge per day, as opposed to these quick 20-30 minute instances that get completely boring due to simplicity and repetitiveness.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Ixiya - Sanctuary
    Ixiya - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Err... even the casual CS'ers are getting shafted. b:sad
    Those who can afford to put a lot, yes I can see the advantage but I'd put 10-20$'s in here and there cause I wanted to help support the game and now I find myself wondering how I can afford to play the game at my low level unable to farm stuff I need. Well besides putting more money into the game. I also can't just put 72$ in to get my some l33t armor. b:chuckle

    But part of the reason I really don't want to play anymore, is that this is just unfair for those who worked so hard for that armor. Meh I'll probably get some reply about making money through merching with no clear instructions on how to make that merching money now. b:chuckle
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    According to beta testers theres a new daily, which is a grind daily, but might be nice to see. and I do agree with micheal that there needs to be more challenge, maybe we'll get one :P
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    and I do agree with micheal that there needs to be more challenge, maybe we'll get one :P

    Yeah, then we'll have something else everyone can QQ about b:chuckle
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well said. b:laugh Hope it's for real. b:thanks
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...