this newb has ?'s

hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
edited December 2010 in General Discussion
soo i'm new i wanna make a decent charc who can tank most and solo the game .. a charc who can lvl pretty quickly and do well in the beginning bu tbe badass in the end too. i like pvp and pvm.. any suggestions? and with that wat shud i add stats to when i choose said class that u guys think wud be best for this newb here
Post edited by hitmanchew on


  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    If you don't mind being a girl character, Veno's level pretty fast and can tank most things with their pets, especially if you somehow manage to get a herc pet. Cleric and Psychic also tend to level fast in the beginning, although they're not exactly tanks towards end game. If you're going to PvP I'd say an archer, bm, or sin, but archer and sin tend to get a little squishy.


    A BM might be a nice choice if you're going for variety, solo ability, moderate leveling, pvp and tankability.

    It really depends though. Maybe you can give everything a try and decide afterwards.
  • FallenSnow - Raging Tide
    FallenSnow - Raging Tide Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    then charge gold for 2000$ for p2w, make a BM/Archer with Fists -5% Intervall and have fun.
    retired 11/11/2009 cause of packs. came back 8 months later just to realise it got worse. retired second time 10/11/2010.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Solo class? They killed it for end game, if you want to solo until level 68, then roll a venomancer. After this you will NEED a squad to be able to keep doing your quests in instances (specially cultivations and higher level bounty hunters).

    You don't really need to purchase a Baby Hercules at the begining but if you want to (don't really recommend it, just keep reading to find out why...) just get it, makes your life easier.

    However this pet can only be purchased from the Cash Shop (Boutique) and costs around $200 USD, yep.

    Now I will tell you why not rolling a venomancer.

    At the moment, people are concerned on end game about speed, so much that they are looking for fast "nirvana" (money making instance for what used to be our endgame gear before the rank gear sale started... yesterday...). So they will rather take a blademaster than a venomancer into their squad.

    Yes I know it sounds dumb, but that's how it is at the moment, right now if you don't spend some money in the game you will MOST LIKELY not be able to compete on PVE/PVP.

    Sorry to throw it like that but its pure truth.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    wats a bm? and where shud i put the stats?
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    so basically if i dont wanna spend my money on this game? then i'll prolly do ****ty hmm lol
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    also where shud i put my stats on my blademaster?
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously, he's just starting out. You really think he needs to worry about all that before he gets to play the game for what it is?

    Let him try playing traditionally, which can be done with any class. He can decide later if he ever decides to level high enough if the game is too hard to playing without cash shopping and quit if he wants to. People PvP from level 30 on any server, and you can't even start being really serious with cash shopping stuff til upper 90s.

    A bm is Blademaster. They can chose to use many different types of weapons, and depending on which one you chose the stats will be different. Needless to say though, you'll never be putting in Magic points, and quite a bit will be distributed to your strength and then your vitality and dex depending on which weapon you decide to play mainly on (although you can technically stat to use all of them endgame)
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    so its a lot like diablo 2... idk if u ever played but we'd choose are class and get rushed through the game and basically easy lvl our charc so that we could use em for pvp. we'd use d2jsp forums to buy gear with fg and plan on spending our stats really wisely. for example we'd add everythign into health.. use charms to add enuff strength for an armor called enigma which wud add liek 90 strength to our charc so that we could use the rest of our gear. and in pvp on diablo two health was everything.. altho i'm not sure if thats exactly how u were describing it it but i think it was kidna liek it. ur saying i cud place my stats into wat i require just for my end game gear.. but. as the other dood was saying it seams like the game isnt that much fun unless u dump money in it which i'm not about to do
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    and like. i didnt mean stats i can fgure that out..i ment skills. wat are some good skills that i shud max and lvl and **** like that where should i go for skills. i wanna tank most stuff especially pvm.. maybe a lil pvp from the sounds of it i prolly wont do .. cant afford to blow money on a game lol
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i'm finishign the download as i type this so i'm try it out. start with a blademaster like u suggested and maybe people will hook it up a little. idk i'll give it a shot though.
  • CaffeineEvil - Harshlands
    CaffeineEvil - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    There is a BM sub forum they have guides. I recommend dropping 200 bucks and you'll do fine :D
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hitmanchew wrote: »
    and like. i didnt mean stats i can fgure that out..i ment skills. wat are some good skills that i shud max and lvl and **** like that where should i go for skills. i wanna tank most stuff especially pvm.. maybe a lil pvp from the sounds of it i prolly wont do .. cant afford to blow money on a game lol

    Well, technically you don't have to. There are people that still pvp without cash shop gear; it's just that if you run into someone that does, you will get killed without a fight. As for endgame weapon, I meant like being able to use all weapons. If you want to stat specific for one weapon, you would distribute different than if you wanted to use one or two different types of weapons.

    Some of the essential skills to level are roar of pride, aurora of golden bell, and sutra. As a bm, again, it depends on which weapons you would want to use. Most bms do the Axe path and max all the Axe and Hammer aoe skills to begin with. Don't really bother with the beginning skills like the stream strike and that one bleeding skill though.

    And to be honest with you, with the way the game is, once you hit even the 80s it'll be much fun for you to play if you did spend money on the game. But lots have played the game without doing anything of such and enjoyed it so its really up to you.

    I hope you have fun best of luck~
  • hitmanchew
    hitmanchew Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Solo class? They killed it for end game, if you want to solo until level 68, then roll a venomancer. After this you will NEED a squad to be able to keep doing your quests in instances (specially cultivations and higher level bounty hunters).

    You don't really need to purchase a Baby Hercules at the begining but if you want to (don't really recommend it, just keep reading to find out why...) just get it, makes your life easier.

    However this pet can only be purchased from the Cash Shop (Boutique) and costs around $200 USD, yep.

    Now I will tell you why not rolling a venomancer.

    At the moment, people are concerned on end game about speed, so much that they are looking for fast "nirvana" (money making instance for what used to be our endgame gear before the rank gear sale started... yesterday...). So they will rather take a blademaster than a venomancer into their squad.

    Yes I know it sounds dumb, but that's how it is at the moment, right now if you don't spend some money in the game you will MOST LIKELY not be able to compete on PVE/PVP.

    Sorry to throw it like that but its pure truth.
    hitmanchew wrote: »
    and like. i didnt mean stats i can fgure that out..i ment skills. wat are some good skills that i shud max and lvl and **** like that where should i go for skills. i wanna tank most stuff especially pvm.. maybe a lil pvp from the sounds of it i prolly wont do .. cant afford to blow money on a game lol
    Well, technically you don't have to. There are people that still pvp without cash shop gear; it's just that if you run into someone that does, you will get killed without a fight. As for endgame weapon, I meant like being able to use all weapons. If you want to stat specific for one weapon, you would distribute different than if you wanted to use one or two different types of weapons.

    Some of the essential skills to level are roar of pride, aurora of golden bell, and sutra. As a bm, again, it depends on which weapons you would want to use. Most bms do the Axe path and max all the Axe and Hammer aoe skills to begin with. Don't really bother with the beginning skills like the stream strike and that one bleeding skill though.

    And to be honest with you, with the way the game is, once you hit even the 80s it'll be much fun for you to play if you did spend money on the game. But lots have played the game without doing anything of such and enjoyed it so its really up to you.

    I hope you have fun best of luck~
