[Server Maintenance] 11-30-2010 [Complete]



  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    crnull wrote: »
    Why does everyone think that barbs have the repair bill? Sometimes Clerics have an even bigger repair bill. If I am with a barb I haven't worked with before I will warn them up front. If you are dying aggro everything around you or you will die before you get a heal. I would rather let you die and do a rez than get myself killed with heal aggro. Clerics can have one of the worst repair bills ever. Anyway since the questing was about dd healer or tank I prefer all in one the all mighty Cleric rules. I can tank dd and heal.

    Aoe Tanks FTW and Alpha :D
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I really like the tokens, that's for sure. But overall PWI is siding to cash shop SO bad that this wouldn't even be called a free to play game. Its starting to become too reliant on Cash Shop, for instance if you don't have a herc then you'll expect to be declined from a party, or if you're not a sin with 5.0 aps they'd think about inviting you or not, and choose someone else over you. This isn't the biggest issue, however.

    The biggest issue are for newcomers. New people that join PWI to enjoy the game is having a hard time even getting space in their inventories, and the obvious ones such as armor and weaponary. This is what made me sad -

    A lvl 70 sin came up to me, with poor armor and a lvl 43? legendary weapon. He asked if he could buy mine, it was lvl 60. I said why buy a 60? buy a 70 if you're 70. He said - its too expensive, I only got 300k. I just started the game so I don't have much.


    People can grind for coins so that they can purchase gold and buy items in the boutique. But now its up to 800-850k PER gold, and that is terrible. How long do you need to grind out to get even 400k? This person needs to not only deal with his weapon, but also his full armor, shards, possibly refining. The DQ drops are now going to not give you money but credits after Genesis expansion! That's even worse.

    Its highly stressful for people that don't cash shop, not that they don't want to sometimes (though there are people who can afford it but won't) but they just don't have money. High levels who can get money easily or CS users would tell them to "GTFO then!" - how's that fair? This is meant to be a free to play game. Please think about newcomers, think about the kids and people with no job that wants to just have fun in PWI, coz to some ppl PWI offers them the best gaming experience, BUT the cash shop..

    I love PWI, played for 2 yrs and have seen it changing. I hope it will become a more welcoming place for ALL kinds of players. Otherwise, soon it will become a place full of cash shop users, or burnt out cash shop users that are tired of using real life money, and a game that no non-cash shop users can play because they cannot advance through the game to enjoy it as its best.
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I agree and disagree, it has become easier and it has become harder, as i said in a previous post the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, all the focus on the cash shop has created a enormous gap b/w the two, and id find anothr game, but i cant stand to leave my family, ijs b:chuckleb:surrender

    Well, I don't cash shop and my cleric has gear comparable to those that do. Sure my BF had Refines that were awesome a few months ago because he bought it with real money, but I saved and grinded, and earned in game coin... I worked the market, I paid attention, and my gear is great. I don't have much trouble at all keeping up with the Joneses' as it were. I think most people jsut want everyone on a level playing field, and thats not going to happen in an MMO.

    The old adage, you can't make everyone happy, applies nicely to MMOs in general, and especially to this one. If people wouldn't buy the things, PWI wouldn't offer them to us.

    I, however, am choosing the route to just enjoy myself and enjoy what I can have, that I couldn't before. I remember putting 2 flawless gems in mt TT80 weapon thinking I would never get better, beucase flawless gems cost almost 1mil to make. Now, when isee someone with flawless gems in their weapon I cringe a little inside, simply because they are such low level gems.
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Tank, won't die easily I think..
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I prefer the CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP classes.

    Why? because I just love the CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOPPingness of my toon. Gives me eargasm and full eye masturbation b:dirty Only played veno coz there weren't fast chopping classes; but YAY FOR SINS!!!! <3

    ^--- sick of casters now

    To quote off of this. I believe a Blade Master is the best class to play. Hears why i think so. A Blade Master is like the every class charter -mag. You can use Light Armor, and Heavy Armor. there for out doing either elements or physical defense. Blade Masters have a wide range of weapon choices, from Fists to Pikes, i also believe the Blade Master out do Barbs. because theses days 90% of barbs can not hold a Blade Masters agro. due to there 5.00A.P.S Theses days Barbs don't stat the right way Barbs trying to be Blade Masters and Blade Masters trying to be Barbs. I diss agree on Barbs using fists. I know there are Barbs who pk and believe fists are the best way to go. But a pro barb would know how to be a Pker with out the fists. Not to sound rude, some servers r loosing the sight of the true Barb. Blade Masters are starting to have to do a Barbs job because 90% of Barbs try to be a fiste'r. This is why i think a Blade Master is the best class to be, instead of being a fist Barb or Veno and even a fist Sin. Everybody trys to be a Blade Master in one way or another.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Cashshoper doesnt= pro it jus =noob in op gear jus putting a end too all the cashoppers who claim to be pro and ps nothing pro about atuo attack in pk
  • Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Who loves P.W.I b:laugh. When does the new classes come out?

    I love PWI (the game) but I just cant stop hating the management it has. Do it once, sure, twise okay, three times, we can handle that, but over and over and over with nonsense updates every single week since 1 1/2 year ago? thats too much.

    And about the classes, idk for PWI.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sometimes I just gotta slack and spam the button 2 (IH button for me) LOL
    Although I often debuff and heal and run so it doesn't get too boring.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Some tanks weren't meant to be tanks. Either they need better gear, better weapons, or need to get a reset on points I see lots of tanks fail. As a cleric I see them come and go. In bh/fb 59 I really think that a mag class should be the tank. almost that whole cave is magic attack not melee. Why throw a meat sac out there that needs constant purify and heal when you can throw a magic class out there and not need near as much mana. I have gone through almost 3 plat mana charms from healing and most fo it is from wreckless barbs/bm that think that they are invvincible. Learn your limitations before say you are going to tank.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Gotta love all the disagreements on what class is the best.
    The best class depends on the playing style of each player THERE IS NO BEST CLASS! play what you want to play and play it to the best of your ability. thats the best class b:thanks
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    DD wiz/psy b/c when i play a cleric i find i want to let noobs die.b:pleased
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Do you even know how boring the game was becoming without packs? (Guess it's still getting pretty boring b:laugh)

    No, in all honesty, I had fun before and after packs came out. If it's having fun, you should be able to have plenty of it with or without cash shop. Those that are in the game for competition have a harder time swallowing it if they can't afford it I guess.

    Same...I had the most fun playing back in 2008 way before packs were even named Anniversary Packs, when gold was under 100k, and having molds were the "in" thing...being level 90 was considered godly..*sigh this has turned into such a catastrophe..

    RETIRED from Abyss to persue a better game =^_^=

    IGN - Pain
    Spouse - Hikari
    Server - Abyss
    Level -
    Class - Bezerker
    Guild -
    Tokyo & Harajuku First married couple ever on BoI =^_^= Congrats hunny :):)
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Veno w/ herc or Nix way less repair costs i get DD + Magic DD tbh!b:dirty
  • Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    yinar wrote: »
    A lvl 70 sin came up to me, with poor armor and a lvl 43? legendary weapon. He asked if he could buy mine, it was lvl 60. I said why buy a 60? buy a 70 if you're 70. He said - its too expensive, I only got 300k. I just started the game so I don't have much.


    People can grind for coins so that they can purchase gold and buy items in the boutique. But now its up to 800-850k PER gold, and that is terrible. How long do you need to grind out to get even 400k? This person needs to not only deal with his weapon, but also his full armor, shards, possibly refining. The DQ drops are now going to not give you money but credits after Genesis expansion! That's even worse.

    Its highly stressful for people that don't cash shop, not that they don't want to sometimes (though there are people who can afford it but won't) but they just don't have money. High levels who can get money easily or CS users would tell them to "GTFO then!" - how's that fair? This is meant to be a free to play game. Please think about newcomers, think about the kids and people with no job that wants to just have fun in PWI, coz to some ppl PWI offers them the best gaming experience, BUT the cash shop..

    I love PWI, played for 2 yrs and have seen it changing. I hope it will become a more welcoming place for ALL kinds of players. Otherwise, soon it will become a place full of cash shop users, or burnt out cash shop users that are tired of using real life money, and a game that no non-cash shop users can play because they cannot advance through the game to enjoy it as its best.

    I have to say - the mat prices, and generally any gear for lvl 70 is cheaper than it was before packs came out and made them easier to farm/irrelevant making the prices lower. The new player would technically had a harder time obtaining the gear with the money he has then than now. Gold price was lower, but it was harder to make coin back then.

    It's not the cash shop that's the problem, its the people who undermine those that don't, as much as people that don't hate those that do. PWI has a lot of offer even without cash shop. New players should be able to progress through the game without it (how do you think we did it before cash shop became popular? There were plently of high levels before cash shop that made it just fine) just that they'll have to do it with a group of people on the same boat as them.

    It's the players that come to play with a competitive spirit that have a hard time. They look at a cash shopper and how much money they make which, in theory, shouldn't mean a thing to them if they're doing well off with their mold gears. But no, they also want to be able to have the same thing so it makes it less "fun" for them.
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Cashshoper doesnt= pro it jus =noob in op gear jus putting a end too all the cashoppers who claim to be pro and ps nothing pro about atuo attack in pk

    I dis agree on your remark. Everybody sometime in there game play buys something, There for everybody is a cash shopper. There are pro players on every server. who uses cash chops to help them get there gear. say for example the vite stones. u cant just go harvest a vit stone. yes u can make shards. But you cant just go and make a Savant Stone. You have to buy it. pk is A good way to learn how to PVP someone. does not matter if your pro or not. Everybody is a pro at something.and Everybody is a fail at something. we rare not good at everything. I am a cash shopper to and I am a good Blade Master in instances and sami Pro in PvP. It does not matter how u spend your money. If u die in pk , it means you need more practice. not because your nub.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:surrender it says the servers are up but i cant logg in ? and there was no update for me :/?
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    akatsuchi wrote: »
    Same...I had the most fun playing back in 2008 way before packs were even named Anniversary Packs, when gold was under 100k, and having molds were the "in" thing...being level 90 was considered godly..*sigh this has turned into such a catastrophe..

    *Agreed* AHHHH THE noob Days
  • Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    crnull wrote: »
    Why does everyone think that barbs have the repair bill? Sometimes Clerics have an even bigger repair bill. If I am with a barb I haven't worked with before I will warn them up front. If you are dying aggro everything around you or you will die before you get a heal. I would rather let you die and do a rez than get myself killed with heal aggro. Clerics can have one of the worst repair bills ever. Anyway since the questing was about dd healer or tank I prefer all in one the all mighty Cleric rules. I can tank dd and heal.

    Thats true, every barb says "omg my repair bill is waaaaaaaay too expensive", lies, stop QQing and run a cleric then QQ.

    Cleric is one of the most expensive classes ingame, yes barbs are not really that expensive compared to clerics gear, skill expenses, potions, charms, gear, repairs (yes clerics do have repair bills as well), some times I even have higher repairs than the barb, not to mention the potions used are also part of the final bill. When a good tank doesnt really need to pot / tick charm, so thats a point in favour for barbs.

    On the other hand, clerics can use around 50-80 potions per nirvana run (deppending on the MP and usage) that is 30-65k atleast (only for potions), now add around 30k repair bill, thats around 60-100k bill and if you have a HP charm, even more.

    Note that its not only this, the skills are expensive as well since every single pwoerfull skill is worth over 15m.

    Tempest = 20m
    IH = 15-20m
    Metal Mastery = 5-15m (this one has a huge variation on prices but I usually find it for 10m or less)
    Purify = 20m
    Revive = 20m (dumb people sell it for higher / cheaper lol, I know someone who got hers for 3m...)
    Wield Thunder = 20m

    And other classes really have their "selected skills" that are a must to get. But cleric is pretty much every skill :(

    Not to mention higher level gear is hell expensive for both parts and as a cleric is not easy to get coin fast (unless you have a nirvana team made up you go with, else its hard)

    Heal aggro is something you learn to control, i just let them die if they dont have either bramble on them or don't attack the mobs.

    However, when it comes to what I like... either Healer or DD, I don't like tanking (my veno has a herc and I don't like tanking bosses with it, since it cannot really hold aggro now since everyone even on lower levels are overpowered since most have high level alts that make them gear)
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    2 way of play arcane as PWI Achievements says

    Venomancer: I don't need a Squad

    Cleric: Every Party Needs Me

    looking foward to mystics b:bye
    Noobs dont PK on cube entrance
    or i may hurt you in self defence
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:surrender it says the servers are up but i cant logg in ? and there was no update for me :/?

  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So did i miss marriage packs sale?
    Hope not b:cry
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The servers are not up atm. it may say there up, but all it is system delay.
  • Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The servers are not up atm. it may say there up, but all it is system delay.

    Or fail PHP scripting to detect the ports being used.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Still sad to see that gold is near 1m each and few rich people determine the economy...
    and idiots still buy gold from AH even when is 900k each...
    Was fun till it lasted.
    see ya guys
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I dis agree on your remark. Everybody sometime in there game play buys something, There for everybody is a cash shopper. There are pro players on every server. who uses cash chops to help them get there gear. say for example the vite stones. u cant just go harvest a vit stone. yes u can make shards. But you cant just go and make a Savant Stone. You have to buy it. pk is A good way to learn how to PVP someone. does not matter if your pro or not. Everybody is a pro at something.and Everybody is a fail at something. we rare not good at everything. I am a cash shopper to and I am a good Blade Master in instances and sami Pro in PvP. It does not matter how u spend your money. If u die in pk , it means you need more practice. not because your nub.

    i musta wrote that wrong but i mean ppl who spend 150$ on a game a month are th cash shoppers im talking about the other day i was at Ot and Azn asked 2 5 aps barbs to 2v1 1 simply replyed nah your too good what is good about a cash shopper who has EPIC gears nothing id say they didnt work for it like most of us old school pros they just bought it i rest my caseb:thanks
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So tell me Do you think P.W.I should make Barbs be there true form, like a wolf Barb be a wolf, panda barb be a panda, you know. I would like to see that happen. Wouldn't u you?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    How do i fix my setting so that i can fight back when some NOOB decides to try to PK me when i drop into the cube. Please tell me so I can fix the NOOB next time. Otherwise people need to have some respect for the cube. If I wanted to PK i would have swords up.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    not that i myself have epic gears lolz
  • Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Still sad to see that gold is near 1m each and few rich people determine the economy...
    and idiots still buy gold from AH even when is 900k each...

    No, a few rich people don't determine the economy. If they did it would be much worse than it is now.

    Also, I fail to see why you call these people "idiots." Many people that buy gold at those prices actually make profit of it ... b:bye
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well they are up or not?


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