Archmage Wizard guide.

XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
Posts: 165 Arc User
I know there are other wizard guides but I guess after 100 lvls I decided I wanna share what i learned with other ppl, u may agree with me or not anyway its your choise, if u dont like it u better not read it anymore but I if u want to read it im sure u might learn some nicew tips.
NOTE: This gude will use some vocabulary that u cant find on a dictionary (things that ppl use in game to refere to quests, instances etc) like FB,TT,BH etc so if u at a certain point u dont know what im talking about just play a little more and u will find out while u play with other ppl.
So u decided to make a Wizard well there is a couple of things u should know.
1st of all no matter what they say the Wizard is an endgame class wich means we are NOT good at low lvls butr things bet extraordinarely better as u get to higher lvls.
Wizard build:
There are many Wizard builds.
HP Wizard (waste of status points cos u only get 10 hp points per vitality point u add)
Heavy Arour (dont even try this build unless u wanna joke or be a fail wizard, your magical defence will suck and u will hit extremely low and as Wizard well... u are suposed to have crazy magical deff and attack
LA Wizard (Medium physical and magical defence but a recuded attack compared to Pure build Wizards
Pure Wizard this is the build I recomend, and the one most Wizards use u will get low physical defence at the beggining (bvut later on u can compensate by upgrading your equipent and u will get a high maigcal defernce from the beggining and high damage skills that will becomwe more and more significant as u lvl up.
Pure build is 1 str 9 mag every 2 lvls
NOTE: From now on this guide be based on a Pure build Wizard game style for 2 reasons:
1st most Wizards play Pure build.
2nd the END GAME GEAR (RANK 9 GREAR) is designed for pure wizards so...
Ok now that I have told u all this lets continue:
Wizard beggining (low lvls)
Lvl 1 to 20
U wil find that these lvls are very easy at the beggining u start launching a basic skill and u kill mobs in 1 shot, u can get thrugh there lvls by simply killing mobs and making some easy quests.
Lvl 20 to 50
Some would say this are the hardest lvls for wizards
Ok these is the part most magic classes hate because u face a lot of physical defence monsters and as a wizard u cant heal yourself as fast as clerics, u dont have a pet to protect u like venomancers and u dont have those wierd tricks psychics have, all u have is hard hits. But there is a tip i can give u to help a bit u can use a neclace and a belt r3gardless of wich build u are these ornaments can give u either magical deff physical deff or extra evasion. As wizard u already have high magical deff but low physical defence so i suggest u to get physical defence ornaments to balance your status also lvling stone barrier skill is very important because it also raises your physical defence.
Lvl 50 to 60
Ok at this point u are still weaker than other classes to fight some mobs and other classes still kill u very easy in duels, dont worry keep lvling have patience and trust me.. later on it will be worth it. Anyway after lvl 50 if u are well geared u will notice u start hitting considerably harder than other classes just pay attention.
Lvl 60 - 79
Ok as u lvl up u see opther calsses still kill u but now u dont have to much truoble killing monsters and if u are well equiped u can kill them in 3-4 shots. Keep going.
Lvl 79 - 89
Ok this is a very important part because at lvl 79 u get 3 new skills wich can be very usefull for u at fights with other players tho im not saying u will be a killed mage already but these skills might help u be a better fighter against other classes.
Lvl 79 skills can be expensive compared to other skills and u also need to get spwecail itmes to learn them but they are woth it.
There are 3 lvl 79 skills for us the Wizards
Undine Strike:
If used well it can help u a lot, its a quick to cast skill that deals lesser damage to target but reduces his fire, water and earth defence by 60% and that makes it recibe a lot more damage from our attacks u can use it against other players, mosters or bosses to increase damage rate.
Sophoric Wisper:
This skill makes target fall asleep for 4 seconds giveing u time to attack him while he sleeps or move out of hes range. Clerics have a similar skill but the diference is that their sleeping effect lasts longer, anyway the nice feature about our version is that its instant to cast wich means we can place ppl to sleep in 0 seconds while clerics take about 2 seconds to cast it, so as Wizard u can take advantage of that and sleep ppl when they less expect it.
Elemental Shell:
This skill is underestimated by some players but if u use it well it can be of great help, it raises your metal, fire, water and earth defence by 1000% for 4 seconds yes 1000%!!!! I know it last very few seconds but it may be berry usefull to avoid ketting killed by massive magical attacks also, u can use it to protect other ppl from a blowing attack that would kill them under normal conditions and it also gives u chi everytime u cast it and u can use it even when u are moving thats a nice feature. (getting chi while u move hehe)
Lvl 89 to 99
Ok the big desition that may change your game playing style u going demon or sage?
There have been A LOT OF DISCUSIONS ABOUT THIS TOPIC but ill tell u the truth..
No one is better than the other they are all the same but just different, anyway what u mightr need to knwo is the following.
The DEMON/SAGE wizards have lots of diferences but thew principle is this:
Demon wizards have skilsl too:
Hit faster (demon spark, demon wellspring qualf)
Have more critical hit hate (demon water, earth and fire mastery)
Decreases other players chi (all classes demon skill)
Also demons have a special bonus in physical defence because demon stone barrier gives them 150%+ physical defence while sage gives only 120%+
Sage Wizards have skills too:
Hit harder (sage fire, water and earth mastery, sage wellspring qualf)
Have more chi (all calsses sage skill)
Deffence bonus (sage spark reduces damage u take by 25%)
Also sage has a specail bonus in fire water and earth defence beacause sage glacial embrace, stone barrier and pyroshell gives 150%+ magical defence while demon only gives 120%+
Both are good its just they are diferent for more info look at
Oh and after lvl 80 if u are well equiped u might notice killing mobs of your lvl is damn easy because u kill them before they can even hit u XD
And once u have 3 sparks hehe u will be able to make crazy combos at duels etc, just get full chi before fighting.
Aslo u will need a good weaphon, for a wizard a weaphon is almost everything because thats the advantege we got vs other classes, we dont seath, dont have much hp, dont have pts to protect us but we HIT HARD so try to get a nice weaphon and u will be aple to pwn at high lvls.
Lvl 99
Not much to say just get your culivation quest done and try tt99 weaphon if u are not damn rich but wanna hit hard i suggest u try to get Sacredevil green tt99 sword because unlke the other tt99 magic swords this one doesnt have -channeling BUT it has extra magical attack bonus and a sweet 2%+ critical hit rate also adds some extra magic points.
Lvl 100
Finnaly lvl 100!!!!
Ok if u were broke to this point u are finnaly going to be able to make some easy cash, because lvl 100 bhs doesnt give just exp and spirit like lvl 100- ones, lvl 100+ bhs give random rewards u can get good stiff from it, like 2 extacy cards (that u can sell to NPC for 1m each, 8 Ultimate substances that u can sell for about 30 each, 50 mirages thats 500k+ if u sell them and other good stuff, alsop u can try making Nirvana runs wich give u about 450k - 600k wealth per run, and if u are not lucky finding Nirvana u can save up 99 Nirvana keys and then give them to NPC so wich will give u 10 Uccanie and 2 Rapture Crystals thats nice cash if u sell them later.
Now here are some nice bcombos u can use on fights:
Note for this comos to work u neen a good weaphon and over 450 magic points, also some on these combos requite perfect timing so it may be a bit hard for u to use them at the begginging but its just practice.
And while making this im not taking in consideration genie skills or pots and apos im using simple skills, so plz note this is for a clean fight using only skills. And its designed for DUELS but i may use them on PK if u want.
Ok lets start
Combo vs BMs:
If u are a very high damage dealing wizard and proud of your weaphon then this combo is for u:
Get full chi 1st then: Essential Sutra - Force of Will - Sandstom - Black Ice Dragon Strike and GAME OVER U WON
BM wil die before he can even attack.
Note: U need perfect timing for this combo so start if u are dueling start combo when counter says 2 so u can cast the other 3 skills before sutra time expires.
Combo vs Venos With Nix:
Ughh venos with nix deal a lot of damage and they try to stun us so u better try this on them.
Get at a medium disance from her and her pet, TARGET PET (get full chi 1st)
Essential Sutra - Elemental Shell (just to get a little more chi) - Mountain Seize - Sandtorm - (Pet Dies) target veno fast and cast force of will attack her and if she still doesnt die use sohporic wisper and attack her once more.
Note. Sometimes venos spark t avoid being stunned by Mountain Seize anyway their pets can avoid the stun so u can still paralize the nix and if u are a very good Wiz i can try to use BID instead of MS to 1 shot ehe nix.
Im tired for now but ill continue with this gude later...
NOTE: This gude will use some vocabulary that u cant find on a dictionary (things that ppl use in game to refere to quests, instances etc) like FB,TT,BH etc so if u at a certain point u dont know what im talking about just play a little more and u will find out while u play with other ppl.
So u decided to make a Wizard well there is a couple of things u should know.
1st of all no matter what they say the Wizard is an endgame class wich means we are NOT good at low lvls butr things bet extraordinarely better as u get to higher lvls.
Wizard build:
There are many Wizard builds.
HP Wizard (waste of status points cos u only get 10 hp points per vitality point u add)
Heavy Arour (dont even try this build unless u wanna joke or be a fail wizard, your magical defence will suck and u will hit extremely low and as Wizard well... u are suposed to have crazy magical deff and attack
LA Wizard (Medium physical and magical defence but a recuded attack compared to Pure build Wizards
Pure Wizard this is the build I recomend, and the one most Wizards use u will get low physical defence at the beggining (bvut later on u can compensate by upgrading your equipent and u will get a high maigcal defernce from the beggining and high damage skills that will becomwe more and more significant as u lvl up.
Pure build is 1 str 9 mag every 2 lvls
NOTE: From now on this guide be based on a Pure build Wizard game style for 2 reasons:
1st most Wizards play Pure build.
2nd the END GAME GEAR (RANK 9 GREAR) is designed for pure wizards so...
Ok now that I have told u all this lets continue:
Wizard beggining (low lvls)
Lvl 1 to 20
U wil find that these lvls are very easy at the beggining u start launching a basic skill and u kill mobs in 1 shot, u can get thrugh there lvls by simply killing mobs and making some easy quests.
Lvl 20 to 50
Some would say this are the hardest lvls for wizards
Ok these is the part most magic classes hate because u face a lot of physical defence monsters and as a wizard u cant heal yourself as fast as clerics, u dont have a pet to protect u like venomancers and u dont have those wierd tricks psychics have, all u have is hard hits. But there is a tip i can give u to help a bit u can use a neclace and a belt r3gardless of wich build u are these ornaments can give u either magical deff physical deff or extra evasion. As wizard u already have high magical deff but low physical defence so i suggest u to get physical defence ornaments to balance your status also lvling stone barrier skill is very important because it also raises your physical defence.
Lvl 50 to 60
Ok at this point u are still weaker than other classes to fight some mobs and other classes still kill u very easy in duels, dont worry keep lvling have patience and trust me.. later on it will be worth it. Anyway after lvl 50 if u are well geared u will notice u start hitting considerably harder than other classes just pay attention.
Lvl 60 - 79
Ok as u lvl up u see opther calsses still kill u but now u dont have to much truoble killing monsters and if u are well equiped u can kill them in 3-4 shots. Keep going.
Lvl 79 - 89
Ok this is a very important part because at lvl 79 u get 3 new skills wich can be very usefull for u at fights with other players tho im not saying u will be a killed mage already but these skills might help u be a better fighter against other classes.
Lvl 79 skills can be expensive compared to other skills and u also need to get spwecail itmes to learn them but they are woth it.
There are 3 lvl 79 skills for us the Wizards
Undine Strike:
If used well it can help u a lot, its a quick to cast skill that deals lesser damage to target but reduces his fire, water and earth defence by 60% and that makes it recibe a lot more damage from our attacks u can use it against other players, mosters or bosses to increase damage rate.
Sophoric Wisper:
This skill makes target fall asleep for 4 seconds giveing u time to attack him while he sleeps or move out of hes range. Clerics have a similar skill but the diference is that their sleeping effect lasts longer, anyway the nice feature about our version is that its instant to cast wich means we can place ppl to sleep in 0 seconds while clerics take about 2 seconds to cast it, so as Wizard u can take advantage of that and sleep ppl when they less expect it.
Elemental Shell:
This skill is underestimated by some players but if u use it well it can be of great help, it raises your metal, fire, water and earth defence by 1000% for 4 seconds yes 1000%!!!! I know it last very few seconds but it may be berry usefull to avoid ketting killed by massive magical attacks also, u can use it to protect other ppl from a blowing attack that would kill them under normal conditions and it also gives u chi everytime u cast it and u can use it even when u are moving thats a nice feature. (getting chi while u move hehe)
Lvl 89 to 99
Ok the big desition that may change your game playing style u going demon or sage?
There have been A LOT OF DISCUSIONS ABOUT THIS TOPIC but ill tell u the truth..
No one is better than the other they are all the same but just different, anyway what u mightr need to knwo is the following.
The DEMON/SAGE wizards have lots of diferences but thew principle is this:
Demon wizards have skilsl too:
Hit faster (demon spark, demon wellspring qualf)
Have more critical hit hate (demon water, earth and fire mastery)
Decreases other players chi (all classes demon skill)
Also demons have a special bonus in physical defence because demon stone barrier gives them 150%+ physical defence while sage gives only 120%+
Sage Wizards have skills too:
Hit harder (sage fire, water and earth mastery, sage wellspring qualf)
Have more chi (all calsses sage skill)
Deffence bonus (sage spark reduces damage u take by 25%)
Also sage has a specail bonus in fire water and earth defence beacause sage glacial embrace, stone barrier and pyroshell gives 150%+ magical defence while demon only gives 120%+
Both are good its just they are diferent for more info look at
Oh and after lvl 80 if u are well equiped u might notice killing mobs of your lvl is damn easy because u kill them before they can even hit u XD
And once u have 3 sparks hehe u will be able to make crazy combos at duels etc, just get full chi before fighting.
Aslo u will need a good weaphon, for a wizard a weaphon is almost everything because thats the advantege we got vs other classes, we dont seath, dont have much hp, dont have pts to protect us but we HIT HARD so try to get a nice weaphon and u will be aple to pwn at high lvls.
Lvl 99
Not much to say just get your culivation quest done and try tt99 weaphon if u are not damn rich but wanna hit hard i suggest u try to get Sacredevil green tt99 sword because unlke the other tt99 magic swords this one doesnt have -channeling BUT it has extra magical attack bonus and a sweet 2%+ critical hit rate also adds some extra magic points.
Lvl 100
Finnaly lvl 100!!!!
Ok if u were broke to this point u are finnaly going to be able to make some easy cash, because lvl 100 bhs doesnt give just exp and spirit like lvl 100- ones, lvl 100+ bhs give random rewards u can get good stiff from it, like 2 extacy cards (that u can sell to NPC for 1m each, 8 Ultimate substances that u can sell for about 30 each, 50 mirages thats 500k+ if u sell them and other good stuff, alsop u can try making Nirvana runs wich give u about 450k - 600k wealth per run, and if u are not lucky finding Nirvana u can save up 99 Nirvana keys and then give them to NPC so wich will give u 10 Uccanie and 2 Rapture Crystals thats nice cash if u sell them later.
Now here are some nice bcombos u can use on fights:
Note for this comos to work u neen a good weaphon and over 450 magic points, also some on these combos requite perfect timing so it may be a bit hard for u to use them at the begginging but its just practice.
And while making this im not taking in consideration genie skills or pots and apos im using simple skills, so plz note this is for a clean fight using only skills. And its designed for DUELS but i may use them on PK if u want.
Ok lets start

Combo vs BMs:
If u are a very high damage dealing wizard and proud of your weaphon then this combo is for u:
Get full chi 1st then: Essential Sutra - Force of Will - Sandstom - Black Ice Dragon Strike and GAME OVER U WON

BM wil die before he can even attack.
Note: U need perfect timing for this combo so start if u are dueling start combo when counter says 2 so u can cast the other 3 skills before sutra time expires.
Combo vs Venos With Nix:
Ughh venos with nix deal a lot of damage and they try to stun us so u better try this on them.
Get at a medium disance from her and her pet, TARGET PET (get full chi 1st)
Essential Sutra - Elemental Shell (just to get a little more chi) - Mountain Seize - Sandtorm - (Pet Dies) target veno fast and cast force of will attack her and if she still doesnt die use sohporic wisper and attack her once more.
Note. Sometimes venos spark t avoid being stunned by Mountain Seize anyway their pets can avoid the stun so u can still paralize the nix and if u are a very good Wiz i can try to use BID instead of MS to 1 shot ehe nix.
Im tired for now but ill continue with this gude later...
Post edited by XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver on
.. skimmed it. 99% of what you added is already in the stickies. If you want a new guide, you're gonna need to add new infoYoutube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: ».. skimmed it. 99% of what you added is already in the stickies. If you want a new guide, you're gonna need to add new info
as i sayed at the end of the guide, im tired im gonna continue it later, that just proves u didnt even read the hole guide >.>. U better read more before start adding trolling comments.0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »as i sayed at the end of the guide, im tired im gonna continue it later, that just proves u didnt even read the hole guide >.>. U better read more before start adding trolling comments.
You has spelling errors everywhere (Even in the guide).
Your posts are invalid.hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
Nastassiya - Sanctuary
A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.
Me are hibernating. *poof*0 -
storehammy wrote: »
"You has spelling errors" lol if you are gonna correct me at least do it right >.>0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »"You has spelling errors" lol if you are gonna correct me at least do it right >.>
Wrong human,
you no can has lolspeak. no cheeseburger either.
.-.hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
Nastassiya - Sanctuary
A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.
Me are hibernating. *poof*0 -
The section where you talk about combos just shows how inexperienced you in pvp. That may work against afk targets, or someone with 10k+ ping.. but real people are able to react and counter those strategies.. especially if you do the same thing over and over. Some of your ideas are just dumb. For example, your idea that vit on a mage is bad because you get 10 hp per vit. 50 points = 500 hp unbuffed, which is more hp than you'd get from 4 citrine gems (which are extremely expensive). Now if you said something like you'd be sacrificing our most important stat (magic) and that we need all the damage we can get.. you could make an argument out of that. However, you make it sound like vit has no upside. Vit is a very effective way of getting hp.. especially before end game. You usually have about 150 points left over after you have the minimum requirements to wear your gear (at lvl 100 anyway), which would translate to over 1500 hp. I've seen some really bad geared mages having less than 4k hp.. so a pure vit build could be increasing their hp by over 40%. I'm not a full vit advocate, you need to defend your conclusions with valid arguments to be taken seriously.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »u can get good stiff from it
That's for sure :PPacks World International0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »I know there are other wizard guides but I guess after 100 lvls I decided I wanna share what i learned with other ppl, u may agree with me or not anyway its your choise, if u dont like it u better not read it anymore but I if u want to read it im sure u might learn some nicew tips.
NOTE: This gude will use some vocabulary that u cant find on a dictionary (things that ppl use in game to refere to quests, instances etc) like FB,TT,BH etc so if u at a certain point u dont know what im talking about just play a little more and u will find out while u play with other ppl.
So u decided to make a Wizard well there is a couple of things u should know.
1st of all no matter what they say the Wizard is an endgame class wich means we are NOT good at low lvls butr things bet extraordinarely better as u get to higher lvls.
Wizard build:
There are many Wizard builds.
HP Wizard (waste of status points cos u only get 10 hp points per vitality point u add)
Heavy Arour (dont even try this build unless u wanna joke or be a fail wizard, your magical defence will suck and u will hit extremely low and as Wizard well... u are suposed to have crazy magical deff and attack
LA Wizard (Medium physical and magical defence but a recuded attack compared to Pure build Wizards
Pure Wizard this is the build I recomend, and the one most Wizards use u will get low physical defence at the beggining (bvut later on u can compensate by upgrading your equipent and u will get a high maigcal defernce from the beggining and high damage skills that will becomwe more and more significant as u lvl up.
Pure build is 1 str 9 mag every 2 lvls
NOTE: From now on this guide be based on a Pure build Wizard game style for 2 reasons:
1st most Wizards play Pure build.
2nd the END GAME GEAR (RANK 9 GREAR) is designed for pure wizards so...
Ok now that I have told u all this lets continue:
Wizard beggining (low lvls)
Lvl 1 to 20
U wil find that these lvls are very easy at the beggining u start launching a basic skill and u kill mobs in 1 shot, u can get thrugh there lvls by simply killing mobs and making some easy quests.
Lvl 20 to 50
Some would say this are the hardest lvls for wizards
Ok these is the part most magic classes hate because u face a lot of physical defence monsters and as a wizard u cant heal yourself as fast as clerics, u dont have a pet to protect u like venomancers and u dont have those wierd tricks psychics have, all u have is hard hits. But there is a tip i can give u to help a bit u can use a neclace and a belt r3gardless of wich build u are these ornaments can give u either magical deff physical deff or extra evasion. As wizard u already have high magical deff but low physical defence so i suggest u to get physical defence ornaments to balance your status also lvling stone barrier skill is very important because it also raises your physical defence.
Lvl 50 to 60
Ok at this point u are still weaker than other classes to fight some mobs and other classes still kill u very easy in duels, dont worry keep lvling have patience and trust me.. later on it will be worth it. Anyway after lvl 50 if u are well geared u will notice u start hitting considerably harder than other classes just pay attention.
Lvl 60 - 79
Ok as u lvl up u see opther calsses still kill u but now u dont have to much truoble killing monsters and if u are well equiped u can kill them in 3-4 shots. Keep going.
Lvl 79 - 89
Ok this is a very important part because at lvl 79 u get 3 new skills wich can be very usefull for u at fights with other players tho im not saying u will be a killed mage already but these skills might help u be a better fighter against other classes.
Lvl 79 skills can be expensive compared to other skills and u also need to get spwecail itmes to learn them but they are woth it.
There are 3 lvl 79 skills for us the Wizards
Undine Strike:
If used well it can help u a lot, its a quick to cast skill that deals lesser damage to target but reduces his fire, water and earth defence by 60% and that makes it recibe a lot more damage from our attacks u can use it against other players, mosters or bosses to increase damage rate.
Sophoric Wisper:
This skill makes target fall asleep for 4 seconds giveing u time to attack him while he sleeps or move out of hes range. Clerics have a similar skill but the diference is that their sleeping effect lasts longer, anyway the nice feature about our version is that its instant to cast wich means we can place ppl to sleep in 0 seconds while clerics take about 2 seconds to cast it, so as Wizard u can take advantage of that and sleep ppl when they less expect it.
Elemental Shell:
This skill is underestimated by some players but if u use it well it can be of great help, it raises your metal, fire, water and earth defence by 1000% for 4 seconds yes 1000%!!!! I know it last very few seconds but it may be berry usefull to avoid ketting killed by massive magical attacks also, u can use it to protect other ppl from a blowing attack that would kill them under normal conditions and it also gives u chi everytime u cast it and u can use it even when u are moving thats a nice feature. (getting chi while u move hehe)
Lvl 89 to 99
Ok the big desition that may change your game playing style u going demon or sage?
There have been A LOT OF DISCUSIONS ABOUT THIS TOPIC but ill tell u the truth..
No one is better than the other they are all the same but just different, anyway what u mightr need to knwo is the following.
The DEMON/SAGE wizards have lots of diferences but thew principle is this:
Demon wizards have skilsl too:
Hit faster (demon spark, demon wellspring qualf)
Have more critical hit hate (demon water, earth and fire mastery)
Decreases other players chi (all classes demon skill)
Also demons have a special bonus in physical defence because demon stone barrier gives them 150%+ physical defence while sage gives only 120%+
Sage Wizards have skills too:
Hit harder (sage fire, water and earth mastery, sage wellspring qualf)
Have more chi (all calsses sage skill)
Deffence bonus (sage spark reduces damage u take by 25%)
Also sage has a specail bonus in fire water and earth defence beacause sage glacial embrace, stone barrier and pyroshell gives 150%+ magical defence while demon only gives 120%+
Both are good its just they are diferent for more info look at
Oh and after lvl 80 if u are well equiped u might notice killing mobs of your lvl is damn easy because u kill them before they can even hit u XD
And once u have 3 sparks hehe u will be able to make crazy combos at duels etc, just get full chi before fighting.
Aslo u will need a good weaphon, for a wizard a weaphon is almost everything because thats the advantege we got vs other classes, we dont seath, dont have much hp, dont have pts to protect us but we HIT HARD so try to get a nice weaphon and u will be aple to pwn at high lvls.
Lvl 99
Not much to say just get your culivation quest done and try tt99 weaphon if u are not damn rich but wanna hit hard i suggest u try to get Sacredevil green tt99 sword because unlke the other tt99 magic swords this one doesnt have -channeling BUT it has extra magical attack bonus and a sweet 2%+ critical hit rate also adds some extra magic points.
Lvl 100
Finnaly lvl 100!!!!
Ok if u were broke to this point u are finnaly going to be able to make some easy cash, because lvl 100 bhs doesnt give just exp and spirit like lvl 100- ones, lvl 100+ bhs give random rewards u can get good stiff from it, like 2 extacy cards (that u can sell to NPC for 1m each, 8 Ultimate substances that u can sell for about 30 each, 50 mirages thats 500k+ if u sell them and other good stuff, alsop u can try making Nirvana runs wich give u about 450k - 600k wealth per run, and if u are not lucky finding Nirvana u can save up 99 Nirvana keys and then give them to NPC so wich will give u 10 Uccanie and 2 Rapture Crystals thats nice cash if u sell them later.
Now here are some nice bcombos u can use on fights:
Note for this comos to work u neen a good weaphon and over 450 magic points, also some on these combos requite perfect timing so it may be a bit hard for u to use them at the begginging but its just practice.
And while making this im not taking in consideration genie skills or pots and apos im using simple skills, so plz note this is for a clean fight using only skills. And its designed for DUELS but i may use them on PK if u want.
Ok lets start
Combo vs BMs:
If u are a very high damage dealing wizard and proud of your weaphon then this combo is for u:
Get full chi 1st then: Essential Sutra - Force of Will - Sandstom - Black Ice Dragon Strike and GAME OVER U WON
BM wil die before he can even attack.
Note: U need perfect timing for this combo so start if u are dueling start combo when counter says 2 so u can cast the other 3 skills before sutra time expires.
Combo vs Venos With Nix:
Ughh venos with nix deal a lot of damage and they try to stun us so u better try this on them.
Get at a medium disance from her and her pet, TARGET PET (get full chi 1st)
Essential Sutra - Elemental Shell (just to get a little more chi) - Mountain Seize - Sandtorm - (Pet Dies) target veno fast and cast force of will attack her and if she still doesnt die use sohporic wisper and attack her once more.
Note. Sometimes venos spark t avoid being stunned by Mountain Seize anyway their pets can avoid the stun so u can still paralize the nix and if u are a very good Wiz i can try to use BID instead of MS to 1 shot ehe nix.
Im tired for now but ill continue with this gude later...
Why all the spelling errors? Clean it up and add some detail. You got to 100 doing something right, so I suppose you have some real knowledge to share. Try again.0 -
So I just hit ctr+F and typed in 'kiting'
No results. You ARE aware that being able to kite is like the thing which makes or breaks a wizzy right?
You'r right wizzy life is ganna be hell, cause the person that reads your guide won't even know he CAN kite
Not even stating the most important skil in the whole wizzy life = fail guide9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
...guys.. i think what counts is that he tried...
/optimism"Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are
also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world."
-Margaret Laurence0 -
A lot of your combos are pretty impractical. Like that sutra, FOW, sandstorm, dragonstrike combo.
But what if the BM occult ices you after you force of will him? Two sparks wasted. Being good in pvp requires you to know what your enemy can do (how much genie energy he/she has, what they can do to counter what you will do)
I also put 50 vit in my build and it helps a lot, and I only lose about 800 or so magic attack.0 -
not really a whole lot of new info, and the pvp combos are meh at best, and unless im jus hella blind, no where in the guide did u mention kiting whether it be with gush or distance shrink or both, as a pure mag wiz sure u can pretty much tank magic mobs cuz of ur mag def, but unless ur geared really well, kiting phys mobs is whats gonna determine if your lfie is "easy" or hell as a wiz, ppl new to pure mag wizards wont see this info and will get ***** pretty hard mostly, if i didnt learn how to kite i doubt ida ever gotten my pure mag wiz to 9x, ida rage quitted at like 3-4x lol. also alot of spelling errors as pointed out, i give u props for effort and im not trying to sound like an ***, just constructive criticism.0
Ok, people mentioning kiting. Not a big deal really...get good gear and learn how to use knockback skills, ie, Force of Will (that makes the mob turn and run away), or Will of the Phoenix (which is a proper knockback skill).
Sure, you need to learn how to kite if you're gonna PVP, but for regular mobs, just use these 2 skills.
Also, not sure if anyone ever mentions, don't bother attacking Increased Magical Resistant mobs. While you can kill them fine, they take ages to kill, and for the extra exp, you may as well kill 2 regular mobs and get maybe more drops.
If anyone disagrees with any of this info, I can't do anything about that, but this is what got me to the stage i'm at now.0 -
good gear, arcane gear sucks til mid game at best, knock back is at like 39 and fow like 49 or 59, which means before that kiting makes things alot easier.0
well i gotta agree ur combos are kinda strange.
my combo (at least in duels since i dont pk much) (u need full chi for this) is:
sleep -> undine strike -> FoW -> Mountain Seize -> any quick skill that gives u chi -> BIDS (if opponent is LA or HA) or Blade Tempest(arcanes) that works for me in any fight against any class.
PS: i know BMs are immune to sleep/stun for some time, same for other classes
u should avoid their nasty skill effects first using Holy Path against BMs fast running, kite a barb using invoke, Holy Path an archer too when he uses WoP(or what ever that is called)
anyway the easiest way to win a duel as a wiz is to use expel on ur opponent when timer says 3 or 2 xD b:chuckle0 -
BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear wrote: »well i gotta agree ur combos are kinda strange.
my combo (at least in duels since i dont pk much) (u need full chi for this) is:
sleep -> undine strike -> FoW -> Mountain Seize -> any quick skill that gives u chi -> BIDS (if opponent is LA or HA) or Blade Tempest(arcanes) that works for me in any fight against any class.
PS: i know BMs are immune to sleep/stun for some time, same for other classes
u should avoid their nasty skill effects first using Holy Path against BMs fast running, kite a barb using invoke, Holy Path an archer too when he uses WoP(or what ever that is called)
anyway the easiest way to win a duel as a wiz is to use expel on ur opponent when timer says 3 or 2 xD b:chuckle
The problem with sleep + undine strike is that whn u cast undine u wake up ppl and they can stun u before u use FoW pluss sleep doesnt wrok against BMs, sins and other calsses because they usualy use anti stun skills at the beggining of fights.0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »The section where you talk about combos just shows how inexperienced you in pvp. That may work against afk targets, or someone with 10k+ ping.. but real people are able to react and counter those strategies.. especially if you do the same thing over and over. Some of your ideas are just dumb. For example, your idea that vit on a mage is bad because you get 10 hp per vit. 50 points = 500 hp unbuffed, which is more hp than you'd get from 4 citrine gems (which are extremely expensive). Now if you said something like you'd be sacrificing our most important stat (magic) and that we need all the damage we can get.. you could make an argument out of that. However, you make it sound like vit has no upside. Vit is a very effective way of getting hp.. especially before end game. You usually have about 150 points left over after you have the minimum requirements to wear your gear (at lvl 100 anyway), which would translate to over 1500 hp. I've seen some really bad geared mages having less than 4k hp.. so a pure vit build could be increasing their hp by over 40%. I'm not a full vit advocate, you need to defend your conclusions with valid arguments to be taken seriously.
I got over 4.3k hp and my base vit is only 5 >.>
And I have seen lots of casters that even say vit is so useless that u can make the reset note trick to decrease base vit to 3.0 -
b:avoidhemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
Nastassiya - Sanctuary
A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.
Me are hibernating. *poof*0 -
Use headlines and bold. Too messy I would never even try to read it. Talking about combos to use against a class is useless too.
PvP is situational, and you can't tell someone to use this then that and then that skill. How you teach someone to PvP is how to counter moves that a class uses. As in use force of will if this happens, or use distance shrink if that happens. You can't expect to use the same combo on the class twice because the same thing won't happen twice. Being good at PvP comes with knowing how to use your skills at the right time, not using some combo on a class.
All your arguments on what to do against someone is pointless because that person you are fighting probably has a counter to what you are trying. What determines the winner is who uses theirs better. (and gear)0 -
Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »You got to 100 doing something right, so I suppose you have some real knowledge to share.
Junior, didn't we talk about this on another post? Now go to the blackboard and write 100 times:
"Just because someone is level 100, or otherwise has what I view as "credentials", does not mean anything they have to say is worthwhile. I will read and think critically and make up my own mind."Haiz - Lost City wrote: »Use headlines and bold. Too messy I would never even try to read it.
And +1 to Adroit regarding stuff posted elsewhere. I am not one to believe that there is all that much "new" to be said on any of the original classes, but any new guide at least has to be comprehensive. The only benefit to a new guide would be to pull everything that is dispersed throughout these forums into one guide.
This is just a few hours worth of someone summarizing part of what is posted elsewhere. I don't want to knock the effort necessarily, just to say that I don't think in its present form its worthy of a read."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »I got over 4.3k hp and my base vit is only 5 >.>
And I have seen lots of casters that even say vit is so useless that u can make the reset note trick to decrease base vit to 3.
congratz on 100% missing the point of my post.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »congratz on 100% missing the point of my post.
We know, we know, you like vit on a mage.
The fact is, he didn't say much about it, so I don't know what got your goose feathers all up in a bunch over it. All I can find is that he said that it's a waste of stat points, which I believe is generally the consensus among 100 wizards - the points are better used in magic.
That's not to say that you are an imbecile for putting points in vitality. I'm sure there are any number of wizards that do that.
But can you honestly say that the majority opinion among wizards would be to put 50 points in vitality? b:surrender"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »We know, we know, you like vit on a mage.
The fact is, he didn't say much about it, so I don't know what got your goose feathers all up in a bunch over it. All I can find is that he said that it's a waste of stat points, which I believe is generally the consensus among 100 wizards - the points are better used in magic.
That's not to say that you are an imbecile for putting points in vitality. I'm sure there are any number of wizards that do that.
But can you honestly say that the majority opinion among wizards would be to put 50 points in vitality? b:surrender
congratz on 100% missing the point of my post.
The entire point of my post was that you need to give reasons for conclusions. Apparently you didn't catch on.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »congratz on 100% missing the point of my post.
The entire point of my post was that you need to give reasons for conclusions. Apparently you didn't catch on.
He did. You get less from a point of vit than any other class. 10 hp isn't worth it in his opinion. Or in mine. Or in just about anyone elses.
Again, can you say that what he said isn't generally accepted by most wizards on most servers? You yourself have even said that you are going to eventually move those points out of vit."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
just like people think light is viable option before 90, most believe 50 vitality to be viable until +10 gears
why are you such a ****? reminds me of when I brought the dark-side to this holy-nightmare cleverly disguised as the wizard section.0 -
just like people think light is viable option before 90, most believe 50 vitality to be viable until +10 gears
why are you such a ****? reminds me of when I brought the dark-side to this holy-nightmare cleverly disguised as the wizard section.
****? No, no, we obviously haven't been properly introduced.
I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, master propagandist for our leader in freedom Proski, and recently, amiable pve wizard of Archo server, soon to be beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC.
Pleased to make your acquaintance."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Is this Vit vs. LA argument still going on?
BLOOD, haven't you proved that LA is better than a Vit build pre-90 yet? b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory0 -
Galox - Heavens Tear wrote: »Is this Vit vs. LA argument still going on?
BLOOD, haven't you proved that LA is better than a Vit build pre-90 yet? b:surrender
I didn't say anything about it. That's well enough addressed on another thread."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Galox - Heavens Tear wrote: »Is this Vit vs. LA argument still going on?
BLOOD, haven't you proved that LA is better than a Vit build pre-90 yet? b:surrender
you can't prove an opinion. However, you can prove that full vit build has higher potential survivability than a LA build.
@BLOOD - I'm done wasting my time with you. I say apples are red, you say NO, bananas are yellow. Try again when you can stay on topic please.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »you can't prove an opinion. However, you can prove that full vit build has higher potential survivability than a LA build.
@BLOOD - I'm done wasting my time with you. I say apples are red, you say NO, bananas are yellow. Try again when you can stay on topic please.
In case u have not noticed this tread was intented to be a game guide not a place for u and BLOOD to set "points" and see who is the supreeme holder of truth >.> Dont u see 99.9% of ppl wont change their minds when they try to set a point -.- plz. Im not saying u are not free to express your ideas but stop trying to make this a nonsence forum, forum is NOT A PLACE FOR COMPETITION if u wanna compete thats the game for, if u wanna prove somethign go pwn someone but dont talk **** on formus with nonsence large discusions :P I know u will not convince BLOOD nor he will convince u so just stop filling this will useless comments, set your point of view and leave the rest do the same in peace omg why some ppl have the necesity of making so much drama on discusions, this GAME IS TO ENJOY. Not to make sarcastic comments tring to prove usueles things, i mean what do u inteant to do, u REALLY thing that other ppl will say "oh ur so right, o u have inspired me with your overwellming comments full of smart words sir" >.> Get over it, NO one will ever do they uness they wanna joke with u. U will win no award from placing drama on formus, so stop spaming and be a good player as it takes, TERE IS NO AND WILL NEVER BE A FORUM DRAMA KING AWARD Geez -.-0
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