

  • Martiin - Archosaur
    Martiin - Archosaur Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I should be on that list. I fail so bad in my class, I just fail at them all.

    Barbs - 5aps or gtfo
    BMs - 5 aps or gtfo
    Other classes - rank 8 or gtfo

    Sounds like the trend to me. But I heard packs are perm now, congrats to you all! b:bye
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I don't keep track of my pots, or apoth, or my repair bills for RB instances. Barbs want repairs, collect for them like wine fees for BHs.

    Or take first pick, i don't really care. But then don't qq that no DD wants to come help kill your boss for signs of twilight . . . .

    I don`t keep count on my apos/hp food/pots used either, that would be absurd. But you don`t seem to get it, I bet I use more on pots/apos/foods per instance than you do, I also got a lot higher flat repair bill to top it. But meh, most of the time when I`m the off tank, tank maybe 1 or 2 bosses, when squad offers me 2nd pick, I take the according pick to my lvl as a DD, not 2nd pick as offered. You can act like you know jacks **** about how I do my TTs, I myself think I treat DDs rather well on my squads.

    Btw, gotta say something for "But then don't qq that no DD wants to come help kill your boss for signs of twilight", you know, we barbs don`t get even that most of the time and if for some reason we were too busy to help, we would get bithced for not helping. I try not to comment how funny that line is coming from a DD class, that rarely can even offer any help towards barbs.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I bet I use more on pots/apos/foods per instance than you do

    I didn't say "per instance", I said in RB. 9 times out of 10 the barb gets a charm for RB too. So in RB, yea, I'll put my costs up against yours any day. And no, I don't keep track, or demand more old book pages, or this or that or the other thing.

    My point, since you still don't get it, isn't to compare my costs to yours in this or that instance. It is to say that its completely within your control. The fact that you, or other "tanks" don't want to do what it takes to get them in squad is not our problem.

    You should be able to do just fine without us. If you can't, sweeten the pot the way everyone else has had to do with barbs since this game started.

    Either way, spare us all your garbage about DD's not wanting to do TT. If you want to change it, you can. If you don't - b:shutup
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Boozer - Lost City
    Boozer - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Barbs have always been rather extinct, even more so after Tideborn Expansion and adding 2 more DD classes (that everyone wants to play).

    I think its worse on servers like Archo and Raging Tide. On older servers there is still possible to find willing barbs for pve relatively easy... unless you wanna do Frost than you just have to spam WC for a few hours.

    This makes barbs kinda spoiled though lol. You get the hole "first pick" and free charms and paid wine fee/repairs etc. People are so desperate to get their stuff done that they dont mind paying the tank extra, even if other classes might have similar costs. Its funny tho cuz when other classes than barbs tank, they never demand special treatment.

    Its pointless to argue if its right or wrong because it wont change unless they add more tank classes, that actually becomes popular to play. Until than barbs will be spoiled and people will put up with their endless QQ about repair costs.

    It does change a bit at 100+ for Nirvana when barbs suddenly have to experience what its like having a hard time finding parties. But its still way easier for barbs to run a lot of Nirvana than it is for casters or bow-users.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I didn't say "per instance", I said in RB. 9 times out of 10 the barb gets a charm for RB too. So in RB, yea, I'll put my costs up against yours any day. And no, I don't keep track, or demand more old book pages, or this or that or the other thing.

    My point, since you still don't get it, isn't to compare my costs to yours in this or that instance. It is to say that its completely within your control. The fact that you, or other "tanks" don't want to do what it takes to get them in squad is not our problem.

    You should be able to do just fine without us. If you can't, sweeten the pot the way everyone else has had to do with barbs since this game started.

    Either way, spare us all your garbage about DD's not wanting to do TT. If you want to change it, you can. If you don't - b:shutup

    Never gotten a charm for anything `cept during old Impulse/Narla when they gave charms for catapullers and cataclerics too I think. Now that I think of it, I actually remember 2 other times I got charm. First time was for FC for taking 7x ppl there and helping em, never asked for it though, other was for helping kirbie with her BH warsong as I didn`t have one of my own. Then again somebody might say it`s only proper not to burn your own charms for helping ppl with BH warsong, while your not 10x yourself at that time.

    I never demand anything, though my rule is that the tank gets first pick, that applies to every run. I think I tank maybe 50% of my TTs, on rest I`m DD and I don`t QQ about it. I never ask for charms, repairs or anything. But when wizzie that really cant be seen as real DD in TTs starts to argue he deserves first pick, bite me.

    Ps. I get enough TTs, no need to "change my ways in order to get squads".
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Better question... who in the hell actually PvE's anymore?

    PvE is so 2009
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I remeber back when narla began to win lots of tws that some narlian barbs wanted to win more coins(tw payment) just cause they were "barbs".......

    To those i say gtfo u chosse to be barb now deal with it.....i waste a ton of -removed- mana pots a ton........

    I also remeber misty buying plat chars every 2 days... .

    I hate this barb pride that some have.......

    And lack of barbs on our server?????? well you ppl can see we are all 100 and higher i belive we all get that on hypers fcs, therefor we always had a barb in our squad...
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I remeber back when narla began to win lots of tws that some narlian barbs wanted to win more coins(tw payment) just cause they were "barbs".......

    To those i say gtfo u chosse to be barb now deal with it.....i waste a ton of -removed- mana pots a ton........

    I also remeber misty buying plat chars every 2 days... .

    I hate this barb pride that some have.......

    And lack of barbs on our server?????? well you ppl can see we are all 100 and higher i belive we all get that on hypers fcs, therefor we always had a barb in our squad...

    I tried to read and hopefully I understood bits, stating anything more would be blatant lie. Btw, barbs deal with rolling barb by taking first pick if tanking, etc. Though it seems to be hard to comprehend for most DDs, hell, I still remember cases where I went to help in TT, only wanted mats to cover out my expenses, didn`t get em and got called greedy a-hole/etc. When I have asked anybody to do anything for me, when the one helping got nothing out of helping me, I always offered to cover their expenses. But those cases are rather rare, I remember offering that once, though I cant even remember what it was for.

    I have rejected so many charms, repairs, etc. Charms that were offered when I went to help a squad from WC, not taking it, god I`m greedy, you had done the same, right? I just dont feel like taking charms when what I do dont feel like worth the charm, sure if I`m needed to **** charm to drag squad trough some instance, I prolly accept it, if not, I tend to turn it down. So far I have turned more charms down than accepted, that`s so greedy I can`t even beging to picture it.

    Ps. MP food > MP charm and if Misty can burn plat hp in 2 days w/o PKing, she is doing something wrong, unless she is running new 3-x TTs 24/7 or something else that tends to **** charms.

    Pps. "well you ppl can see we are all 100 and higher i belive we all get that on hypers fcs, therefor we always had a barb in our squad..." And you seem to forget we got you there, which makes your whole post about barbs being greedy rather ironic.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Darth_Puggy - Archosaur
    Darth_Puggy - Archosaur Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well, I'm not endgame yet so I'm not crying about TT or Eden or whatever, but I have noticed their are lots of barbs in our server that just don't know how to tank. And that's around my level. Best advice: teach the ones who are smart enough to learn.
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Barb Pride FTW xD Us Barbs and clerics Deserve the Most Rep lol.
  • Pannzer - Archosaur
    Pannzer - Archosaur Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Barb Pride FTW xD Us Barbs and clerics Deserve the Most Rep lol.

    More rep? 305K isn't enough?
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    lols nope
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Rep does not equal a good barb....

    Fuzzy reads alot of posts, and it seems to be a trend across all server that when we are needed, our class seems to be rare. Its strange how so many people think a 5aps assassin or bm replaces a true tank. Yet here we are... an entire server that can't find a barb.

    Can't finish a 3-x? Can't zen that warsong? Can't complete your delta? Thats funny.... me thought that every sin and bm had max aps.

    The fact remains that only a very small % of those other classes can afford to get all the way to 5aps, no matter how much everyone would have you believe they are the true end-game tanks.

    This panda for one is a true tank and me is sure there are many just like Fuzzy in each server. Don't be fooled by the idea that it takes aps to bring the pain to any end-game instance. It makes Fuzzy sad that these days people think aps is the only way to handle something.

    Look to the barb in your faction and build a party around them. Fuzzy is sure more barbs are just like this panda and can tank anything you ask. So what if it takes 10 more min than a rank 8 sin to get to the end? After all, this is an mmo, and its the journey and the people, not the quick result, that makes it all worth while.

    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The Rep thing was a Joke. But Tell em Fuzzy If I could still play PWI I would be 100 and the Rockest tank. xD But i am 1 of the Few barbs who knows how to play this his very rare Class now and days
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    1 of the Few barbs who knows how to play this his very rare Class now and days

    Fuzzy not agree. (Not to say Joel not a tank)

    This panda not see barbs being rare. What Fuzzy sees is some imaginary "lack" of 5asp. It seems to be that these days me barb brothers are somehow "forgotten" when that just isn't the case.

    It might just be Fuzzy, but being a 101 barb, me is still asked from within his faction, and without, to tank it all. Nirvana, Delta, TT, Lunar, Warsong, etc etc. The whole tone of this thread seems to bend toward the "end-game barb is only good for his buff".. To Fuzzy this is a sad notion and one that not even ring true.

    Ask your local barb to tank, odds are you gonna love it! We are out there and waiting for an invite.

    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • xxjearbearxx
    xxjearbearxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I don't know fuzzy, I rather take two 3.33-5aps bms and two 2.86-5.0 aps sins (with daggers) and 1 veno and 1 cleric to do a TT3-3 in 20 minutes than taking a barb and attempt to tank the instance.

    I just don't feel it.b:shutup
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can someone please point me in the right direction? I am lvl 64 barb that is currently trying to fix my build. Any help that can be given will be appreaciated. I admit that i am more of a casual player, that is trying to become more professional.
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2010
    I would suggest going to the Barbarian section in the Class Discussion part of the forums. There are a lot of Barbs there that can give you ideas on the best build.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Pay my repairs and I give you first pick =). And it`s actually tank that gets first pick, if somebody else can tank, be my quest.

    -removed- hate these reapairs QQ too chilidish too narlian PFFFFF.

    Do u even now how many MP pots i spend DDing on one TT.... not even gonna talk about mistys plat mp charms cause its not even close to what u get on repairs...

    Point 1 QQ abput repair bill fine all squad give u 50k and ill get the first pick how bout that

    Point 2 ERRRRR ihhh you are a barb at this point of the game u should know that barbs are expensive, so reroll anohter class or QQ less........

    point 3 barbs are so 2009 bms are the new tanks todayb:bye

    PS: this is Tivas btw
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    PS: this is Tivas btw

    We know. Tell Misty we miss HER, lol
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    -removed- hate these reapairs QQ too chilidish too narlian PFFFFF.

    Do u even now how many MP pots i spend DDing on one TT.... not even gonna talk about mistys plat mp charms cause its not even close to what u get on repairs...

    Point 1 QQ abput repair bill fine all squad give u 50k and ill get the first pick how bout that

    Point 2 ERRRRR ihhh you are a barb at this point of the game u should know that barbs are expensive, so reroll anohter class or QQ less........

    point 3 barbs are so 2009 bms are the new tanks todayb:bye

    PS: this is Tivas btw

    I doubt you use more mp food than I use hp food. And simply, mp charms are just stupid waste of money as long as there is cheap tokens, **** mp charms is no argument for expenses, I could throw my money into a well and it wouldn`t be argument for expenses, would only show stupidity I could easily stop.

    Point 1: Sure, if that`s the way you wanna roll, I can live with that.

    Point 2: I dont QQ, I state reasons why I take first pick. It`s DDs ******** cause they dont get first pick for afk macro. I had few lines about those squads where I went to help, didn`t get enough to cover my repairs and still got *******, oh yeah, by DD classes. That was only for Bloods awsum arguments how barbs get everything handed for them for just for showing up.

    Point 3: Where I have said barb is tank? Stated several times, tank should be first pick, if I dont tank I`m just DD like others and I don`t QQ about picks. Now what is so hard for you to understand?

    Had to comment on this too: "I don't know fuzzy, I rather take two 3.33-5aps bms and two 2.86-5.0 aps sins (with daggers) and 1 veno and 1 cleric to do a TT3-3 in 20 minutes than taking a barb and attempt to tank the instance." Fuzzy didn`t talk about taking barb to tank, our debuffs & buffs will be better bet than 3rd 5 aps after 2 already in squad, ppl seem to forget that side of barbs =/.

    Ps. If you cant deal with not getting first pick "re-roll", not like you didn`t know that when you rolled mage...
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Azealiacia - Archosaur
    Azealiacia - Archosaur Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Don't you guys run TT's with faction mates? Doesn't this eliminate the "pick order" b.s.?

    Fuzzy is confused. b:question

    Arch is so messed up there isn't enough good factions doin TT that aren't in it for a profit, TT doens't sell anymore and our gold prices are 625k A GOLD. Arch is a really...really messed up server, to top it off, we have the most scammers of all the servers, and I've played on them all...
    It's the end of PWI as we know it. Packs going to 50 cents jumped our economy up to 1mil per gold. It's over for non-cashoppers.
  • Azealiacia - Archosaur
    Azealiacia - Archosaur Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Rep does not equal a good barb....

    Fuzzy reads alot of posts, and it seems to be a trend across all server that when we are needed, our class seems to be rare. Its strange how so many people think a 5aps assassin or bm replaces a true tank. Yet here we are... an entire server that can't find a barb.

    Can't finish a 3-x? Can't zen that warsong? Can't complete your delta? Thats funny.... me thought that every sin and bm had max aps.

    The fact remains that only a very small % of those other classes can afford to get all the way to 5aps, no matter how much everyone would have you believe they are the true end-game tanks.

    This panda for one is a true tank and me is sure there are many just like Fuzzy in each server. Don't be fooled by the idea that it takes aps to bring the pain to any end-game instance. It makes Fuzzy sad that these days people think aps is the only way to handle something.

    Look to the barb in your faction and build a party around them. Fuzzy is sure more barbs are just like this panda and can tank anything you ask. So what if it takes 10 more min than a rank 8 sin to get to the end? After all, this is an mmo, and its the journey and the people, not the quick result, that makes it all worth while.


    Fuzzy, I have a serious questoin to ask you...You know barbs...My barb, lvl 93 is bein pressured day in day out that he's a fail barb and needs to reroll dex/str barb with 11k HP and get decides...He likes being a tank...why is everyone telling us were fail because we built a tank barb rather then an attack one...that's like...making an attack cleric and not bothering to lvl up your's stupid...

    Help us please? Should we listen and reroll with him full str/dex and get claws? Or stay with his 15k HP , shard for mag def, and shard for accuracy, and equip TT90/99 and Pan Gu Giant axe....

    Help please...I'm tired of all the "pro" barbs telling us what to do becuase they THINK they know what they are talking about...
    It's the end of PWI as we know it. Packs going to 50 cents jumped our economy up to 1mil per gold. It's over for non-cashoppers.
  • Azealiacia - Archosaur
    Azealiacia - Archosaur Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I should be on that list. I fail so bad in my class, I just fail at them all.

    Barbs - 5aps or gtfo
    BMs - 5 aps or gtfo
    Other classes - rank 8 or gtfo

    Sounds like the trend to me. But I heard packs are perm now, congrats to you all! b:bye

    I know what you mean, if you don't mortgage your house to play a game, you fail. If you don't have +12 rank 9 armor, you fail, if you're a BM without 5aps, you need to quit game, if you're a cleric with too much vit you fail, fail fail fail. That's all people can EVER say, it's starting to get quite annoying. They think their **** doesn't stink. Ticks me off. Let people play how they want and leave them alone is what I say, sure, give them advice to make them a better player, but you don't have to call them fail for not bein in 20k credit card debt!!

    (Honestly, if you Cashshop and aren't in any debt, my hat goes off to you, you must have a very relaxed life <3 )
    It's the end of PWI as we know it. Packs going to 50 cents jumped our economy up to 1mil per gold. It's over for non-cashoppers.
  • Azealiacia - Archosaur
    Azealiacia - Archosaur Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Better question... who in the hell actually PvE's anymore?

    PvE is so 2009

    People who don't need to kill other players or TW to grow the size of their E-peen. Just saying.b:thanks
    It's the end of PWI as we know it. Packs going to 50 cents jumped our economy up to 1mil per gold. It's over for non-cashoppers.
  • Azealiacia - Archosaur
    Azealiacia - Archosaur Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well, I'm not endgame yet so I'm not crying about TT or Eden or whatever, but I have noticed their are lots of barbs in our server that just don't know how to tank. And that's around my level. Best advice: teach the ones who are smart enough to learn.

    Yes, every barb on our server needs to adopt a "brother" if you will, brother/sister program, and teach. Mentor! Make barbs/Bms/clerics EVERYTHING better! But don't go around calling other people fail for not spending as much as you, or being as talented at pushing the keys on our keyboards.
    It's the end of PWI as we know it. Packs going to 50 cents jumped our economy up to 1mil per gold. It's over for non-cashoppers.
  • RioNHale - Archosaur
    RioNHale - Archosaur Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    People who don't need to kill other players or TW to grow the size of their E-peen. Just saying.b:thanks

    my E-peen is +12 I stroke and squeeze it every night and ask people to kiss it better b:kiss
    ★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    -Inactive 19 Sept 2011-