Which class is BETTER to duet with Cleric?

tomchua Posts: 1 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Cleric
I have a friend who play Clerics, and I've not make up my mind which one I should duet with him ALL the wait. We will be playing this together all the time. Do u recommend Cleric + Barb? Cleric + BM? or Cleric + Assassin?
Post edited by tomchua on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    When [female] cleric married they usual couple is a barbarian. Tank + Support Medic
    So i recommend barbarian. b:infuriated
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
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    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    cleric and bm wouldnt be bad either ^^
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  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    BM or Barb is the way to go... with a cleric partner, both classes are sturdy enough to tank just about anything with ease. BMs do better damage and have a lot of versatility in weapon choices, whereas Barbs have HP to spare and have skills that make sure that your cleric will never steal aggro, even in full DDing mode.

    Personally, I prefer my BM to my Barb, but that's just my personal preference. b:chuckle

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Opresor - Sanctuary
    Opresor - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    From personal experience I would say Barb for sure. My wife plays a cleric, we are both 95 now and have played almost entirely together. Having the Barb/Cleric covered we can build a group very easily for FCC, TT or BH's, DD is a dime a dozen. After a few runs your FL starts fill with good DD to pull from rather than world chat.

    BM's are great for what they do, and some do enough damage to tank but for the most part, can't hold agro well enough to front a group. IF you're in TT or FCC and get heal agro... it's usually over for the cleric pretty fast.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    From personal experience I would say Barb for sure. My wife plays a cleric, we are both 95 now and have played almost entirely together. Having the Barb/Cleric covered we can build a group very easily for FCC, TT or BH's, DD is a dime a dozen. After a few runs your FL starts fill with good DD to pull from rather than world chat.

    Sucks for us male clerics....b:sad
  • Opresor - Sanctuary
    Opresor - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well in the case of a male cleric hook up with a female Assassin. I know a couple that run ahead and kill shades to speed up pulls and tank the bosses in FCC, all I do is pulls. I don't have any Assassin alts but the few I group with regularly are far better at tanking than a BM.

    Not that BM's don't bring anything to the table but for a duo a Cleric/Assassin maybe be something to consider.
  • tomchua
    tomchua Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Thanks for all your answer. I'm still trying out both BM and Barb to lv20 to see how I prefered one to another.. I know Barb has high hp and can hold aggro and tank, but it does lower damage compared to a BM, and BM has so much more stun and AOE skills which I LIKE.. so, m still not sure in between these two..

    Another question is as Opresor mention, Barb/Clerics build a group very easily. But I heard from other forum, at end game, Barb can't really hold a lot of aggro anymore, and Barb is kinda take over by BM or Archer or Sins, as they can DD and also tank.. so i was very confused about this or if its just this game is so unbalanced... how can a tank character will become useful when everyone else can do the tank as well at end game..?
  • GenericBrand - Archosaur
    GenericBrand - Archosaur Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    tomchua wrote: »
    Another question is as Opresor mention, Barb/Clerics build a group very easily. But I heard from other forum, at end game, Barb can't really hold a lot of aggro anymore, and Barb is kinda take over by BM or Archer or Sins, as they can DD and also tank.. so i was very confused about this or if its just this game is so unbalanced... how can a tank character will become useful when everyone else can do the tank as well at end game..?
    The term "tank" seems to be very interesting in this game. I consider tank as someone that can absorb the most amount of damage with the least chance of dying. The ability to hold aggro off others is a definite plus. In my mind, the barbarian fulfills this role perfectly a majority of the time.

    Most seem to think tank = person that can take/hold aggro regardless how much damage is taken. You will find that the DD classes dominate in that respect, intentional or not. This is why barbs take a backseat to blademasters/assassins/etc later on. It really is unbalanced IMHO.

    Just be sure to find a nice set group for your barb tank to go to instances with.
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    By my reckoning, there are two types of tanking: aggro tanking and damage tanking.

    (Aggro=mob aggrivation... what makes them attack you)

    Up until high levels, most tanking will be aggro tanking. That means a Barb or tank BM spams his aggro-raising skills so that the enemies all stay focused on him. Barbs are MUCH better at this, because their aggro-raising skills are much stronger and more effective. Tiger form, in particular, makes them really ideal tanks, and they definitely have the HP and defenses to back this up.

    However, many things other than these taunting skills cause aggro. Damage, in particular, causes aggro, but so do healing and certain other skills. At high levels, Damage Dealers, like Sins, Archers, and some BMs (as well as certain much squishier classes), will start out-damaging the aggro tankers so much that they take aggro away from the tank, even though the tank is spamming skills. This can be nasty if the cleric isn't prepared for the steal, and leads to many DDers being forced to either regulate their damage or tank themselves. Depending on how squishy the dder is, how good their defenses are, and how good their gear is, a dder will either be able to tank or won't... if a squishy sin takes aggro and can be two-shotted by the boss, no IH/Wellspring/SOR spamming from the cleric is going to save them. This is why damage tanking can be a very fine line. It's doable, if the cleric has warning and if the damage tanker knows what they're doing... but it's a great deal harder because most DDers don' t have Barb's beautiful hp pool.

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Loastuar - Heavens Tear
    Loastuar - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    tomchua wrote: »
    I have a friend who play Clerics, and I've not make up my mind which one I should duet with him ALL the wait. We will be playing this together all the time. Do u recommend Cleric + Barb? Cleric + BM? or Cleric + Assassin?

    I would say barb. Sin or good fist bm does well too. But that extra hp helps a lot in some cases, and you're your own mount :P.

    If a squad is held up, it's looking for either a cleric or a barb, and that can get frustrating.
  • AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary
    AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    vristion wrote: »

    Sucks for us male clerics....b:sad

    Not necesairily O.o ...

    My husband's a cleric and we've been teaming up since our lvl 69/70's.
    and we've been soloing most BH's, caves and even Lunar just with the two of us.

    Course, having a herc to tank stuff made things a WHOLE lot easier but if i look back on it he's a good enough healer and adjusted to my playing style + our gear was good to we often enough just opted with me bodytanking it. specially with magical mobs, melee mobs are still a pain though X.x

    It also depends, as someone also mentioned, about your way of aggro. Damage or skill based.
    I dont know if anyone else said the same thing yet, but it also depends on how dependant you want to be from the stereotype, squad formula.
    Often enough it's becoming more and moe common other classes are able to tank things on the basic of damage aggro rather than skill aggro.
    Also to take in acount your own choice for a class. if you dont LIKE playing a barb or any other of the given classes just pick which ever class you like and explore your boundaries as a duet. if possible adjust your gear to that and you will have no trouble taking down alot of things in this game with just you 2.
    All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <-- <3 mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing. :3

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  • ClericMD - Lost City
    ClericMD - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Bms are the best partner for a cleric, in special for make that anoying quest that require kill 10000000 mobs for get one item, or only farmin DQ.