Lets play the game

MrZielo - Dreamweaver
MrZielo - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
edited November 2010 in General Discussion
The purpose of the thread is to tell people to experience the game.

Let me start it off with a funny story.

I asked in my guild:

-Anyone interested in Ribirth Gamma, and the answer I got was.
as well,
-I have never done RB ( coming from high levels)

then i did the same in world chat (harshland) and got the same answer.

Why i am writing this? Because there are a bunch of high level players who don't know a thing about the game.

We are supposed to enjoy what little content the game has. Not just level up and complain about having nothing to do endgame, or just farm mats for months and then just quit arguing that there is nothing to do in the game. Seriously, I have found people who are 90+ with different characters, and when I ask then basic questions like what is a good spot to train at lv. 60?, they respond “BH, oracle, or hyper” I’m not here to cry and complain about the game or the players, I am simply inviting you all the enjoy what it has to offer. Do not rush to level! There is – according to what has been said in the forums- no end game content right now. So try things out with your squad, die tons of time till you get it right and feel like a pro, learn how to play and discover stuff by yourself! But once again I’m just trying to tell you to play the game.
Post edited by MrZielo - Dreamweaver on


  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well-worded post, and I agree whole-heartedly. However, much of the world today is of the mind that, "If I don't have it, I have to get it, and I have to get it now." This can be anything from the highest level to the uber gears, and until those people have it, and fast, they won't be happy. That is why things like the oracles and hypers sell so well in the boutique and catshops. Too many people want to get to the higher levels just to say that they are at the higher levels, then when they look around they see nothing to do. They also have few people to actually go do things with, because they were so worried about leveling that they neglected to make friends. This is just getting more and more frequent, and I am glad that I began playing pre-BH/pack to avoid this whole mess. I am a member of a great, friendly faction where not everyone is concerned with leveling as fast as possible. Rather, we enjoy the various team-play instances in the game, and also enjoy helping other, lower levels achieve something.

    Again, good thought, but it is just going to fall on deaf ears here.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Asherkill - Raging Tide
    Asherkill - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i totally aggre with you all i see peeps doing these days is hyper fc so they lvl super fast and leave ever one else behind. beacause mostly 80 to 90+ do fc.. bh69/79 is very hard to find a sqaud for so i think its just best to find a small faction that is focused on helping lowbies or doing bhs together or i started my own faction so i could help out lowbies and find some good friends to do bhs with.
    eeew gltich. no its been there for 3 months its one of pwi many features :D
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You're free to play the game however you want to.

    If you want to take your time that's fine, I'm looking for competitive endgame environment and I realized that the lower my level was the less productive I was being, so I hypered to 100.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Iulius - Heavens Tear
    Iulius - Heavens Tear Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I agree whit a loot of ppl don`t really trying to go experience all in the game but think like this if you are a catshoper for what you need to go in instances when you can buy all in 1 week and then if they go in rb nirvana or somthing else they fail 1-2 times and they just QQ and quit the squad so trust me better chose your team whit ppl that at least whant to go in there even that they are not experience ;)
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Very good post, OP. Though I have to say
    ← This is my only character I play since almost 2 years now. I know a lot of the game, I can play my class and I remember the crowded cities. But somehow I am sick of being in the 80s. As it takes ages to level up the regular way, I started to do FCC unhypered at level 79. When I reached 84 I tried to Hyper, and I have to say I like it. It gave me like 50% exp for every run. So basically I do all quests, then hyper to next level. Am I a noob for doing that?
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    To the OP: Dont worry much about others. Those people that just oracle and hyper are the same people that you will find have no clue how to use their classes. Trust me, I've seen a lot of these people who will cashshop their levels, reputation, and hell even their gear to where its nearly perfect (think best shards, highest weapon type, armor type with highest refines, etc).

    My advice to you is, just focus on your gameplay, make friends, and enjoy the game. Learn to play the game well and learn all of its nuances. At high levels, we can tell usually who hypered/oracled their levels and gears in our squads - it really will show and show badly it does. So despite these people spending ungodly amounts of money to show for something, in the end someone like you who has spent time developing your gameplay will really shine at the higher levels.

    Remember, MMORPGs are just like learning skills in real life - you cant develop quality skills overnight, they must be cultivated over time.

    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. | karmapwi.com
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Some of use were too High of a levle to do Rebirth Gamma when its highly covetted secret of HOW to do it was finally leaked. Rebirth Gamma is not something you can really say people don't "experiance." Some of use never got that chance, lol.

    Other then that, I agree with you on some points, but hey to each his own. Its not really our position to tell others how to play their game. =D Let them be uninformed noobs all that want! Cst La Vie!
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    MrZielo - Dreamweaver

    Pm me when you get into unicorn forest and farm wraith spirits with me. b:pleased

    (and to all of you who say it isn't worth the time, tell me that when im wearing mine and you are still merchanting to get yours. b:chuckle )
  • Morell - Lost City
    Morell - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ok, wall of text coming:

    as a somwhat high lvl person (83 currently) this is my problem too but i m on the other side. I m one of those people who dont know stuff they should know at their lvl.

    I ve heard of it all and sometimes checked out on forums what it is, i am unable to give an example since i dont really know if the names of instances i ve heard are really below or above my lvl. I never learned about them.

    The reason is, when i started this game i had a lot of free time so i leveled, learning everything, how to play my class and all the details and aspects of game. but after around lvl70 i got really busy and even tho i wanted to spend time playing, i never had the block of 2 to 4 hours of running various instances. If i log on, i usually have half an hour or i am %90 of the time afk. Only thing i can do is, finish a quest in 3 days or do a CS and if i have around 1 hour, i do a fb or bh. Wq is a good way to lvl if you re mostly afk and why not do that while i am working on the computer anyways. This is how I lvled to 83, basicly, with dailies, very slowly doing quests and more than anything chatting and catchin up with in game friends. Now the trouble is, even if I would have time to go for one of the runs i ve heard about but never ran, it s all going to be, "omg you re 83 and never done it?" am i supposed to block the chat box with listing reasons? no. i know about frost runs and its something i do every once in a while but i know that, if i hadnt learned it when appropiate, i would never be able to find a squad as frost squads with my lvl dont want first timers, and its the kind of instance you need to learn how to do. i imagine most of the stuff i never learned is like that, so i cant even try to catch up with it now.

    In conclusion, i am right now, contend with the way i play the game because i dont have time for much more, but if i ever do have time, i m sure it will also be troublesome for me to learn everything i m required to know at my lvl.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You cant really enjoy the game if you don't get to the higher levels sooner or later, you will get sick of being low level and start to hyper.

    Yes, I don't mean rush from lvl 1 to 100 with hypers lol. Just, people who have their chars since 1-2 years ago which are on 75-85's are sick of being on low levels, it could be because of lazyness or well, taking their time. However, lets be real, the game is about kicking others little pixel'd butts (whole concept of TW, PVP, duels, gear, stats, etc.) and to be able to kick others little pixel'd butt you need levels, skills, coin, gear.

    To do that, you need either pay PW $10 to get around 4m OR grind a whole week at lower levels, this if you are patient enough to keep doing that for hours...

    On higher levels, you have more expenses, the challenge of the game increases, new instances become available and you're able to enjoy the game even more, one example of this could be being able to actually compete on TW.

    Making friends is a huge part of the game, to do so, you need to start little by little, gather forces, meat new people, join an active faction with nice people, etc.etc.

    Right now I got my ingame family ^ .^ I luv my ingame friends :] they're awesome.

    PS: Try to make click with people that are different classes than you, you will not regret it and you will always have a squad to play with :D

    My thoughts b:bye
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I just lost the gameb:surrender
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    People of these type created their own boredom. Its like buying a game with a challenge to it, play it, can't always beat it.....so find (in this case buy) some cheat codes...get bored....quit.
  • Zahlee - Lost City
    Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ok, wall of text coming:

    as a somwhat high lvl person (83 currently) this is my problem too but i m on the other side. I m one of those people who dont know stuff they should know at their lvl.

    I ve heard of it all and sometimes checked out on forums what it is, i am unable to give an example since i dont really know if the names of instances i ve heard are really below or above my lvl. I never learned about them.

    The reason is, when i started this game i had a lot of free time so i leveled, learning everything, how to play my class and all the details and aspects of game. but after around lvl70 i got really busy and even tho i wanted to spend time playing, i never had the block of 2 to 4 hours of running various instances. If i log on, i usually have half an hour or i am %90 of the time afk. Only thing i can do is, finish a quest in 3 days or do a CS and if i have around 1 hour, i do a fb or bh. Wq is a good way to lvl if you re mostly afk and why not do that while i am working on the computer anyways. This is how I lvled to 83, basicly, with dailies, very slowly doing quests and more than anything chatting and catchin up with in game friends. Now the trouble is, even if I would have time to go for one of the runs i ve heard about but never ran, it s all going to be, "omg you re 83 and never done it?" am i supposed to block the chat box with listing reasons? no. i know about frost runs and its something i do every once in a while but i know that, if i hadnt learned it when appropiate, i would never be able to find a squad as frost squads with my lvl dont want first timers, and its the kind of instance you need to learn how to do. i imagine most of the stuff i never learned is like that, so i cant even try to catch up with it now.

    In conclusion, i am right now, contend with the way i play the game because i dont have time for much more, but if i ever do have time, i m sure it will also be troublesome for me to learn everything i m required to know at my lvl.

    Hmm i'm kind of in the same boat as this guy. I mean, i'd say i know quite abit about the game up until my current level, but when it comes to instances i feel like i should know more. It's my own fault, but i tend to avoid instances just because i find my RL a bit too busy. I can't run them during the day, as i have kiddies and cannot get a good hour or so to myself, so i just do quests/wq since i can pause them when i want to. When it comes to night time, i just feel too buggered to be bothered with instances. When i do end up running them, the random squad's i'm in either consists of arrogant so and so's who think they are just totally too awesome, or they have tanks that die within 1 minute of encountering a boss, not just once, but multiple times. To be honest, it's just totally put me off doing instances lol

    So why don't i run them with friends you ask? Well that's where i've got myself stuck once again, because up until now, i have actually run every instance with RL friends. But now my RL friends have gone and got themselves lives, (How dare they!?? b:angry b:laugh) and are too busy to play the game. So now i'm friendless b:cry All the in-game friends i have made are in different time zones so they always ask me to join them right before i'm about to go to bed, so i have to decline.

    In regards to other people not experiencing the game, the one thing i find the most funny are the people who don't even attempt something because it is not the "norm." Eg: "OMG THE VENO WITHOUT HERC IS GONNA TRY TANKING!???"... /panics/force logs/jumps out the window.....and then the rest of the squad carries on to complete the mission just fine. b:chuckle

    BTW it's taken me 8 months to get to my current level. I havn't hypered/oracled and obviously i don't do bh as daily's. I've only ever done a few Crazy stones. I also purposely hang around the same level for awhile in order to level everything up and get appropriate gear. That's why it's taken me so long :)
  • Ropho - Harshlands
    Ropho - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The purpose of the thread is to tell people to experience the game.

    Let me start it off with a funny story.

    I asked in my guild:

    -Anyone interested in Ribirth Gamma, and the answer I got was.
    as well,
    -I have never done RB ( coming from high levels)

    then i did the same in world chat (harshland) and got the same answer.

    Why i am writing this? Because there are a bunch of high level players who don't know a thing about the game.

    We are supposed to enjoy what little content the game has. Not just level up and complain about having nothing to do endgame, or just farm mats for months and then just quit arguing that there is nothing to do in the game. Seriously, I have found people who are 90+ with different characters, and when I ask then basic questions like what is a good spot to train at lv. 60?, they respond

    Not all ppl have 3 hours to spend on the same instance.....

    I i for instance did my first RB at lvl 100 on my barb cause i figure there are mcuh more amusing things in game to do....

    But hey if u QQ about hyper/orcles noobs maybe u need to spend less hours in front of a screen a get some fresh air, it can be healthy for u
  • Belgare - Sanctuary
    Belgare - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The game doesn't really explain things like RB so unless you go out and independantly research what it is, what it does, and how to do it, then you don't do it. And when someone asks you if you'd like to do it you go, o.o because you have 0 idea about it, and no one else you know does either.
  • Admante - Dreamweaver
    Admante - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    RB Gamma is boring anyway. At least in Delta there's somewhat of a challenge.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I just lost the gameb:surrender

    Me too . . b:surrender
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I've never rebirthed either. The only reason being no one would take me due to inexperience. I was in one faction that did teach inexperienced players but unfortunately I left before I got a chance. Before I quit, the standard BM requirement was 9k buffed for delta and I was at around 9.6 unbuffed but still no one was interested.

    The first time I actually stepped into a rb instance was a few weeks ago when I was asked to help on a BH100. I went uncharmed, followed every instruction, died just once. The instance seemed pretty standard as long as you were taught the procedure. I'm fairly sure the only reason inexp are denied is the fear most players have of being stuck with that random "fail" player who ignores all advice and get's the squad wiped over and over. Caution is nice, but makes life hard as hell for those of us willing to learn. =/

    Unfortunately playing all aspects of the game requires social participation from others and it's something PW is sorely lacking at the moment. MMO's aren't solo, and as much as someone may want to enjoy the entire game and try things, there's nothing they can do if others aren't willing.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    <~ was 7x for 5 months

    mmmm spirit
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You know what I had to say to that? Well... I never did RB at lower lvls 'cause I was questing, grinding, or just plain helping my friends. Never saw the reason to do it, or a proper squad that would like to go in and experiment it all together.

    Being a barb can be problematic at times, because they're often the focal points of the squad and if they don't know what to do... well.. the squad finds a new barb... People usually don't want 2 barbs in a squad (one leading, other one just watching and learning), so meh... I had to learn most of my things myself.

    It's gonna be fun when I will need to run RB for my culti, soon...b:shocked

    Oh, but yea, I mostly agree with the OP.
  • MrZielo - Dreamweaver
    MrZielo - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    well, maybe i didn't make myself clear. i have used oracles and hyper on my veno just because i already did the quests and i find it boring doing them again. im not "QQing" (not sure what this means) about people who use these items, but this game is suppost to be played in groups ( ironically i have a herc veno). if i can't even find people to do the instances with, then i have to try and persuade some people to do it. again, not telling people what to do, and i know it takes a long time to complete most of the runs. but if people don't even give it a shot, then im screwed as well.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There is a lot of instances in this game not worth doing. Its pointless, time consuming and boring. Doesn't make you bad for skipping them. You can be an excellent players while skipping 50% of the instances.

    Lower level Rebirth is 1 example. You get way more exp from doing Frost and the tank doesn't need to waste an entire gold charm. The instance also takes 2.5-3 hours.
  • MrZielo - Dreamweaver
    MrZielo - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i agree with you TigerLily, maybe our point of view of the game is just totally different. you are talking about it in terms of "usefulness" and i just see it in terms of experiences. to me the most important thing is not actually how useful an instance is; even though if its time consuming and no rewarding i won't repeat it because its umpractical. but at the very least ill know its there and what its all about. by the way, in terms of usefulness TW its a waste of time and money (maybe with that example you can see my point).
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i agree with you TigerLily, maybe our point of view of the game is just totally different. you are talking about it in terms of "usefulness" and i just see it in terms of experiences. to me the most important thing is not actually how useful an instance is; even though if its time consuming and no rewarding i won't repeat it because its umpractical. but at the very least ill know its there and what its all about. by the way, in terms of usefulness TW its a waste of time and money (maybe with that example you can see my point).

    Well that is kinda the point. People do certain instances once to experience them, than they never wanna do it again b/c they lost money, didn't get a lot of exp, drops and it took ages.

    Thats why its pretty much impossible to find parties and people for things like full Warsong, full Rebirth, Public Quest etc. Those who tried it already dont wanna go ever again and those that never done it will just get told that it sucks so they give up.

    I completed pretty much every challenging quest-chain and instance in the game since im a pve-geek, but do i wanna do it again just for fun or to help people learn them, no freaking way. I will never do 1 more full Rebirth on my archer unless i get paid and i will certainly not spend half a gold charm again for a full Warsong run.

    I think if developers made certain instances less time-consuming, easier, more fun and rewarding (compared to BHs and Frost) we wouldn't have these kind of problems. Because its obviously a problem when around 30% of higher level instances arent even used. As a curious "new player" it must suck to when you wanna try out stuff and no one wanna go lol.
  • Katinkova - Dreamweaver
    Katinkova - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I really do get what the OP is saying about this, i've been on here two years and a week...and i'm only lvl51 ._. putting into account the amount of times i hasn't payed my internet bill...zees seems reasonable xD

    I enjoy taking my time, it's letting me get to know my char (lol i fail, reset items pl0x b:surrender )

    but, i guess people come in different strokes. I personally only do Crazy Stone, occasional BH's and thats about it, the rest of the time i'm either just grinding for the hel of it..or poking the sword tamer for my own twisted entertainment >.>

    Though i can see how tempting it is to just hyper my way to the top, because almost everyone is, but i won't buy a hypers, unless i really need to (say if my fac instigated a lvl requirement). But then i hasn't got the money to do that.

    Meh, all i say is Ty Cash Shoppers, you guys are keeping this game free for me b:thanksb:chuckle
    Katinkova - Cleric - Dreamweaver - SenSei

    At the end of the day, it's just a game :)
  • Valne - Sanctuary
    Valne - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Perhaps there are players who have been playing for about 2+ years that want to use hyper stones to catch up to the players who are newer and level purely on oracles and hypers? b:surrender

    I myself agree with the OP though-- I've used hyper stones, but only recently. They got me through the mid 80's and I haven't used them since. I find that rushing isn't in my interest, because it seems to me that endgame would pretty much turn out to be nothing but farming refining and PVP (in addition to what I spend time doing now [helping lower levels and faction members.])

    Plus I don't want to hit 95 and not have decent gear and weapons for my level b:shocked
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    how about playing the game and not caring how other ppl play it (or not)? b:avoid
  • MrZielo - Dreamweaver
    MrZielo - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    how about letting me express my opinion?
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I spent 2 years getting to lvl90, meeting new people, getting exited and depressed with every new update, and frankly, besides liking to use commas alot, and secretly laughing me *** off when people try to advise me on how to play the game, i think they game is decently filled with alot of content.

    That being said, once you hit lvl100 you pretty much finish everything and the only thing left is to keep improving your armor and weapons, that being said, what for? nothing, therefor, bla bla bla and more bla, tho to be honest TW is considered the end game nutty butter<--lol we could use atleast 1 more content that is player interactive like TW without the once a week tagline connected to it. Where else in this game can we carry a interactive piece of the game around with us like catapults or even build stuff like towers!? Thats what makes TW so great and we could sure use more of that.

    A 3D world that is designed almost like a tower defense game, awesome!
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Lynneya - Sanctuary
    Lynneya - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There are always folks around to tell you how to play the game, usually it's the way they do it. I've been here almost two years and I have never once been bored with playing the game my own way.

    I don't see that there is any "one/right" way to play this game. I like the fact that you can do your own thing here and that it's not so tightly structured that you have to follow any one path.

    That said, I do realize that a few people like to sit around and gripe about how little fun the game is for them once they level to a certain point but those people I just tune out. You can't please them and in any event and they aren't asking for guidance, ideas or help they just want to sound jaded and to complain.

    I think the best way to show you are having fun is by doing so. Instead of talking about it invite others to join you in what you think is fun and maybe they will too. Some folks love to game with a group while others prefer to remain on their own doing their own thing.

    The biggest thing is to let folks game the way they want to and enjoy and not worry.