Can 1 faction ever take over harshlands before dieing?
Acrelar - Harshlands wrote: »Funny, seeing as when we were in Kingdom we were at the top but we left cause it was boring. Now that we're on top again we get blamed for not wanting competition.
I don't think it was ever because of competition. It seemed like it was because you guys wanted to have fun and RPK and get some money from free easy lands. Either way...only about 5-10 of you joined for that, then see what I wrote earlier for the rest of the server's story. I wasn't attempting to bash the original Zulu members, I was bashing the other 200 that joined when they were already on top.0 -
Garaver - Harshlands wrote: »What did the system message said on your screen?
*DEFEAT* right?
that means....
Just wait a hot farking second. KY members said and i can almost quote them ...... Defense wars do not count. I know for a fact thailer taboo paimage xulin tekkblade kasceus i could go on and on. At one point or another they all made that statement or one very similar on these forums in world chat or a combination of both. I know because i got into heated discussions with them about it.
So now that the tables are turned they do count? Make up your minds ill use your factions first definition and say since ive been a zulu (6 months) KY never once beat us in a TW. Typical KY bs let me guess after its all said and done and we has the map, Its gonna be "Zulu only got it cause we didnt wanna"
Im gonna go ahead and say it now since everyone in Zulu seems to have gotten nice and friendly all of a sudden .
Zulu wtfpwnt you guys so damn hard so many damn times ya gave up. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it ya collection of waaa waaa carebears u got ure *** kicked deal with it.Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.0 -
Forget about zulu taking everything. The map's going red again :P lolz.
Stalkers owning harshalnds ftw!!! We have one territory... practically there already b:shocked
but on a serious note I think zulu will get the whole map eventually... shame though, such an ugly orange colour QQ our lovely red is so much prettier, you should just let us take it all instead b:cute0 -
Erzenzia - Harshlands wrote: »Just wait a hot farking second. KY members said and i can almost quote them ...... Defense wars do not count. I know for a fact thailer taboo paimage xulin tekkblade kasceus i could go on and on. At one point or another they all made that statement or one very similar on these forums in world chat or a combination of both. I know because i got into heated discussions with them about it.
So now that the tables are turned they do count? Make up your minds ill use your factions first definition and say since ive been a zulu (6 months) KY never once beat us in a TW. Typical KY bs let me guess after its all said and done and we has the map, Its gonna be "Zulu only got it cause we didnt wanna"
Im gonna go ahead and say it now since everyone in Zulu seems to have gotten nice and friendly all of a sudden .
Zulu wtfpwnt you guys so damn hard so many damn times ya gave up. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it ya collection of waaa waaa carebears u got ure *** kicked deal with it.
I would read your post... but I've heard u only write bs so... I'm not even gonna bother hehe
Also, I forgot I said I wouldn't post on a Lutrica thread >_< so moving out of it cya ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
-Former member of Kylin
-Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
Garaver - Harshlands wrote: »I would read your post... but I've heard u only write bs so... I'm not even gonna bother hehe
Also, I forgot I said I wouldn't post on a Lutrica thread >_< so moving out of it cya ^^
well this is the 2nd time youve broken your own rule in this thread alone0 -
Jlung - Harshlands wrote: »well this is the 2nd time youve broken your own rule in this thread alone
Hai I like attention ok?b:cute0 -
Iffybear - Harshlands wrote: »How was Harshlands ever owned by Kylin when Kylin has never won a single TW?
Kylin got all their land from PvE / dead guild TWs and they always lost when ever a decent sized guild attacked them.
QQme rolled them, Kingdom rolled them, now Zulu rolled them.
The same can be said about Zulu: dead KD land directly and indirectly, Zulu jumped on all they could which is now in turn happening to KY land.
Zulu didn't start gaining KY land until KY started losing a lot of their CSing core members due to them quitting the game and/or just being so bored with the game they didn't show up for TW half the time.
So yeah, grats on eventually taking over the map legitimately, Zulu. (Winks)0 -
b:cold why dont you ppl just ignore the obvious flame bait threads?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade0 -
Hellostupid - Harshlands wrote: »The same can be said about Zulu: dead KD land directly and indirectly, Zulu jumped on all they could which is now in turn happening to KY land.
Zulu didn't start gaining KY land until KY started losing a lot of their CSing core members due to them quitting the game and/or just being so bored with the game they didn't show up for TW half the time.
So yeah, grats on eventually taking over the map legitimately, Zulu. (Winks)
Kingdom died because Zulu was beating them and the same happened with Kylin. Zulu won every attack war except the first one and Kylin lost the first 7 weeks of attacking before that. b:bye0 -
Iffybear - Harshlands wrote: »Kingdom died because Zulu was beating them and the same happened with Kylin. Zulu won every attack war except the first one and Kylin lost the first 7 weeks of attacking before that. b:bye
KD and KY were dying WAY before any wars with Zulu.
Stop taking credit where it isn't due.0 -
Okopogo - Harshlands wrote: »What you say does not matter....
Okopogo you cant beat me so stop trying to insult me with yout pathetic insults.Fail troll of harshlands0 -
Jlung - Harshlands wrote: »well this is the 2nd time youve broken your own rule in this thread alone
i thought you quit dont back out on your word <.< b:angryFail troll of harshlands0 -
Lutirica - Harshlands wrote: »Okopogo you cant beat me so stop trying to insult me with yout pathetic insults.
I have already got you cornered.
Stop trying to convince yourself that you are not hurt by my well thought responses.
You are only keen in fueling my drive to make you look stupid on the interwebz.0 -
both of u r pretty stupid >:D0
Pot_Head - Harshlands wrote: »both of u r pretty stupid >:D
I love you.0 -
Okopogo - Harshlands wrote: »I have already got you cornered.
Stop trying to convince yourself that you are not hurt by my well thought responses.
You are only keen in fueling my drive to make you look stupid on the interwebz.
Funny Okopogo nothing you or anything anyone else has said has even made me think twice about it being hurtful. And if you were smart enough to see. The whole point is to make you mad? Im doing a very good job at makeing you mad without even thinking about it. This is why you cant beat me because you cant see. b:chuckleFail troll of harshlands0 -
Lutirica - Harshlands wrote: »Funny Okopogo nothing you or anything anyone else has said has even made me think twice about it being hurtful. And if you were smart enough to see. The whole point is to make you mad? Im doing a very good job at makeing you mad without even thinking about it. This is why you cant beat me because you cant see. b:chuckle
I believe you are in a delusional state.
Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his 1917 book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:
* certainty (held with absolute conviction)
* incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
* impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
These criteria still continue in modern psychiatric diagnosis. The most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines a delusion as:
A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.
There is controversy over this definition, as 'despite what almost everybody else believes' implies that a person who believes something most others do not is a candidate for delusional thought. Furthermore, it is ironic that, while the above three criteria are usually attributed to Jaspers, he himself described them as only 'vague' and merely 'external'.[1] He also wrote that, since the genuine or 'internal' 'criteria for delusion proper lie in the primary experience of delusion and in the change of the personality [and not in the above three loosely descriptive criteria], we can see that a delusion may be correct in content without ceasing to be a delusion, for instance - that there is a world-war.'.
Furthermore, when a false belief involves a value judgment, it is only considered as a delusion if it is so extreme as to defy credibility. Since the delusional conviction occurs on a continuum, it can be inferred from an individual's behavior many times. A delusion and an overvalued idea tend to confuse. The latter implies that the individual has a unreasonable belief or idea but does not hold it as firmly as when a delusion takes place.
Delusions are not due to a medical condition or substance abuse and they may seem believable at face value. Also, patients usually appear normal as long as another person does not touch upon their delusional themes.
Delusions are not tied to any particular disease and they usually occur in the context of neurological or mental illness. Also, they have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states.
* Bizarre delusion: A delusion that is very strange and completely implausible; an example of a bizarre delusion would be that aliens have removed the affected person's brain.
* Non-bizarre delusion: A delusion that, though false, is at least possible, e.g., the affected person mistakenly believes they are under constant police surveillance.
* Mood-congruent delusion: Any delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or manic state, e.g., a depressed person believes that news anchors on television highly disapprove them, or a person in a manic state might believe they are a powerful deity.
* Mood-neutral delusion: A delusion that does not relate to the sufferer's emotional state; for example, a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the back of one's head is neutral to either depression or mania.
In addition to these categories, delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme. Although delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common. Some of the more common delusion themes are :
* Delusion of control: This is a false belief that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behavior. A person may describe, for instance, the experience that aliens actually make them move in certain ways, and that the person affected has no control over these bodily movements. Thought broadcasting (the false belief that the affected person's thoughts are heard aloud), thought insertion, and thought withdrawal (the belief that an outside force, person, or group of people is removing or extracting a person's thoughts) are also examples of delusions of control.
* Nihilistic delusion: A delusion whose theme centres on the nonexistence of self or parts of self, others, or the world. A person with this type of delusion may have the false belief that the world is ending.
* Delusional jealousy (or delusion of infidelity): A person with this delusion falsely believes their spouse or lover is having an affair. This delusion stems from pathological jealousy, and the person often gathers "evidence" and confronts the spouse about the nonexistent affair.
* Delusion of guilt or sin (or delusion of self-accusation): This is a false feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional intensity. A person may, for example, believe he has committed some horrible crime and should be punished severely. Another example is a person who is convinced he is responsible for some disaster (such as fire, flood, or earthquake) with which there can be no possible connection.
* Delusion of mind being read: The false belief that other people can know one's thoughts. This is different from thought broadcasting, in that the person does not believe their thoughts are heard aloud.
* Delusion of reference: The person falsely believes that insignificant remarks, events, or objects in one's environment have personal meaning or significance. For instance, a person may believe they are receiving special messages from newspaper headlines.
* Erotomania is a delusion where someone believes another person is in love with them. They believe this other person declared love first, often by special glances, signals, telepathy, or messages through the media.
* Grandiose delusion: An individual is convinced they have special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may actually believe they are a famous person or character (for example, a rock star). More commonly, a person with this delusion may believe they have accomplished some great achievement for which they have not received sufficient recognition (for example, the discovery of a new scientific theory). Often, this type of person believes they have uncovered an obvious "truth" that has escaped the entire history of humankind.
* Persecutory delusion: These are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged, conspired against, spied on, attacked, or obstructed in the pursuit of goals. Sometimes the delusion is isolated and fragmented (such as the false belief that co-workers are harassing), but sometimes are well-organized belief systems involving a complex set of delusions ("systematized delusions"). People with a set of persecutory delusions may believe, for example, they are being followed by government organizations because the "persecuted" person has been falsely identified as a spy. These systems of beliefs can be so broad and complex that they can explain everything that happens to the person.
* Religious delusion: Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content. These may be combined with other delusions, such as grandiose delusions (the belief that the affected person is a god, or chosen to act as a god, for example).
* Somatic delusion: A delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations, or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed0 -
Okopogo - Harshlands wrote: »I believe you are in a delusional state.
Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his 1917 book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:
* certainty (held with absolute conviction)
* incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
* impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
These criteria still continue in modern psychiatric diagnosis. The most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines a delusion as:
A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.
There is controversy over this definition, as 'despite what almost everybody else believes' implies that a person who believes something most others do not is a candidate for delusional thought. Furthermore, it is ironic that, while the above three criteria are usually attributed to Jaspers, he himself described them as only 'vague' and merely 'external'.[1] He also wrote that, since the genuine or 'internal' 'criteria for delusion proper lie in the primary experience of delusion and in the change of the personality [and not in the above three loosely descriptive criteria], we can see that a delusion may be correct in content without ceasing to be a delusion, for instance - that there is a world-war.'.
Furthermore, when a false belief involves a value judgment, it is only considered as a delusion if it is so extreme as to defy credibility. Since the delusional conviction occurs on a continuum, it can be inferred from an individual's behavior many times. A delusion and an overvalued idea tend to confuse. The latter implies that the individual has a unreasonable belief or idea but does not hold it as firmly as when a delusion takes place.
Delusions are not due to a medical condition or substance abuse and they may seem believable at face value. Also, patients usually appear normal as long as another person does not touch upon their delusional themes.
Delusions are not tied to any particular disease and they usually occur in the context of neurological or mental illness. Also, they have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states.
* Bizarre delusion: A delusion that is very strange and completely implausible; an example of a bizarre delusion would be that aliens have removed the affected person's brain.
* Non-bizarre delusion: A delusion that, though false, is at least possible, e.g., the affected person mistakenly believes they are under constant police surveillance.
* Mood-congruent delusion: Any delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or manic state, e.g., a depressed person believes that news anchors on television highly disapprove them, or a person in a manic state might believe they are a powerful deity.
* Mood-neutral delusion: A delusion that does not relate to the sufferer's emotional state; for example, a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the back of one's head is neutral to either depression or mania.
In addition to these categories, delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme. Although delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common. Some of the more common delusion themes are :
* Delusion of control: This is a false belief that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behavior. A person may describe, for instance, the experience that aliens actually make them move in certain ways, and that the person affected has no control over these bodily movements. Thought broadcasting (the false belief that the affected person's thoughts are heard aloud), thought insertion, and thought withdrawal (the belief that an outside force, person, or group of people is removing or extracting a person's thoughts) are also examples of delusions of control.
* Nihilistic delusion: A delusion whose theme centres on the nonexistence of self or parts of self, others, or the world. A person with this type of delusion may have the false belief that the world is ending.
* Delusional jealousy (or delusion of infidelity): A person with this delusion falsely believes their spouse or lover is having an affair. This delusion stems from pathological jealousy, and the person often gathers "evidence" and confronts the spouse about the nonexistent affair.
* Delusion of guilt or sin (or delusion of self-accusation): This is a false feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional intensity. A person may, for example, believe he has committed some horrible crime and should be punished severely. Another example is a person who is convinced he is responsible for some disaster (such as fire, flood, or earthquake) with which there can be no possible connection.
* Delusion of mind being read: The false belief that other people can know one's thoughts. This is different from thought broadcasting, in that the person does not believe their thoughts are heard aloud.
* Delusion of reference: The person falsely believes that insignificant remarks, events, or objects in one's environment have personal meaning or significance. For instance, a person may believe they are receiving special messages from newspaper headlines.
* Erotomania is a delusion where someone believes another person is in love with them. They believe this other person declared love first, often by special glances, signals, telepathy, or messages through the media.
* Grandiose delusion: An individual is convinced they have special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may actually believe they are a famous person or character (for example, a rock star). More commonly, a person with this delusion may believe they have accomplished some great achievement for which they have not received sufficient recognition (for example, the discovery of a new scientific theory). Often, this type of person believes they have uncovered an obvious "truth" that has escaped the entire history of humankind.
* Persecutory delusion: These are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged, conspired against, spied on, attacked, or obstructed in the pursuit of goals. Sometimes the delusion is isolated and fragmented (such as the false belief that co-workers are harassing), but sometimes are well-organized belief systems involving a complex set of delusions ("systematized delusions"). People with a set of persecutory delusions may believe, for example, they are being followed by government organizations because the "persecuted" person has been falsely identified as a spy. These systems of beliefs can be so broad and complex that they can explain everything that happens to the person.
* Religious delusion: Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content. These may be combined with other delusions, such as grandiose delusions (the belief that the affected person is a god, or chosen to act as a god, for example).
* Somatic delusion: A delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations, or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed
Delusional not the right term... Insane maybe but not delusional. b:chuckle
Sorry for not reading all of it but I dont like to listen to what people have made before i was born.Fail troll of harshlands0 -
Okopogo - Harshlands wrote: »I love you.
no h0mo0 -
Hellostupid - Harshlands wrote: »The same can be said about Zulu: dead KD land directly and indirectly, Zulu jumped on all they could which is now in turn happening to KY land.
Zulu didn't start gaining KY land until KY started losing a lot of their CSing core members due to them quitting the game and/or just being so bored with the game they didn't show up for TW half the time.
So yeah, grats on eventually taking over the map legitimately, Zulu. (Winks)
O palease!!!!!! I was in the first 4 attack tw's we won (Zulu) and all there cash shoppers were there ROFLFAO. Including the 1 we won in 13 minutes.
Let me say it again.
KY got there *** kicked so hard so many times by Zulu they gave UP!!!!!
Your post is ludicrous i had sooo many convo's with Thailer in groups ( was married to one of his best IRL buddies (ganked) )about what ky was doing wrong and what Zulu was doing right, i remember annoying tekk after the 3rd one we won land for easily 30 minutes just being a lil punk to him for fun ( he was so easy to get riled up)
Funny how the facts so conveniently change back and forth to accommodate kylins current public persona. Like the whole non rpk good guys thing and how defense wars only count if ky is defending and dosnt loose land but the 15 def wars Zulu won in a row lol those naaa those dont count.
You never took land from us not then when you had all ure pro's and not now,what makes you think that if they all stayed thing would be different we rolled u then and we roll you now nothings changed.Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.0 -
Hmm, ok let me tell you guys the truth. (I can see Lutirica and Pot_head going like "OMG NO? DONT!!") Zulu was losing lands to Kingdom at the start and when finally some Kingdom cash shoppers left (some joined Zulu and some did something else), everything changed. At that point Zulu became much stronger playerwise. After a few losses for Kingdom side, most of their cash shoppers and their wives and kids joined Zulu or quit or commit suicide or even... idk ijs ok, np then. Kylin was stronger than Zulu playerwise at that point, even when Kylin did their first attack. Zulu had a very strong defence, they were playing with almost every1 in the back and cata teams and few supports attacking. It is hard to win like that (for the attacker), but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu (what do u guys call this ppl?). Then Zulu started attacking and if I remember right, they lost their first attack. But Kylin had a lot of individually good players, but sucked in working in team, the following weeks told the rest of the story. b:surrender(\__/)
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.0 -
LordPangu - Harshlands wrote: »Hmm, ok let me tell you guys the truth. (I can see Lutirica and Pot_head going like "OMG NO? DONT!!") Zulu was losing lands to Kingdom at the start and when finally some Kingdom cash shoppers left (some joined Zulu and some did something else), everything changed. At that point Zulu became much stronger playerwise. After a few losses for Kingdom side, most of their cash shoppers and their wives and kids joined Zulu or quit or commit suicide or even... idk ijs ok, np then. Kylin was stronger than Zulu playerwise at that point, even when Kylin did their first attack. Zulu had a very strong defence, they were playing with almost every1 in the back and cata teams and few supports attacking. It is hard to win like that (for the attacker), but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu (what do u guys call this ppl?). Then Zulu started attacking and if I remember right, they lost their first attack. But Kylin had a lot of individually good players, but sucked in working in team, the following weeks told the rest of the story. b:surrender
^ kjgkgjhgjhgk60 / 250.0 -
There's a difference between winning a TW by destroying the crystal and turtling for 3 hours.0
LordPangu - Harshlands wrote: »Hmm, ok let me tell you guys the truth. (I can see Lutirica and Pot_head going like "OMG NO? DONT!!") Zulu was losing lands to Kingdom at the start and when finally some Kingdom cash shoppers left (some joined Zulu and some did something else), everything changed. At that point Zulu became much stronger playerwise. After a few losses for Kingdom side, most of their cash shoppers and their wives and kids joined Zulu or quit or commit suicide or even... idk ijs ok, np then. Kylin was stronger than Zulu playerwise at that point, even when Kylin did their first attack. Zulu had a very strong defence, they were playing with almost every1 in the back and cata teams and few supports attacking. It is hard to win like that (for the attacker), but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu (what do u guys call this ppl?). Then Zulu started attacking and if I remember right, they lost their first attack. But Kylin had a lot of individually good players, but sucked in working in team, the following weeks told the rest of the story. b:surrender
take my name out of your post, for I dont care about any of the factions on this server, I only like nit picking on them and pissing off their members. >:D
get yo facts strait mother ****er!!0 -
LordPangu - Harshlands wrote: »Hmm, ok let me tell you guys the truth. (I can see Lutirica and Pot_head going like "OMG NO? DONT!!") Zulu was losing lands to Kingdom at the start and when finally some Kingdom cash shoppers left (some joined Zulu and some did something else), everything changed. At that point Zulu became much stronger playerwise. After a few losses for Kingdom side, most of their cash shoppers and their wives and kids joined Zulu or quit or commit suicide or even... idk ijs ok, np then. Kylin was stronger than Zulu playerwise at that point, even when Kylin did their first attack. Zulu had a very strong defence, they were playing with almost every1 in the back and cata teams and few supports attacking. It is hard to win like that (for the attacker), but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu (what do u guys call this ppl?). Then Zulu started attacking and if I remember right, they lost their first attack. But Kylin had a lot of individually good players, but sucked in working in team, the following weeks told the rest of the story. b:surrenderPacks World International0
Erzenzia - Harshlands wrote: »O palease!!!!!! I was in the first 4 attack tw's we won (Zulu) and all there cash shoppers were there ROFLFAO. Including the 1 we won in 13 minutes.
Let me say it again.
KY got there *** kicked so hard so many times by Zulu they gave UP!!!!!
Your post is ludicrous i had sooo many convo's with Thailer in groups ( was married to one of his best IRL buddies (ganked) )about what ky was doing wrong and what Zulu was doing right, i remember annoying tekk after the 3rd one we won land for easily 30 minutes just being a lil punk to him for fun ( he was so easy to get riled up)
Funny how the facts so conveniently change back and forth to accommodate kylins current public persona. Like the whole non rpk good guys thing and how defense wars only count if ky is defending and dosnt loose land but the 15 def wars Zulu won in a row lol those naaa those dont count.
You never took land from us not then when you had all ure pro's and not now,what makes you think that if they all stayed thing would be different we rolled u then and we roll you now nothings changed.
You are hilarious, especially considering the fact that I'm not in KY.
Denial seems to be your best friend. KY was falling apart BEFORE any Zulu TWs, but yes please keep taking credit for their downfall as well as taking over the map. It's extremely amusing.0 -
LordPangu - Harshlands wrote: »but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu (what do u guys call this ppl?).
Yes, I agree...but those players were leaving BEFORE the zulu wars started. Were there still some good CSers left in KY then? Yes. Were their ENOUGH? Obviously not.
Ky has always had communication problems. Is that the main reason they lost so many wars to Zulu? No. It was and is a combination of many things; lack of enthusiasm for a dead server being foremost.0 -
Hellostupid - Harshlands wrote: »You are hilarious, especially considering the fact that I'm not in KY.Hellostupid - Harshlands wrote: »Yes, I agree...but those players were leaving BEFORE the zulu wars started. Were there still some good CSers left in KY then? Yes. Were their ENOUGH? Obviously not.
For someone who claims not having any affiliations with Kylin, you sure do have the utmost pretense, preaching as if the History book of Harshlands is in your hands. People like you, who have the exuberance to talk as if you were involved in whatever transpired between the said factions, when you claim yourself that you're not, is ridiculously laughable.
Spare us the history lessons and recaps for it is your own statement that I initially quoted that says that you, in any way, have irrelevant information to say.0 -
LordPangu - Harshlands wrote: »but a lot of Kylin veterans and cash shoppers got bored and/or frustrated and quit the game or went inactive or even joined Zulu
You make it sound like Kylin was the only guild suffering from memberloss. We lost members too and so did Kingdom. The difference is that with Kylin losing every single war, you guys lost more members due to higher lack of motivation. That only makes it more pathetic though. Add to that the famous TaiShang and XuLin rage of not paying out TW-pay cause you can't win and you get a guild with a conflict of interests. Don't blame your losses on low attendance. Attendance got bad after all those losses.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig made by Scarlet0 -
Acrelar - Harshlands wrote: »You make it sound like Kylin was the only guild suffering from memberloss. We lost members too and so did Kingdom. The difference is that with Kylin losing every single war, you guys lost more members due to higher lack of motivation. That only makes it more pathetic though. Add to that the famous TaiShang and XuLin rage of not paying out TW-pay cause you can't win and you get a guild with a conflict of interests. Don't blame your losses on low attendance. Attendance got bad after all those losses.
Well, we dont even have to argue about the fact that Kylin player loss was much higher than Zulu, thats a fact. You see, I have never been in Kylin, Im in no way defending Kylin or Zulu. Im stating the facts, and you have all the right to make it sound better for your faction or side.(\__/)
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.0
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- 11.1K Suggestion Box
- 77.4K Archosaur City
- 3.5K Cash Shop Huddle
- 14.3K Server Symposium
- 18.1K Dungeons & Tactics
- 2K The Crafting Nook
- 4.9K Guild Banter
- 6.6K The Trading Post
- 28K Class Discussion
- 1.9K Arigora Colosseum
- 78 TW & Cross Server Battles
- 337 Nation Wars
- 8.2K Off-Topic Discussion
- 3.7K The Fanatics Forum
- 207 Screenshots and Videos
- 22.8K Support Desk