Sins giving you problem? Then read this post!

Posts: 120 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Blademaster
Hello there those **** sins giving you a hard time?

These are my tactics to defeating sin

1. Use will of bodhivistia(anti stun) ALOT of bm ic fail to do so
2. Jump back and jump forward (Helps you get out of the tights situation) AGAIN alot of bm fail to do so
3. The most obvious (STUN LOCK)

Follow these tips and your sin problem will be over.b:bye
Post edited by ManofPower - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Another thing that works,
    when they go stealth, just sit and use marrow phys over and over. when they pop out you'll be stunlocked, wait for it to end (it will end and you will be alive) then as soon as it does, cast will of the bodhisattva and then use your sutra. grats you're now at full health. ^^
    the sin will prolly try to stealth again, just rinse wash and repeat. your cooldowns are shorter than his. :3 works on me :D
  • Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I do non of these and i usually win against sins my level in a duel. You could have made it shorter just by using AD when they pop out.

    A sin can nuke a bm easily. When they stealth, i have a weird combo i made up in my head to kill a physical marrow bm with.
    1. Death River Toxin Pot
    2. Double Spark
    3. Inner Harmony
    4. Condensed Thorn
    5. Cancel Power Dash
    6. Throatcut
    7. Normal Attack nuke.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Archsaber so your telling me u just go head to head n DD a sin n u win b:shutup
  • Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    1. Get BR or Thunderstorm. Use those with HF and you have a chance of killing them.
    2. Use bodhi/leaps to break their "stun" lock and kite their double/triple spark. Don't start 1vs1 with bodhi since they just stealth and wait.
    3. Don't use p marrow. BR or Thunderstorm crit hurts.
    4. Spam HP food.

    All in all, if the sin has decent -int (TT80 dags, rank top, -0.05 wrists) and they got BR on their genie it's not going to be easy. I can tank double spark from a sin with HP food/stuns for a while and if I time ToP right I can survive a BR too. Then again, 5k HP sin and a charm means they will win when my HP food runs out, if not earlier. Stun immunity and double sparked attacks + BR means I will die though.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    How to beat a sin?

    The moment they stealth, tab target a mob, WoB over to it, Roar or AoE. Sin will more than likely be within range, this'll pop them outta stealth and then you can proceed to beat the living **** outta them since they probably used Force stealth to get away from you, which has a good CD time. And since sin's can't use normal stealth during combat you can easily pin them down with repeated stuns, freeze's, and seal's.

    Truthfully, the only time I have trouble with a sin is if their 10+ lvl's my senior. Or know what the hell their doing (rarity among sins).
  • Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Archsaber so your telling me u just go head to head n DD a sin n u win b:shutup
    High Refined GV's on LA hurts more then daggers on HA.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hello there those **** sins giving you a hard time?

    These are my tactics to defeating sin

    1. Use will of bodhivistia(anti stun) ALOT of bm ic fail to do so

    stealth+gapless stunlock

    2. Jump back and jump forward (Helps you get out of the tights situation) AGAIN alot of bm fail to do so
    teles and sins can either stunlockwith an overlap or just bounce glitch you with freeze

    3. The most obvious (STUN LOCK)

    33% chance to evade debuffs all of their stuns hit faster and they only pop out of stealth with antistun on

    Follow these tips and your sin problem will be over.b:bye

    follow these tips and you'll do the same thing every other bm does vs a sin

    real tips that wll not get you killed:

    fight in the air

    abuse the drop reduction in their stunlock

    keep fortify and AD on geni

    smack and blade are your only stuns fast enough ho stop them from forceing stealth

    with this you can survive sin ganks while they **** your charm till your ice procs (.26% chance per attempt on a 100 str geni assumeing their stat dodge)

    or untill they crit chain (80+% crit with PD so this is going to happen)

    so still in the sins favor by quite a bit but you wolnt die on nub sins
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    follow these tips and you'll do the same thing every other bm does vs a sin

    real tips that wll not get you killed:

    fight in the air

    abuse the drop reduction in their stunlock

    keep fortify and AD on geni

    smack and blade are your only stuns fast enough ho stop them from forceing stealth

    with this you can survive sin ganks while they **** your charm till your ice procs (.26% chance per attempt on a 100 str geni assumeing their stat dodge)

    or untill they crit chain (80+% crit with PD so this is going to happen)

    so still in the sins favor by quite a bit but you wolnt die on nub sins

    you quote the other guy and say they have gap-less stun lock yet tell people to drop during their lock...
    Their lock is far from without gaps even with occult ice. They have less stuns than us and instead abuse sleeps, freezes, and seals. We can move during seals and use skills during freezes. sleep ends the moment they hit us.

    I agree with fighting in the air but that's only to avoid bramble rage. I use WoB, and my leaps constantly in fights with sins and they help a lot.

    Also, try hitting magic marrow and then throwing balance up when they un-stealth to make them crit for 12's for a bit. Not to mention balance is an an
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    you quote the other guy and say they have gap-less stun lock yet tell people to drop during their lock...
    Their lock is far from without gaps even with occult ice. They have less stuns than us and instead abuse sleeps, freezes, and seals. We can move during seals and use skills during freezes. sleep ends the moment they hit us.

    I agree with fighting in the air but that's only to avoid bramble rage. I use WoB, and my leaps constantly in fights with sins and they help a lot.

    Also, try hitting magic marrow and then throwing balance up when they un-stealth to make them crit for 12's for a bit. Not to mention balance is an an

    seal normaly hits b4 freeze

    so you can leap run or drop, leap and they tele to you and freeze ,move and freeze gets you anyways as its rangedish ,drop and either you break the lock or get a 50% redux for the rest of their chi bar

    assumeing ideal play here so leap wil lbreak the average lock
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    yeah uhh...i dueled a sin at least 5 levels above me..we were evenly matched. he won by like 5 hp. DBB+alter marrow physical ftw.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hello there those **** sins giving you a hard time?

    These are my tactics to defeating sin

    1. Use will of bodhivistia(anti stun) ALOT of bm ic fail to do so
    2. Jump back and jump forward (Helps you get out of the tights situation) AGAIN alot of bm fail to do so
    3. The most obvious (STUN LOCK)

    Follow these tips and your sin problem will be over.b:bye


    You can't spam red sprint... it has a cooldown and wastes a spark.

    Your best bet is to either Expel or Absolute Domain and either spam DB or Roar if you're axe-only until you're out of the sin's stunlock or normal attack with fists while immune is up until you break the stun and kill him or they stealth.

    Stunning a sin? Can't be counted on... Even with Demon Roar, they still have a chance to be unaffected by it. You can only rely on having better armor to protect you while you're fighting...
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    yeah uhh...i dueled a sin at least 5 levels above me..we were evenly matched. he won by like 5 hp. DBB+alter marrow physical ftw.

    I'm guessing you don't know how to glitch DBB.

    I remember losing to sins 5 levels below me.. that was before i had -int, max fist/axe mastery, max stuns, smack, and most importantly.. brains.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Personally, I tend to stay a couple of meters off the ground, fighting a sin in the air is much safer than fighting on the ground due to their inability to **** you over with bramble rage. That way, you are free to use your pdef marrow as much as you like.

    I agree with the OP's point about using your leaps, many bms tend to neglect those, but in situations where sins hit you with tackling slash, you can leap out of it and farstrike them with a polearm, dealing damage while breaking their tactics. (You have no idea how many sins just bail once their combo is broken. Also in the air, you have the ability to TE if necessary for a finishing blow, or apply it after you dragon.

    One point I would like to point out is that expel (on yourself) works better than AD when facing a sin, because in those 9 seconds, a sin would have wasted all his nuke moves trying to damage you, and while you wait off his 10 second antistun... then boom! drake bash, dps pew pew.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I have a few sugestions that will help at high lvls
    first of all go demon, demon vs sage Bm will always win(tested on a private server)
    Now that u are demon learn how to glitch(fire atk for e.g.) and get if possible the following demon skills: D. Aura of golden bell(spam it), D.Drake swift(more stun time always good), D.Lion Roar(never fail), D.glacier(all hits are crit for the next 5 sec-50%for that to happen tho), atk skill(135% fire atk will hurt anyone).
    These are the essential skills a BM should have against LA and HA


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