At What Level Can You Solo The FB's/BH

Amurora - Heavens Tear
Amurora - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
I always want to help people even if I'm not high enough, however, I don't want to get them killed due to trying to help out of my league.

I was curious at what levels you can solo the FBs
I know I can solo Razorjaw (FB19 - Untamed)

Though, I am wondering about helping people with FB/BH29
But am unsure about doing it. I was curious at what level can most solo them (19,29,39+ for in the future)

*note: or even semi solo since I'm talking about helping people. They would be around the level for those who need it whether BH or FB.
Post edited by Amurora - Heavens Tear on


  • Krisnda - Lost City
    Krisnda - Lost City Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I would say that if you keep your pet at your lv, maybe 20 lvs higher than the fb, but some you cant "solo" like 69, because the bosses have debuffs that will 1-shot you pet. but i would say this:

    19- lv 30-40 you can start
    29- 50-60
    39- 70-80

    I can say that im lv 86, and to my knowledge i can do all but 59 (magic mobs kill my pet but i haven't tried this recently)

    But I think that its cool that you are trying to help people, I remember being the same way at your lv, and still now :D
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  • FaceLag - Dreamweaver
    FaceLag - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    FB 19:
    For a veno, lvl 30~35. As long as your pet is physical, oriented. This is even possible at lower than 30 but its just slow and grindy.
    For a bm, lvl 35 is okay, diamond sutra is essential though)
    For a barb, lvl 35
    For an archer, lvl 35~40
    For the 3 other arcane classes and assassin, honestly don't know because you either need a tank for the boss (they can very well kill mobs in a few seconds before they even do any noticeable damage if they are in their late 30's) or you need a charm. Cleric being the easier at the same lvl compared to wiz, psy, and sin.

    FB 29:
    Veno lvl 40~45. Get make sure you have some sort of tank mob, qingzi does hurt quite a bit. Might be a hard time cause you may be healing too much to attack.
    Barb 45+. Need pots and probably heiro.
    Cleric lvl 50+, Better if you get armor that's imbalanced with high earth def.
    Psychic lvl 45~50, with charm. Lvl 55+ without charm and only pots. Gonna need a lil' vitality to not be dead in a few seconds.
    BM, 55+, qingzi breaks bladers cause their constant mix of random magic attacks on top of their melee.
    Archer, I honestly don't know. I imagine lvl 60 with charm? Or lvl 70+? I've seen lvl 60's in my party die cause they were stupid and stole the aggro. I also never got my archer that high in level. Maybe they were just stupid for a lvl 60 archer.
    Sin, I don't know either, sin just isn't very good at soloing bosses until very late.
    Mage, same as psychic.

    FB 39:
    Barb/BM/Veno Lvl 75~80
    Other classes Lvl 80~90
    Cleric + any class Lvl 50~60
    Any arcane+heavy combo Lvl 60~65 with charm. Lvl 70+ without charm.

    Farren's AoE will make all arcane classes including venos and possible arch/sin have a very hard time.
    Hercule's metal magic spam is harsh on BM. You'd have to bring a set of metal def-oriented armor and also marrow but that is still not enough at low level. Charm would help a lot but it won't be fast enough unless you're 70+.

    ONE MAJOR PROBLEM IN FB39 unlike many FB's is that the bosses each have several slave mobs. I can only imagine how majority of the classes will get steamrolled if they tried to lure without a barb or veno. I've done FB39 when I was lvl 52 and I had with me a lvl 4x BM and a lvl 20 veno<<<<---- just for the lure

    However, lucky for you that you are a veno and this won't be so hard for you. Just watch out for Farren.

    FB 51:
    I've never been in the level range to solo this so I'm guessing either not possible or 100+? The boss' attack types are mixed pretty well so that its very hard to get solo'ed. Person above me says 80's with veno so go with that for venos.

    The only classes that would benefit you if you're squaded with someone who has the fb quest would be veno/barb for luring and buffs, and clerics for healing and buffs. All the other classes will only be able to dps on the boss (if not AoE) at an insignificant amount. Reflect, hp buff, def buffs and heal really make a big difference in your fights vs bosses.

    Best solution is get a Veno, tame Snakefist, Wall **** and run on the ceiling and shoot lasers out of your eyes. You will win at everything.
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Actually, for FB39, "lvl 75+" is too early for a veno, unless you're talking hercules. Last time I was there, the boss I tried first (don't know which one) crushed my Magmite in no time. I'm not sure about my level back then, but it was in the 70s, and it wasn't a case of "close, a few more levels and I can do it".

    There isn't much I can do to change that --- a Veno might be a pet user, but we don't have any (reliable) skills whatsoever to help the pets, except for pet heal. No damage reduction skills, no slowdowns. Uber gear to greatly increase magic damage (which includes healing capacity) and reduce casting speed is out of my reach...

    Plan has always been to give it another try no earlier than 83 (since in addition to increasing level difference there's another heal upgrade). Since I keep reading about the AoE and never getting an actual distance number, I presume that it can't be done with a melee pet --- although that leaves the question whether I can get the Marksman to my level, whether he can tank that guy at all (i.e. damage received and whether the boss attacks ranged), and whether his damage is actually sufficient to do all 3 bosses in a single game session... right now, FB39 seems to be one that will definitely require 100% healspamming, so I won't be able to fire a single DD spell.

    About the luring for other classes... I keep reading about genies being able to lure as well, so I guess that comment is slightly outdated by now :-) At least for situation where having to pay for luring isn't an issue, you probably don't want to genie-lure for grinding unless you're appropiately rich :-)
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well, I know that I solo'ed fb39 easily on this level.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
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  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    for a veno, unless (maybe) you have a herc, it often comes down to choosing the right pet for the right boss. sending a close-range physical-only pet (say, glacial walker or magmite) up against, say, qingzi, is going to hurt lots and quickly because they'll be matching their weaknesses against the boss's strengths. choosing a long-ranged magical / mag def pet (eldergoth, maybe antelope?) could have a dramatically different outcome. i assume similar things are true of the FB39 bosses, though i can't give any simple list of what to use against what --- experiment.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • neofolis
    neofolis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Wow, I can't believe how high people are saying.

    I could solo FB19 not far above level with my cleric and my barb, probably about 25. I could solo FB29 by level 39 with my cleric and even lower with my barb 37 or 38. I could solo FB39 by level 50 with both, but only with zeal and it takes so long, it's not worth doing. With both characters in their 70's now, I still can't solo 51 yet and doubt I'll be able to for a while, the Wyvern does too much damage for my cleric and my barb can't purify. I think there's a good chance I'll be able to solo FB59 before FB51.

    FB51 is fairly easy to duo with a cleric though. I've only done it once with a lvl.73 BM when my cleric was early 60's. The BM could easily be replaced by 60-65 barb, but would obviously take longer.