Player shop locations

darsonis Posts: 9 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Suggestion Box
I see in game that player shops build on top and all around NPC characters.

I think that a good suggestion is to make designated areas along the paths in cities where a player shop can be set up.

As it is now, you can have shops almost on top of each other. When you have 50 player shops that close to each other, the lag in that area is hopeless.

My suggestion is to have areas in the game along the paths where a player can set up a stall. These areas would be ONLY able to hold 1 player stall within its box. Once a player stall is inside and set up in the box, no others could set up a stall there until that player leaves.

Similar to below:
(Sorry, but I am not allowed to post images and when I tried to do it with spaces it didn't come out right.)

|\\\\\\\|_________C _______|\\\\\\\\|
|---1---|_________I _______|---6---|
|-STALL-|_________T _______|-STALL-|
|\\\\\\\|_________Y _______|\\\\\\\\|



|-STALL-|_________S _______|-STALL-|
|\\\\\\\|_________T _______|\\\\\\\\|
|---3---|_________R _______|---8---|
|-STALL-|_________E _______|-STALL-|
|\\\\\\\|_________E _______|\\\\\\\\|
|---4---|_________T _______|---9---|

Each stall would be in its own little box and not clumped up in one location on the street. Players could look over each stall without losing track of the stalls they have viewed. Also, because of the set areas for player stalls, you will not have players putting their stalls on top of NPC characters as you do now. Thus, players who need to find a NPC for a quest or talk to a NPC will be able to without much trouble.

By spreading out the player stall locations, you will be causing less lag in a specific area. Each stall box could be marked by a white box on the sides of the streets. Player stalls would NOT be allowed to build any where other then in these boxes in the city.

Each box could be 2 to 3 steps in size. There is plenty of streets in the big cities in game for 1,000's of player stalls. The smaller camps and areas could have stall locations in them as well, but not many. Players who do set up a stall in these small camps will say that there is never more then 3 or 4 there.

The issue is with in the big cities.
Post edited by darsonis on


  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ... Do you have any idea how much work that would require?

    They'd need to re-do the architechture of all the cities, big and small. Not to mention that they'd have to figure out a solution for the smallest cities, such as Sundown Town or Broken Bridge Village.

    Not only that, but it'd also require tons of bugtesting. And you should know by all the old bugs in the game that bugtesting isn't exactly a strength of this game.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Taranta - Dreamweaver
    Taranta - Dreamweaver Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not to demean or diminish your idea, but this has been suggested many times over the past couple years. It hasn't happened because:

    a)as Olbaze said, there are too many logistical issues to take into account before this could be iimplemented.

    b) This would lead to the reduction in profits, as fewer people would buy items from the cash shop if they are not allowed to sell them wherever they wanted.

    c) Complaints would arise, as people who set their shops up outside of cities to take advantage of the smaller market that exists there would no longer be able to do so. (If this is wrong, let me know. I'm only going off of what your post implies)

    Tl;dr: Nice thoughts, and more than most people, but probably not going to happen.
    I shall dominate the Dreamweaver server through the use of Baked goods...and only baked goods.^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Venomancers are Female. Barbarians are male. It will forever be this way. So suck it up and deal with it already.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Simply blanket the spaces across the map while not having them on monster areas or walkways or near npcs. Let them put catshops on the building roofs, they aren't blocking anything there.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • SHiNoHBee - Lost City
    SHiNoHBee - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ok so it seems most of us would agree that reinventing the entire architecture of game just to make shop stalls work a little smoother is not worth the time/bugs/headache for players or game designers. Personally, i wouldnt want the suggestion in the above post. What if my stall was in a good spot and my kid unplugs my modem? Then i log back in and i have to move shop across town! NO WAY! Tired of shops crowding each other? Perhaps they just need to be given physical structure like the npcs or buildings. Right now several players can occupy the same space w.o bumping into ea other. What if in cat shop mode you couldnt do that anymore? Dont really know if that would work but it sure seems a lot simpler to me on both ends.b:laugh
    - Shin
  • bykrmom
    bykrmom Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It would take a lot less work (programming) to just make a "clean area" around NPCs in the game that dissalow the shops to be created within "x" distance of/on top of an NPC. While "shift/click" is a nice feature, one shouldn't need to have to use it to even see the location of an NPC. I can see having to use it to see through other active players, but something MUST be done to keep the shops from blatant interference with the play of the game. Lets be realistic about this. The NPCs let us further the play from quest to quest. If it gets too challenging to even find/get to the NPCs then this version of A Perfect World will die off, just as the Perfect World Multilanguage Service did. (It ends for good and servers will be wiped on Nov 10th).
  • TaintedSinX - Raging Tide
    TaintedSinX - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I'm thinking that if it's a lot of more and time for the employees of Perfect World, why can't the community do it?

    ==Shop1== Street ==Shop2==
    ==Shop3==Street ==Shope4==

    If it's around the NPC why can't it be where it can be seen like a around 4-5 steps in front of the NPC all lined up with a space between them. Make it just a bit more uniform. Make it look good at least xD

