Cleric Pk/tw Videos???

Lorael - Dreamweaver
Lorael - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Cleric

I am not bashing clerics. I have never played one past lvl 20, so I would not pretend to judge them at all.

This has, however, been my personal experience.

I keep hearing about how great clerics are at 1 vs 1 pvp, but honestly I don't see it. Not saying its not true, just saying I have never seen it before. I have see mages with enough pdef to laugh at plume shot, and while I have seen clerics take a beating before going down with iron heart, sleeps, etc., I honestly don't think I have ever seen a cleric down anyone 1 vs 1 unless they were much higher level or much better gear.

I would like to see some videos of super clerics pk'ing (+12 nirvana blah blah blah) as well as "normally" geared clerics (tt90 or tt99 +5, etc.)

I am thinking of trying out a cleric, but the idea of not being able to kill anyone in pvp makes me think I wouldn't like it.

Although, some of the hardest 2 vs 2 fights I have ever had were against a cleric and [insert any other class here], so that could be fun too.

Also, if you don't have a link to a video, etc., please don't just post here telling me how cool clerics are. I've searched this forum and there is plenty of that. Show me!
Post edited by Lorael - Dreamweaver on


  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not gunna be much help to you, because I'll say clerics 1v1 in pvp kinda suck. The only 1v1 they're good at really imo is duels where charms don't tick, and people don't use pots. Most times when its a cleric wiping floor in open pk its because they overgear everyone else (ofc there are exceptions).

    Otherwise as you said 2v2 and higher is where clerics excel, and not in the cleric becoming a god. But in the fact that they assist there team mate which, is not anything cool that people want to watch. Which is why you don't see many videos of clerics in tw.

    Just an example though can't use name the main pk'ing cleric on my server for a long time severely overgeared pretty much everyone on server now has all the gear on a wizard and uses that for tw.
  • Swannx - Archosaur
    Swannx - Archosaur Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I think the biggest advantage a cleric has in PvP is that they are super versatile. They can easily switch from a support class to a DD class since they are well-equipped with healing, buff, and debuff skills as well as attacks. Speaking of which, their attacks are not only limited to dealing magical attacks like the other three arcane classes (venos, wizards, and psychics) but are also given a (spammable) Plume Shot skill that deals physical damage. So they have the ability to take out any of the other armor types.

    Now, you may have heard that clerics are good at 1v1s, and I think this is primarily due to the reason that clerics do not have very many AOE skills (that are spammable) like a BM or barb. I think clerics are also said to have a good rep. in 1v1 because they can 1-3 shot most any other class (excluding barbs with high HP and charmed players). But this 'gift' of being able to kill other players easily is also a reversible curse, as clerics have super low physical defense. From my experience if I am against a wizard/psychic/veno, there is nothing to worry about. 1 IH on myself will cover all the magic damage they are dealing to me simply because my magic defense is already so high. However, when I am against a HA or LA class, it is an entirely different story and my best bet is to take them out QUICKLY because Plume Shell/Guardian Light/Apo Pots (and maybe Wings of Protection) will NOT last me very long at all. Long fights are not a cleric's specialty IMO (unless you're just spamming IH on yourself for 20 minutes, in which case sure you're not losing the fight, but creating a stalemate isn't exactly winning.)

    Overall, if you are looking for a PK class, I believe there are more PK-oriented options out there and recommending a cleric would not be my first choice to those trying to be top PKers. However, I do believe clerics are able to match the other classes in terms of PK and excel as well, but they must be even more careful than wizards and psychics (who both have defensive shield buffs) because clerics only have a very limited plume shell defense (with a cooldown!) making them even more vulnerable and squishy.

    As far as PKing in TW goes, if they stick in the back with the archers and wizards, they WILL dish out formidable damage and leave dents against the opposing faction's players... especially with (arguably the best AOE skill) Tempest.
  • Magiere - Dreamweaver
    Magiere - Dreamweaver Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You don't sound like someone that would enjoy pvp'ing as cleric, so dont do it.

    Yeah Clerics and PK, lets just say it was a lot more fun as cleric before genies and tideborn came out.(sleeping barbs,bm's at 55% hp and them not being able to replenish hp/or reduce incoming damage was fun :D)

    Don't roll a cleric, real endgame pvp as cleric even with amazing gears (talking from experience) just sucks if u fight equally geared folks.

    Clerics are amazing in 1on1 pvp only between 30-89 , after that every class surpasses you.
    Originally written by Satchiko to me regarding old spice commercial :
    Hello Perfect World. Look at your cleric, now back to me, now back to your cleric, now back to me. Sadly it isn't me. But if you stopped being a noob and started wearing sunglasses you could act like you're me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on Dreamweaver with the cleric your cleric could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. It's an inventory filled with the gear you want. Look again, the gear is now diamonds. Anything is possible with sunglasses. I'm flying on starter wings.
  • Bagoly_ - Sanctuary
    Bagoly_ - Sanctuary Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is what I found on tube.
    1v1 and group. Seems like pro stuff.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    For most part, even with the highest played class, it is rare to see a good PK cleric. The simple reason to that is for most part people make a cleric class with the "help" factor in mind, and totally ignore the detrimental abilities a cleric actually has.

    So for most part, a larger number of cleric players build their character wielded with the highest standards to be good "healers"... As a focused healer, they tend to build with higher mattk for better, higher healing. which sacrifices a lot of defense, and survivability... In short, they become super squishy, and for most part a one shot wonder.

    And then they focus on skills that center around healing, and with a healers mentality never grasp what the other skills have to offer. I was always amazed when I got a new high level recruit in my faction and would see they hardley touched any of the none healing/buff skills. Mainly because they had no desire in a PvP skill set.

    So with that said, this is why you prob don't see many "good" pk clerics.

    A good PK cleric will learn that high m-atk won't really make you a better healer, that simply comes with building a good healing strategy for whatever content you are in. But then again, you don't lose that much healing efficiency even as a VIT100 cleric.

    A good PK build cleric will focus on building physical defense. An attempt to balance out survivability against both mag classes, and physical classes. A good PK cleric will trade in the -%channeling gear for the +(#) physical defense gear any day (namely protection gear) or do Like I do and carry two sets of gears to match my task at hand.

    In TW, a PK build cleric are pains in the asses for the melee classes assigned to kill clerics. (archers maybe less to them) Their goal is to try and kill the cleric as fast as possible before taking on any hits themselves from a mag-class defending the cata cleric. With a good strategy along side a good physical defense build, the cleric can be virtually invincible in TW, and survive long enough for someone that has the ability to take out the attacker.

    In 1v1 Clerics with high natural mag resist, can hold off all mag classes with simple IH turtleing until the attacker runs out of all their highest (spark) attacks, then resurface with sleeps/silences-debuffs-physical attacks, also knowledge of their self buffs helps tremendously.

    1v1 with close range attackers sins/bms Clerics have the ability to plume shell, while the counter is still counting, and plume last long enough that the attackers stun locks will wear down long before your plume, and with maxed Plume, and highest pdef possible, they even when using their best attacks are only tickling you. When out of stun lock, you then could return the favor with your chromatic, then debuffing them, followed wield thunder to wake them, but to be sent back to bed with silent seal, gives another chance to land another damage dealer, I would usually finish them off while silent seal still there with my Sirens kiss (which also stuns), and if that didn't. cyclones fast channeling will do it. (sins with escape kind of disrupts strats like this, but they are OP anyway, un-balanced imo) But also keep in mind DISTANCE against these classes can change alot...But for most part, surviving their best detrimental abilities is key.

    1v1 with archers are a bit tricky. But when you are on them at close range they do diddly to a good PK build. So when count down going, the first thing they want to do is run in the opposite direction. Cyclone will slow that efforts, and holy path can put you right on their heals. Sleeping them gives you a chance to stack debuffs on them, then mag attacks.
    They still will want to distance themselves, and will most likely get some distance, that is when you plume, and open fire. If they are already a bit away from you when engaging 1v1, plume right at the end of the counter, holy path to them followed by a chromatic seal, and follow that path of attack.

    Barbs 1v1 ??? easy.. Kiteing them with cyclone slowing them, and the lines of sleepers, such as chromatic seal, silent seal. sirens kiss, tempest, we have NO reason what so ever to ever be hit by them, and can stay at max range and eat away at their HPs... In PK is a bit different considering the Charms, but then again, we can be an annoyance to them, and cause them to quit to save charm.

    In group PKing, or even rpk... Clerics can do far more when built for it then they get credit for. Survivability comes to mind when building a PK cleric, If you are able to survive ANYTHING that comes your way, and gives you enough time to practice the skills available, then there is NO reason a cleric can not be a top dog in the PK line.

    As far as genies, they help others, but help us too... Holy path evil against ARCHERS... ToP? evil against any stun locking class.... Absolute poison? stacking two makes it that much worse when we attack. Seal? a back up for when they have genie skills to counter your sleepers. just to name a few...
  • Lorael - Dreamweaver
    Lorael - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is what I found on tube.
    1v1 and group. Seems like pro stuff.

    thanks. this was helpful. any others?
  • Sarieanna - Raging Tide
    Sarieanna - Raging Tide Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The problem is, whenever someone see's a cleric, they automatically think "healer". This is especially true for higher level dungeouns, so its harder to get squaded since healers are such a rarity nowadays. At those times, when they finally get a cleric, it's bad when the cleric goes "I'm an attack".


    Uhhmm, if you want to be PvP follow vristion's advice and also, remember to go demon! b:bye

    Searching Youtube will also help tooo...
    I love my sister, Alex <3
    Even though, I taught her more then she taught me. b:cute
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    it's bad when the cleric goes "I'm an attack".

    Ive personally never heard of anyone playing a cleric claiming they are just an "attack cleric" But doesnt surprise me in this game to say the least.

    However people should keep in mind when playing a cleric class, they are more versitile than being just one or the other. For those that think they are nothing than attackers, are simply not practiceing their abilities to the fullest. or maybe they OOOOPSed and thought they rolled a wizard.

    With my PK build, I can still play the role of a healer efficiently just as well as somone with pure mag, in some cases better.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I wish I could find videos of Kin, no doubt the best cleric I ever met (on PW-MY server).
    The only cleric who could own my +10 archer very easily. (He was, altho, a rank8+12 and all his gear was above +9 also).
    Without the gear power only, there was Zohar also, amazing cleric, with normal armor, could own almost everyone just by skill knowledge.
    Clerics are good PVPers, and I plan to be one of them as soon as I finish my armor, but they are required so often, that most clerics are too busy to go randomly pk people around the game.
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    To PK/TW efficiently as a Cleric, is it not possible to go full magic (i mean not a point in vitality) and compensate by putting a lot of citrine shards in items?
  • Sukinee - Heavens Tear
    Sukinee - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    It would be really cool it there was an official PK cleric guide. Personally I would like to know what genie skills are recommended for PK, and a good, comprehensive guide to defeating all the different classes, whether in PK or a duel.

    It would be good to help someone like me who is interested later on in PK but is still a noob at it -.-

    If someone could make this guide, many thanks in advance. b:laugh

    Member of Nocturne and Hikari...spread the light be nice to others!

    "I conform to non-conformity." Join date: November 2008 :D
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    To PK/TW efficiently as a Cleric, is it not possible to go full magic (i mean not a point in vitality) and compensate by putting a lot of citrine shards in items?

    Sure it is possible. Most full mage classes can be very effective as a pure mag build. But one element they become weak in is physical defence. With EVERY physical class out there having the ability to stun lock you. You become vulnerable even with plume on absorbing 80% of the damage.. that other 20% can be significant enough to dwindle your HPs to nothing, especially from a 5aps, or anyone with good int.

    If you are still taking buttloads of damage even while in plume, you are forced then into a self healing turle mode... then you plume dies and you become a one hit wonder in most cases even with stack IHs. Plume is your best opurtunity to deal out some of your own damage as well a burn off some of your own skil abilities and not be focused on keeping yourself alive.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    It would be really cool it there was an official PK cleric guide. Personally I would like to know what genie skills are recommended for PK, and a good, comprehensive guide to defeating all the different classes, whether in PK or a duel.

    It would be good to help someone like me who is interested later on in PK but is still a noob at it -.-

    If someone could make this guide, many thanks in advance. b:laugh

    Maybe some should make one up for pk and TW call it how to Survive as Cleric in TW and PK.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • ClericMD - Lost City
    ClericMD - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I was thinking about the 100 vit cleric and use the pw calculator:
    Level 80 clerics with averages gears, you can get this easy in your level 80, in personal i prefer a 3 starts cape rather of tauren taht give hp and def points, and you cane get better 3 starts rings, and the calculator is no 100% acurate but you can make a idea:

    Full mag cleric with 5 vit
    Cleric with 100 vit

    100 vit will give you extra 950 a cost of 1100 points less of damage and 1400 mp points less, you get 2% or 3% extra points of def. But 950 hp is very pretty number.

    Clerics are very good in 1vs1 pvp i had a 86 cleric (that i delete went i decide dont play anymore and see me now i am here again XD)

    I could win most of 1vs1 agains BMs even charmed so 30/70, against charmed barbs is a wasted of mana they have like 8 to 10k+ hp, have stun, and they hit hard too, so you only fight until they get tired, against sin is hard but if you survive the fisrt hits you can have a chance i kill some sins in 2 or 3 hits (jones blessing work for clerics too) in 1 hit if I was lucky and have a critic but still 80/20 , pyschs have that dam skill that reflect damage and can make inmune to phsycall so 50/50, againts venos put your shield, tank the damage pet of and hit the veno hard still 50/50, archers are easy if you know what are you doing so 40/60. wizard hit hard yeah but they are easy for a cleric so 40/60.

    Clerics are support character but is important learn to survive for himself, part of support is survive without help, and this include that you can go everywhere part of map to grindig and dont get kill for a bored pk, and clerics have a very good point in favor every other class think is easy kill them, if you understimate your oponent you are giving power to them.

    Srry for mi bad english.

    PD: if PW is international with we dont have a languages subfurom O.o
  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    It would be really cool it there was an official PK cleric guide. Personally I would like to know what genie skills are recommended for PK, and a good, comprehensive guide to defeating all the different classes, whether in PK or a duel.

    It would be good to help someone like me who is interested later on in PK but is still a noob at it -.-

    If someone could make this guide, many thanks in advance. b:laugh

    just go out and experience it for yourself -.- you can use hours on reading "guides" and still succk hard if you dont know your own skills, cooldowns, survivability and apoth vs the opposing class' stuff and methods -.-

    as for build; you will need spike damage or very fast consant damage to kill ppl (for ppl with halfdecent gear, charm and stuff and an idea on wtf they are doingg) . that means either high refined wep, full mag or squadmates.
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    you dont always need the best gear to beat someone in pk, just a bit knowledge about the other classes helps, personally i have a hard time beating bms caus of all the stunning so i just go duel with my friend who teaches me what i should and shouldnt do to beat him helps a lot :) really in pk clerics can do some amazing things sometimes just takes a bit time to learn b:chuckle
    The greatest danger for most of us
    is not that our aim is too high
    and we miss it
    but that it's too low and
    we reach it.
  • LaLeLoo - Sanctuary
    LaLeLoo - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Clerics can be good in PvP if you use tricks and know what your doing. They are super squishy but their are ways around it. Its challenging but can be possible. Also depends on the other PKer. If your dueling an expert BM, that's like asking to die. BMs can spam stuns like no other so its like they are hitting a dummy. Clerics are definitely not the best in PvP.

    For TW I've heard they are good for their sleep skills. Archer about to Barrage? Sleep them. BM about to stun? Sleep them. Barbarian about to Armageddon? Sleep them. Than let someone else kill them while they sleep. I've done this in TW a few times, its a bit amusing.

    Its all in the hands of timeing really.