Mana and AoE for PVE?!

qills Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Wizard
Hello. Sorry for my bad English!

I'd like to ask higher lvl Wizards what AoEs do they recommend for higher lvl PVE? For BH, TT, FCC, mainly. I saw Wizards using Dragon's Breath at Public Quest, but isn't that too risky?

Second thing is mana consumption at higher lvls (80+). Right now I'm using Focus powders (50mp/sec) in instances and that's enough for non-stop killing. I will eventually switch to the 100mp/sec one (forgot the name) and I'll buy mana food after 70. Are these things enough for non-stop killing in higher instances (like FCC)? Or MP charm is a MUST? x.x

Thanks in advance!
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  • Lorael - Dreamweaver
    Lorael - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    qills wrote: »
    I saw Wizards using Dragon's Breath at Public Quest, but isn't that too risky?

    Your english is fine.

    If you are with a good barb/bm, for PvE I would think they should have alpha male on their genies, so you should be fine but you need to watch how much damage you are taking as well and cancel dragon's breath if your charm starts ticking too much (especially in RB (gamma/delta) if your charm is ticking through the aura's and the clerics blue bubble, you should drop dragon's breath and use other aoe's until the heavy armor users re-establish aggro. I did delta as a lvl 87 wiz with light armor and a very good bm and barb and finished with no problem.

    In public quest, same thing only you have to be even more careful because (at least in the handful of squads I was with) those mobs went down much more slowly.

    Higher level instances you have crab meat too, which is light years better than the lower level apothecary items.

    Lastly, some people leave dragon's breath at level 5 or 6 so that they don't take aggro from so many mobs, and some even remove (unequip) their rings or weapon.

    The best advice is just to try it out. If you don't like it, you can always use other aoe skills, especially in RB with the aura's that give chi). There are some wizards I know that never use dragon's breath in RB and just throw blade tempest, mountain seize, ice dragon, hailstorm and will of the phoenix, which may be slower (and your squad may be unhappy with that) but it certainly allows you better control of how much aggro you take.
  • Arma_Geddon - Heavens Tear
    Arma_Geddon - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    At higher levels you won't really need to worry about mana that much anymore...

    After 89 you can pretty much run instances without mana pots because triple spark gives you back 20% of your mp. If you're using Master Li's technique or Cloud Eruption, you can keep full chi most of the time and triple spark every couple of minutes. sage pyro also throws you a hell of a lot of chi while spamming /gush/pyro on the mobs. Couple that with sage frostblade and elemental shell while in between mobs and you'll never ever have chi issues...ever, and therefore mana issues as well.

    ^This works best with maxed Wellspring Quaff btw, it should easily put you at or over 15k mp(at higher levels of course).
    The doctor will see you now.
  • qills
    qills Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    @Lorael: Thanks for the info, I guess I just have to be cautious and wait for tank to take aggro before I AoE. ^^

    @Arma_Geddon: Good news for me, because I wanted to go Sage. x) You make it sound even better, lol. Thank you!
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Who cares about mana 75+ it's so stupid cheap... 3 tokens make 50 herb yuanxiao, each of them gives you 5000 mana. With 10k tokens that's 600 coin per 5000 mana, are you telling me that's a problem? Repairs will probably cost more.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Aa, the troubles with AoE's and wizzys.

    First things first, hitting DB in PQ.
    IF you work with a squad, and turn it into a zhen squad, it completly pwns. Zhensquads in PQ are epic win.
    Setting up DB on your OWN, is practicly suicide. You can't move, you can't kite. All you do is stand there and get hit.

    Now the other PvE instances.
    Most places, you will hardly AoE. Just spam gush/pyro on the tank's target, and you'll be fine. Only exeption is FC, where you NEED to AoE. Best thing there is DB, specially at low lvls

    On the MP charm thing. Having an MP charm SUCKS. It will ALWAYS tick when you don't need it to. It SUCKS, don't do it.
    Instead, get mp food (Herb Yuanxiao
    5k MP in 30 secs, you will NEVER be short in mp again. Also it's uber cheap (3 tokens of luck makes 50 pieces. That's 33k for 250k mp)
    The regen apo's are good to (and theyr free, cause you can farm the herbs yourself).
    A few parts about the regen pots to remember: when you are in combat, your regen is cut by 75%. So it MIGHT not help if you are seriusly hitting spels permanently, but you can be sure it'll do alot. Also remember to keep welspring on and spark, for the extra 10% mp regen (from 2spark). And have water shield on for an extra 10 mp/sec b:chuckle
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • qills
    qills Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Thanks for the help! ^^

    I never said I had a problem with the Yuanxiao, I even said in my first post that I'm gonna use that after 70... I just did not remember its name and that it was 75+. x.x Until then, apoth stuff is fine. I just can't buy charms all the time, but apparently, I don't even need 'em, yay!

    I had to ask about the MP consumption because I'm used to the Veno (never needed potions), and someone told me I better give up my Wiz unless I'm very rich because they need mana charms after 80 all the time otherwise people will call me a fail Wiz... x.x I'm glad I asked more people, I'm so relieved!

    And looks like I'll have to get DB... Scaaary. D: I feel so squishy!

    Again, sorry for my bad English... x.x;
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    qills wrote: »
    Thanks for the help! ^^

    I never said I had a problem with the Yuanxiao, I even said in my first post that I'm gonna use that after 70... I just did not remember its name and that it was 75+. x.x Until then, apoth stuff is fine. I just can't buy charms all the time, but apparently, I don't even need 'em, yay!

    I had to ask about the MP consumption because I'm used to the Veno (never needed potions), and someone told me I better give up my Wiz unless I'm very rich because they need mana charms after 80 all the time otherwise people will call me a fail Wiz... x.x I'm glad I asked more people, I'm so relieved!

    And looks like I'll have to get DB... Scaaary. D: I feel so squishy!

    Again, sorry for my bad English... x.x;

    Again, your English is fine.

    And no, mp pots will not be your largest money sink, skills and gear will be. Often times I run fbs/TTs without ever even potting.
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    qills wrote: »
    Thanks for the help! ^^

    I never said I had a problem with the Yuanxiao, I even said in my first post that I'm gonna use that after 70... I just did not remember its name and that it was 75+. x.x Until then, apoth stuff is fine. I just can't buy charms all the time, but apparently, I don't even need 'em, yay!

    I had to ask about the MP consumption because I'm used to the Veno (never needed potions), and someone told me I better give up my Wiz unless I'm very rich because they need mana charms after 80 all the time otherwise people will call me a fail Wiz... x.x I'm glad I asked more people, I'm so relieved!

    And looks like I'll have to get DB... Scaaary. D: I feel so squishy!

    Again, sorry for my bad English... x.x;

    the charm issue only pops up if you want to do zhenn grinding which most of the people dont do because they rather lvl in FC or doing Instances wher your mana is fine later on

    if you really want to aoe kill mobs you either can do that solo with DB and phys melee mobs + expel on your genie or you can 90+ attack with 2 ultis mountain seize --> BIDS/BT but most of the time you wont do aoe grinding yourself like bms or psychics do when you grind

    greetz harm0wnie
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    you wont need a mp charm, no matter where you are xd

    you can keep your Aoe up even with npc pots

    mana use when u dont aoe and have a single target is reduced to a minimum thanks to spark recovering maximum-mana and our buff and pure-mag-build granting us tons of maximum mana
    (but yeah clerics have lvl11-mana-recovery-buffs and can run 0-pot unless they BB)

    i think all this *put away your rings and maybe weapon* is BS
    tank as long as you can, run, setup again :o

    ah dont forget sage dragons breath is a nightmare lol
    i like potato
  • qills
    qills Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Awesome! Thank you so much for the help, everyone!
    Gear is not an issue, I can borrow my Veno's items, she kept all her stuff after 60, I knew I would start a Wiz one day, lol. And double drops are coming soon, great time to solo TT! c: It will be hard to stop playing my Wiz though, it's 1000 times more fun than the Veno. ♥_♥

    I don't know why people say Wiz is hard to lvl, it's hilariously easy if you pay attention to the mob's element and use the right skills against it... and kite if needed. I can't solo bosses like my Veno, but who cares if I have a helpful faction?! ;P *giggles*
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    qills wrote: »
    Awesome! Thank you so much for the help, everyone!
    Gear is not an issue, I can borrow my Veno's items, she kept all her stuff after 60, I knew I would start a Wiz one day, lol. And double drops are coming soon, great time to solo TT! c: It will be hard to stop playing my Wiz though, it's 1000 times more fun than the Veno. ♥_♥

    I don't know why people say Wiz is hard to lvl, it's hilariously easy if you pay attention to the mob's element and use the right skills against it... and kite if needed. I can't solo bosses like my Veno, but who cares if I have a helpful faction?! ;P *giggles*

    People mostly say it's hard, because they do NOT know how to pay attention to the mob's element, and use the right skils, and kite b:laugh.

    And yea, veno tends to be boring sometimes. It's all so damn easy, heal the pet and your done b:shutup

    And yea, that guy telling you you would absolutely need a charm is stupid.
    I have never been mp charmed, I actually still have the free mp charm you get from suply stash in my bank, simply because I don't want to be mp charmed b:surrender (and now I'm low on bank space lol)
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Karmay - Sanctuary
    Karmay - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    For FCC, dragon's breath works great on most of the pulls. I have level 10 so I generate a lot of aggro. I've found it helpful to start DB just as they do HF: the mobs tend to die before you take aggro that way. If the BM doesn't know how to use HF best to be careful though.

    For the big room (aka EXP room), I don't use DB. The mobs take longer to kill and I just don't trust random barb's/bm enough to risk that much exp. Instead I stand a little off to one side opposite the direction the barb is approaching with the pull. I time blade tempest so it hits with the BM's HF, very effective at slaughtering the masses. If you get aggro with this method, which is fairly likely if the mobs don't die, you can run in circles around the BB until bm or barb get aggro back rather than being stuck in place with the whole room attacking you at once.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    For FCC, dragon's breath works great on most of the pulls. I have level 10 so I generate a lot of aggro. I've found it helpful to start DB just as they do HF: the mobs tend to die before you take aggro that way. If the BM doesn't know how to use HF best to be careful though.

    For the big room (aka EXP room), I don't use DB. The mobs take longer to kill and I just don't trust random barb's/bm enough to risk that much exp. Instead I stand a little off to one side opposite the direction the barb is approaching with the pull. I time blade tempest so it hits with the BM's HF, very effective at slaughtering the masses. If you get aggro with this method, which is fairly likely if the mobs don't die, you can run in circles around the BB until bm or barb get aggro back rather than being stuck in place with the whole room attacking you at once.

    Yes, and while your idea is perfect for the exp room, that same random barbs/bms will yell at you and become very angry if you do not use DB, even though your reasons are good. They think 'Wizard = DB and when wizard = not DB, Wizard suck', because ALL they have seen in their life is FCC.
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Solution: Get Expel on your genie.

    Barb dies? RESIST RESIST RESIST RESIST mobs dead.
    BM doesn't stun? RESIST RESIST RESIST RESIST mobs dead.

    On big pull (big exp room):

    399 chi -> Triple spark -> Elemental Shell (+15 chi) -> DB -> Expel -> you can basically take 80% of mobs HP at that level until Expel wears off.

    I mean, I've even done FCs where psychics pulled the mobs, no BM or barb in squad.
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