[New race] Chenghuang

StrangeScar - Lost City
StrangeScar - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Suggestion Box
I had a small creative moment, which i tough i would share with everyone, so winout blatter and random text, let me preset to you the class i had in my mind.

Race : Chenghuang
History : Chenghuang is the Taoism god, basicly which most know as yin and yang. People believed a temple would protect their region*. This great god had written down all good and bad deeds of the person, and decided after his life wethever he was good or bad.

Additional info :
I had already informed about the temple, which would be in the middle of the city shaped in a yingyang, this could be great for possible events, such as the archosaur attack. It could be made intressing by giving points for ever kill a player makes, with these points, a player could run to the temple to summon buffs or archers on the city walls to help defend the great city.

To compleetly fit with the history, this race would consist out of spirits, looking like humanoids, tough they will have their specific looks.

They both will be focused on Light armour (dex based) due their principle of yin and yang. Yet they arent ment for critting like archers, due this, their weapon will require an amouth of dex, to wear a light armour, and than a combination of mag/str, since they both have their physical and magical part, and so, to reduce the ability to epicly crit like endgame archers who relay on dex ( weapon wise = dex / str / mag requested)

FB 19 will consist of 2 bosses, a holy looking boss and an evil looking, the Seng Ling will be killing the dark boss, while the Pinyin will be killing the holy boss.
Classes :

Sheng Ling
The Yang part of the circle, a fire spirit. This class is an active fighter and uses duo fans to defend itself aswell as to attack (yinyang principle), It will actively fight against its enemy, and use its weapons against him/her. (everything is close ranged)

Fast stab
Closes both fans to deal two quick attacks with a high chanse of a deadly strike(=crit) .Crit rate improves as its lvl, so does the basic damage.

Pyro enchant
A self buff which adds fire damage to the weapon damage (could be compaired to the archer's skill '' blazing arrow'')

Uses own chi to rapidly change ones location at such rapid tempo, as if he were to teleport, plus increases speed by x% for 10 seconds . (like instand distance shrink with a bonus).

Burning body
Self buff lasts for 20 seconds. First person to attack receives fire damage + will get x damage over time at the cost of 35 chi. (prerequested Pyro Adjustement lv1).

A quick ferocious hit ripping skin, causes the target to bleed. (prerequested fast stab lv1)

Uses all muscles to push wind infront, pushing monsters back and dealing physical and metal damage. (prerequested lv1 slash)

Holy aura
Party buff which increases the party's DEF and ATK level (max lvl 5)

Target based buff. Increases the power of healing potions by x%. (prerequested lv1 Holy aura)

Spark burst
Same as every other class.

An attack moved from the ground up to the target with a vertical slash, fire moving up inflitching great damage and seals the enemy at the cost of 1 spark. (prerequested lv1 burning body)

Meteor impact
At the cost of 50 chi, the attacker pushes his fans down producing an impact on the ground damaging all enemies around him, slowing enemies around him. (prerequested lv1 burning body)

Life stream
Allows the spirit to search in the flow of the earth to collect chi at a regular base, but will become more vulnerable to any attacks during the process.

Fan mastery
Increases fire damage and Fan damage.

This allows the spirit to let a fallen hero to revive in his spiritual form, tough it will be much weaker.(player will be revived, but at the cost of a horrible debuff which can't be purified or negated with a pot. -50% damage, -30%maxHp, -30%maxMp. Exp reduce works like the cleric's ress, this skill is instand as if the spirit were to grab the soul out of the body, the player can be ressed by a cleric to negate the debuff.) (prerequested lv3 holy aura)

Pure soul
Healing skill to recover xHp (lower than ironheart) and gives a hp regain buff (again weaker than the cleric's) (prerequested lv1 lifecut)

Inner fire
When the hp goes below 50%, Inner fire has a chanse to activate (the higher lvl, the more chanse) and increases the attack rate and attack power until the hp is back over 50%. (prerequested lv 1 hellfire / lv1 meteor impact)

Deep vision
Passive. Inscreases detection level for possible threats.

Changes the caster into his full spirit form, increasing its attack power by 10% and fire power for 10% and is unable to be stunned or sealed or slept or silenced at the cost of 1 spark. (higher lvl, longer this skill is) (prerequested lv1 life stream)

Uses the wind produced by the fans to cut through the targets body at such speed, that the wounds burn. (fire damage over second + pyshical damage)(prerequested lv1 windpush)

Ultimate skill, summons a dragon to guidance the fan in full power, the dragon were to bite in the hands of the caster, doing 10% damage, but in return has a chanse to dispell positive buffs and reducing max hp of the target cost of 2 sparks.(prerequested lv1 Transdimension)

Fan defence
Uses both fans to make one invulnerable to any attacks for 5 seconds at the cost of 1 spark, the caster can't t attack and is slowed.(prerequested lv1 windcutter)

Uses both sparks to negate the will of the gods and allows the caster to use an evil move of the highest degree. (random lv10 skill of the other class)

Same as every other class.


The yin part of the circle, a water/ice spirit. This class uses a giant shuriken to attack. He will use his chi to summon dark spirits to his aids in combat. He will try to hurt it's enemy even at cost of himself. (light armour and close ranged, same as class above.)



Throws the shuriken at high speed, ripping the skin of the target and causes to bleed.


Ice cold

Self buff, Enchants the weapon with water damage.


Trap Trick

at the cost of 40 chi, the user will set a trap for an enemy (stealth). When the trap is triggered, a debuff will occur plus explosion damage (max 1 trap set out.)

Old spirit

Uses chi (35) to summon a spirit to aid in battle for a limited time. (spirit can't be attacked and works like veno's pet, mobs will still go for the player.)

Deep chill

Slowing the target, increases own Def level for 30 seconds. (1 def lvl for 2 lvls.)

-coming soon if this idea actually works.-

Credits ; thanking KageYingZi for a good comment, and will adjust to it.
Post edited by StrangeScar - Lost City on


  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not to burst your bubble or anything but PWI has a large expansion coming up soon.So we probably won't see this implemented till like long time later.
    Though I got to say,your idea was at least well structured.

    All classes have 1% crit per 20dex so 40dex for this char might seem too different.Anyways LA needs only 1 dex per level so they can still be based more on Str or some other attribute.Also,some of the skills seems to be re-used from other classes or a obvious fusion of other class skills.Some are quite original compared to PW skills but might not fit too well into it.
  • StrangeScar - Lost City
    StrangeScar - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not to burst your bubble or anything but PWI has a large expansion coming up soon.So we probably won't see this implemented till like long time later.
    Though I got to say,your idea was at least well structured.

    All classes have 1% crit per 20dex so 40dex for this char might seem too different.Anyways LA needs only 1 dex per level so they can still be based more on Str or some other attribute.Also,some of the skills seems to be re-used from other classes or a obvious fusion of other class skills.Some are quite original compared to PW skills but might not fit too well into it.

    Thanks for the comment, could you tell me which skills look broken to you? Trying to adjust everything balanced, not putting and class out while not making this class OP :)
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hm too bad not many people comment . .
    maybe because the thread considering about game balance ?
    And i really got " kungfu master " and " taoist " feels.


    Anyway pretty nice. b:victory
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Ogath - Heavens Tear
    Ogath - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    do you have any idea what they will look like?b:questionb:question
    new race the cursed.


    plenty of ideas and lots of support come and help us.