Venos w/out Hercs being treated cruelly.

LilPinkBunny - Sanctuary
LilPinkBunny - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Suggestion Box
So my friend and I are both Veno's that are working hard to get Source of Force for our wonderful Hercs that we dream of having someday, but until that happens we are stuck with the Glacial Walker. Now the Glacial is not bad I think it is a decent tank, slow..bulky but o well it does its job.
But to other people in the game us venos with Glacials are useless or should just quit now or have been squadded and kicked when they find out we don't have a herc. Which is very UNFAIR for us! We are trying to get our Hercs! We just dont have all the coin or money for gold in the world!
So I have heard that the hercs go on sale on very rare occasion, it would be awesome if that happened sometime, or if you even made a rare animal for a moment that could kick **** and be beastly like the herc? Please b:beg I want to fcc someday and I know for a fact that Crimslet wants to fcc shes sick of being called names and so am I. I know this may never even get read but if it does please hear our crys!! Source of Force isnt cheap and we need coin for skills to you know can't spend it all on SoF b:surrender
Thank you and Ta ta see you in game b:thanks
Post edited by LilPinkBunny - Sanctuary on


  • Sakura_rose - Sanctuary
    Sakura_rose - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well you know you could always grind or farm something to make coin. It'll take a while, but eventually you'll get your hercs. ;)
  • Ruumatsuku - Lost City
    Ruumatsuku - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    yeah, i didn't get my herc until my late lvl 80s, but I didn't care if i had it or not. But the best u can do is grind and get coins. :) Usually if somebody kicks a hercless veno for me to join, i would give the squad lead heck for that and make them resquad that veno. So keep ur hopes up, and have fun!
    Please don't hate... Be happy and enjoy life. b:thanks
  • torch27
    torch27 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    while such about grinding for coins can be said for nearly any venture or pursuit, i agree with Ruumatsuku and Sakura_rose about there being a slow-down to veno's getting hercs or nix's. hell, i've known sum venos that go into their late 90's w/o even touching a piece of sof. what ppl may or may not say in terms of cruelty or w/e, thats their perogative. what matters is that stuff like that takes time. again, i agree with Ruumatsuku about keeping ur head up and having fun while accomplishing ur goals. sure, its easy to say that, but its true. in this, only the journey is written, not the destination.
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If your not a -int class your probably not going to get much in the way of random FF\TT\Nirvana anyways. Make some friends and quit going with random squads.
  • LycanthropeX - Raging Tide
    LycanthropeX - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well as a barb, i love veno simply cause of reflect and lending hand :) oh and luring too.
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well since I play my veno alt every now and then, I can tell you this. It is more profitable to buy and sell SoF and PF than it is to use them on a herc/phoenix.

    I bought about 6.3k worth of SoF, with gold when I played heavly, and I sold all of it and got over 150 million from it. Thanks to that I was able to get gear I needed for my BM, and keep him nice.
    But as you can tell from that example, my BM is my main (lvl 78), and my veno is an alt I use to farm/grind for coin. Works very well since I just send in her T.Born pet tank (idr name), and it just gathers all the mobs up and then it just takes a few to kill them.
  • Qinnlenlea - Archosaur
    Qinnlenlea - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Check out the 'Armored Bear'....

    I understand the stats on these are nice and you can pet them. And its a lot lower in cost then buying a herc.....
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    My Crystalline Magmite...(that's less than a GW and a Herc) tanked some FC bosses cuz a barb couldn't keep aggro.. >.<'

    So the people who treat you cruely cuz you don't have a herc is their loss, imo. A veno can't be judged if he/she is a good player with what type of pet she/he has.

    And like Rule said, if you can't get in random squads because of that issue, make friends and get in their squads. I know how frustrating it is to not be able to get into random squads but sometimes it just happens..
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    trust me random frost isnt everything me baing barb and getting spammed for random halv frost is getting enoying.

    i wish also more veno would we on frost pet dosent count for me spark is all i need from a veno.

    so just make sure u have ur giving hand skill ready up 2 date bramble and lol all u really need reallyb:pleased
  • Dark__Heart - Sanctuary
    Dark__Heart - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    im lvl 78 and a proud owner of a valoirin hes the best tank ive had and im not interested on grinding 30mil just to get a herc not unless they lower the required amount of sof or raise the gold coins amount people have kicked me cus im hercless but its their lost cus now they have to find someone to take my place and what are they gonna do ask every veno if she has a herc b4 they let her in thats dumb well anyways a little tip if u tame the lvl 1 beettles the purple ones and lvl them up they have the same defense as the herc same attack power but a little slower tho so u might wanna teach them skills or lvl their skills up but u know the people that kick us hercless venos out are wrong just dont let it bother you cus u know that you are just as good as the rest keep playing and have fun b:victory