Guild Logo Help.

ViKan - Dreamweaver
ViKan - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Support Desk
I need someone to please help me convert this 16x16 bmp photo into a logo useable for my faction on this game. Please leave a reply if you don tmind letting me email you the photo or showing it to you in any other way... Thanks. I took a few hrs designing it and i really need to get it compatible for this game! Please leave a reply if you can thx!!b:bye
Post edited by ViKan - Dreamweaver on


  • DrowElfLord - Dreamweaver
    DrowElfLord - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Have u tried the following?

    Please make sure that when you are submitting your faction icon for review, it is more likely that we will approve your submission if they adhere to the following guidelines:

    1) The image must be sent in as a 24 bit or 32 bit BMP format and must be 16*16 pixels with a RGB color mode.

    2) If you would like it as a transparent back ground please make sure your Alpha Channel (Transparency Control Channel) is correct.

    Add an Alpha-channel to your image (using Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel)
    Select the Eraser-tool Eraser Tool and erase what you'd like to get rid of or use the magic wand.
  • Wynela - Lost City
    Wynela - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I have just tried to add an Alpha Channel, without succes. There is no such option exsisting. What Photoshop-version are you using? And how can people do it that don't have Photoshop?

    When I save my image I can see under the saving option Alpha Channel, but i can't check it's checkbox.
  • ViKan - Dreamweaver
    ViKan - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I do not have photo shop lol. This is why i ask for help...
  • Wynela - Lost City
    Wynela - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well, basically, they are asking exactely for a FAVICON. 16x16... You can make your own favicon with different free online favicon creaters. Noone needs to photoshop anything that way. .bmp is about one of the bulkiest fileformats that is exsisting.. I don't understand why they aren't just telling us to use a random favicon maker you can easily find online. They also offer transparancy.. Its basically giving everything you need to make a cool guildbanner. Its a mystery to me why they aren't able to implement those, and now players have to start debating about how to do it and buy photoshop or what?
    I made mine with a favicon maker, and i don't know whether I should send them that, if it's gonna work when I convert it to .bmp. Do I need this Alpha Channel so they can implement the transparancy? I'm sure its really easier if they would just implement the .ico, and give a few link in the internet where to create your own favicon. I know one where you can convert a photo into 16x16 even. I mean, everyone is using .ico nowadays, at least on the internet.

    I'm sorry I can't reall help you since I appear to have the same problem. I'd just like to know if someone else send them an .ico file and had no trouble with them implementing such?
  • DrowElfLord - Dreamweaver
    DrowElfLord - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I use GIMP, google it and DL it, its free and just like PS.
  • Kc_smacker - Dreamweaver
    Kc_smacker - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I agree with the above. DL gimp to remove the alpha channel. Its much more complicated to do in PS (PS#1 ^_~). I have Gimp for that one and only reason. Oh can you upload the image I wanna see this creativity (Graphic Design major in me >_<)
  • Retracyork - Harshlands
    Retracyork - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    it's so hard to do it am trying lol some one help me
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Once you have the formating for the images done, try to use the uploader on the website.

    If you are having problems with it, please send in a ticket to customer support with your guild info and icons, so they an try and help you.
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