Anti Zen Spending Petition



  • _Lasair_ - Heavens Tear
    _Lasair_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    These people have forgotten who they serve - THE PLAYERS.

    ^ This

    I've given you enough of my money PWE, on PWMY and PWI :) you are welcome. Learn to listen to your players, you would be nothing without them and they know whats right, they test your servers 24/7. You can sign me up, I wont buy any more zen. Could use the extra money :P
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    someone already pointed it out. PWE employees are here to serve the SHAREHOLDERS. noone else. Sometimes the act of earning a profit coincides with something players like.

    Let's face it a lot of endgamers creamed themselves when the packs arrived and they could finally get their hands on gear that was out of reach for everyone. This has had a trickle down effect that items which were once endgame and ridiculously priced are now within the reach of the average player with a bit of work in game. Those who don't want to work, or can't work as they don't have time to grind for hours will charge what they can afford.

    As i said, no matter how man people sign up to this "petition" it won't make a blind it of difference. feel free to spam other gaming websites, youtube (lol) with negative information about PWE practices - bearing in mind if you post something libelous outside this forum, you are in more danger of being involved in legal action from PWE than they are from any action rising from this petitioin.

    Good luck is all i am saying. but the best move is just to take your business elsewhere. Where you will find other companies are no different when it comes down to profit. for those of us who live in the real world we know they are no different from any other business.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Devilishy - Sanctuary
    Devilishy - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Perfect World Entertainment is happy to announce that this weekend we are launching a huge Bonus ZEN event!

    Between Friday, October 15th at 11:00AM (PDT) and Sunday, October 17th at 11:59PM (PDT), any time you purchase ZEN, you will be credited an additional 15% Bonus ZEN!
    Just check out the amazing savings!


    15% Bonus ZEN

    $50.00 = 5000 + 300* = 5300 ZEN

    $50.00 = 5000 + 750 + 300* = 6050 ZEN

    $30.00 = 3000 ZEN

    $30.00 = 3000 + 450 = 3450 ZEN

    $20.00 = 2000 ZEN

    $20.00 = 2000 + 300 = 2300 ZEN

    $10.00 = 1000 ZEN

    $10.00 = 1000 + 150 = 1150 ZEN

    Please note that this Bonus ZEN sale is available ONLY for the following payment processors:
    - Paypal
    - Moneybookers
    - Clickandbuy
    - Google Checkout *Not eligible for the bonus 300 ZEN
    Just access the billing page to get started!

    See you in-game!

    Here they go and counter your petition with rewarding money-spending players.
  • diamondsnroses
    diamondsnroses Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Seriously, get over yourself. Its a damn video game. Stop playing and move on. That will make more of a difference than a "protest". PWRD is a huge company. Shareholders look at company performance, not at a bunch of young kids that just took Civics 101 and are now "protesting" their rights in a video game they volunteer to pay for.

  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    turn of caps lock kid. the adults are trying to talk and your shouting is distracting.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Aluraine - Sanctuary
    Aluraine - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ok Shulkie you've already overstayed your welcome; we get your point, Stop trolling the petition and go somewhere else already -.-
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    you say trolling. i say providing a counterpoint. if you don't like it tough. grow up and learn that not everyone shares your viewpoint.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I quit spending money a long time ago because this game is getting worse. A recent possible update that happened in another main version made me say "f*** PWI" and I lost almost all respect for the devs.

    Put my name down. I hope your petition does some good but I have doubts. I for one don't see myself returning... 3.3 is screwed, TW pay might return (which I object), and there are so many glitches. I have over 70m on my account collecting dust.... and the one person I offered all my stuff to turned me down QQ

    And no... you other people cant have it.
  • Allilie - Sanctuary
    Allilie - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's sad when they charge you for things like the iron hammer and you lose money on it.

    1 mill cash box vs 1.2mill hammer >.> nty.

    You can add my name to the list.
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lol...You're "eutopic-like" idea is flawed to begin with. The general mass will NEVER consent to it. It's just like voting where everyone doesn't do it. There's a difference in putting an effort into something that has potential. This, as all other posts related to it, will get little to no attention from PW Developers or whomever your target audience will be. If it's solely for that of the playing community, then expect this thread to be closed soon for some flame war or other nonsense. I, by no means, am saying this is 100% in vain and am not insulting; major kudos for stepping up and trying to be heard. But from ~2 years of playing this game, most cries fall on deaf ears. And no, I don't cash shop. This is merely an observation based off of past trends.
    Anyways, I do truly wish you the best of luck an who knows? Maybe something will happen.


    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Allilie - Sanctuary
    Allilie - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If anything... a simple adjustment in prices on certain said items... so that things are economical would be more then enough. I'm not saying make everything in cash shop more affordable... just those items that aren't worth buying because of actual value vs retail value.

    Reality is... that those of us who would actually use the cash shop, are faced with a limited availability of items... or have to compete with people willing to pay 100g on something they have no intention of useing.

    PWI is catering to much to big spenders, and not enough to the smaller ones who could easilly overtake those few major cash shoppers if we could actually put anything affordable to use. As it is... i can only merit getting things like tele's and the occassional charm.

    Hammer... Hypers... those are not worth the money placed on them.
  • Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary
    Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I've spent a total of 6,000 zen on this game, and never paid a dime for it. I did the offers page thing. Go ahead and sign me up.

    Also, sup Idea? b:laugh
  • Minimus - Sanctuary
    Minimus - Sanctuary Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The relation between company, shareholder and customer isn't democratically organized. The frustrations of players who passionately play this game couldn't be overheard but the decision to make changes like for instance the recent TW changes is up to pw and players have to follow suit. As it was said above it's up to the company to decide and not the customers. Spending (or not spending) money on the game is just one resort the customer has as option. The other is not to play the game because the game can only work with the injection of cash and time (spent in the game). Make the best out of it and enjoy as long as you can. Who knows and a miracle will happen and players will see a bit more courtesy by pw after several petitions were made. gl
  • Zindane__ - Sanctuary
    Zindane__ - Sanctuary Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    at the very least they shoudl fix the server wide lag me (annd others) have experienced recently for no apparent reason. flying across the map, max altitude and in the middle of no where and lag spiek hits for what reason?... sign me up
  • BeserkerBox - Sanctuary
    BeserkerBox - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I will try to not spend the cash... not that I have any to spare LOL but yeah with a little patience the game can pay for itself... if u got good gear and a lvl 80+ lol otherwise.... yeah....
  • Aluraine - Sanctuary
    Aluraine - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ty so much guys, keep em comin; You can post your opinions but please no Trolling
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ty so much guys, keep em comin; You can post your opinions but please no Trolling

    lol seeing you keep your cool like this kinda makes it seem more worth a shot. Like I mentioned before, the odds of it happening (it meaning being heard/something done about it) is about the same chance of winning 20 scroll of tomes in a row (lol :p) but hey it's worth a shot imo. I would sign too but...cheaper wine + teles xD and believe it or not im on a budget (wife will be where meh money's goin xD). But nevertheless goodluck! b:victory

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Aluraine - Sanctuary
    Aluraine - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hehe Ty;

    I just try to keep one thing in mind; shareholders people who are interested in pwi's shares can and do look at the forums for information regarding the game and the people playing it. Its rather common. So I know this Petition does at least have a shot in hell :D

    Besides Im making sacrifices myself - I was supposed to get a Nix; theres a refining sale going on and im NOT jumpin on it. xD

    Besides the shareholders they already have noticed when they changed TW the Shares dropped 5% So some of them are probably already looking :D

    They should probably change TW back to the old way; as far as the excuse goes of They dont want someone holding the map entirely we all know you go look over at Dreamweaver that did NOT stop Calamity by far b:chuckle They've had the map red for a week now.

    Well I hope we get more to sign the petition!!

  • XPaperdoll - Sanctuary
    XPaperdoll - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The changes a lot of people want, such as less lag, would mean the company would have to invest in more servers, which means more money. I don't think the game is at a point in its lifespan where the company is going to think it is a good idea to invest more money into it in order to get players to spend more on it. I think the game is very much at the phase where the company knows the best way they can continue to earn money is to get by without improving service all the while marking up items and hoping that enough people are stupid enough to buy them. All it takes to make up for all the people leaving the game or no longer spending money is to double the price of an item and the loss is made up that way because there will always be a number of people who HAVE to cash shop and HAVE to have every item possible in the game. That is who the company trusts to continue bringing in a profit.

    I think there are two outcomes, here: either things continue as they are, the smart players stop spending money (I would never spend a dime on this game...) and the stupid ones make up for it by buying inflated items and the company still profits, or people stop buying zen altogether, the company stops profiting, and rather than improve the game which would IMHO cost them more money than they stand to earn at this stage in this game's lifespan, they simply close the game altogether and move on.

    I think we who enjoy the game would be the ones who stand to lose if large amounts of people stopped cash shopping. No more money doesn't mean the company notices and improves the game, it means the company thinks the game is no longer worth supporting, and shuts it down.
  • Meyki - Sanctuary
    Meyki - Sanctuary Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    No more money doesn't mean the company notices and improves the game, it means the company thinks the game is no longer worth supporting, and shuts it down.
    b:cry true
  • Aluraine - Sanctuary
    Aluraine - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ok I found out they deleted my post I made in the comments of the New Genesis Update; what kinda bull is that? All I did was say wow we can update the version but we cant take a little time to fix the problems there; but YAY I get to play new characters -.-

    That is in short all I wrote; probably that WAS all I wrote I know I didn't write anything offensive; Just goes to show They are trying to hide the general census from their investors. You think your voice does not matter? Think again. Why would they hide it? If they really did not care at all and just let people gripe about it then I would not see my post on that missing; how I know it is missing was I was one of comments on the first page. I went through ALL THE PAGES. Didn't find my post. I was like WTF.

    This petition is still going Im keeping it open as long as it takes on this before I move it to the next server Symposium.

    So Dont worry I haven't gone anywhere all i've been doing is Living life and running my faction.

  • Chaotic_Rose - Heavens Tear
    Chaotic_Rose - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    WoW doesnt surprise me though, they use and abuse thier players and will have to do alot to hide that b:dirty they play dirty in so many aspects..shame pwi dont get new management and make the game flourish ! Simple things like fixing problems first,,then adding the goodies.. still rubberbanding.cant do a thing like land to destination with out 5 mins of back and forth ****.!!! Keep the petition going more people will see it at least we know they cant delete what we say here..thanks for keeping your effort going b:pleasedb:victoryb:victoryb:
  • Aluraine - Sanctuary
    Aluraine - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The efforts still continue on; I'll move this to another server symposium very soon! Hope it will make a difference!
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I am totally for boycotting the purchasing of zen and spending real-life money on this game. This game either needs to be fixed or left to die. Either way, I am not wasting money of a half-assed game.
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    what exactly do you want them to fix?
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    what exactly do you want them to fix?

    I guess they don't like that TT squad mode actually takes a squad to beat now; people can't really solo squad mode anymore like Herc Veno's used to.

    My logic is that cash shoppers actually balance the economy by keeping gold prices down by bringing gold into the market, not coins. This thread, at least to me, is basically endorsing less supply for gold in AH, less reason for PWI to keep the game running, as well as overall turmoil for the PWI players and its economies. If people stopped cash shopping, gold would be 2M each, like on PW-CN.

    So far, I've only seen people below level 100 sign this petition, that probably don't play actively enough to work for their gears/level; games are meant to challenge you to work for your gears/stuff. If people wanted to be able to farm/level everything in their sleep like other bot-infested games, there wouldn't really be any sense of accomplishment, would there?

    TL;DR: Less cash shopping = Less supply for gold = Higher gold prices
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Vorgen - Sanctuary
    Vorgen - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Unfortunatly, TheDan is very much correct on this one. Sucks to admit it but if PWI did as you asked then no one would be playing this game much longer.

    If you really wanna get your TT gear weapons or just make money go with a group of friends that you know and can trust. Thats really the only way...if you guys need gear mats then help each other to acquire them. You might be surprised if the whole squad helps out you can get your gear rather quickly. But don't be one of those ppl that gets their gear then comes up with excuses not to help.

    Sorry for the rant but still if they were to do as you asked then no one would ever make any money. Soooooo yeah i think this thread should be at an end.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I understand that the TT changes have made it harder to get your gears, but it's far from impossible, nor does it warrant going on strike from spending zen; my wife and I have helped at least 10-15 people (that we've never really met until after squading together) farm their 90/99 gears in the past month for free. It didn't cost us anything; all people had to do was ask, and we taught them how to run the new instances so that they could in return spread their newly acquired knowledge by helping others. Let's just try to stay positive. :)

    This game to me is all about the network of friends and the community that keeps bringing people back; not exactly the content. We all need to adapt and be open to accepting new things. We won't always get what we want, but in the end, it's all possible if people push themselves to try. By doing this, we the people, the community can be part of the solution, rather than be part of the problem. We can be the leaders of tomorrow by displaying exemplifying abilities to tolerate, adapt and establish a better environment for the newer generation of players.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    what exactly do you want them to fix?

    How about they start with the abundance of bugs in the game.
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I understand that the TT changes have made it harder to get your gears, but it's far from impossible, nor does it warrant going on strike from spending zen; my wife and I have helped at least 10-15 people (that we've never really met until after squading together) farm their 90/99 gears in the past month for free. It didn't cost us anything; all people had to do was ask, and we taught them how to run the new instances so that they could in return spread their newly acquired knowledge by helping others. Let's just try to stay positive. :)

    This game to me is all about the network of friends and the community that keeps bringing people back; not exactly the content. We all need to adapt and be open to accepting new things. We won't always get what we want, but in the end, it's all possible if people push themselves to try. By doing this, we the people, the community can be part of the solution, rather than be part of the problem. We can be the leaders of tomorrow by displaying exemplifying abilities to tolerate, adapt and establish a better environment for the newer generation of players.

    fap fap ;o XD pointless posts ftw :3 8D

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~