WaffleChan's Guide to your inner Assassin 2.0

Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver
Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Assassin
Since Lenn was banned and couldnt be updated....

So you may wonder, what is this guy going to post that is any different than all of the other attempts at nonstickied posts? I will go in-depth to a number of applications to the class that have not yet been covered in any guides yet; including interval, a way to appropriately calculate attack speed increases, how to reach 5.0 attacks per second, power dash canceling amongst other secrets hidden among our brotherhood. Remember my assassin brethren, nothing is true, and everything is permitted.

Table of Contents:
I. What is an assassin?
II. Stats.
III. What is interval?
-How to convert to attack duration
-How to calculate % increases in speed
IV. Skills
V. Shards for gear/Tomes
VI. Chi Tricks
VII. Conclusion

I. What is an assassin?
Informant: Altair, can you lend a hand? Perhaps a blade?

What is an assassin, is this class for you? We are the prime damage dealing class of Perfect World. With blades in hand, we deliver a multitude of status effects from the shadows. We strike hard, we strike fast, and deliver our fury in the form of spark bursts often! We have the ability to gain chi like no other class (used to cast certain skills), and aid our allies in numerous ways. Though not always the direct aggressive target of a monster, we are always there to deliver the first and last blow.

II. Stats
Al Mualim: I abide my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly.

There are a number of builds I will go over. You will always need at least 3 dex per level to reach the next set of daggers (they usually span in intervals of 27 more dex.) Both dex builds are assumed to be in light armor (level+4 dex/str per level to wear)

Stats effect assassins in the following ways:
VIT: 13 hp

Straight dexterity (4 DEX, 1 STR every level)
-Best damage dealing build
-Highest crit % of all builds (each crit effectively adds 1% more damage per crit)
-Highest accuracy and evasion of builds (lets you dodge/hit enemies now abbreviated EVA?ACC)
-Least HP of builds (not by much though)
Well, not many cons to really list...

Dext/Vit (3 DEX, 1 STR, 1 VIT every level)
-More HP than straight dex
-Slightly more defense than straight dex
-Significantly less damage
-Slightly less crit
-Significantly less EVA/ACC

NOVELTY: Heavy Armor
There is no set number of stats per level for these builds, as they always require an extra stat per level not possible to be acquired. To balance this build out you will need pieces of gear that either have the modification (-% Requirement) or +stat gear to supplement the missing str and/or dex. It is recommended you avoid this build, as it takes away from the true experience of an assassin.

In total you will need:
299 DEX by level 99
250 STR by level 99
in order to wear all end game equipment.

III. What is interval?
Ezio: A minute is all I need... Wait... That came out wrong

Interval, interval, interval. It's all about speed when it comes to us assassins. 'Well wait man, how can we be faster than we already are?' Well let me tell you. Have you ever seen gear that included modifications that look like (increase attack interval -.05 or -.10)? These gear increase how fast you attack per second! This is an excerpt from the amazing ElenaCostel's Intro to basic Intervals.
Mathematically, attack speed is defined as the "number of attacks per second" or "attacks divided by time". This is the number listed in the weapon description and character menu. That value in the menu is the number of attacks made in 1 second. The attack duration (also called attack interval) is the entire time it takes to execute a single attack, including "cooldown" prior to the next attack. These values are inverses of each other.

1/Attack Speed = Attack Duration
1/Attack Duration = Attack Speed

Now, for an example, for those eager beavers, that are still slightly confused.

A dagger attacks 1.25 times per second, which basically states each duration of the attack animation takes 0.8 seconds.

1/1.25 atk/s = 0.8 s/atk
1/0.8 = 1.25

See? This is how you convert attacks per second into interval and vice versa.

So how does this apply to me?
Basically, the more attacks you do per second, the more damage you accumulate over time, thus making us one of the best damage dealers in game.

This helpful chart, also from ElenaCostel's guide, will help you determine your speed when you add -interval gear to your build.
-- The Attack Interval Chart --

0.63 attacks / sec (1.60 secs / attack) Crossbow
0.65 attacks / sec (1.55 secs / attack) ☆Hurricane Spray, ☆Returning Squall
0.67 attacks / sec (1.50 secs / attack) Bow, ☆Windcatcher, ☆Punishing Thunder
0.69 attacks / sec (1.45 secs / attack) ☆Crimson Horn: Soulsmasher
0.71 attacks / sec (1.40 secs / attack) Slingshot, ☆Heaven Shatterer, ☆☆Bow of the Demonhunter
0.74 attacks / sec (1.35 secs / attack) ☆Sinister Shooter
0.77 attacks / sec (1.30 secs / attack) ☆Wind and the Clouds
0.80 attacks / sec (1.25 secs / attack)
0.83 attacks / sec (1.20 secs / attack) Dual Hammers, Dual Axes
0.87 attacks / sec (1.15 secs / attack)
0.91 attacks / sec (1.10 secs / attack) Dual Swords, Dual Blades, Polehammer, Poleaxe
0.95 attacks / sec (1.05 secs / attack)
1.00 attacks / sec (1.00 secs / attack) Poleblade, Club, Pike
1.05 attacks / sec (0.95 secs / attack)
1.11 attacks / sec (0.90 secs / attack) Sword, Blade
1.18 attacks / sec (0.85 secs / attack)
1.25 attacks / sec (0.80 secs / attack) Dagger
1.33 attacks / sec (0.75 secs / attack)
1.43 attacks / sec (0.70 secs / attack) Fist (weapon), Claw
1.54 attacks / sec (0.65 secs / attack)
1.67 attacks / sec (0.60 secs / attack)
1.82 attacks / sec (0.55 secs / attack)
2.00 attacks / sec (0.50 secs / attack)
2.22 attacks / sec (0.45 secs / attack)
2.50 attacks / sec (0.40 secs / attack)
2.86 attacks / sec (0.35 secs / attack)
3.33 attacks / sec (0.30 secs / attack)
4.00 attacks / sec (0.25 secs / attack)
5.00 attacks / sec (0.20 secs / attack) Maximum Attack Speed / Minimum Attack Interval

There is the possibility to reach that max attack speed on assassins, in the following section, we will learn how.

What about increased attack speed by a %?
In order to calculate attack speed by a %, you can follow this formula
Start by converting the attack speed to interval by dividing 1 by the speed:
Ex. 1 / 1.25 = 0.8
Next put it in the following formula (interval) x (1 - % increase)
Ex. (0.8) x (1 - .25 [demon spark]) = .6, or 1.67 atk/s

If you find yourself with a non valid interval (not divisible by .05) then round down to the nearest interval.

to the hard work of Sneakret, we have all the breakpoints conveniently listed:

Dagger Interval Chart In Attacks Per Second(-.05 increments )
Normal Rate(A.P.S)...... (cleric skill 20%)RB............................Demon Spark(25%)
1.25...................................(1/.65) : 1.53..........................(1/.60) : 1.67
1.34(1/.75)..........................(1/.60) : 1.67..........................(1/.55) : 1.82
1.43(1/.70)..........................(1/.55) : 1.82..........................(1/.50) : 2.00
1.53(1/.65)..........................(1/.50) : 2.00..........................(1/.50) : 2.00
1.67(1/.60)..........................(1/.50) : 2.00..........................(1/.45) : 2.22
1.82(1/.55)..........................(1/.45) : 2.22..........................(1/.40) : 2.50
2.00(1/.50)..........................(1/.40) : 2.50..........................(1/.35) : 2.86
2.22(1/.45)..........................(1/.35) : 2.86..........................(1/.35) : 2.86
2.50(1/.40)..........................(1/.30) : 3.33..........................(1/.30) : 3.33
2.86(1/.35)..........................(1/.30) : 3.33..........................(1/.25) : 4.00
3.33(1/.30)..........................(1/.25) : 4.00..........................(1/.20) : 5.00
4.00(1/.25)..........................(1/.20) : 5.00..........................Capped at 5 A.P.S

These properties can be found via demon spark, genie skills like relentless courage/wind shield, cleric's heaven's wrath, etc.

In order to achieve 5 attacks per second, you will need the following:
-A level 6 or 7 tome with -.05 interval (Pangu's or Love: Up and Down)
-TT99 Ashura's Gloves and Shoes
-G13 Nirvana Myriad Blossom Greaves
-G13 Nirvana daggers: Barrier Thorn - Nirvana
-TT99 Physical Defense Ornaments, Lionheart necklace/belt
-Rank 4 or 6 armor.
-Energetic Robe - Lunar Glade
Post edited by Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver on


  • Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver
    Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    There are a number of low level gear that you can wear to have some interval as well:
    TT80 daggers, Hook and Thorn
    Legendary gloves, Bracers of Blood Moon
    Rank 4 armor, Counterstream Armor
    TT80 Gold Gloves: Spirit Eater’s Bracers/Elf Crafted Bracers (if you attempt HA)
    TT90 Gold Gloves: General’s Bracers,/Vambraces of the Brute
    And a number of blue 1-3* gear that contains the bonus, up to OHT armor

    What does all this interval do for me?
    There are a number of pros, not excluding:
    Greater benefit from blood paint, (the faster and more damage you deal, the more you heal)
    Greater Chi output
    Greater damage
    Faster monster killing speed
    IV. Skills
    Desmond Miles: I'm a bartender for crissakes! What do you want me to do? Teach you how to mix a martini?

    Whew, aren’t you glad all that mathematical mumbo jumbo is done? Now we have the meat of the guide; skills. Listed will be the skill's name, its statistics, and its usefulness in PVP/PVE. For further research on demon/sage versions refer to http://ecatomb.net/skillpwi.php

    Twin Strike
    Range Melee
    Mana 2
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 0.9 seconds
    Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
    A stabbing thrust with both daggers.
    Deals base physical damage plus (fixed damager per level)

    You start of with this skill, quite frankly, it does little to no damage at all. Don't bother leveling it, period.

    Puncture Wound
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 53.8
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
    Deals base physical damage plus 100% of weapon damage.
    Causes the target to bleed for 4210.5 physical damage over 9 seconds

    One of our strongest moves for a beginning skill, it serves useful applications as an opening move in lower levels. Level it to ten only if you feel you'll be using it in the future.

    Slipstream Strike
    Range Melee
    Mana 85.7
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.9 seconds
    Cooldown 6.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
    A powerful strike with the full force of the arm.
    Deals base physical damage plus
    100% of weapon damage plus 2918.1.

    A pretty powerful move in its own right as well. It serves the same purpose as puncture wound in low levels. I personally find it a nice spike for PVP when I need a bit of extra damage. Level sparingly if you want it.

    Wolf Emblem
    Mana 40.0
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Increases your critical strike damage by 30%.
    Lasts 30 seconds.

    WHOA, 30% crit damage increase! When fighting bosses and people, this skill is the bees knees. It wont serve much purpose in low levels. MAX it around the time you reach the 89 cultivation.

    Knife Throw
    Range 35.0 Meters
    Mana 60
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Throw your dagger at the target.
    Deals base physical damage plus 693.3.
    Has a 70% chance to interrupt channeling

    This move is our only ranged attack. It doesn't deal much damage, but it does have a chance to interrupt an enemy casting a spell. This move is upto you to level. Quite frankly, I have no use for it, but as a demon/sage you will find it more useful.

    Deep Sting
    Range Melee
    Mana 107.5
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 0.8 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
    759.2 physical damage.
    Has a 95% chance to bring target to sleep for 5 seconds.

    Costs 50 Chi

    This move has a high chance to put enemies to sleep. In pve, I dont really see anyone use it much. In pvp, thats another story. It becomes quite useful in chaining debilitations to prevent your enemy from attacking. Level only if you plan to specialize in stunlocking in PVP.

    Ravaging Slash
    Range Melee
    Mana 75.6
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
    1818.5 physical damage.
    Decreases target's movement speed by 50%. Lasts for 5 seconds.

    Costs 30 Chi.

    Doesnt do much damage, slows enemies down, useless skill. Use that chi for something better, dont level this.

    Rib Strike
    Range Melee
    Mana 156.0
    Channel 0.3 seconds
    Cast 1.9 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Stab up under the enemy's ribs.
    Deals base physical damage plus
    100% of weapon damage plus 3975.8.
    Reduce target's attack speed by 50.0% for 30 seconds

    Best. Move. Ever. It deals a **** ton of damage, on top of slowing your opponent's attack speed by 50%. It makes for one of the best tanking support moves in game. Level this one to max ASAP.

    Tackling Slash
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 103.6
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus
    2772.3 physical damage.
    Immobilize target for 9.0 seconds, and increases own Chi by 50.

    Basically a chi gaining move combined with an immobilization. I left it at level one, most sins state it's only for chi, and the rare running mob, not really for damage dealing. Only level if you want it.

    Range Melee
    Mana 103.6
    Channel 1.1 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
    100% gear attack and another
    4894.1 physical attack.
    Has a 95% chance to interrupt enemy channeling.
    Silence target for 4.0 seconds.

    Costs 1 Sparks

    This move has a high chance to interrup channeling opponents on top of sealing them for a bit (prevventing them from attacking). This is another one of those stun locking moves, but it costs a spark, and takes a long time to cast. Recommended only for the avid PVPer

    Chill of the Deep
    Mana 60
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Reduces your attack speed by 100%.
    Increases your Attack Level by 30.0. Lasts 10 minutes.

    Increases damage by 30%, decreases attack speed by 100%. Worthless unless you are spamming skills (which is mp costly and doesnt deal as much damage as melee), or as a demon assassin with stacked -interval gear in large amounts.

    Rising Dragon Strike
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 142.6
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus
    100% gear attack and another
    3442,4 physical damage.
    Increases own Chi by 150.

    100 percent accuracy.

    One of the best moves in your list. It never misses, and gives you a spark and a half. Use this to your advantage in conjunction with inner harmony to maintain a near permanent sparked attack chain. (for the non interval stacked sin :P)

    Earthen Rift
    Range Melee
    Mana 178.5
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
    Detonate the ground under the enemy. Deals base physical damage plus
    400% of weapon damage to all enemy units within 8 meters.

    Jeebus, one of your most powerful moves, and one of two AOEs. It is incredibly useful in leveling at 85+ in FCC. Level when you can.

    Inner Harmony
    Mana 168.0
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Instantly gain 200 Chi.

    This move can be used to gain 2 sparks for using skills, or spark bursting, max it ASAP. Read later in the guide to learn how to use this rotation.

    Shadow Walk
    Mana 20
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 2.8 seconds
    Cooldown 6.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Enter stealth mode.
    Increases your Stealth Level by 10.
    Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level can not see you.
    Costs 15 mana per second.
    Only usable when out of combat.

    Your cloaking move, maxing it lets monsters and players upto your level +10 unable to see you. Whats an assassin without cloaking? Max it.

    Shadow Escape
    Mana 100
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 2.8 seconds
    Cooldown 90.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Force yourself into stealth. Dispel all negative status.
    Increases your Stealth Level by 10.
    Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level can not see you.
    Costs 15 Mana per second.

    A successful cast will increase one Spark.

    Basically the same thing as Shadow Walk but lets you escape from battle. With Catlike Tread, this can really stay at level 1 when you are in higher levels. Not like anyone is going to be carrying the rare awareness potions (can only be made by owning the raging tide city TW territory.) Level it only if you think necessary.

    Mana 406
    Channel 1.8 seconds
    Cast 2.4 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Grants a shield to all friendly targets within 10 meters that will
    absorb 2% of all physical melee damage.
    Lasts for 1800 seconds.

    Only available for Blademaster, Barbarian, and Assassin.
    Only available for melee attacks.

    Heals you for every attack made. Works with skills, best left at level 1 unless you go sage.

    Focused Mind
    Mana 126
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 1.6 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Increases your chance to evade enemy skills by 25.0%.
    Lasts for 60 seconds.

    Focused Mind shares a 90 second cooldown with Tidal Protection

    This skill makes attacks have a chance to only do 1 damage, extremely useful in PVP. Level only if you plan on PVPing.

    Deaden Nerves
    Mana 106
    Channel 1.5 seconds
    Cast 2.6 seconds
    Cooldown 180 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Avoid one attack that would kill you within the next two minutes.
    Recovers 20% HP upon avoiding death.

    Another useful pvp skill, useful in some PVE situations. It gives you an instant revive + 20% hp if you are about to die within the time the buff is active. Level if you have the spare coin to do so.

    Tidal Protection
    Mana 126
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.6 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Increases your chance to avoid negative status effects by 50.0%.
    Lasts 60 seconds.

    Tidal Protection shares a 90 second cooldown with Focused Mind.

    This skill works like Focused Mind, except with status effects. I find Focused Mind to be more useful of the two. I would avoid leveling this.

    Wind Push
    Mana 60
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Increases own movement speed by 100%.
    Lasts for 10 seconds.

    Lets you run faster! Useful at level 1.

    Shadow Jump
    Range 30.0 Meters
    Mana 85
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Instantly move to the target's location.

    Costs 20 Chi

    For the cost of a little chi, you can instantly teleport to your target. This move is of utmost importance in PVP. Max if you plan to pvp, it lowers cooldown and increases distance you can leap.

    Maze Steps
    Mana 100
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 90.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Increases own movement speed by 100%.
    Immune to Stun and Immobilize. Lasts for 10 seconds.

    Costs 1 Spark

    Allows you to be immune to movement debuffs, like slow, stun, sleep, etc. Also beefs your running speed by alot. Level at your own discresion

    The following 3 moves are 2 spark lvl 59 moves, and fairly expensive to level. Choose between 1-3 of them to focus on if you want.
    Subsea Strike
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 240.8
    Channel 0.3 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Instantly strikes all nearby targets.
    Deals base physical damage plus 3485.1
    to all targets within 8 meters.
    Increases all damage taken by the target by 30.0% for 8 seconds.
    This skill works with the Heaven's Flame skill.
    This skill will cancel the Extreme Poison skill.

    Costs two Sparks

    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 240.8
    Channel 0.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
    100% gear attack and another
    6716.9 physical attack.
    Stun enemy for 5.0 seconds.

    Costs two Sparks

    Power Dash
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 240.8
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 0.8 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus
    2737.9 physical damage.
    Increases your Rage Damage by 40%. Lasts for 8 seconds.

    Costs two Sparks

    Dagger Devotion
    Increases dagger damage by 60%
    Self explanatory. Max it

    Both of these skills allow you to hide better, and see other assassins. Mostly pvp oriented moves.
    Catlike Tread
    Passive Effect

    Requisite Spiritual Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Increases your Stealth level by 20.

    Sharp Observer
    Passive Effect

    Requisite Spiritual Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Increases your Awareness Level by 20.

    V. Shards for gear/Tomes
    DaVinci: Aha! You’ve found another one! How Exciting!”

    There are a number of gems one can place in his armor for beneficial effects. This includes garnets, citrines, sapphires: increasing defense, hp, and magic defense, or even ones that go as far as increasing crit % and giving +10 vitality.

    The most common set up for any assassin is usually all citrine gems, ranging from flawless and greater quality. If you find you are lacking a certain type of defense, don’t hesitate to stack up on a certain kind for that specific monster, (provide this is a long running grind spot), it never hurts to put on elemental shards and wear bonuses against that particular element. Mix and match to find out what best suits your purposes.

    Only the richest people should aim for the +10 vitality stones.
    Tomes go in a slot next to your cape. They provide beneficial stats, and feed pets/mounts, effectively preventing them from needing food. There are a number of beneficial tomes that you can create in the forges behind City of a Thousand Streams. They require mystical tome pages bought from the boutique, and tome fragments from the Rebirth Delta instance. They can, and their ingredients, both be purchased from others.

    The best tomes to wear, starting with the easiest to find, from the hardest:
    -Christmas Blessing (+1% Crit)
    -Tome of Fecundity (Dex+4 Vit+3)
    -Flankers Tome(Dex+5)
    -Misty Peach Blossoms (Dex+7 Vit+6)
    -Tale of the Peach Fan (Dex+10)
    -Sunset Tales (Dex+9 Vit+8)
    -Tales of Beauty(Dex+15)
    -The Rose’s Thorn (Dex+20)
    -A Bewitching Proposal(Dex+12 Vit+12)
    -The Voidlands (All stats+9, crit +1%)
    -Pan Gu, Creator (Stats+9, -1% Channel, +1% Crit,-0.05 Interval)
    -Love: Up and Down (All stats +13, -1% Channel, +1% Crit, -0.05 Interval)
    Chi/Skill Tricks
    Altair: What sorcery is this!

    There are a number of rotations of skills you can use to your advantage as an assassin. This section will go over a few that will make things a little more easy on yourself.

    Use Inner Harmony, Tackling Slash, Rising Dragon Strike to your advantage!
    Endless Double Sparker
    This combo set is design for levels 65~70 and up to help maintain double spark status in a prolonged battle.

    Chi 1 (200 Chi): Tackling Slash > Rising Dragon Strike > Spark Burst+
    Chi 2 (205~250 Chi): Tackling Slash > Inner Harmony > Spark Burst+
    Chi 3 (150 Chi): Shadow Escape > Tackling Slash > Spark Burst+
    Chi 4 (50 Chi): Tackling Slash > Spark Burst+
    Chi Pre-emptive (30 Chi): Knife Throw > Wolf Emblem

    In a prolonged fight you use it in this order:

    Chi 1 > Chi 2 > Chi 1 > Chi 3 > Chi 4 > Start Over

    Tackling Slash can also prevent monsters from attacking:
    Use tackling Slash first, then Shadow Teleport onto them. This will give you a few seconds duration where you can attack the monster at peace without it hurting you while it repositions itself.

    More to come….
    VII. Conclusion
    Mario Auditore: Not sorcery, but skill, boy

    I hope this guide has been helpful. Making it was quite the arduous task. If you believe the assassin is the class for you, go for it, do your best, and enjoy it to the fullest. Love and respect your fellow assassin. Good luck! Feel free to experiment your sin at www.pwcalc.ru/pwi
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Stop getting banned >_>.
    leave real comments, not poopie doop -_-
    I'm serious. Go rage at them on an alt. Stop getting your mains banned. <_<
  • Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver
    Gaegaergre - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2010
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    WTF O_o this account got banned too ~_~.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Looks much better, this time. A few things to note:
    1. The skill section takes up a huge chunk of the guide. I think you should cut it down by completely ignoring all the worthless skills and by only naming the skills, instead of copy pasting the full skill description.
    2. CoD wtfpwns when used with Subsea and Earthen Rift.
    3. You can also get -interval from Trophy Capes. And don't say no one has them, I know people who do.
    4. You still didn't mention that you can use Shadow Escape to reset your aggro.
    5. Focused Mind is just as useful in PvE as it is in PvP.
    6. The Attack Interval Chart is kinda useless, since it contains mostly useless information.
    7. Still nothing about gear choices. I think you should especially cover the FF/FCC/FC/Frost/FFL dagger and the Lunar/CV daggers, since most other classes would go for those in the blink of an eye. Oh, and also mentioning that Hook and Thorn is imba.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    4. I believe the way that Trawne stated it, you can only reset your aggro with shadow escape when a boss has aggro on you currently, any other time it just gains 1 spark and retains the aggro percentage. This does not work in TT as the bosses are well above the stealth level.

    also <3 for using my little chart

    If/when you come back, make sure to submit a ticket of some sort to request a sticky, maybe even pm a GM, not really sure how it works.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    me either, but hopefully it does get some kind of recognition, i would like that.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    In order to achieve 5 attacks per second, you will need the following:
    -A level 6 or 7 tome with -.05 interval (Pan Gu's or Love: Up and Down)
    -TT99 Ashura's Gloves and Shoes
    -G15 Nirvana Myriad Blossom Greaves or Shadow Ashura Greaves
    -G13 Nirvana daggers: Barrier Thorn - Nirvana
    -TT99 Physical Defense Ornaments, Lionheart necklace/belt
    -Rank 4 or [url=/http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/12664]6[/url] armor
    -Energetic Robe - Lunar Glade

    Added links and fixed G15 for pants as well as included TT option for pants.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    WTF O_o this account got banned too ~_~.

    Whoa whoa whoa, WHAT? Waffle was banned? I just talked to her ingame the other day...b:shocked
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Whoa whoa whoa, WHAT? Waffle was banned? I just talked to her ingame the other day...b:shocked

    Waffle was banned, from at least the forum if not in game also, during last week's PWI forum meltdown. If you weren't on the general section everyday, like I wasn't, you probably missed it. I had to catch up on the whole event a few days after.

    It just seems odd that they would ban her other accounts, that posted no flame, in a whack-a-mole fashion.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    actually, the forum banning process is tarded, those were all alts on the same account. changing the avatar on your character actually avoids the ban, which i should run by frankie to fix...
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    actually, the forum banning process is tarded, those were all alts on the same account. changing the avatar on your character actually avoids the ban, which i should run by frankie to fix...

    ROFL? So it's just forum ban then. When I got temp banned from trying to log on the game in China, I couldn't even log on the forum.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ROFL? So it's just forum ban then. When I got temp banned from trying to log on the game in China, I couldn't even log on the forum.
    that is ip ban... you cant play from china at all unless you probably use a proxy
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    that is ip ban... you cant play from china at all unless you probably use a proxy

    Yes I realized it after I got booted in 5 seconds -_-;.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    anything else i should add to this thing, not including olbaze's concerns, since he seems to want a 'hold my hand and tell me verbatim how to sin.'
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The aggro aspect of Shadow Escape is worth mention in the skill section I suppose. The gear selections is just too... "here, do this" to me. I'd add a couple of examples in the % speed increase calculation by the equation to show how it works. One example with normal rounding and the other with the rounded interval falling right between 2 whole intervals. Those examples will make it much easier to understand the formula.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    There are a number of gems one can place in his armor for beneficial effects. This includes garnets, citrines, sapphires: increasing defense, hp, and magic defense, or even ones that go as far as increasing crit % and giving +10 vitality.

    Fail, no DoTs?
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Fail, no DoTs?

    DoT is not for your average Sins. I'm squishy as paper even with citrines.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    DoT is not for your average Sins. I'm squishy as paper even with citrines.

    & +vit stones are?
    I'm assuming if those are an option, then you have enough $ to get ref high enough on gear to shard Atks while losing some hp.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    & +vit stones are?
    I'm assuming if those are an option, then you have enough $ to get ref high enough on gear to shard Atks while losing some hp.

    "Only the richest people should aim for the +10 vitality stones". DoT might be alright for PvE but honestly, what's the point of 24 extra attack levels in PvP if you die easily? DoT is an option for Archers because they kill w/o being at the target and can kill multiple targets w/o even being noticed. The +12 Archers on the server already 1-2 shot everything from over 9000 mile away so they still shard for hp/def.

    If you are 5 APS, you drop everything in seconds anyways and 24% faster doesn't make any difference in 1v1.

    In group PvP, you'll be target #1 and killing your first target, I would assume to be the squishiest of the group, in 3 seconds or 2.5 seconds makes no difference at all. If you are waiting for 90 seconds between each kill for stealth to c/d in group PvP then you are completely useless. When you are out of stealth and run out of tele options, you are prime target, period.

    You can't kill if you are dead. I'm not rich to that end so I won't use myself as example, but the R8 Sin with +10 armor and def jades on our server still dies to 2-3 people if he gets seal then stun. Another 5 APS Sin, a good friend of mine, is experimenting with min DEX build and rest to VIT. It makes sense to me because he already kill fast enough with gears and refine on weapon. It's just like when Jone's blessing came out, +12 wizs restatted to VIT because hitting someone for 20k or 15K hardly makes a difference.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    DOT + assassin is like strapping a cannon to a sailboat. sure you can fire at the dreadnaughts near by, but the instant you get hit, you're sunk.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Avryll - Sanctuary
    Avryll - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    bump, this is relevant to my interests.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    bump, in the interest of having at least one guide up, tired of bad rep from sins that can't play, must have walk through for the less intelligent b:surrender
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • tearvalerin
    tearvalerin Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    someone should sticky this.
    last name ever, first name greatest
    like a sprained ankle, i aint something you wanna play with.
  • Wonkha - Raging Tide
    Wonkha - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    In total you will need:
    299 DEX by level 99
    250 STR by level 99
    in order to wear all end game equipment.

    Great post!
    But have a question... Do we need THAT much STR? b:shocked
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Great post!
    But have a question... Do we need THAT much STR? b:shocked

    Those numbers only hold true for Heavy Armor.

    For Light armor, it's 103 str by 99. Though, a lot of people end up getting much higher, either to wear Warsoul of Earth (117 str) or to use claws/fists (130-150 str).
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Wonkha - Raging Tide
    Wonkha - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Those numbers only hold true for Heavy Armor.

    For Light armor, it's 103 str by 99. Though, a lot of people end up getting much higher, either to wear Warsoul of Earth (117 str) or to use claws/fists (130-150 str).

    Thanks! b:thanks
    Saved me a lot of points there! b:thanks
  • tearvalerin
    tearvalerin Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    thats why above it in larger letters it says 'novelty: heavy armor,' bro.
    last name ever, first name greatest
    like a sprained ankle, i aint something you wanna play with.
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Good guide but i find chill of the Deep useful not for skill spamming but creating oneshots on arcane users.

  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Another 5 APS Sin, a good friend of mine, is experimenting with min DEX build and rest to VIT. It makes sense to me because he already kill fast enough with gears and refine on weapon. It's just like when Jone's blessing came out, +12 wizs restatted to VIT because hitting someone for 20k or 15K hardly makes a difference.

    Sounds interesting.
    Post updates please.