A little worried

Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear
Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Cleric
So I just started on perfect World, and decided to play a cleric. So far its been fun, but Im a little worried from the recent posts I have been reading. Mainly about how Clerics are treated so horribly and blamed for absolutely every little problem that happens in squads. Even on how costly they may be with them buying rez scrolls at later levels.

There are probably other reasons that cause my worry, but I am still new at game and can still **** new class to main quite easily. But would it be worth to even continue to main up a Cleric with all the stress?
Post edited by Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear on


  • Fallghost - Raging Tide
    Fallghost - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So I just started on perfect World, and decided to play a cleric. So far its been fun, but Im a little worried from the recent posts I have been reading. Mainly about how Clerics are treated so horribly and blamed for absolutely every little problem that happens in squads. Even on how costly they may be with them buying rez scrolls at later levels.

    There are probably other reasons that cause my worry, but I am still new at game and can still **** new class to main quite easily. But would it be worth to even continue to main up a Cleric with all the stress?

    Yes,you will find a lot of nerds who act like this.All I will say is just

    Don't change because that's what someone told you.
    You have some fun with your cleric,no one can steal your good times with it.
    However,if you will meet "humans" like this,then just ignore them.

    And yes it would be worth it to play a cleric,since you will always be wanted in squads.....if you don't mind the stress.
    I am a guy from Romania!

    This kind of players are not very common,aren't they?b:chuckle
  • Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear
    Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, not going to enjoy the stress, but who does? Anyways, already at 15 as you can see =P

    Also thought of another question with cost of a cleric. Is it unwise for a new character to level a cleric because of cost of skills you need? What Im getting a lot usually from others o-o
  • Fallghost - Raging Tide
    Fallghost - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, not going to enjoy the stress, but who does? Anyways, already at 15 as you can see =P

    You don't even need to enjoy the stress.

    Just leave if you're in a idiotic squad.
    I am a guy from Romania!

    This kind of players are not very common,aren't they?b:chuckle
  • Seraphail - Harshlands
    Seraphail - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I personally love being a cleric, but I've always played a priest class in these types of mmo's. The thing about being blamed for everything is partially true, but it comes down to the squad that you are in more so than just being a general rule across the board. Some people always blame the cleric. Some people always blame the tank. Some blame the DD for not being good enough lol. I'd suggest trying the different classes so you can get a feel for them, and then decide. But it should be pretty obvious to you if you can handle the random squads blaming you lol. I think it's worth it, but again that's just my personal opinion lol.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    As far as cost, if you are 100% free to play. as long as you dont spend frivolously for things that are NOT a "need" most funds to get from drops and quest can well fund spells, potions and even small upgrades.

    If you plan to cash shop a bit, 10 bucks a month you can play without worries of having to purchase needed items such as spells, potions, repairs etc.

    As far as dealing with people, keep in mind this IS a free to play game. In most cases they attract a younger crowed as well as adults with a mature outlook on things. As you level up you WILL experience plenty of issues with group mates, and have to deal with down right morons that know enough about the game to get everyone in trouble. That for most part will thin out as you get further up in levels and in content. It will still exist but not as frequent, and by then you would have established a mental not of whom to group with, and whom not to.
  • Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear
    Winged_Lore - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yes,you will find a lot of nerds who act like this.All I will say is just

    Don't change because that's what someone told you.
    You have some fun with your cleric,no one can steal your good times with it.
    However,if you will meet "humans" like this,then just ignore them.

    And yes it would be worth it to play a cleric,since you will always be wanted in squads.....if you don't mind the stress.

    Yeah, already leveled a BM, Veno, Barb, Psychic, and sin up to 10 to get a feel (may not be enough) but may just stick with a cleric
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I can just say that cleric is fun to play b:victory
  • Eariala - Sanctuary
    Eariala - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Sadly there are people without manners.

    But in the many squads I have been in... only one had a "light" version of the cleric abuse you can read on the forum.

    Oh you will meet people who think that the world and and pwi turns around them.

    but in 99% of the squads you will be in, every one is doing his or hers best to do a good job...
    And if that don't succeed, a little nicely formulated hint will help almost always.
  • Vassaga - Heavens Tear
    Vassaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's not really that bad if you know what YOU are doing. It is blatantly obvious when someone keeps **** up things. Plus, few times I was happy to tell some guys that I wont res them and that they'll have to town (after being jerks).
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited October 2010
    Sure you can go quit, but you better be rerolling a barb. b:scorn
  • Anfallas - Harshlands
    Anfallas - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's not really that bad if you know what YOU are doing. It is blatantly obvious when someone keeps **** up things. Plus, few times I was happy to tell some guys that I wont res them and that they'll have to town (after being jerks).


    I totally agree here. People will usuallly either A) Apologise for being buttheads if you threaten not to res them, or they'll B) Leave squad.

    If they're being jerks anyway, either option is fabulous! b:thanks

    But it's totally worth it to play a cleric, and as a cleric, I'll tell you potions are DAMN exspensive! But if you learn the apothecary skill it makes it WAAAAY cheaper to play the game as one. I spend maybe 200k a week on herbs for powders for myself, and when I used to just pot, it was 200-300k a DAY.
    So that helps alot, and alot of people are more than willing to pay a cleric to heal for stuff, just check WC shouts when you're higher level'd. Personally I refuse payment always, but that's just because I'm so bored when I go to help people that they're honestly doing ME a favor. lol!

    Also, I rarely buy rez scrolls. What's the point of them? Unless you have a dollie they don't save you any xp and you're just spending money on them for no reason. Plus you'll STILL have to wait around for your mana to fill up. So even if the tank needs a "Right NOW" Type heal you probably won't be able to help unless you're CSing like crazy and have charms.

    And don't worry about the jerks in the game, there's usually more nice people than poo-faces that are playing, and the nice people are usually ready and willing to defend their lowbie buddies b:angry Which is what I do in my spare time. xD
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Being a cleric in PWI is like being a person in the real world. I know, really brilliant analogy huh.

    The people complaining about jerks are, to me, the types that will excessively complain about jerks in the real world too, instead of realizing there's no way to completely avoid jerks.

    The only things I can think of is be open-minded, as what people do in squads changes a lot, but be assertive. Again, like the real world. Don't be an absolute d.bag, but realize that when push comes to shove when people stay dead and expect a rez, when you're dead too, it's you who has to town port to rez them. So you have to take steps to defend yourself first, with a touch of self-introspection to not be too careful so as not to enjoy playing.

    Being a cleric is fun and largely, it's what you make of it. You will run into nub squads that risk you getting killed too. So you either command them to do things the right way, or you find another squad, or you make friends with good players and specifically go with them. Keep in mind too that clerics are also not always the victims. There are indeed often times where they screwed up to cause the partywipe or deaths. Ignore the people being emo and complaining -- forums generally have people complaining about everything. Just consider the good points and try out cleric for yourself. If you like it, proceed, if not, there's plenty of other classes.
  • LaLeLoo - Sanctuary
    LaLeLoo - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah clerics are stressful, but can be fun! You will find people who will call you fail or criticize you. But I'm pretty sure all classes go through that. Be good at multitasking and Blacklist the people who hate you. b:pleased
  • Opresor - Sanctuary
    Opresor - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    My wife plays a cleric opposite my barb and we do most runs together and I hear all the gripes, 85+ tanks and bm's with calamity axes and/or poor quality gear, over zealous DD'ers and the people that think they know it all that run ahead and cause more trouble than they're worth. For most in the game it's easier to blame the cleric for not healing fast enough than for a DD'er to adjust to the tank abilities, not all are played the same. In FCC she does not need to BB every pull, I can hold agro well enough that it's just not needed. Other runs I have watched her go on there some tanks don't get agro fast enough or good enough, I have seen her die from healing agro and DD get smacked down after waiting until the last possible moment to heal because the tank wasn't on the ball. I watched a sin in all caps say "USE BB!", all fine and dandy except that BB isn't enough healing power for a barb with 15+ mobs pummeling him, which she used the nest pull and it charmed ***** the barb, who complained next. No win scenario here.

    Play your cleric, enjoy it, develop thick skin and your blacklist is your new best friend. Maybe find a barb or bm to pal around with. There are some great people playing PWI, and even more total tools, just have to take the good with the bad. Take the time to learn Apothecary, you'll be glad you did.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So I just started on perfect World, and decided to play a cleric. So far its been fun, but Im a little worried from the recent posts I have been reading. Mainly about how Clerics are treated so horribly and blamed for absolutely every little problem that happens in squads. Even on how costly they may be with them buying rez scrolls at later levels.

    There are probably other reasons that cause my worry, but I am still new at game and can still **** new class to main quite easily. But would it be worth to even continue to main up a Cleric with all the stress?
    the situation differs from pple to pple. i personally have not been blamed or flamed or all that nightmare stuff you see on the forum. ever. The only thing i do feel is used. sometimes.

    imagine leaving the faucet with water running the whole night. Imagine how you feel. Thats our mp usage.
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