Need help from pro endgamers!!

Grotesquery - Sanctuary
Grotesquery - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Arigora Colosseum
Am having alot of trouble as who to choose for my main character. Now, you pros may know this, so here I go...
I have a Wizard account, a Psychic account and a Cleric account.
Clerics are a main attraction to me because of their skill to fly, which makes evasion easier than.. well, every other race below lvl 30. Also I like their metal output. That can be very useful. And their range of weapons and armors.
The Psychic account levelled very quickly, but I am scared that Psychics are too weak and too fragile to take down the much-feared Barbarians at PvP. But Psychics seem to be VERY dangerous at PvE.
The Wizard account has been my favourite for ages, and I am looking for the endgame of it, where I r*** everyone in my sight, and I like their skills. All flashy: b:victory b:angry
But one thing I wanna know is this:
Who, out of all the above, is:
1] Going to be most wanted for a guild
2] Be the most able to take down a Barb or BM in PVP (I like neither, because as seen above, all my accounts are magic-based as I generally hate repairing armor and all kinds of gear without the motherfu**ing swords and spears as well,).
3] Be the most powerful in PvE and Territory Wars.
Overall, I am prepared to manage all three, but I would like to eliminate at least one.
Thnx everyone,
HUZZ b:bye
Post edited by Grotesquery - Sanctuary on


  • CUTEandSOFT - Lost City
    CUTEandSOFT - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Am having alot of trouble as who to choose for my main character. Now, you pros may know this, so here I go...
    I have a Wizard account, a Psychic account and a Cleric account.
    Clerics are a main attraction to me because of their skill to fly, which makes evasion easier than.. well, every other race below lvl 30. Also I like their metal output. That can be very useful. And their range of weapons and armors.
    The Psychic account levelled very quickly, but I am scared that Psychics are too weak and too fragile to take down the much-feared Barbarians at PvP. But Psychics seem to be VERY dangerous at PvE.
    The Wizard account has been my favourite for ages, and I am looking for the endgame of it, where I r*** everyone in my sight, and I like their skills. All flashy: b:victory b:angry
    But one thing I wanna know is this:
    Who, out of all the above, is:
    1] Going to be most wanted for a guild
    2] Be the most able to take down a Barb or BM in PVP (I like neither, because as seen above, all my accounts are magic-based as I generally hate repairing armor and all kinds of gear without the motherfu**ing swords and spears as well,).
    3] Be the most powerful in PvE and Territory Wars.
    Overall, I am prepared to manage all three, but I would like to eliminate at least one.
    Thnx everyone,
    HUZZ b:bye

    1. Cleric is one of the most wanted classes for any guild or squad, the other being the barb.

    2. Both Psychic or Wiz have the power to take down any melee class like Barb or BM as long as you have good strategy and know how to use your skills. Psychics have a skill that make them completely immune to physical resistance for a few secs, while Wizards have a buff that increases their physical resistance. A genie with Absolute Domain and Expel is very useful against these classes.

    3. Right now, it might be harder to get into Frost or Rebirth instance squads as a Psy since a lot of squads prefer a WIz. Psychics can actually replace a wizard/archer in Frost or RB but not many people are familiar with Psychics and their skills so you might experience some prejudice when trying to get into these kind of squads. It's easier for Psychics to handle mobs in the earlier levels because they get a knock back skill at an earlier level than Wizards.

    Both the Psychic and WIz are deadly in TW. A Wiz may be more deadly in TW because it can have higher overall physical resistance and deal higher damage with a high -channeling percentage.
  • miyago
    miyago Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Am having alot of trouble as who to choose for my main character. Now, you pros may know this, so here I go...
    I have a Wizard account, a Psychic account and a Cleric account.
    Clerics are a main attraction to me because of their skill to fly, which makes evasion easier than.. well, every other race below lvl 30. Also I like their metal output. That can be very useful. And their range of weapons and armors.
    The Psychic account levelled very quickly, but I am scared that Psychics are too weak and too fragile to take down the much-feared Barbarians at PvP. But Psychics seem to be VERY dangerous at PvE.
    The Wizard account has been my favourite for ages, and I am looking for the endgame of it, where I r*** everyone in my sight, and I like their skills. All flashy: b:victory b:angry
    But one thing I wanna know is this:
    Who, out of all the above, is:
    1] Going to be most wanted for a guild
    2] Be the most able to take down a Barb or BM in PVP (I like neither, because as seen above, all my accounts are magic-based as I generally hate repairing armor and all kinds of gear without the motherfu**ing swords and spears as well,).
    3] Be the most powerful in PvE and Territory Wars.
    Overall, I am prepared to manage all three, but I would like to eliminate at least one.
    Thnx everyone,
    HUZZ b:bye

    1) Most wanted for a guild depends on what your guild is looking for at the moment. Cleric is wanted pretty much everywhere for their support capabilities, while psys and wizards are generally wanted for their massive damage skills.

    2) PvP is very situational, but psy and wizards are both very capable of taking down a barb or BM in PvP.

    3) PvE differs a lot from TW. Psys in my opinion are the best out of the 3 in PvE. TW, each has its own benefits but wizards are highly wanted for their ultimate AOE skills. Clerics are also highly wanted in TW for completely different reasons (defensive vs offensive).
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Am having alot of trouble as who to choose for my main character. Now, you pros may know this, so here I go...
    I have a Wizard account, a Psychic account and a Cleric account.
    Clerics are a main attraction to me because of their skill to fly, which makes evasion easier than.. well, every other race below lvl 30. Also I like their metal output. That can be very useful. And their range of weapons and armors.
    The Psychic account levelled very quickly, but I am scared that Psychics are too weak and too fragile to take down the much-feared Barbarians at PvP. But Psychics seem to be VERY dangerous at PvE.
    The Wizard account has been my favourite for ages, and I am looking for the endgame of it, where I r*** everyone in my sight, and I like their skills. All flashy: b:victory b:angry
    But one thing I wanna know is this:
    Who, out of all the above, is:
    1] Going to be most wanted for a guild
    2] Be the most able to take down a Barb or BM in PVP (I like neither, because as seen above, all my accounts are magic-based as I generally hate repairing armor and all kinds of gear without the motherfu**ing swords and spears as well,).
    3] Be the most powerful in PvE and Territory Wars.
    Overall, I am prepared to manage all three, but I would like to eliminate at least one.
    Thnx everyone,
    HUZZ b:bye

    Bro, first of all, you underestimate the power of Psychics. They have the highest DPH(damage per hit) in the game. Sage sparked, they can probably one or two-shot most heavy armor. And Psychics are not fragile at all lol. +66 defense level(or something like that) makes them not squishy at all. Look at Asterelle's defense level demystify thread.

    Second of all, archers can fly to you know.

    Third of all, you underestimate the power of melee class. Melee classes have the best DPS in the game via hardest hitting. Assassin > Blademaster > Barb(fist) > Archer(fist). Those classes can reach up to 5 hits per second.

    Fourth of all, repair bills really aren't that much. I can tank FCC till huge exp room and i get like at least 30k a run. Which i can TT 400k in 1 hour.

    Fifth, Spears are overpowered endgame. Spears have a super hard htiting skill at level 92 sage bm that has 20% chance to one shot a low physical def person. Not saying you should go sage, because sage kinda sucks. Swords can reduce anythings attack damage by 50%.

    Sixth, I can't really say what is the best for TW, but if you wanna know what kills the most are BMs and Barbs because they can AOE kill with zerk axe.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Eichar - Sanctuary
    Eichar - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    thanks all!! i actually am prefferring to be psychic now, but i have only one question that worries me:
    is psychic a sacrificial race??
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    whats a sacrificial race lol?
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    whats a sacrificial race lol?

    well..they slouch have hair over their eyes have cut scars all over their arms and play with their balls all the time...

    and for 1 v 1 pvp sins are broken roll one

    for endgame multiplayer pve or high CS play wizzies
    Gifs are hard to make work here