Shards for my psychic

Posts: 120 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Psychic
I am sorry if this has been asked before, but I could not find it in the forums. If I am to begin sharding my pys's equipment what is best to use with her? I have a couple of flawless garnet shards but I am unsure if they are appropriate.
Should I use shards for vit, HP, or pdef. Also which shards give each of these attributes? For the most part my psy is a pure arcane build. By this I mean that by level 10 I had begun an arcane build after having already distributed a few points into vit before that point.
Thanks in advance for any help I receive.

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  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I suggest reading this
    (download the offline version too)

    i think wei followed the same build, i was going pure mag but somehow one day i wake up and saw that my vit was 22 XD

    anyway, you should mix garnets (->pdef) and citrines (->hp).
    there are no shards that give vit in your level range.

    speaking of level range, i think it's kinda early to waste flawless on your armour (or even shard at all). you cannot get a shard back once you put it in the armour. check the AH, I bet you can find cheap sharded armours.

    5x is quite fast, if you do your bh and tideborn quests you will be 6x in a week or so.
    so unless you want to grind etc I suggest skipping sharding or shard a couple of average (60k npc price, lower if you make them yourself). of course, everything depends on your budget.

    personally i was a fan of citrines, hpb:dirty
    most mobs hit you with magic attacks later and therefore garnets didnt help.
    citrines help you survive both mag and physical mobs.
    however, throw some garnets, especially if you dont have a lot of pdef in your armour

    Eventually you will want to shard mostly with garnets as you will get hp from refines (again, it is too early to refine! maybe a +2 to your weapon XD) and restat that vit into your magb:cute
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wanted to add that garnet will increase the effect of white voodoo against phys dmg, what won t do citrine, but at your lvl if any i would recomand ctirine shards
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    bein the hp shard junkie i am, i say shard full citrine, only bc garnent shards CANT help u vs magic atts, which citirne helps vs both phy and magical, and u can survive standin in a yellow circle w/o barb buffs XD
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    bein the hp shard junkie i am, i say shard full citrine, only bc garnent shards CANT help u vs magic atts, which citirne helps vs both phy and magical, and u can survive standin in a yellow circle w/o barb buffs XD

    yellow circle -> frost? arent they instant kill? o-o
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You need both pdef and hp to be decent, but keep in mind that psys are not built to tank, but to do heavy damage. Sharding HP or PDef is personal preference, but here are some things to think about:

    1) Sharding garnets can't help you vs magic attacks, but you being a robe user, you can take most magic hits. Also, if you have 3k hp and a ton of pdef, you will still die from 3-4 hits because of your low hp.

    2) Sharding HP can help with all types of attacks, however if you have low pdef, you will still die from 3-4 hits because each physical hit takes off 1/3 of your hp.

    My advice - shard garnets for pdef and upgrade your armors for the hp, then ornaments for the pdef. At end game, +5 to +7 will give you enough hp and pdef to carry out your deadly kills. You may also want to look into sharding Defense shards, as psys can gain a considerable amount of defense from white voodoo.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    yellow circle -> frost? arent they instant kill? o-o

    no...they do 5k damge each...plz tell me your trolling, there is no way in hell a lv 100 should not have known that...
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    miyago wrote: »
    You need both pdef and hp to be decent, but keep in mind that psys are not built to tank, but to do heavy damage. Sharding HP or PDef is personal preference, but here are some things to think about:

    1) Sharding garnets can't help you vs magic attacks, but you being a robe user, you can take most magic hits. Also, if you have 3k hp and a ton of pdef, you will still die from 3-4 hits because of your low hp.

    2) Sharding HP can help with all types of attacks, however if you have low pdef, you will still die from 3-4 hits because each physical hit takes off 1/3 of your hp.

    w8 w8 w8, by this logic then u should shard full hp bc if u still die form same number of hits regardless of sharding either hp or phy from phy atts, hp would at least make u die less from magic while phy wont help at all, makin hp far superior...
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    w8 w8 w8, by this logic then u should shard full hp bc if u still die form same number of hits regardless of sharding either hp or phy from phy atts, hp would at least make u die less from magic while phy wont help at all, makin hp far superior...

    No, my point was that you need both HP and PDef to survive. However you achieve this balance is up to you, but generally robe classes shard PDef and upgrade their armor for the increase in HP. Sharding full HP would not be far superior at all...i.e. 6k hp with 2k pdef will still get you 2-3 shotted with magic or non-magic attacks.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    miyago wrote: »
    No, my point was that you need both HP and PDef to survive. However you achieve this balance is up to you, but generally robe classes shard PDef and upgrade their armor for the increase in HP. Sharding full HP would not be far superior at all...i.e. 6k hp with 2k pdef will still get you 2-3 shotted with magic or non-magic attacks.

    ya but then i wouldnt be 1 shoted by magic att....
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ya but then i wouldnt be 1 shoted by magic att....

    I haven't been 1 shotted by a class in a long time, with just +3 gears sharded with pdef. :P It's definitely possible but pretty rare.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    miyago wrote: »
    I haven't been 1 shotted by a class in a long time, with just +3 gears sharded with pdef. :P It's definitely possible but pretty rare.

    *facepalm* no u said u would get 2-3 shooted if u went hp build from magic atts (look at ur last post) so by that logic means u would get 1-2 shooted by magic if u werent hp sharded no?(note i dont agree w/ that, jsut stateing what u implied) b:surrender
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    no...they do 5k damge each...plz tell me your trolling, there is no way in hell a lv 100 should not have known that...

    nope, not trolling :b
    i just stand out of them
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    nope, not trolling :b
    i just stand out of them

    Which seems like an INFINITELY better idea than being hit for 5k, imo.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Which seems like an INFINITELY better idea than being hit for 5k, imo.

    eh only pu ssys run, real men stand and fight b:angry

    im kididng of course >_> but to Thanos, u still should have known they deal 5k damge wiether it from soemoen telling u or from own expeirence (or u sharded full garnent so u get 1 shotted every time? b:laugh)
    well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............

    dam op fishy....
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    eh only pu ssys run, real men stand and fight b:angry

    im kididng of course >_> but to Thanos, u still should have known they deal 5k damge wiether it from soemoen telling u or from own expeirence (or u sharded full garnent so u get 1 shotted every time? b:laugh)

    well, i know nowb:chuckle
    actually i had mostly citrines but my gear wasnt 5k-ish hp buffed when i was 8x and most of my runs after 90 didnt have a barb.
    anyway, my hp was never >5k at the first boss, actually it was never >5k before we reached oceania master. there i switched to some hp rings for the hands XD
  • Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    IMHO, the ultimate end game build is to shard full Jade of Steady Defense (Defense Level+2), and refine your normal armor for HP and your protection ornaments (neck and belt) for physical defense.

    This build is a force to be reckoned with in both PvP and in PvE.
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    How do we shard for JSD and HP in the same armor set? O.o

    EDIT: Unless you meant to refine for HP.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Easy peasy....when in doubt, go half and half.

    Double immac Cit. Double immac garnet.

    Personally, I'd go with HP, since if someone catches you in white it won't hurt so much if you've got it level 10.....
    All the Pdef in the world won't save you if your HP is like...2.3k like mine. xD Trust me.


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