Treatise to Moderation



  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    explex wrote: »
    So what would you guys prefer? A mod that always does his/her job, but dosent know alot about in game, or someone who loves in game but cant moderate the forums as well? Personally i would prefer the guy who mods the forums correctly and very well.

    Why do you not seem to be understanding what we're saying?

    Read, and read carefully:

    A moderator who can moderate the forums, take the heat associated with their job and be part of the community is what is needed. Having in game knowledge would help them seem more human and less automated and would allow them to get involved in threads where they can help people.

    Understand yet?

    We aren't saying "We want a moderator who can't mod forums but knows about the game!"

    We're saying a moderator that has in game knowledge would be a better moderator, because they would appear more human, more helpful and far less automated.

    Get the difference yet? You need to stop bringing up this ridiculous little argument of yours as if it's an argument in the first place, and you need to start reading and comprehending what's being said.
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yeh i agree with whats been said and i am reading, i just wanted to know what people thought....
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Did me mention that as a hamster, me do not care about being blamed?

    Are you a mod? No. /end
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I have nothing against you, Waffle, but I wouldn't call you a pillar of the community. If a community member were to be chosen for a mod, I'd sooner vote for MagicHamsta. No offense. :P

    Honestly, of anyone who roams the forums at the moment, I think he'd be one of the best candidates for it. :/ He's almost ALWAYS on, and he helps out anyone he possibly can. Everyone knows him and I can't think that anyone on these forums can say they hate him. He's confusing at times with his manner of speech, but he's a hamster! I think he does pretty dang good for it. b:shutup As far as being around to make us laugh, keep us company, and help us out, I think he'd be a great mod. He'd even be good at keeping people in line. I've never seen anyone rightout argue with Hammy. b:chuckle
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • Aneemah - Heavens Tear
    Aneemah - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ok, time for a basic rule of life here. What's the undisputed #1 way to kill your chances on gaining any position of power?

    You guessed it, it's asking for said position of power.

    I mean, Waffle... yeah your post was well-written, yeah you were being respectful and all, but your motives are immediately suspect the moment you ask. Konari was a popular favorite, yeah, but that's because he never asked - a thread was made in support of him and he simply took it in stride (even bearing several walls-o-text from me and responding to them with all the patience and insight you'd expect from a good mod). Even given all that, it threw me when they actually made him a mod.

    I have nothing against you, Waffle, but I wouldn't call you a pillar of the community. If a community member were to be chosen for a mod, I'd sooner vote for MagicHamsta. No offense. :P

    Actually, KonariRaiden was asking to become a mod i his own way, yet the reason he got it, was because of andracil passing her power onto him *cough*
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    No offense to Hamsta i doubt he could become a mod due to his mannerism of speaking >_> im sure pwe would rather have someone who represents the company in a way they see fit, and not a little fuzzy creature that could be sucked up by a vaccum o.O
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Honestly, of anyone who roams the forums at the moment, I think he'd be one of the best candidates for it. :/ He's almost ALWAYS on, and he helps out anyone he possibly can. Everyone knows him and I can't think that anyone on these forums can say they hate him. He's confusing at times with his manner of speech, but he's a hamster! I think he does pretty dang good for it. b:shutup As far as being around to make us laugh, keep us company, and help us out, I think he'd be a great mod. He'd even be good at keeping people in line. I've never seen anyone rightout argue with Hammy. b:chuckle

    In all seriousness, he's online a lot indeed but he'd have to get at least a bit more srsface with the show he's been putting up (and yes I know I'll be quoted on that).

    People don't really argue with hamsta because it's hard (if not pointless) to argue with an ... ehh... hamster.

    But meh, who am I to judge.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In all seriousness, he's online a lot indeed but he'd have to get at least a bit more srsface with the show he's been putting up (and yes I know I'll be quoted on that).

    People don't really argue with hamsta because it's hard (if not pointless) to argue with an ... ehh... hamster.

    But meh, who am I to judge.


    I love Hamsta, don't get me wrong. But his mannerisms (which make Hamsta, well, Hamsta) and his lack of a business face might prove more negative than not.

    Of course, if they're hiring two moderators mayhaps, I don't see why Hamsta couldn't be one. He's a friendly face after all and his responses are about as... not automated as you can get.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I wouldn't support someone that has proven to be prejudiced to be made a moderator. Yeah, that is a big red mark on your record, and i would be protesting your being given any sort of authority.
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Honestly, of anyone who roams the forums at the moment, I think he'd be one of the best candidates for it. :/ He's almost ALWAYS on, and he helps out anyone he possibly can. Everyone knows him and I can't think that anyone on these forums can say they hate him. He's confusing at times with his manner of speech, but he's a hamster! I think he does pretty dang good for it. b:shutup As far as being around to make us laugh, keep us company, and help us out, I think he'd be a great mod. He'd even be good at keeping people in line. I've never seen anyone rightout argue with Hammy. b:chuckle

    Rose would be a good person to be a mod too... over 10000 posts and like only 3 are troll posts, if even that
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I love Hamsta, don't get me wrong. But his mannerisms (which make Hamsta, well, Hamsta) and his lack of a business face might prove more negative than not.

    Of course, if they're hiring two moderators mayhaps, I don't see why Hamsta couldn't be one. He's a friendly face after all and his responses are about as... not automated as you can get.

    o.O it would certainly be interesting to see a topic get closed by him
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    o.O it would certainly be interesting to see a topic get closed by him

    Closing teh topic

    next time give meh moar sunflower seeds
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ooo we could bribe him... or threaten him with a cat >.>
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yeah, I can see that he should probably need to have more 'srsface' as you say. b:chuckle But sometimes going about things the less serious way is what's needed. In short, I don't think it'd be good to have Hammy as the ONLY moderator, but teamed up with another who works like the ones we've been having.. I think it could be a well balanced team. Helpful and fun on one side, angry, serious, and banhammerish on the other. b:shutup

    And I just went back and looked at the posts that got in before this and someone mentioned Rosie. :3 Agreed, I think she would be another good candiate. Perhaps one that could overrun that "Angry, serious" mod with a logic-minded and helpful one. I can see Rosie and Hammy complimenting each other very well as mods. b:laugh
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I lol'd, great pic.
  • Oneji - Heavens Tear
    Oneji - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    With two of our moderators becoming retirees, and the inactivity of the other; I surmise that we are in need of a "passing of the torch," so to say. I, for one, acknowledge that I may not have always been on the best track of utmost best behavior, but i thoroughly believe that with responsibility comes maturity. Because of this, I would like to test my mettle as a moderator for not only the sake of the forum, but to grow and learn for myself. I have many qualities and aspects to form a multifaceted, talented, and hardworking individual ready to support.

    My first quality, activity. Activity is one thing some of the other moderators seemed to lack. There is rarely a day that I don't make a post; even during the late hours of the night, when kiddies believe there is no one to monitor their behavior, I'd be there. No more midnight troll threads under my watch.

    I also have experience, I've been on these forums since near the beginning of PWI. From the knowledge of other players, to PW database, to the wiki, I have a great collection of knowledge at my disposal to help aid the new players who have many curiosities and questions. I can also assist those who have other problematic issues with the game; or direct them to a better source should I not have the immediate answer at hand.

    Lastly, I can be quite the people person. From joking with the crowd, to maintaining serious discussion, and even dealing with the instable, I can do it all. Getting along with people, or dealing with irate customers comes with the territory, shouldn't a moderator know how to deal with these without letting the situation get out of hand? I would think so.

    I humbly request, with these facts in mind, that I be considered seriously for a position on your volunteer staff. Thank you.

    I am sorry Waffle,although I have no say whether you become a Moderator or not, I have been able to read a lot of your post's, and quite frankly if I was part of the PW staff, I would have to vote nob:surrender. Anyway please do not take this to heart, but it is my honest opinion.

    And I believe PW is probably looking for someone who is already brainwashed by their way of thinking. Judging by what you post, you stand against everything they think is right, which would only make you a thorn in their side. I could be wrong here but that his how I see it.

    Also what I highlighted in red made me lol.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Waffle's an idiot. And about as "friendly" as a cactus.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    he should probably need to have more 'srsface'
    May I remind everyone that Konari was a troll long before he was a mod. :P I see no reason why Hamsta can't follow the same path.

    The reason Konari worked as a mod was because he trolled for the greater good, you could say. :P He had a "srsface," but he didn't use it until he needed to. Hamsta seems to be the same way, to me. Whereas Waffle... Waffle's kinda all-srsface all the time (to say nothing of that string of insults someone linked to a couple pages back).

    And come on, half the admins here crack lame jokes.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And come on, half the admins here crack lame jokes.

    Understatement of the year.. b:surrender
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    there not lame jokes... frankies just oldb:chuckle
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    May I remind everyone that Konari was a troll long before he was a mod. :P I see no reason why Hamsta can't follow the same path.

    The reason Konari worked as a mod was because he trolled for the greater good, you could say. :P He had a "srsface," but he didn't use it until he needed to. Hamsta seems to be the same way, to me. Whereas Waffle... Waffle's kinda all-srsface all the time (to say nothing of that string of insults someone linked to a couple pages back).

    And come on, half the admins here crack lame jokes.

    Yeah GM's crack lame jokes all the time, but I wouldn't categorize hamsta as a lame joke. Actually, he made his posting personality become the joke. I think only his closest friends know what he's really like and who knows, maybe he'd make a great mod like that. That's for the GM's to decide.

    But a ''hamster'' as a mod would most likely just confuse people that aren't regular to the forums.

    Konari was a bit before my time (don't let the join date fool you, I haven't been actively posting since last summer) but from what I've seen he was a good mod, putting the inactiveness aside.
    Don't get trolls mixed up with people who just like to poke fun of stuff though.
  • Katanyia - Archosaur
    Katanyia - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Waffle's response to a small question I had a couple days ago:

    "whats it matter?" <.<

    Frankie's response was actually useful. Doesn't mean anything will actually get fixed but at least it IMPLIED some concern.

    I say NO
  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yeah GM's crack lame jokes all the time, but I wouldn't categorize hamsta as a lame joke. Actually, he made his posting personality become the joke. I think only his closest friends know what he's really like and who knows, maybe he'd make a great mod like that. That's for the GM's to decide.

    But a ''hamster'' as a mod would most likely just confuse people that aren't regular to the forums.

    I think the idea was saying that Hammy would be a good retreat from the lame jokes. :P And its that personality that makes him lovable, of course, not to mention memorable. I think that that natural ability is one thing that would make him a good CM, in specific.

    I dunno, I think they'd get the idea relatively quickly... its not that hard a concept to grasp. b:surrender
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Don't get trolls mixed up with people who just like to poke fun of stuff though.
    I'm not. I'm just saying they're in the same general category (at least when compared to "srsface" people).

    Personality and how you handle a crisis is at least 80% of being a mod, after all.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    We just need someone who can be fun and part of the community rather than just a 'higher power' that takes the easy way out of things just by locking threads and then disappearing into the shadows. b:surrender
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    You can't threat him with a cat... I already tried...

    This is what happened:
    Too late.

    On topic: No thanks.

  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    We've actually got some new mods coming in soon, but I do thank you Waffle for expressing your desire to help out, and I hope this feeling continues to reside within you regardless of whether or not you attain mod status.

This discussion has been closed.