
sayid01 Posts: 10 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Chronicles
hello all,i apologize in advance if im in wrong section,and this is gonna be long...anyway,i been playing LC for 2 years,in short i hate it now. lve heard from a few this is a very good game,but i have "a few" this like lc in the way to get newhere u have to spend tons of rl money? i wont even get into how much ive spent,kinda embarrassing..and im only by no means afraid to grind my lvls as ive been playing that game 2yrs and only 123.seems as tho lvl cap keeps going up,total money hungry game...also in lc there are skill points,which is if u want to have a toon worth a darn u have to sp farm,my toon was maxed so i have no prob with that,buuut it is a very expensive process if u want to do it quickly,so other question is do u have a similiar system?i went from playing about 5 hrs a day to not logging on for the last 3 weeks,it seems i am done,but i need a game!! i looked at the wiki but tbh it was kinda vague(sorry) so if one of u fine ppl wanna take me under ur wing and help out a soon to be newb id really love it.or just answer my questions.and no im not a beggar lol,i hate absolutely hate the new players that sit there and,pwlvl,etc.anyway in done now tc and hope to see ya in game.
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  • Kanerya - Dreamweaver
    Kanerya - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    About in-game money and real-life money: there is always stuff you can buy with in-game coins (even stuff worth tens of millions), and some of it is pretty useful (like molds for weapons). As for real-life money... you could use that too, but it's not really necessary. The real money gets turned into Gold in-game, and now there's a system that allows you to buy gold with coins. So, if you don't mind grinding, you can easily get Gold in-game. Of course, it's always easier to buy it directly, but it's not too difficult to get it like that, either.

    As for the skills, you get some points while leveling up (strength, magic etc.). You level up, you get it, you don't level up, you stay just like you are. There are some skills you can buy, but those are bought with in-game coins from what I've seen. I just took a peek at the boutique (where you spend rl money), and I don't see anything skill-like. Tons of charms and stuff that makes the game easier, but you can easily do without them.

    Short version, try the game for a few levels, and if you don't like it you can just stop playing it. ^^
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Perfect World is quite different from *removed* (and back when I played it, I don't think you could even get to 123. I made it to 27, then the grinding was far to bad already).

    As in all "real" free-to-play games, spending real money in Perfect World is completely optional, although you might need to resist some peer pressure, or grind a lot of game-money to buy cash currency.

    Character stat points in Perfect World are awarded at level ups. Skills work differently; you basically get two types of experience, "experience" and "spirit". In most cases, their relation is fixed --- you get 5 times the amount of experience, although there might be situations where this is not the case (I believe one of the "must do" quest chains only gives spirit). Either way, where there's experience there's spirit, and as long as you find something in the game that gives you experience you'll also raise your spirit.

    Experience determines your level as usual, spirit is more like money --- when you buy skills (or level one), you pay money AND spirit. Which also means there's no fixed amount of skillpoints to spend; AFAIK you can get enough spirit to max every skill, eventually. Still, higher level skills take a lot of spirit (and money), so you should probably work out some "plan" which skills to get first at some point --- but don't worry about that too much at the beginning, as early spirit requirements are "ridiculously" low, and the amounts you need for low level skills are literally "nothing" as you progress in the game, which means you aren't messing up your char by getting skills that you don't need later on.
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • sayid01
    sayid01 Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tyvm both of u,i went ahead and dl itb:pleased
  • violetvalor
    violetvalor Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hi there! I used to play LC too! I quit and play PW now and I love it! I play on Harshlands server. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. =)

    IGNs: Saelron, Lithoran, Kalron
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mentioning other games is forbidden.
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Sorry guys, not allowed to compare mmos here on this forum.
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