Psychics in Pvp or PvE?

Posts: 0 Arc User
I am currently mainly playing on lostcity and Raging tide servers.. And i have been prepping myself and getting info on the psy.. now all i have to choose is pk or pve? what should i do?b:shocked
Post edited by pur3pker205 on
PvE server gettin bored at later I'd say PvP...
Lost City is a fun server, because there is a rodent there b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Well, let me just say how few Psychics there are in PvP servers.
That I know of, the only 10x Psychics in Harshlands are UrDian, Longknife, Hvati, Anamionie, and Jafkeyks ('s kinda obvious he CS'd to 10x, considering he's the only Psychic on server that I'm aware of with full ranked gear. .-. apologies to anybody whom I misspelled.)
We're a VERY VERY understood class as far as PvP. (At least over here.) I can decently kill anything below or at my level, because we're relatively unknown as far as the capabilities of our class. (Most people just know to catch us when the pretty red swords are up, or smack us around with swords or hammers or daggers...>.>)
And Hypnos is right, after a while, you get bored of PvE. Of course, PvP isn't too much better, because I'm personally pressing the 'T' button out of constant paranoia every time I accidentally kill someone. b:surrender PvP is very hard to adjust to if it's your first server. People are usually not nice there. If you do decide to hit a PvP server, quickly find a faction that can support you if you get into trouble.0 -
Born_Free - Harshlands wrote: »PvP isn't too much better, because I'm personally pressing the 'T' button out of constant paranoia every time I accidentally kill someone. b:surrender0
side note: it's easy to defend yourself in PVP server when you are red name, because you don't get killed by a blue name barb stand next to you and suddenly drop you an armageddon b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Hypnos - Raging Tide wrote: »side note: it's easy to defend yourself in PVP server when you are red name, because you don't get killed by a blue name barb stand next to you and suddenly drop you an armageddon b:cry0
nah, I mean pvp, because in pve server, when they are blue name, you can't attack them. There is once when I was standing outside red name and this barb running up to me, blue name. I didn't think much about it as my eye on a white name standing in SZ, until he stands next to me, turn white name, Mighty swing and armageddon me (was ~5x on my cleric in DW) . Even Chuck Norris can't react that fast >.<. If it was PvP server, I would have kite that kitty around the moment he jump out of SZ until he cried
In PvP, if I just happened to like....Glacial Shard in the middle of like, 15 poorly geared noobs, they would all die, and I would be a dark red name. In PvP, when you're a blue name, that means you can't be attacked, and you can't attack, because in PvP when you're a blue name, it means you're below level 30, and can't participate at all.
Now, I don't know how it works in PvE (because my highest level there in a PvE server is lvl 17.) But after you hit 30, your name becomes white. This means you're fair game for any jerk who feels like killing you. If you've killed someone else, that means you're even MORE fair game, because the PvP killers are now out after you.
>.> Why they kill PvPers on a PvP server is beyond me...because that's technically being...idk, would it be canibalistic? They're technically PvPing too, so doesn't that mean they have to die? .-.
>.< PvP server politics are complicated.0 -
After level 30 in PVE server, you can choose to be white name or blue name and it only took some hour switching back from white name to blue name. It's lame when a lvl 100 barb run up to you in blue name then switch to white name to arma just for lulz =([SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Something I never understood (maybe it's because I'm on a PvE server)...but for the people scared someone's gonna pop out of nowhere, why don't you just make sure if you're in a PKing mood that you keep Retaliation up? I understand it won't kill them (though I've seen some sin's lose a good chunk of their life when they try to stealth attack me) but it'll at least help curb the damage from things like Armageddon and...yet again those sins that like to stealth attack.
And if all else fails (or you don't want to PK) SoS works "okay" sometimes. Personally I think needing 15k Soulforce for a 4 second stun is a bit much, as I'm only at 12k at my level, but it's at least something to offset our squishiness.0 -
Wow thanks guys.. some really good info that i will mostlikey use while i make my new pvp psychic xD0
Born_Free - Harshlands wrote: »In PvP, if I just happened to like....Glacial Shard in the middle of like, 15 poorly geared noobs, they would all die, and I would be a dark red name. In PvP, when you're a blue name, that means you can't be attacked, and you can't attack, because in PvP when you're a blue name, it means you're below level 30, and can't participate at all.
Well you guys are talking about specific cases. For instance, the problem mentioned on PVE servers where a blue name can go white name on you just like that still exists if you don't plan on going red. People are very capable of using their white name status to get close to you BEFORE attacking you. So unless you plan on going dark red and attacking everything that moves, you can still get jumped on a PVP server. Trust me I know, because I dunno how many white named clerics I've run into who just love sleeping me, using every debuff and sparking, then attacking. I always try to find a way to turn them red so I can get the first hit in without going red myself.
As for the 15 nabs dying, just filter so that you don't attack white names. All the reds in the AOE will die, the whites will survive. Problem solved.
Though admittedly, not a day goes by without someone saying "WTF LAWNG U KILLED ME Y!!?" and I have to give the same old speech about how all a Psys PVP skills are AOE, so I'm gonna hit anything red in a three mile radius whether I want to or not.Mictain - Dreamweaver wrote: »Something I never understood (maybe it's because I'm on a PvE server)...but for the people scared someone's gonna pop out of nowhere, why don't you just make sure if you're in a PKing mood that you keep Retaliation up? I understand it won't kill them (though I've seen some sin's lose a good chunk of their life when they try to stealth attack me) but it'll at least help curb the damage from things like Armageddon and...yet again those sins that like to stealth attack.
And if all else fails (or you don't want to PK) SoS works "okay" sometimes. Personally I think needing 15k Soulforce for a 4 second stun is a bit much, as I'm only at 12k at my level, but it's at least something to offset our squishiness.
This is why I prefer Soul of Retaliation over Soul of Stunning. In the long run, soul of stunning just isn't practical, both because it's easier to combat stun and we're so squishy that we need that resisted hit. Every sin and BM is gonna put on stun resistance before attacking you, and show me a Psy who isn't naturally squishy as hell and I'll make a Bowbarian and get it to level 100.
Today I heard a call for more people to Silver Pool in guild chat. I like silver pool and it's rare that someone calls for help there/there's a good fight there, so I went. Things were kinda chaotic but me and four guildies just went after everyone. After a while I had a lot of ticked off sins on me and I dunno HOW many times one of them would stun or sleep themselves in the midst of battle. Was a real lifesaver that bought me time to kill/resist my target and take the sin/initial target out.Born_Free - Harshlands wrote: »Well, let me just say how few Psychics there are in PvP servers.
That I know of, the only 10x Psychics in Harshlands are UrDian, Longknife, Hvati, Anamionie, and Jafkeyks
Who in the hell are they??
Honestly there's two new 90+ Psys every month. They just all quit after a month of playing. Guess Psys are "boring."IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Every sin and BM is gonna put on stun resistance before attacking you, and show me a Psy who isn't naturally squishy as hell and I'll make a Bowbarian and get it to level 100.
hm lets see, my psy is lv 99, has 6681 hp unbuffed no vit, can tank all the bosses in frost, can do every single lure in frost, and if its 1 on 1, unless im fightin a heavy CSer, they can almost never get through my charm, also my chacter is 100% workin on that bowbarb?well when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............
dam op fishy....0 -
Sorrry but i have 1 more question.. If i have psy retaliation and lvl 10 veno buff will i retaliate more damage then what they are acually hitting on me? So would i be able to kill a Sin with = or lesshp with both o these buffs?0
veno buff as in bramble? ~.~a
Pretty sure Bramble doesn't work in normal daily pk.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Psy's are a good class for pvp and are fun as hell also. Just make sure to compensate for the squishyness with genie skills and apothecary pots and u'll be fine. Hell I've have 3 lvl 100 sin's attacking at same time and psy will helped me tanked them then I did what psy do best, aoe and they died shortly after. But it still has to do a lot that everyone made a sin, so psy's are still really unknown and players dont know how to pvp againts the class.0
Demans - Lost City wrote: »hm lets see, my psy is lv 99, has 6681 hp unbuffed no vit, can tank all the bosses in frost, can do every single lure in frost, and if its 1 on 1, unless im fightin a heavy CSer, they can almost never get through my charm, also my chacter is 100% workin on that bowbarb?
You also neglected to mention that you're a LA build.
You also simply stated that "they can almost never get through my charm" while saying nothing about you getting through theirs. Any psy can throw on Empowered Vigor and White Voodoo and do pretty much the same thing.
Go fight an equally geared / leveled AA psy and see who kills who first. b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
So I post on my Barb.
[On possibly-permanent hiatus]0 -
Go fight an equally geared / leveled AA psy and see who kills who first. b:avoid[/QUOTE]
+1 b:thanks0 -
Derressh - Dreamweaver wrote: »You also neglected to mention that you're a LA build.
You also simply stated that "they can almost never get through my charm" while saying nothing about you getting through theirs. Any psy can throw on Empowered Vigor and White Voodoo and do pretty much the same thing.
Go fight an equally geared / leveled AA psy and see who kills who first. b:avoid
ya foorgot, to mention, when it comes to my att, my psy w/ a frost wep is hittin almost as hard as my pure AA wiz w/ his +6 lunar wep -_- wtf, black voodoo is so hax...and i cant, cant find any AA psy who r equally geared, they either extrmely weak, or lv 100+ in nirvana....havent found any in between b:surrenderwell when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............
dam op fishy....0 -
Derressh - Dreamweaver wrote: »You also neglected to mention that you're a LA build.
You also simply stated that "they can almost never get through my charm" while saying nothing about you getting through theirs. Any psy can throw on Empowered Vigor and White Voodoo and do pretty much the same thing.
Go fight an equally geared / leveled AA psy and see who kills who first. b:avoid
Yeah my point was more...
I see all sorts of Psys in PVP. HA, LA, Vitality built, etc.
No matter what their damn build and gear though, they all still die in 2-3 shots to a certain opponent. It's Black voodoo that makes Psys squishy as heck. Sure anyone can wear white voodoo and tank, but then your damage is garbage. Count how many opponents you fight with BV and count how many you fight with White. I think it's clear BV is the preferred Voodoo.
For that reason, I'd rely more on skills than gear for a Psy. Gear helps of course, but you have White Voodoo, Psy Will, Glacial Shards, Soulburn and Earth Vector for a reason; use them.IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Yeah my point was more...
Count how many opponents you fight with BV and count how many you fight with White. I think it's clear BV is the preferred Voodoo.
acually i normaly fight oppents w/ both, and iv killed a large amount of ppl w/ white voodoo on (ppl aarently dont no that when u get soulburned, u dont **** put on fists and start atting >_>) but ya i switch out voodoos in a fight, depedning on oppenint i start w/ black or white, if he triple sparks, i put white and kite for a while, if i stun him w/ glacial shard or soul of stun/vretailation, i switch to balck, pop in psy will, and nuke him for a few secs, but anyway, i think most effective method is to just swtich voodoos when approprate, killled/ survived vs many ppl that waywell when ur LA psy has same wep grade and refine as ur pure AA wiz, hits as high per shot, has faster dps, and has 2x the crit %, time to retire the wiz............
dam op fishy....0
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