New Race: Satyrs (also classes)

Silvychar - Sanctuary
Posts: 3,576 Arc User
Hey there,
so since Im not able to play PWI for a while cuz my comp is a mess...Im pretty bored.
And just to inform you: Anything in here is just an idea... it may fit better into other MMO's and maybe its pretty useless atm, but hey... I dont care.
So... let's get started!
The Satyrs
The Satyrs are a rather unknown folk... they always were treaten as enemies by the other children of Pan Gu, because they used to have a alliance with the Wraith (some contracts/ peace treaties). So they decided to leave the Perfect World for a while to see some new places and develop.
Now after the Tideborn came back to PW, the Satyrs thought about returning, too.
So they gathered themselve together and marshed towards PW. They settled down southwest of The Land of Buried Bones, in a desert.
As they were there, they started to build camps (mostly some huts) and even a "great" city: Whispering Sands
[So far that's the story, now lets introduce the Satyrs]
Satyr's Image
The Satyrs, which used to live in forests normally, are now common with deserts, sand and barrens.
They're eyes evolved and are not normal anymore, they glow in various colours (those glowings are more or less magical "auras" to keep away flying sand/dust etc. // to increase the Satyrs ability to see more at night...)
Also they have hooves, to walk faster and easier in the desert.
Their skin is mostly dark, to save them of the sun rays (no fur at all => would be too warm).
They have various types of horns (mainly use: adornment)
[That's the image. Let's get to the classes now]
[Note: Im taking the idea of the Beast Master class from this thread, with my additional/improved ideas for it.
The Beast Master:
The Beast Masters learned a lot while the Satyrs lived in the deserts, and they learned even more while they had left the Perfect World. They developed unique skills and techniques and brought some special allies with them: animals.
"Listen, recruits, a Beast Master alone is weak and will die in less than 5 seconds, dont forget this. The Master can only survive within his "pack""
Every Satyr, who has choosen to go the way of a Beast Master, gets a little pack of baby animals, to teach them and take care of them. He's bound to his pets and CANT tame others (veno pets) But at one time, he only can fight with maximal 2 of his pack out.
The Beast Master is a kind of a DD/Supporter with several useful abilities for squad members/allies.
Those pack pets are like skill branches of the BeM's (Beast Master's) skill tree.
Branches (the pets/skills can be leveled, so that the pet grows etc. (lvl 10 Owl is an eldest, with more hp/mp than the lvl1 one, that doesnt mean the skills are stronger overall! => you have to skill the owl skills aswell))
Owl: The Owl is the supporter "skill branch"/pet. It has abilities like healing and regenerating mana within the group, low debuffing skills like reduce the chance of hitting/ dealing crits. It doesnt fights active in a battle.
Cheetah: Speed group buff (surrogate of Holy Path
and isnt that cool for short-legged clerics?) => attack speed, channeling speed, movement speed. Weak in combat, but can melee attack.
Stoat: Its small- and pretty fast, a melee DD, with stunning abilities and assaults and effects (bleed/poison/slow etc.)
Wolf: (looks much much much better than the veno version/mob version, a great wolf with armour) The real melee DD with decent armour, fast attack rate and damage overall. Starter pet of the pack. Also its like the "puppet" / mirror image of the Beast Master, the char attacks through that wolf => many attack skills and the equip of your char affects the wolf.
Those are all the pets.
Stats of the Beast Master:
In General the BeM wears Light Armour and Claws/Fists. If the BeM is attacked directly, the soloing penalty activates, meaning that the armour of the BeM and the damage dealt will be reduced by 50% = the BeM DIES at FAST. Suicide class. But dont worry. The BeM is mostly unable to get aggro in PvE. And for PvP and rare occassions in PvE it has some instant abilities like feign death (I KNOW you love it and recognise it b:victory) to distract enemies, and iron mind skills ( enemy will be knocked back, pet aggroes)
[Okay that's it so far for the BeM I think. Now the Avenger.]
The Avenger
The Avengers are feared and loved all in one. It's said that you shouldnt enrage one tho, he would even kill his friends in rage. The Avengers know much- the leader of the Satyrs was one and led them back to PW.
The Avenger class is something really new and so it may be a bit weird at first. It's main role is to be a tank. But not a tank like a barb. A ranged tank.
And I dont want to steal the role of the barbarians. So the Avengers are mostly tanks but also DD's.
Avenger Stats:
The Avenger class wears Heavy Armour and uses a new kind of weapon:
Battle Staffs (magical ranged weapons/ melee weap), which throw electricity orbs at enemies. Those orbs are like arrows etc. ammunition and need to be bought at the blacksmith. (craftsman will be able to craft those, too) Also for melee fighting (nasty melee mobs etc.) those staffs got sharp edges at the other side, to tear the enemy into pieces.
[I tried to draw such a staff in paint... well dont yell at me afterwards, tried my best b:surrender]
Now let's come to the point. Since the Avenger class is a RANGED Tanker class, how does that work?!
First, the Avenger has a special ability:
Electricity field/ powerful aura: This keeps mobs away from the character and is an active casting skill. In a radius of lets say 4-5 meters this buff creates a barriere which the mobs cannot pass (there's a chance, that the field interrupts => that means mobs (only melee mobs mostly) approach the Avenger and he has to use his melee fighting skills) (doesnt work in PvP)
Also he has skills to knockback mobs in an aoe (like genies earthquake skill)
And an aoe skill to snare mobs around the character and hold them there for few seconds (works in PvP) dealing low damage. (magicial nets, if some of you know the dragonhawk riders of a special game, you may know that the skill is similiar to the snare skill of those, just with multiple targets here)
An assassination skill: Avenger is ported/ jumps to the back of the enemy and hits a hard hit.
Porting skills: The Avenger turns into sand, stepping into another astral world (you wont see that) and materialises at the players destination (player clicks the ground where he wants to be ported (only 1-5 meters around the char))
Several attacking/ aggroing skills (like Impale, to aggro)
And a weaker version of the mobs mana drain.
Magic skills:
Burn out: The electricity of the weapons elec. orb is burning the enemy (DoT)
Mirror Image: (Yeeeah I know you want this!) The Avenger creates 1 or more (depends on the skill lvl, max. 4) mirror images out of sand, which deal half of your damage, but last only 1 min + long cooldown (increased level means longer cooldown like 5mins, and images wont last that long max. 30 seconds)
Group buff:
Sandstorm: Creates a strong group buff which lasts 15 mins, Accuracy of all squad members is raised and for 5 seconds critical hit rate is increased.
etc. etc.
[Thats the Avenger, now the flying mounts of the Satyrs]
Flying Mounts
So, with what should Satyrs fly? Wings? -No, thanks. Animals? -Never. Swords or other weapons/equipment? -Never ever!
Clouds? -Almost.
Exactly, let the Satyrs be carried of Cyclones and Sandstorms and such. Wind beasts is the key. The Satyrs learned to tame the winds and the sand in the desert and can even create animal-like flying mounts out of them.
Starter flying mount is a beige/ sand coloured dustcloud.
Additional mounts are cyclones, sand dragons, storm wolves and such.
MAybe a sand version of those:
[Well, thats all, or did I miss anything? If so, tell me please^^
So what's your opinion of my idea? And please, dont start with stuff like: they never ever implement that blablabla. As I already said, its just a just4fun suggestion for ANY MMO. And Im bored. So, only topic related posts, please b:thanksb:victory]
P.S. It took me over 2 hours to write everything down, and Ive to mention, if my english sucks at some points, sorry for that.
so since Im not able to play PWI for a while cuz my comp is a mess...Im pretty bored.
And just to inform you: Anything in here is just an idea... it may fit better into other MMO's and maybe its pretty useless atm, but hey... I dont care.
So... let's get started!
The Satyrs
The Satyrs are a rather unknown folk... they always were treaten as enemies by the other children of Pan Gu, because they used to have a alliance with the Wraith (some contracts/ peace treaties). So they decided to leave the Perfect World for a while to see some new places and develop.
Now after the Tideborn came back to PW, the Satyrs thought about returning, too.
So they gathered themselve together and marshed towards PW. They settled down southwest of The Land of Buried Bones, in a desert.
As they were there, they started to build camps (mostly some huts) and even a "great" city: Whispering Sands
[So far that's the story, now lets introduce the Satyrs]
Satyr's Image
The Satyrs, which used to live in forests normally, are now common with deserts, sand and barrens.
They're eyes evolved and are not normal anymore, they glow in various colours (those glowings are more or less magical "auras" to keep away flying sand/dust etc. // to increase the Satyrs ability to see more at night...)
Also they have hooves, to walk faster and easier in the desert.
Their skin is mostly dark, to save them of the sun rays (no fur at all => would be too warm).
They have various types of horns (mainly use: adornment)
[That's the image. Let's get to the classes now]
[Note: Im taking the idea of the Beast Master class from this thread, with my additional/improved ideas for it.
The Beast Master:
The Beast Masters learned a lot while the Satyrs lived in the deserts, and they learned even more while they had left the Perfect World. They developed unique skills and techniques and brought some special allies with them: animals.
"Listen, recruits, a Beast Master alone is weak and will die in less than 5 seconds, dont forget this. The Master can only survive within his "pack""
Every Satyr, who has choosen to go the way of a Beast Master, gets a little pack of baby animals, to teach them and take care of them. He's bound to his pets and CANT tame others (veno pets) But at one time, he only can fight with maximal 2 of his pack out.
The Beast Master is a kind of a DD/Supporter with several useful abilities for squad members/allies.
Those pack pets are like skill branches of the BeM's (Beast Master's) skill tree.
Branches (the pets/skills can be leveled, so that the pet grows etc. (lvl 10 Owl is an eldest, with more hp/mp than the lvl1 one, that doesnt mean the skills are stronger overall! => you have to skill the owl skills aswell))
Owl: The Owl is the supporter "skill branch"/pet. It has abilities like healing and regenerating mana within the group, low debuffing skills like reduce the chance of hitting/ dealing crits. It doesnt fights active in a battle.
Cheetah: Speed group buff (surrogate of Holy Path

Stoat: Its small- and pretty fast, a melee DD, with stunning abilities and assaults and effects (bleed/poison/slow etc.)
Wolf: (looks much much much better than the veno version/mob version, a great wolf with armour) The real melee DD with decent armour, fast attack rate and damage overall. Starter pet of the pack. Also its like the "puppet" / mirror image of the Beast Master, the char attacks through that wolf => many attack skills and the equip of your char affects the wolf.
Those are all the pets.
Stats of the Beast Master:
In General the BeM wears Light Armour and Claws/Fists. If the BeM is attacked directly, the soloing penalty activates, meaning that the armour of the BeM and the damage dealt will be reduced by 50% = the BeM DIES at FAST. Suicide class. But dont worry. The BeM is mostly unable to get aggro in PvE. And for PvP and rare occassions in PvE it has some instant abilities like feign death (I KNOW you love it and recognise it b:victory) to distract enemies, and iron mind skills ( enemy will be knocked back, pet aggroes)
[Okay that's it so far for the BeM I think. Now the Avenger.]
The Avenger
The Avengers are feared and loved all in one. It's said that you shouldnt enrage one tho, he would even kill his friends in rage. The Avengers know much- the leader of the Satyrs was one and led them back to PW.
The Avenger class is something really new and so it may be a bit weird at first. It's main role is to be a tank. But not a tank like a barb. A ranged tank.
And I dont want to steal the role of the barbarians. So the Avengers are mostly tanks but also DD's.
Avenger Stats:
The Avenger class wears Heavy Armour and uses a new kind of weapon:
Battle Staffs (magical ranged weapons/ melee weap), which throw electricity orbs at enemies. Those orbs are like arrows etc. ammunition and need to be bought at the blacksmith. (craftsman will be able to craft those, too) Also for melee fighting (nasty melee mobs etc.) those staffs got sharp edges at the other side, to tear the enemy into pieces.
[I tried to draw such a staff in paint... well dont yell at me afterwards, tried my best b:surrender]
Now let's come to the point. Since the Avenger class is a RANGED Tanker class, how does that work?!
First, the Avenger has a special ability:
Electricity field/ powerful aura: This keeps mobs away from the character and is an active casting skill. In a radius of lets say 4-5 meters this buff creates a barriere which the mobs cannot pass (there's a chance, that the field interrupts => that means mobs (only melee mobs mostly) approach the Avenger and he has to use his melee fighting skills) (doesnt work in PvP)
Also he has skills to knockback mobs in an aoe (like genies earthquake skill)
And an aoe skill to snare mobs around the character and hold them there for few seconds (works in PvP) dealing low damage. (magicial nets, if some of you know the dragonhawk riders of a special game, you may know that the skill is similiar to the snare skill of those, just with multiple targets here)
An assassination skill: Avenger is ported/ jumps to the back of the enemy and hits a hard hit.
Porting skills: The Avenger turns into sand, stepping into another astral world (you wont see that) and materialises at the players destination (player clicks the ground where he wants to be ported (only 1-5 meters around the char))
Several attacking/ aggroing skills (like Impale, to aggro)
And a weaker version of the mobs mana drain.
Magic skills:
Burn out: The electricity of the weapons elec. orb is burning the enemy (DoT)
Mirror Image: (Yeeeah I know you want this!) The Avenger creates 1 or more (depends on the skill lvl, max. 4) mirror images out of sand, which deal half of your damage, but last only 1 min + long cooldown (increased level means longer cooldown like 5mins, and images wont last that long max. 30 seconds)
Group buff:
Sandstorm: Creates a strong group buff which lasts 15 mins, Accuracy of all squad members is raised and for 5 seconds critical hit rate is increased.
etc. etc.
[Thats the Avenger, now the flying mounts of the Satyrs]
Flying Mounts
So, with what should Satyrs fly? Wings? -No, thanks. Animals? -Never. Swords or other weapons/equipment? -Never ever!
Clouds? -Almost.
Exactly, let the Satyrs be carried of Cyclones and Sandstorms and such. Wind beasts is the key. The Satyrs learned to tame the winds and the sand in the desert and can even create animal-like flying mounts out of them.
Starter flying mount is a beige/ sand coloured dustcloud.
Additional mounts are cyclones, sand dragons, storm wolves and such.
MAybe a sand version of those:
[Well, thats all, or did I miss anything? If so, tell me please^^
So what's your opinion of my idea? And please, dont start with stuff like: they never ever implement that blablabla. As I already said, its just a just4fun suggestion for ANY MMO. And Im bored. So, only topic related posts, please b:thanksb:victory]
P.S. It took me over 2 hours to write everything down, and Ive to mention, if my english sucks at some points, sorry for that.
Post edited by Silvychar - Sanctuary on
cool story bro
...but fishmen just came out.
Chances are we won't be getting a new one for a long while.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »cool story bro
...but fishmen just came out.
Chances are we won't be getting a new one for a long while.And just to inform you: Anything in here is just an idea... it may fit better into other MMO's and maybe its pretty useless atm, but hey... I dont care.And please, dont start with stuff like: they never ever implement that blablabla. As I already said, its just a just4fun suggestion for ANY MMO.
I know, I know.0 -
Um, considering that Perfect World is the only planet with life, it would make your race a canon space traveller. So, no.If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.
Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.0 -
I like the idea.
But I think it would take quite a while for it to come up.
0 -
no affence but id like it alot more if u wouldve known abotu Cronous wich has been deleted QQ... the staff that u r explaining is a lvl 13 staff on that game xD its gold, shiney, hits faster then bms, and lots of magic damage when the enimy lands a critb:chuckle0
no affence but id like it alot more if u wouldve known abotu Cronous wich has been deleted QQ... the staff that u r explaining is a lvl 13 staff on that game xD its gold, shiney, hits faster then bms, and lots of magic damage when the enimy lands a crit
lol, never ever ever heard of that game o_o also the idea of a ranged/melee magic battlestaff isnt that new, I know0 -
Silvychar - Sanctuary wrote: »Hey there,
so since Im not able to play PWI for a while cuz my comp is a mess...Im pretty bored.
And just to inform you: Anything in here is just an idea... it may fit better into other MMO's and maybe its pretty useless atm, but hey... I dont care.
So... let's get started!
The Satyrs
The Satyrs are a rather unknown folk... they always were treaten as enemies by the other children of Pan Gu, because they used to have a alliance with the Wraith (some contracts/ peace treaties). So they decided to leave the Perfect World for a while to see some new places and develop.
Now after the Tideborn came back to PW, the Satyrs thought about returning, too.
So they gathered themselve together and marshed towards PW. They settled down southwest of The Land of Buried Bones, in a desert.
As they were there, they started to build camps (mostly some huts) and even a "great" city: Whispering Sands
[So far that's the story, now lets introduce the Satyrs]
Satyr's Image
The Satyrs, which used to live in forests normally, are now common with deserts, sand and barrens.
They're eyes evolved and are not normal anymore, they glow in various colours (those glowings are more or less magical "auras" to keep away flying sand/dust etc. // to increase the Satyrs ability to see more at night...)
Also they have hooves, to walk faster and easier in the desert.
Their skin is mostly dark, to save them of the sun rays (no fur at all => would be too warm).
They have various types of horns (mainly use: adornment)
[That's the image. Let's get to the classes now]
[Note: Im taking the idea of the Beast Master class from this thread, with my additional/improved ideas for it.
The Beast Master:
The Beast Masters learned a lot while the Satyrs lived in the deserts, and they learned even more while they had left the Perfect World. They developed unique skills and techniques and brought some special allies with them: animals.
"Listen, recruits, a Beast Master alone is weak and will die in less than 5 seconds, dont forget this. The Master can only survive within his "pack""
Every Satyr, who has choosen to go the way of a Beast Master, gets a little pack of baby animals, to teach them and take care of them. He's bound to his pets and CANT tame others (veno pets) But at one time, he only can fight with maximal 2 of his pack out.
The Beast Master is a kind of a DD/Supporter with several useful abilities for squad members/allies.
Those pack pets are like skill branches of the BeM's (Beast Master's) skill tree.
Branches (the pets/skills can be leveled, so that the pet grows etc. (lvl 10 Owl is an eldest, with more hp/mp than the lvl1 one, that doesnt mean the skills are stronger overall! => you have to skill the owl skills aswell))
Owl: The Owl is the supporter "skill branch"/pet. It has abilities like healing and regenerating mana within the group, low debuffing skills like reduce the chance of hitting/ dealing crits. It doesnt fights active in a battle.
Cheetah: Speed group buff (surrogate of Holy Pathand isnt that cool for short-legged clerics?) => attack speed, channeling speed, movement speed. Weak in combat, but can melee attack.
Stoat: Its small- and pretty fast, a melee DD, with stunning abilities and assaults and effects (bleed/poison/slow etc.)
Wolf: (looks much much much better than the veno version/mob version, a great wolf with armour) The real melee DD with decent armour, fast attack rate and damage overall. Starter pet of the pack. Also its like the "puppet" / mirror image of the Beast Master, the char attacks through that wolf => many attack skills and the equip of your char affects the wolf.
Those are all the pets.
Stats of the Beast Master:
In General the BeM wears Light Armour and Claws/Fists. If the BeM is attacked directly, the soloing penalty activates, meaning that the armour of the BeM and the damage dealt will be reduced by 50% = the BeM DIES at FAST. Suicide class. But dont worry. The BeM is mostly unable to get aggro in PvE. And for PvP and rare occassions in PvE it has some instant abilities like feign death (I KNOW you love it and recognise it b:victory) to distract enemies, and iron mind skills ( enemy will be knocked back, pet aggroes)
[Okay that's it so far for the BeM I think. Now the Avenger.]
The Avenger
The Avengers are feared and loved all in one. It's said that you shouldnt enrage one tho, he would even kill his friends in rage. The Avengers know much- the leader of the Satyrs was one and led them back to PW.
The Avenger class is something really new and so it may be a bit weird at first. It's main role is to be a tank. But not a tank like a barb. A ranged tank.
And I dont want to steal the role of the barbarians. So the Avengers are mostly tanks but also DD's.
Avenger Stats:
The Avenger class wears Heavy Armour and uses a new kind of weapon:
Battle Staffs (magical ranged weapons/ melee weap), which throw electricity orbs at enemies. Those orbs are like arrows etc. ammunition and need to be bought at the blacksmith. (craftsman will be able to craft those, too) Also for melee fighting (nasty melee mobs etc.) those staffs got sharp edges at the other side, to tear the enemy into pieces.
[I tried to draw such a staff in paint... well dont yell at me afterwards, tried my best b:surrender]
Now let's come to the point. Since the Avenger class is a RANGED Tanker class, how does that work?!
First, the Avenger has a special ability:
Electricity field/ powerful aura: This keeps mobs away from the character and is an active casting skill. In a radius of lets say 4-5 meters this buff creates a barriere which the mobs cannot pass (there's a chance, that the field interrupts => that means mobs (only melee mobs mostly) approach the Avenger and he has to use his melee fighting skills) (doesnt work in PvP)
Also he has skills to knockback mobs in an aoe (like genies earthquake skill)
And an aoe skill to snare mobs around the character and hold them there for few seconds (works in PvP) dealing low damage. (magicial nets, if some of you know the dragonhawk riders of a special game, you may know that the skill is similiar to the snare skill of those, just with multiple targets here)
An assassination skill: Avenger is ported/ jumps to the back of the enemy and hits a hard hit.
Porting skills: The Avenger turns into sand, stepping into another astral world (you wont see that) and materialises at the players destination (player clicks the ground where he wants to be ported (only 1-5 meters around the char))
Several attacking/ aggroing skills (like Impale, to aggro)
And a weaker version of the mobs mana drain.
Magic skills:
Burn out: The electricity of the weapons elec. orb is burning the enemy (DoT)
Mirror Image: (Yeeeah I know you want this!) The Avenger creates 1 or more (depends on the skill lvl, max. 4) mirror images out of sand, which deal half of your damage, but last only 1 min + long cooldown (increased level means longer cooldown like 5mins, and images wont last that long max. 30 seconds)
Group buff:
Sandstorm: Creates a strong group buff which lasts 15 mins, Accuracy of all squad members is raised and for 5 seconds critical hit rate is increased.
etc. etc.
[Thats the Avenger, now the flying mounts of the Satyrs]
Flying Mounts
So, with what should Satyrs fly? Wings? -No, thanks. Animals? -Never. Swords or other weapons/equipment? -Never ever!
Clouds? -Almost.
Exactly, let the Satyrs be carried of Cyclones and Sandstorms and such. Wind beasts is the key. The Satyrs learned to tame the winds and the sand in the desert and can even create animal-like flying mounts out of them.
Starter flying mount is a beige/ sand coloured dustcloud.
Additional mounts are cyclones, sand dragons, storm wolves and such.
MAybe a sand version of those:
[Well, thats all, or did I miss anything? If so, tell me please^^
So what's your opinion of my idea? And please, dont start with stuff like: they never ever implement that blablabla. As I already said, its just a just4fun suggestion for ANY MMO. And Im bored. So, only topic related posts, please b:thanksb:victory]
P.S. It took me over 2 hours to write everything down, and Ive to mention, if my english sucks at some points, sorry for that.
i believe this idea is fn awesome,but one mount for it shoulda been a sand wave like thing other than that, im behined you 200%. hope the GM's and such love this as much as i do.
if u want i can draw that weapon for u bc im pretty sure i know wat ur getting at.0 -
BluRain - Raging Tide wrote: »i believe this idea is fn awesome,but one mount for it shoulda been a sand wave like thing other than that, im behined you 200%. hope the GM's and such love this as much as i do.
if u want i can draw that weapon for u bc im pretty sure i know wat ur getting at.
Uhm thanks for liking my idea... but why did you necro my old thread? b:sad
Now it will be closed for sure...
Anyway most of the ideas here I brought over to the Cursed race thread... so you might check this one out as well^^0 -
awesome idea i actually want ur idea to happen. i hope the gm's take a look and at least consider it anyway great idea0
Yup love this idea, could even give the class a ranged spear weapon or a boomarang.0
Idea has already been moved to another thread and was refined a hell of a lot more >.>0 -
Silvychar - Sanctuary wrote: »
[I tried to draw such a staff in paint... well dont yell at me afterwards, tried my best
/huggies0 -
Oh, and that was my first post evur. Hooray!
But I do know when people need a hug.
0 -
Uh, well thanks for the hug I guess.
And my, my, time sure flies by. Already two years passed since I wrote that not that convenient suggestion.
Second time this has been necroed... that's a nice quote.
This time this'll get closed for sure.0 -
Don't u ******* realize this game has enough classes and races. I feel like the people who come up with class and race ideas which are crappy I might add. U all post these annoying thread with new classes like you are not satisfied with what you have already which is already too many classes to begin. Just like same sex marriage. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!0
Seamen - Dreamweaver wrote: »Don't u ******* realize this game has enough classes and races. I feel like the people who come up with class and race ideas which are crappy I might add. U all post these annoying thread with new classes like you are not satisfied with what you have already which is already too many classes to begin. Just like same sex marriage. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!
Three things.
First one: Learn to control your temper.
Second one: Learn to read.
Third one: Learn to take a glimpse at the dates of the posts.0 -
Olba - Sanctuary wrote: »Um, considering that Perfect World is the only planet with life, it would make your race a canon space traveller. So, no.
They could have come from that blue planet we see near the Tideborn zone b:avoid.
(necro, i know, but it may be a point?)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
epic necro hereb:laugh
this idea has some shaky points but it's actually possible to work with. at the very least some elements can be taken from it and added to the game. it's an old post but in the face of all the fail posts that talk about new classes, this is worth thinking about, if only for presentation.0 -
Silvychar - Sanctuary wrote: »Three things.
First one: Learn to control your temper.
Second one: Learn to read.
Third one: Learn to take a glimpse at the dates of the posts.
Ha you say those three things... I say one.. Ppl are still posting regardless of dates including you so me 1 you 00 -
That were actually two points. But well... learn to count.They could have come from that blue planet we see near the Tideborn zone .
That made my day, Es. b:chuckle
The image of some horned outer-space aliens invading PW has style.Idea has already been moved to another thread and was refined a hell of a lot more >.>
Quoted for truth. Check out the Cursed race thread.0
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- 3.5K Cash Shop Huddle
- 14.3K Server Symposium
- 18.1K Dungeons & Tactics
- 2K The Crafting Nook
- 4.9K Guild Banter
- 6.6K The Trading Post
- 28K Class Discussion
- 1.9K Arigora Colosseum
- 78 TW & Cross Server Battles
- 337 Nation Wars
- 8.2K Off-Topic Discussion
- 3.7K The Fanatics Forum
- 207 Screenshots and Videos
- 22.8K Support Desk