Question about shards and gear

Treyus - Harshlands
Treyus - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Assassin
Just made my sin lil while ago, hit lv 30 just a few mins ago, was wondering what gear to get, like what stats should be on it, as well as what shards to put into sockets, im doing 4 dex 1 str build, pure pvp, no focus on pve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Post edited by Treyus - Harshlands on


  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    4 dex 1 str, citrines in armor. wear a balance of extra defensive bonuses to watchout for those magic classes, since LA is kind of weak in that department
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • _GrimStorm_ - Dreamweaver
    _GrimStorm_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree as well... make sure your weapon is up to date and always try to max it with its current lvl shard. I know after lvl7 it gets very expensive but at the very least don't go less than lvl7

    check AH if you don't get your weapon token... you can get some nice mold daggers already made pretty cheap since all lvl 8 and under gear goes by pretty fast.
  • Graey_Rain - Harshlands
    Graey_Rain - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    No focus on pve? So your gonna stay at lvl 30??? b:chuckle
    Well at lvl 30 with a sin I would use the rank 30 chest and legs with some 3 star shoes and gloves. Wack some critines in them and use pdef orns and whatever cape and rings you can get your hands on. In pk at low levels you won't have any trouble against squishies. Robes and other LA's around your lvl can be dealt with very easy by stealth attacking them so don't bother too much about mdef. Your only problem at low lvls will be barbs and bm's as they will be more difficult to kill, so focus on raising pdef and hp with orns and shards. Use daggers made from molds, the molds for daggers are cheap so they're easy to get, shard them with garnets... bout all the advice I can give for your lvl. Personally I would focus on lvling a lot higher before you bother with pvp, but heck trying to kil people at lvl 30's always fun :) b:bye
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Talk to Rated_PG. He's a hardcore PvP 3x sin, and he's on your server I think.
    But then again...he's 5 dex, nuker with next to no armor, so nvm -.-
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    4 dex 1 str, citrines in armor. wear a balance of extra defensive bonuses to watchout for those magic classes, since LA is kind of weak in that department

    and that is why YOU FAIL.

    oh defence against magic users ye, oh thats makes sense NOT
    we are talking about sins, sins go invisible, you fail so hard at common sense.
    if you can't beat any arcane user ur level or less level than you
    as a sin from being in stealth, then your sin build has failed you, and you fail in the process.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Just made my sin lil while ago, hit lv 30 just a few mins ago, was wondering what gear to get, like what stats should be on it, as well as what shards to put into sockets, im doing 4 dex 1 str build, pure pvp, no focus on pve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    if you aren't going to spend nearly all to none of your attribute points on dex, for damage then you are hesitant of being a real assassin, don't add hp, assassins are swords, we don't care for damage but if u want to be smart about it, add evasion shards.
    with evasion and no phys def or magic def, and full dex, e.g.lv72 dex+412 str+40
    you can have misses, have a natural good hp 2k hp is enough if ur pro.
    you should own arcane and magic users, a magic user with heavy armor hits less
    this is all common sense, barbs have 2 skills 100% accuracy so take the 2 hits like a pro
    second wind and get instant 200 chi skill, curse him with slow attack interval speed
    then use the paralyse so he can still attack but not move,
    that is more than enough time for you to double spark then just use normal fast hits to own those lame barbs who are suppose to own at tanking, watch their hp deplete fast, u can even use the rest of ur genie energy to use qi manipulation to deplete their mana so they have no choice but to normal hit u very slowly, once a barb uses 2 of their 100% skills they got nothing for you but miss miss miss, if u got any problems with that build let me know and i can tell u how to beat anyone with this full dex build. everyone says my build is squishy but they know i do mad damage without even casting attack skills, only paralyse, curses and full normal attacks with bloodpaint buff always on.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Talk to Rated_PG. He's a hardcore PvP 3x sin, and he's on your server I think.
    But then again...he's 5 dex, nuker with next to no armor, so nvm -.-

    he sounds pro
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    i also want to add this thought.

    why do you need to add defence and hp, if you play a pure then be pure, adding hp for a better chance to survive isn't logical even though u think it is, if ur a pure damage dealer, be one!

    adding hp is hesitant and shows ur scared of dying, the best defence is to just attack, no retreat no surrender.

    you don't need str for rings, or cape, or necklace, or belt, or even much at all for a good arcane helm. you don't need str to use a tome, to be honest i'm so pure i wouldn't buy a dex+4 vit+3 tome, i'd buy a freakin +5 dex tome.

    if you don't already know well i'll tell u now, you need 0 str for rank gear, yes i repeat 0....ZERO!! strength for rank chest and legs, add str only for the req str needed for ur weapon, rest is all to vit.

    only buy gear that gives a bonus to dex, do not buy a 3 star even if u can use it no matter how tempting and cool it looks, if it doesn't give dex bonus better than previous dex bonus.

    you should be using beginner gear then tideborn quest gear for the dex bonus until u can use rank lv 30 gear, when it comes to rings u don't need dex as long as u have rings that give more damage than previous rings.

    it is even better to swap barbaric warriors rings with +5str +1% crit for 68 3 star ring with 58 phys atk +18bonus atk +15bonus atk, because u are getting more phys atk.
    your aim as a sin should be to increase ur phys atk damage as much as possible.
    my lv 72 sin Taste_of_God has 2819-4150 phys atk, no buff or spark. be like that and u will feel at ease when pking because u can set ppl up to going red then u can just go invisible then get them back and get their drops easily.

    only class that stands a chance against an assassin is another assassin!
    a level 70 assassin with maxed stealth and stealth increase passive skill, can hide from level 100's of any other class but assassin.

    nothing is better to pvp with than an assassin.
  • Lucretiax - Raging Tide
    Lucretiax - Raging Tide Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Please don't shard amber D:
    I've seen some sins do this...really mind boggling.b:shocked
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ...I was actually prepared to point out certain repetitive fail statements that I'm seeing in this thread, but I guess it depends more on this concept: Is that sin staying 3x-4x forever? Cause if you actually plan to make it to the endgame (please note, 7x is not endgame, lol), many of the tips I see here will get you killed by then. And most (possibly all) of those posts may or may not have been made by the same person... in a row. Just saying.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    he sounds pro

    Yeah, he's a pretty cool guyb:pleased
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Stretchlt - Harshlands
    Stretchlt - Harshlands Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    i also want to add this thought.

    why do you need to add defence and hp, if you play a pure then be pure, adding hp for a better chance to survive isn't logical even though u think it is, if ur a pure damage dealer, be one!

    adding hp is hesitant and shows ur scared of dying, the best defence is to just attack, no retreat no surrender.

    you don't need str for rings, or cape, or necklace, or belt, or even much at all for a good arcane helm. you don't need str to use a tome, to be honest i'm so pure i wouldn't buy a dex+4 vit+3 tome, i'd buy a freakin +5 dex tome.

    if you don't already know well i'll tell u now, you need 0 str for rank gear, yes i repeat 0....ZERO!! strength for rank chest and legs, add str only for the req str needed for ur weapon, rest is all to vit.

    only buy gear that gives a bonus to dex, do not buy a 3 star even if u can use it no matter how tempting and cool it looks, if it doesn't give dex bonus better than previous dex bonus.

    you should be using beginner gear then tideborn quest gear for the dex bonus until u can use rank lv 30 gear, when it comes to rings u don't need dex as long as u have rings that give more damage than previous rings.

    it is even better to swap barbaric warriors rings with +5str +1% crit for 68 3 star ring with 58 phys atk +18bonus atk +15bonus atk, because u are getting more phys atk.
    your aim as a sin should be to increase ur phys atk damage as much as possible.
    my lv 72 sin Taste_of_God has 2819-4150 phys atk, no buff or spark. be like that and u will feel at ease when pking because u can set ppl up to going red then u can just go invisible then get them back and get their drops easily.

    only class that stands a chance against an assassin is another assassin!
    a level 70 assassin with maxed stealth and stealth increase passive skill, can hide from level 100's of any other class but assassin.

    nothing is better to pvp with than an assassin.

    This is ridiculous lol, the pure pure dex build is absolutely dreadful. You're seriously going around pk-ing with just a rank chest piece/legs and ornaments? Most helmets/bracers/boots do give dex bonus you realize.

    Also at lower levels, it's not recommended going pure pure dex, i mean, even pure dex sins have a hard time and require immense amounts of HP pots. Instead of looking for everything with dex bonuses, some 3 star items give really nice physical defense or +hp increases which would allow you to last a bit longer as sins are rather squishy till refined at endgame.

    A big part in PvP for sins is high attack, but defense is still important, no matter how mediocre. Pure Pure dex might seem like a rad idea at your level, but it's gonna cost you to restat when you realize that your targets aren't dropping as fast as they used to and are actually fighting back 8x onwards.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Just made my sin lil while ago, hit lv 30 just a few mins ago, was wondering what gear to get, like what stats should be on it, as well as what shards to put into sockets, im doing 4 dex 1 str build, pure pvp, no focus on pve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    only add str for daggers, rest of points all to dex, wear rank gear req no str or dex, add evasion not hp, more effective in the long run meaning the more evasion u have the more useful, e.g. better to have 5000 hp than 2000 dex but better to have 2000 hp and 5000 dex.
  • sneakiest
    sneakiest Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Someone previous said 'don't shard with ambers'. I really don't see why not.
    My Sin is 99 and Sage, I have Asuras Braces (3 sock) and have sharded with DoT's and am working towards the rest.
    Considering how cheap you can get Flawless/Immac Amber shards and the amount of evasion skills a Sin has it almost makes sense (to me) to have as much Evasion as possible. (How cool is it when you keep seeing 'Miss Miss Miss Miss').
    If you have an interval build, Nuke build or hybrid the idea of a Sin is to not get hit and kill fast....yes? More evasion will do this. (Hello Mr Archer, please buff me....)
    So for my build (Hybrid for now but restatting at 100, Sage, maxed HH, Chill) it makes sense to have more evasion becuase my HP won;t last long if hit....

    Anyway I am open to serious discussion on this (but not trolling).

  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    sneakiest wrote: »
    Someone previous said 'don't shard with ambers'. I really don't see why not.
    My Sin is 99 and Sage, I have Asuras Braces (3 sock) and have sharded with DoT's and am working towards the rest.
    Considering how cheap you can get Flawless/Immac Amber shards and the amount of evasion skills a Sin has it almost makes sense (to me) to have as much Evasion as possible. (How cool is it when you keep seeing 'Miss Miss Miss Miss').
    If you have an interval build, Nuke build or hybrid the idea of a Sin is to not get hit and kill fast....yes? More evasion will do this. (Hello Mr Archer, please buff me....)
    So for my build (Hybrid for now but restatting at 100, Sage, maxed HH, Chill) it makes sense to have more evasion becuase my HP won;t last long if hit....

    Anyway I am open to serious discussion on this (but not trolling).


    omg someone with logic and common sense!!
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    sneakiest wrote: »
    Someone previous said 'don't shard with ambers'. I really don't see why not.
    My Sin is 99 and Sage, I have Asuras Braces (3 sock) and have sharded with DoT's and am working towards the rest.
    Considering how cheap you can get Flawless/Immac Amber shards and the amount of evasion skills a Sin has it almost makes sense (to me) to have as much Evasion as possible. (How cool is it when you keep seeing 'Miss Miss Miss Miss').
    If you have an interval build, Nuke build or hybrid the idea of a Sin is to not get hit and kill fast....yes? More evasion will do this. (Hello Mr Archer, please buff me....)
    So for my build (Hybrid for now but restatting at 100, Sage, maxed HH, Chill) it makes sense to have more evasion becuase my HP won;t last long if hit....

    Anyway I am open to serious discussion on this (but not trolling).

    *Gush* -dead-. News flash: magic doesn't miss. kthxbai.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    *Gush* -dead-. News flash: magic doesn't miss. kthxbai.

    sins can go invisible and stun and kill any arcane if ur build doesnt fail.
    kthxbai...ugh i hate this nerd talk but ye.
  • Stretchlt - Harshlands
    Stretchlt - Harshlands Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    *Gush* -dead-. News flash: magic doesn't miss. kthxbai.

    LOL... just in case.
    *rerolls a psychic sharded with G11 ambers in weapon*
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    *rerolls a psychic

    ye cos ur fail sin, psy sounds good on u, noob
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    sins can go invisible and stun and kill any arcane if ur build doesnt fail.
    kthxbai...ugh i hate this nerd talk but ye.

    Wow, have you ever stepped out of SZ? You think people are going to let you fight 1v1 all the time? You are going to get hit whether you like it or not. Go invisible, have fun. a Sin 1 lvl higher than you will one shot you ever time you step out of SZ. Veno pops Expel and the nix one hits you... You headhunt a Psy and hits yourself for 7k...
    LOL... just in case.
    *rerolls a psychic sharded with G11 ambers in weapon*
    STRETCH!!!! Save me from these morons.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow, have you ever stepped out of SZ? You think people are going to let you fight 1v1 all the time? You are going to get hit whether you like it or not. Go invisible, have fun. a Sin 1 lvl higher than you will one shot you ever time you step out of SZ. Veno pops Expel and the nix one hits you... You headhunt a Psy and hits yourself for 7k...

    STRETCH!!!! Save me from these morons.

    i am lv 80 sin, no other class can see me when invisible, i dont pk red names in groups, i am a solo person who fights 1v1 or not at all, thats right i can pick my fights or would through red names i dont wna fight, a sin 1 level higher than me, will basically deserve and have a right to be invisible to me and suprise me so thats all i have to worry about right, i eat sins that are my level all the way to lv 85, easily. if a red name sin lv 9x-10x wants to camp me and kill me out of safe he can waste his time, i will just let him kill me til he gets bored, no big deal.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i am lv 80 sin, no other class can see me when invisible, i dont pk red names in groups, i am a solo person who fights 1v1 or not at all, thats right i can pick my fights or would through red names i dont wna fight, a sin 1 level higher than me, will basically deserve and have a right to be invisible to me and suprise me so thats all i have to worry about right, i eat sins that are my level all the way to lv 85, easily. if a red name sin lv 9x-10x wants to camp me and kill me out of safe he can waste his time, i will just let him kill me til he gets bored, no big deal.

    If that's your chicken sh*t way of playing a Sin, that's your choice. Just gtfo of my forum and stop giving idiotic advice to new Sins.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If that's your chicken sh*t way of playing a Sin, that's your choice. Just gtfo of my forum and stop giving idiotic advice to new Sins.

    it's not idiotic advice it's good advice, ur sin build must be fail then.
    come to lost city so i can own you please.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    it's not idiotic advice it's good advice, ur sin build must be fail then.
    come to lost city so i can own you please.

    With your whole 83 PvP kills, I'm petrified. Against your 3X bracers and 4X boots, I can probably punch you to death.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    With your whole 83 PvP kills, I'm petrified. Against your 3X bracers and 4X boots, I can probably punch you to death.

    well i dont know how u looked up my pvp kills im not that into the site, anyway i been playing on my char for 11 days from lv 1 and im white name, i have never been red, and i have 83 pvp kills huh, cool.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    well i dont know how u looked up my pvp kills im not that into the site, anyway i been playing on my char for 11 days from lv 1 and im white name, i have never been red, and i have 83 pvp kills huh, cool.

    In the end, the joke will be on you. You might think you are getting more damage from your extra DEX but a 4-1 Sin will out damage your because of the -0.1 interval from TT99 bracers as well as the extra -0.05 interval from the Ashura set bonus from a second piece of TT99 LA.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    In the end, the joke will be on you. You might think you are getting more damage from your extra DEX but a 4-1 Sin will out damage your because of the -0.1 interval from TT99 bracers as well as the extra -0.05 interval from the Ashura set bonus from a second piece of TT99 LA.

    by the time im 9x i can get blood moon bracers, what armor peice u talkin bout for the extra 0.05, boot bracers legs etc.

    also i get 200 gold every month, so next month i get the tome love up and down for the 0.05 interval.
  • sneakiest
    sneakiest Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I realise Arcane classes don't rely on accuracy but they have to see you to hit you....
    I try not to PK Psys anymore, it hurts. QQ

    Anyway, more evasion means less hits so less HP required?

    Only looking for serious discussion here....
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    by the time im 9x i can get blood moon bracers, what armor peice u talkin bout for the extra 0.05, boot bracers legs etc.

    also i get 200 gold every month, so next month i get the tome love up and down for the 0.05 interval.

    You've been playing Sin for 11 days and you honestly think you know better? Any 2 pieces of TT99 LA will give you a set bonus of -0.05 interval. It doesn't matter if have interval tome because a 4-1 Sin can also get the tome. You will not be able to wear Nirvana recasted leggings either so that's another 0.05 interval you can't have. You will be 0.1 interval behind at end game and 0.1 at end game is the difference between 3.33 attacks per second and 5 attacks per second. You really think your extra DEX will make up for attacking at 67% speed of a 4-1 Sin?
    sneakiest wrote: »
    Anyway, more evasion means less hits so less HP required?
    No, but sharding ambers means you are not sharding HP.
  • Taste_of_God - Lost City
    Taste_of_God - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You've been playing Sin for 11 days and you honestly think you know better? Any 2 pieces of TT99 LA will give you a set bonus of -0.05 interval. It doesn't matter if have interval tome because a 4-1 Sin can also get the tome. You will not be able to wear Nirvana recasted leggings either so that's another 0.05 interval you can't have. You will be 0.1 interval behind at end game and 0.1 at end game is the difference between 3.33 attacks per second and 5 attacks per second. You really think your extra DEX will make up for attacking at 67% speed of a 4-1 Sin?

    No, but sharding ambers means you are not sharding HP.

    at lv 100, i will get rank armor for lv 100 the armor of the demonhunter chest gives 0.1interval