Goodbye Lost City =(



  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    TBH, owning lands shouldnt give coins since day 1 of PWI, so nobody would give that excuses now. I will be honest - this change I liked a lot. If You think for a while - the market was "flood" every week for last 2 years with 550M coins from lands. Its obvious it also was the reason why prices of gold were changing so much and with packs coming out 1 year ago it could jump to 700-800k per unit.

    I agree with Trel. Its not like the TW patch changed things out of sudden. This game has less to offer lately. lvling is extremely easy and dumb now - mq + dailies + cube + bh + frosts + oracles + hypers... You get lvl 10x out of nowhere... As much as I like the changes with Nirvana and the new HH doesnt bother me that much, tho Im thinking abt those new players willing to farm their gears make me feel pity of them. HH is harder atm than Nirvana which is supposed to be end-game instance... Strange or dumb?

    I guess You are talking abt Ringstinger. He is not that BAD! Look at the bm guy called Engkhalid - event helmet with garnet gem, cube protection necklace together with HH100 fists +10, etc... Shocking...

    The prices of uncannies were lower because of 2x drop. It always nerf the prices of crystals, hh mats, etc.

    Old players know how to make money, farm, etc without using CS, so ofc the new blood is who is giving money to PW and they take care of. Im a bit affraid that a lot of ppl will soon move to FW, at the beggining all will have fun like in this game and after 1 year its gonna be another "pack to play" game made by PWE.


    I think p2p games have this advantadge. They have stable income, they dont depend on CS. Also You avoid many **** kids for the simple reason that they cant afford it.

    so being that you are generally on the losing side of TW you don't want money going out to those that beat u? Not surprised. Gold prices going up = good for cash shoppers (i.e. you) IJS
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • lolitrolu
    lolitrolu Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    so being that you are generally on the losing side of TW you don't want money going out to those that beat u? Not surprised. Gold prices going up = good for cash shoppers (i.e. you) IJS

    lol, true that
  • MaiaElais - Lost City
    MaiaElais - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    TBH, owning lands shouldnt give coins since day 1 of PWI, so nobody would give that excuses now. I will be honest - this change I liked a lot. If You think for a while - the market was "flood" every week for last 2 years with 550M coins from lands. Its obvious it also was the reason why prices of gold were changing so much and with packs coming out 1 year ago it could jump to 700-800k per unit.

    I agree with Trel. Its not like the TW patch changed things out of sudden. This game has less to offer lately. lvling is extremely easy and dumb now - mq + dailies + cube + bh + frosts + oracles + hypers... You get lvl 10x out of nowhere... As much as I like the changes with Nirvana and the new HH doesnt bother me that much, tho Im thinking abt those new players willing to farm their gears make me feel pity of them. HH is harder atm than Nirvana which is supposed to be end-game instance... Strange or dumb?

    I guess You are talking abt Ringstinger. He is not that BAD! Look at the bm guy called Engkhalid - event helmet with garnet gem, cube protection necklace together with HH100 fists +10, etc... Shocking...

    The prices of uncannies were lower because of 2x drop. It always nerf the prices of crystals, hh mats, etc.

    Old players know how to make money, farm, etc without using CS, so ofc the new blood is who is giving money to PW and they take care of. Im a bit affraid that a lot of ppl will soon move to FW, at the beggining all will have fun like in this game and after 1 year its gonna be another "pack to play" game made by PWE.


    I think p2p games have this advantadge. They have stable income, they dont depend on CS. Also You avoid many **** kids for the simple reason that they cant afford it.

    Wadzio your idiocracy really never ceases to amaze me. People across all servers and guilds have agreed that tw income had very little to do with the inflation of the economy. Until packs (shock, horror) were introduced gold prices stayed around 100k - 200k and then shot up to prices similar to what we have now.

    So please explain to me how the economy was stable with tw income (before packs), and how the price of gold hasn't dropped since the removal of tw income yet somehow you still believe it to be the "reason gold prices were changing so much" Almost the whole population of pwe agrees that packs are to blame (and the fluctuation of gold prices further highlight the point in regard to what was in the cash shop) and that the tw income had hardly any affect on gold prices.

    Basically you're just butthurt that Essence got all the salary and Spectral got sweet F.A. for so long that you're using it as an excuse to act like you dont care any more seeing as you killed Spectral. Newsflash dumbass; Tw income barely covered tw costs so the money wasn't affecting the economy at all.

    Also Ive heard they're changing the tw system back to how it used to be on the CN version so hopefully it should be fixed for pwe aswell which will hopefully bring back some competitiveness to tw. Unfortunately Spectral's going to have a hard time if its the case because of how badly you destroyed the faction. (Loluterrible leader).

    Anyway I have to go, I have one of those new achievements to achieve:

    Achievement Unlocked- 25g Double Double- Kill Wadzio during 2x exp event and get double drops

    Shouldn't be too hard, you're character is a fun time pinata after all. b:pleasedb:bye
    ~Carpe Diem~
  • Jesya - Lost City
    Jesya - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Really Maia? I'm glad that you know and experienced first hand what happened and is happening to Spectral. Sorry to break it to you, but Wadzio was leading and doing everything for Spectral even when it was at its highest point because the real leader was barely playing. So please... spare the Wadzio killed Spectral theory.

    As for the dropping thing...I'll quote some of your guildies when Electra was getting trolled for dropping scroll of tome "It's old news get over it".

    Anyway, there are many factors as to why this game is practically empty now. Packs, TW changes, hypers, oracles, blessings, frost, hh changes etc. People are rushing to 100 to find out there really is nothing to do. Besides a few scrimmages at W gate, SP or HO and farming Nirvana... what really is there? There are no challenges for lvl 100+ to give them incentive to stay and continue to play. You get your lvl 100 and lvl 11 skills, get gear.. and then what? Nothing. Because there is nothing. It's like a dead end post 100.

    If they change the TW back to the way it was it will probably be too late. Too many "good" players will be gone by then (I think it's safe to say many of us are teetering on staying or going). The people for the most part who will remain are those who hyper/oracled to 100+ and cash shopped nirvana gear, refined it to +10 or more and has pro shards it in- yet are clueless about their class or how to play their class that have yet to realize that there are no challenges for the end game player. (yes, that bm does come to mind)

    The people who run this game only think short term and quick fixes. When they change something or add something into the game they don't think about long term the effects it will have on the game itself and the playerbase.

    @ Andrew- I said bye to you in game.. but since this is your topic I will say it again. I had a blast playing with and against you. I'll miss our "leave me alone!!" whispers we had back and forth in tw :( The game needs more down to earth, non egotistical people like you.
    Take care.. I'll miss ya.
    <3 Amy b:bye
  • Sun_Burn - Lost City
    Sun_Burn - Lost City Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Really Maia? I'm glad that you know and experienced first hand what happened and is happening to Spectral. Sorry to break it to you, but Wadzio was leading and doing everything for Spectral even when it was at its highest point because the real leader was barely playing. So please... spare the Wadzio killed Spectral theory.

    As for the dropping thing...I'll quote some of your guildies when Electra was getting trolled for dropping scroll of tome "It's old news get over it".

    Anyway, there are many factors as to why this game is practically empty now. Packs, TW changes, hypers, oracles, blessings, frost, hh changes etc. People are rushing to 100 to find out there really is nothing to do. Besides a few scrimmages at W gate, SP or HO and farming Nirvana... what really is there? There are no challenges for lvl 100+ to give them incentive to stay and continue to play. You get your lvl 100 and lvl 11 skills, get gear.. and then what? Nothing. Because there is nothing. It's like a dead end post 100.

    If they change the TW back to the way it was it will probably be too late. Too many "good" players will be gone by then (I think it's safe to say many of us are teetering on staying or going). The people for the most part who will remain are those who hyper/oracled to 100+ and cash shopped nirvana gear, refined it to +10 or more and has pro shards it in- yet are clueless about their class or how to play their class that have yet to realize that there are no challenges for the end game player. (yes, that bm does come to mind)

    The people who run this game only think short term and quick fixes. When they change something or add something into the game they don't think about long term the effects it will have on the game itself and the playerbase.

    @ Andrew- I said bye to you in game.. but since this is your topic I will say it again. I had a blast playing with and against you. I'll miss our "leave me alone!!" whispers we had back and forth in tw :( The game needs more down to earth, non egotistical people like you.
    Take care.. I'll miss ya.
    <3 Amy b:bye

    I pretty much agree with all of that. The GMs say they have a separate team working on FW but I gotta say based on the type of updates we've been having it seems that the devs in china do not give a **** about this game and are milking us dry until their new game gets going.

    If GMs cared at all about their jobs they would see how frustrated the playerbase is and do something. As far as I know GMs have the choice on whether or not to implement certain updates created by the devs (since the other versions of pw dont have blessings for example).

    Im forced to think the gms are lying about the future of the game, their logic and so-called fixes make no sense to the overall future of the game, the majority of the recent updates have had a negative impact on the population (of pvp servers anyway... idk how pve servers are doing). Do GMs ever log in to lost city and look around the map? How disgraceful is a PVP server with no PVP? Not to mention all the players that have quit because the game is run by people who do not care about it.

    In all honesty I feel scammed to having invested all this time on my characters to lvl up and have a somewhat active role in pvp only to find out that the game dies before I even get a chance to enjoy pvp like it was in the early days of the server.

    edit: the only thing I could think of to bring back pvp is to merge harshlands with lost city. Both servers are practically empty anyways. Another thing that could be done would be the removal of Bounty Hunter/Oracles/ and to nerf frost exp. That would force people out of safezone to level up, and more people out of sz = more pvp.. I feel thats the main reason the game is so boring on Lost City.. No one has to leave sz ever to lvl.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    TBH, owning lands shouldnt give coins since day 1 of PWI, so nobody would give that excuses now. I will be honest - this change I liked a lot. If You think for a while - the market was "flood" every week for last 2 years with 550M coins from lands. Its obvious it also was the reason why prices of gold were changing so much and with packs coming out 1 year ago it could jump to 700-800k per unit.

    Cash shop less? You fail to realized how TW pay and farming 3-x helped a lot of people who can't or wouldn't cash shop. They only changed them to try to force people to charge more. I think you spend too much real money here to realize what these changes actually did.

    Seriously, how long had TW been out and gold remained at a steady 100-120k? For nearly a whole year? Then, why did it change? First Chest of Coins, which kept the gold over 200k, then packs when they came out pushed gold up almost permanently past 400k.

    I agree with Trel. Its not like the TW patch changed things out of sudden. This game has less to offer lately. lvling is extremely easy and dumb now - mq + dailies + cube + bh + frosts + oracles + hypers... You get lvl 10x out of nowhere... As much as I like the changes with Nirvana and the new HH doesnt bother me that much, tho Im thinking abt those new players willing to farm their gears make me feel pity of them. HH is harder atm than Nirvana which is supposed to be end-game instance... Strange or dumb?

    Making it harder screwed two sets of people. The ones who don't have the most amazing gear in the game from farming it to sell for coins to make money and those that needed the mats.

    Before the changes 99 Gold sold for less than it would cost to chip. Players farming made money, people merchanting or cash shopping their 99 gear paid less for it. With these changes 3-3 is still doable, but without a full 5aps party, it's not really farmable anymore for the majority of people.

    That means, another source of revenue for the free players has gone.

    Are you really so self-absorbed and clueless that you haven't seen what these two changes have actually done to this server? LC is practically a ghost town now.

    I guess You are talking abt Ringstinger. He is not that BAD! Look at the bm guy called Engkhalid - event helmet with garnet gem, cube protection necklace together with HH100 fists +10, etc... Shocking...

    Ringstinger came out of nowhere.... now he has +12 nirvana weapon, +11 nirvana helm, and god knows what else. He's quick to brag, but who the hell is he? He even admits he's horrible and learning. That's the thing, you shouldn't be 100 and learning the basics of your class. The only reason you think he's decent is because he's got good gear. That's hilarious.

    Old players know how to make money, farm, etc without using CS, so ofc the new blood is who is giving money to PW and they take care of. Im a bit affraid that a lot of ppl will soon move to FW, at the beggining all will have fun like in this game and after 1 year its gonna be another "pack to play" game made by PWE.

    Yes, and when that happens, PW will be dead. I'm not going to FW, I refuse to play another PW game
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    woah im stopping ot follow that topic it now just wall of text b:surrender
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    woah im stopping ot follow that topic it now just wall of text b:surrender

    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • evilpokey
    evilpokey Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The reasons TW pay was eliminated as well as 3-3 made increasingly more difficult was to remove a relatively easy source of income for high level players.

    TW pay gave enough to many players to pay for charm costs or supplemented farming/merchanting enough so that some high levels never had to cash shop.

    3-3 gold mats are still cash shopped by a majority of the players, except that they're not cashing in to buy coins to pay the high level farmers. That money is now going to tokens, either directly through pack sales or indirectly through gold trade > purchase tokens to chip the mats. Either way this is a coin/token sink, which to PWI is better than paying out higher levels for farming which mostly just circulates old coin. It helps combat inflation and even better, it gives more higher level players incentive to cash shop or quit.

    So it's really the combination of both that has driven away many high level players who either can't farm 3-3 for gold anymore or won't cash shop. The only people who are really ok with all this is PWI's 'new breed' of player who has been trained to cash shop from the beginning with tokens for oracles, hypers for grinding and frost, and by the time they've hit 100, end up buying full Nirvana sets... like that one horrible new BM that nobody has ever heard of that suddenly has +12 Nirvana claws... I don't even remember their name but remember laughing at them in WC.

    Uncannies are actually selling for more these days... last cat shop I saw buying them was for 540k... before these changes they had dropped to 450-475k-ish.

    Instead of getting 200 players to casually cash shop like old school players, they're more happy with a couple dozen major 'new breed' cash shoppers. It's better for their profit margin.

    Lol Michael,

    Dont be such a Hater about how much i spend and about my gear.... Just because you are such a peasant in game and in real life. I know that my spending in game would be your wages for 2 years... but hey i got more money then you will ever see in your poor excuse for a life. And you know what it just makes me laugh at how jealous you get over a stupid online game, but hey keep all the **** talk coming, cause it just makes you look more of a tiprat than you really are.


  • trevtimusprime
    trevtimusprime Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    evilpokey wrote: »
    Lol Michael,

    Dont be such a Hater about how much i spend and about my gear.... Just because you are such a peasant in game and in real life. I know that my spending in game would be your wages for 2 years... but hey i got more money then you will ever see in your poor excuse for a life. And you know what it just makes me laugh at how jealous you get over a stupid online game, but hey keep all the **** talk coming, cause it just makes you look more of a tiprat than you really are.



    Oh god, you sound like one of those who literally spends every dime they have in game and lack a lot of nice things irl because of it =/
    CB-Phase 1-4
    I am Snorlax and I will block your path.

    DestroyTokyo- Voted best WereBeast on PWI Lost City server <3
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    evilpokey wrote: »
    Lol Michael,

    Dont be such a Hater about how much i spend and about my gear.... Just because you are such a peasant in game and in real life. I know that my spending in game would be your wages for 2 years... but hey i got more money then you will ever see in your poor excuse for a life. And you know what it just makes me laugh at how jealous you get over a stupid online game, but hey keep all the **** talk coming, cause it just makes you look more of a tiprat than you really are.



    LOL! Contradict yourself much there champ?

    The really funny thing is, you've spend tons of money in a game that pretty much everyone has either abandoned or decided that it wasn't worth spending on any more. So, thank you for paying that extra month or two of the server's rent.

    You can have all the best game in the world, but you'll still be considered a non-factor and loser. Learn to play your class, and in a year or so most of the players who have been around for a year or two may actually take you seriously.

    As of now, you're just an epic nub who hyper frosted past the most enjoyable part of the game. That's pretty much where you fail. You'll just be another vacant alt in 3 months when you realize there's nothing left to the game, you've bypassed it all just so you could reach some arbitrary number... and once you've gotten there you don't have the respect of any of your peers and you have nothing else left to do. Except get owned in PvP because you don't have a clue what you're doing.

    Again, who are you? Oh, that's right. Nobody worth respecting. lol

    Try harder. Spend some more money, it'll make you feel better. b:chuckle

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Also Ive heard they're changing the tw system back to how it used to be on the CN version so hopefully...

    You trollin
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Almon - Lost City
    Almon - Lost City Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    evilpokey wrote: »
    Lol Michael,

    Dont be such a Hater about how much i spend and about my gear.... Just because you are such a peasant in game and in real life. I know that my spending in game would be your wages for 2 years... but hey i got more money then you will ever see in your poor excuse for a life. And you know what it just makes me laugh at how jealous you get over a stupid online game, but hey keep all the **** talk coming, cause it just makes you look more of a tiprat than you really are.



    Noone's jealous... we all just laugh at you cuz you're terrible. Great refines and amazing gear, but you don't know anything about PWI... congrats
    Sad enough to say, alone we can barely light a match, but together we can burn this place down
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Did maveena came out of a pack

    Dont see relation with his goodbai thread O_O

    Back to the topic

    :( <- I remember pking with ya n against ya, fun timez. b:cry Sell me some DoDs if ya still have sum

    Have funz in real

    P.S. All the people that say "Theres nothing to do at 100" are usually .. either lazy to do anything or cash shop (now their credit card gettin lose n dont wanna do it anymore).
    Either way, still ways to make moneis in game. Nirvana not so bad, HH n cv are decent still and even frost can make ya if ya solo it.

    <.< u just have to work harder.
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Michael, Ringstinger is playing this game for short time. What he does with his money is his own business. He is not acting like he is a pro player or at least I havent seen him acting big, etc. So whats Your point? Maybe he doesnt know much abt the game, because he is 1 of those new players that I was mentioning before - can do mq, oracles, bhs and get lvl 10x out of nowhere. So what? The game is going that way, allowing ppl to do such things, so if he wants, he just goes that way. Ofc some of us reached lvl 100 working hard on it, grinding some everyday, having to do wq everyday for some decent ammount of exp (bah where are the epic pvp wars at vol 28/9 now?). Now ask Yourself what is really wrong? The game content or the ppl using the game content?

    Exactly the same I was trying to say about TW pay. Imho it would be more interesting to not have TW pay since day 1 of PWI. Ppl depending on TW salary are imho fail, those who quit because of it are just silly. You are saying it was helping many ppl. Im gonna ask You how many? Gold and coins wouldnt be a factor. Ppl would have fun doing TW and enjoying the fights. Im sorry You fail to see this. You are saying the HH was helping many ppl aswell. Im gonna ask You again? How many of them? Those that just multicliented the whole instances, etc? I still can farm full hh 3-3, do nirvanas, bah I didnt even buy a single gold since March. I agree that the changes are forcing ppl to cash shop, a lot of ppl give up because of changes and they dont have the will of challenge, some just cant multi anymore or realized that their super chars that used to kill bosses in few minutes now are getting owned in seconds. For me the only crazy thing abt this is the fact that HH is harder than Nirvana atm. Newbies willing to farm HH 3-3 have not many chances to farm without gears, tho better geared players, having adequate knowledge and characters can do it easily and make tones of coins. The fact that You cant run hh 3-3 doesnt mean others cant. You just dunno how.

    Gold b4 packs was close to 300k in LC. After aniversary packs the price went to even 800k. Dont forget that market and prices are the result of demand and supply. Also the reason of high price was the fact most of us thought the packs will be here for 2 weeks and will dissapear for long. Having packs constantly in CS made gold have stable price near 400k. Probably the price of gold each month will go a bit lower, but it will also depend on how many ppl will sell gold in AH. Again look at demand and supply.

    I see what those 2 updates did to the game, but I see this as making it worst from some point and not starting to go wrong way since those 2 patches. This is what Im trying to explain in my posts. Do You really think that with TW pay and old way HH everything would be the same? I saw ppl constantly leaving the game b4 those patches, because the game was boring, too easy. When the patches come out, it started to be too hard for others. LC started to be ghost town a lot earlier than just since those 2 patches. I agree in many points with You. Im just trying to make You wear other LC players shoes - so You will understand that this game is not abt Essence or Spectral ,etc. Those players are just some small part of LC community.


    Crashing world bosses is more entertaining than going all the time on same instances and killing same bosses... Ofc since most of ppl have nothing better to do - all still do nirvanas, but it doesnt mean its nice, cool and interesting.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited September 2010


    Crashing world bosses is more entertaining than going all the time on same instances and killing same bosses... Ofc since most of ppl have nothing better to do - all still do nirvanas, but it doesnt mean its nice, cool and interesting.

    Crashing bosses = stop from doing so O.O

    I just remember having otototptop irisal keisha dropzio those other 2 baddie bms names chasing me all over 2nd map O___________o

    Next time worry more on killing people @ the boss than catching charmless ea b:bye
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Michael, Ringstinger is playing this game for short time. What he does with his money is his own business. He is not acting like he is a pro player or at least I havent seen him acting big, etc. So whats Your point? Maybe he doesnt know much abt the game, because he is 1 of those new players that I was mentioning before - can do mq, oracles, bhs and get lvl 10x out of nowhere. So what? The game is going that way, allowing ppl to do such things, so if he wants, he just goes that way. Ofc some of us reached lvl 100 working hard on it, grinding some everyday, having to do wq everyday for some decent ammount of exp (bah where are the epic pvp wars at vol 28/9 now?). Now ask Yourself what is really wrong? The game content or the ppl using the game content?

    This paragraph made me laugh so hard because Wadzio is an oblivious tool.

    If you want to see him acting "big" go back to the last page and read his post. Hurr durr.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • lolitrolu
    lolitrolu Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    evilpokey wrote: »
    Lol Michael,

    Dont be such a Hater about how much i spend and about my gear.... Just because you are such a peasant in game and in real life. I know that my spending in game would be your wages for 2 years... but hey i got more money then you will ever see in your poor excuse for a life. And you know what it just makes me laugh at how jealous you get over a stupid online game, but hey keep all the **** talk coming, cause it just makes you look more of a tiprat than you really are.



    lol who the **** is this, deity 2 with revised english skills?
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This paragraph made me laugh so hard because Wadzio is an oblivious tool.

    If you want to see him acting "big" go back to the last page and read his post. Hurr durr.

    Yes, I read. Where do You see him talking "Im pro, etc". He knows he is not a very good, skilled player, tho he said he cant use his own money and spend as much money he wants in this game. That can make some ppl be butthurt as he spends more money ing than You earn per month. I dont see where is he acting big here?


    Yea, You have to be really skilled to have max speed wings and genie with wind force and been able to escape from fight. Wow!!
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yes, I read. Where do You see him talking "Im pro, etc". He knows he is not a very good, skilled player, tho he said he cant use his own money and spend as much money he wants in this game. That can make some ppl be butthurt as he spends more money ing than You earn per month. I dont see where is he acting big here?


    Yea, You have to be really skilled to have max speed wings and genie with wind force and been able to escape from fight. Wow!!

    Perhaps your limited grasp of the english language keeps you from realising this, but he's implying rather directly that he's better than anyone else on this server who spends less than him.

    I think that qualifies him rather well as someone who talks big, don't you?
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Good to see you haven't stopped playing the past few days! b:victory
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  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    lol @ n00bzio
    Every post he makes just further demonstrates his lack of IQ to the LC community.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Yea, You have to be really skilled to have max speed wings and genie with wind force and been able to escape from MY GANG. Wow!!

    We all know how ya like to switch the truth into yar own Reality.

    Dropzio in wonderland<-
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Gold b4 packs was close to 300k in LC.

    If by "close to 300K" you mean barely over 200k you are correct. And the only reason it was that high was chest of coins.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If by "close to 300K" you mean barely over 200k you are correct. And the only reason it was that high was chest of coins.

    before chest of coins it was around 200k then with chest of coins it was over 300k and finaly with pak it went to the sky up to 580k+, nowaday it around 410k

    i remember buying my first gold at 88k, yes lower then 100k, almost 3 months after the start of the game. high level player was already farming hh70 if i record
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Good to see you haven't stopped playing the past few days! b:victory

    Lolololol called out by a GM.

    Protip: When you make a thread about how you're quitting, it generally means you won't continue to play.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Lolololol called out by a GM.

    Protip: When you make a thread about how you're quitting, it generally means you won't continue to play.

    Or maybe it just wasnt the real Maveena. We all know account sharing runs rampant in this game.

    (Not implying that this person shared his account but it is plausible)
    Here we go again....
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If by "close to 300K" you mean barely over 200k you are correct. And the only reason it was that high was chest of coins.

    You sig is ****. Seriously

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • rqwater
    rqwater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    good bye old friend

    oh wait.
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    maveena hasnt quit yet, i still see her online b:shocked