TW Report



  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I said some players fail at skills. Not the faction as a whole.
    Nuuu you also said once like how QQme fails at TW and doesn't know how to play... don't let me go back and quote XD
    MiT, Fate, Ayami, XsentuS, Araneil, Man, ToyTank, _Jean_, BlindClarity, Spell_Caster, NuBlade are the only ones I can think off, off the top of my head. I also don't know how all this talk about cash shopping started. I said Spell cash shops, you start talking about how Levi cash shopping more. It's like a common thing you see at Kindergarten. You throw a rock. And get told off. Then blame that more people have done it that weren't mentioned.
    I also mentioned Cash shoppers with no skill, the people I mentioned above, minus Spell_Caster, all have skill playing their class so I don't see how that fits in.
    XSentuS and Ara probably have comparable gear to Ishida/Robin_H/leartes ijs >.>

    ToyTank and _Jean_ didn't TW yet.. Well Toy did on his BM which is still weak atm due to low level, so didn't count yet. Blind not much online sadly :\

    And Nu doesn't count we all know his story b:surrender

    But it wasn't really related to your argue with Spell against how much he sucks in your opinion. More like how some Levi blame it on cash shop when they lose vs QQme, not just TW but tournament etc too. I'm just saying the fact that both factions are comparable in gears and cash shop around same, and thus both have similar skilled players on average since we seem to have long TWs.

    Leviathan actually do events and instances. Ask for SoT? A squad is formed in around 5minutes. Ask for 3-3? Squad is formed in maybe 20minutes due to lack of enthusiasm.
    events? you make it sound like Levi does more events than QQme, when QQme actually dominates tournament (even when Levi squads up with Veri/Luci/every1 else against us), Dragon Temple (chest stuff not PK at entrance... because of Jungle Ruins I have to miss teh PvP QQ), and even CoA I think most points and rings come from QQme.

    about instances lol that's why I keep hearing complains from ex-Levi's or Levi friends that they aren't invited much? Maybe it's just that they aren't from the factor category of the faction itself and can't find a squad so easily? Like it happens in every other faction maybe?

    That's how it always happens, the few "factors" get more runs than the others. All factions are the same in that aspect, and those who leave because of this are fools in my opinion because instead of trying to work your way into the factor category you just leave and start all over in a new faction.

    And really now I'd like you to tell me how many times you killed Illusion Lord in the last days since you get squads so easy :O oh and a squad of 6 Levi, of course.
    Also, everyone mentions that Rem, Ben, Isabo don't TW. That isn't our fault they don't. I've seen Isabo online during TW talking in faction chat, and not even being in TW, because she is sitting in South Arch in catshop mode.
    I never blamed Levi for those not coming to TW, neither for our losses because those weren't in TW. Refer to my statement above, I was just talking about the similarities of gears and skills between the factions, and those OP ones not coming means less gear-powah for QQme, that is all.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Bastilla - Raging Tide
    Bastilla - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    i wish someone would QQ about my gears and call me a dirty cash shopper. i want to feel OP............
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Nuuu you also said once like how QQme fails at TW and doesn't know how to play... don't let me go back and quote XD

    Eh. Maybe. In any case, I meant players.
    XSentuS and Ara probably have comparable gear to Ishida/Robin_H/leartes ijs >.>

    Ishida has worse gear than mine, only his bow is +6. XsentuS/Araneil have way better eq than him. Robin_H's gear also isn't the greatest. I haven't seen leartes recently but I know for a fact Xsent/Araneil have gear on par with, if not better than, those you mentioned.
    ToyTank and _Jean_ didn't TW yet.. Well Toy did on his BM which is still weak atm due to low level, so didn't count yet. Blind not much online sadly :\

    And Nu doesn't count we all know his story

    His BM has more HP than some barbs ive seen, he also probably has the same defenses as NuBlade.
    NuBlade does count. He is a major cash shopper that does come to TW. I don't see what doesn't count. Sure he is pretty sucky at his class, but he still tries to TW atleast, more than I can say for Isabo.
    events? you make it sound like Levi does more events than QQme, when QQme actually dominates tournament (even when Levi squads up with Veri/Luci/every1 else against us), Dragon Temple (chest stuff not PK at entrance... because of Jungle Ruins I have to miss teh PvP QQ), and even CoA I think most points and rings come from QQme.

    I didn't say MORE. I say they do them. QQme does tournament, but they took all the fun out of the tournament. I see no fun when its the officers being favouritist picking out people they like to go through.

    Dragon Temple, people do that event differently, we go there to PK, and we also took 2 dig spots that QQme normally takes last week. I know ive seen 2-3 squads of Levi doing DT to PK. Or does this not count as doing an event?

    More points come from QQme in CoA because of Rem, Ben, Man, Fate, Xsent and the massive amount of 5.0 Barbs/BMs that QQme have.
    about instances lol that's why I keep hearing complains from ex-Levi's or Levi friends that they aren't invited much? Maybe it's just that they aren't from the factor category of the faction itself and can't find a squad so easily? Like it happens in every other faction maybe?

    That's how it always happens, the few "factors" get more runs than the others. All factions are the same in that aspect, and those who leave because of this are fools in my opinion because instead of trying to work your way into the factor category you just leave and start all over in a new faction.

    And really now I'd like you to tell me how many times you killed Illusion Lord in the last days since you get squads so easy :O oh and a squad of 6 Levi, of course.

    I'm not a factor, yet I still get squads. Perhaps those people won't heard in faction chat then. The people that get the runs are usually the people active that ask.

    I haven't done 3-3 last week because I have my gear already. If you were talking about BH runs, we do only BH runs with the faction. I also didn't say its a squad of only leviathan. Thats what the friends list is for.
    i wish someone would QQ about my gears and call me a dirty cash shopper. i want to feel OP............

    You're a dirty whorish cash shopper Bastilla. Your gears are overpowered and you cash shop like no tomorrow b:cute
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ToyTank and _Jean_ didn't TW yet.. Well Toy did on his BM which is still weak atm due to low level, so didn't count yet. Blind not much online sadly :\

    But it wasn't really related to your argue with Spell against how much he sucks in your opinion. More like how some Levi blame it on cash shop when they lose vs QQme, not just TW but tournament etc too. I'm just saying the fact that both factions are comparable in gears and cash shop around same, and thus both have similar skilled players on average since we seem to have long TWs.

    events? you make it sound like Levi does more events than QQme, when QQme actually dominates tournament (even when Levi squads up with Veri/Luci/every1 else against us), Dragon Temple (chest stuff not PK at entrance... because of Jungle Ruins I have to miss teh PvP QQ), and even CoA I think most points and rings come from QQme.

    about instances lol that's why I keep hearing complains from ex-Levi's or Levi friends that they aren't invited much? Maybe it's just that they aren't from the factor category of the faction itself and can't find a squad so easily? Like it happens in every other faction maybe?

    Okay , I wasn't gonna join the QQ fest but lemme clear some stuff for you :

    1st of all , you just said Toy's bm doesn't count & I facepalmed . His gear is superior to mine ( value wise , stat wise idk , but it's one's own decision on his/her choice of gears ) . We could even compare if you want b:cute

    Tourney comparable ? Are you serious? Please tell us which one of our players matches in gears with Ben , Man , RainZ , Dancing , or Ayami ( no need to even talk about Spell , Rem & Whomper here ) . There's only 1 and that would be Miyake . Anarky , Disaster , Shelter , Bantonesa , Talim , Wolfy , Mara(not so sure in his case) would be comparable in gear with Cupcake , Kali & whoever you might have geared like that .

    (sry bast , forgot what gears you were in but I'd guess you'd be on kali - level gears & better )

    I squaded with veritas only once cuz there there like 5 of us vs 5-6 of your OP players . Believe me , I didn't wanna do that & not going to again even if it means I'll fail at the 1st room .

    "Squad or die " he say's ~ overgrown e-peen much? Self dignity > pixel winning ijs .

    DT wise , we mostly go there for PVP not chests and it's a free pvp zone so better be prepared for it b:victory

    But this is by no way an attack on your OP geared players since allot of them farmed & merched for it besides just cash shopping ( some prolly not at all , one example would prolly be dancing even if I can't confirm it I'll believe it ) so don't take it as one .

    Now if I might say these last few pages are pretty pathetic . QQing over who has more OP gears , who CS'ed more , bla bla bla . Wtf is up with that ? Some CSed more than others , some farmed more than others , some merch more than others , some got lucky with packs , some prefer to pk & waste money on charms & pots , read forums or do w/e else because that's more fun for them ( yes I'm one good example for that , it's why my gears aren't OP yet , don't tell me to open packs though , my luck just blows , QQ ) .

    Sooooooo how about both sides stop with this " OMG U HAZ MOAR CSERS OR OP GEARZ THAN US , YOU SHOULD WTFPWN WRECK US !!! " and just do the things they like best .

    Just my 2 cents .

    Nowwwwwwwwwww, let's keep up the fun TWs , I wanna brag to my old server ( sanc) about RT because their own TWs suck & their forums are boring b:sin

    <totally innocent ~ insert cute face ~
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • _Jean_ - Raging Tide
    _Jean_ - Raging Tide Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I said some players fail at skills. Not the faction as a whole.

    Reason for that would be that the enemy concentrates on their defenses and only notices offense coming from the enemy. I've seen IH appear in the squad member window so many times its unbelievable. 1 Barb had essentially constant IH on him.

    lez was opening packs. He also merchanted for around 3 weeks straight. Not Cash shopping. People like SarBear are unbelievable lucky. Like. Super lucky.

    MiT, Fate, Ayami, XsentuS, Araneil, Man, ToyTank, _Jean_, BlindClarity, Spell_Caster, NuBlade are the only ones I can think off, off the top of my head. I also don't know how all this talk about cash shopping started. I said Spell cash shops, you start talking about how Levi cash shopping more. It's like a common thing you see at Kindergarten. You throw a rock. And get told off. Then blame that more people have done it that weren't mentioned.
    I also mentioned Cash shoppers with no skill, the people I mentioned above, minus Spell_Caster, all have skill playing their class so I don't see how that fits in.

    Only people I talk down when I kill is Leanderfail and fail cash shoppers. I know i'm fail and I hate it when people say that I act all "pro". I have never acted "pro". I admit my mistakes and I know I lack skill. People in faction are making fun of me? I'm honoured that they care so much about me.

    You screenshot every single hit you do? That is incredibly vain.
    Also, 8k damage shows up even after I have been killed as a delay. Just like I can crit 6k on a person too late, but the arrow has already been released, but it hits only a quarter of a second after the person dies. I know I haven't been killed by you, and that's a fact.
    Also i'm thankful you use players as meatshields, my barrage was loving the amount of squishy targets surrounding you.

    Leviathan actually do events and instances. Ask for SoT? A squad is formed in around 5minutes. Ask for 3-3? Squad is formed in maybe 20minutes due to lack of enthusiasm.

    Reason you have people in 8x gear. Is because I don't really saw people making an effort to check gears of whom they invited etc. I saw maybe 30 new "recruits" in a day. all were about 7x. Arch even invited a level 5 just because he asked.
    Quality is better than Quantity.

    Also, everyone mentions that Rem, Ben, Isabo don't TW. That isn't our fault they don't. I've seen Isabo online during TW talking in faction chat, and not even being in TW, because she is sitting in South Arch in catshop mode.

    Hold up what did _Jean_ do now? O.o

    "Always use tasteful words...One day you may have to eat them"
    "when your feeling down remember you were that one sperm who won the race."
  • waaaaaaaah
    waaaaaaaah Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    LOLOLOL Leartes good gear? TT99 gold bow = Lunar I see I see. Tournament umm we don't team up with anyone unless we are at the last room and gots no choice. Not like it matters those people you mention kill us as well as you guys. Reasons why we lose is cause we DON'T have a squad that can go against the QQme top members and win.
  • Bong_Water - Raging Tide
    Bong_Water - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So like, how much should be spent to be dubbed a "cash shopper"
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I didn't ask Russiee to leave because of actions in tournament, it was the whole package.

    Levi and QQ haave good members and pro cash shoppers but if watching WC is any indication Levi opens 2x packs maybe even 3x.

    QQme has been around a long time, we have a lot of legacy members, members who have become inactive but they are still good friends so in faction they remain. Overall we probably do have more power than Leviation, but everyone attendance is a little spotty, I'd rather someone lose tw and be well in real life, than win tw and not do as well irl.

    Just because QQme opens 95% of DT chests, kills 92% of WB, almost always wins the only pk event, and runs way more tt than everyone else doesn't mean you have to hate.

    I joined this server as a nooblet with no plans whatsoever of leading anything, just being a super sexy follower, and learning game mechanics until i had mastered game. I had foolish goals like being the one to take lvl 2 and lvl 1 PvE Cities. I had foolish goals like completing every instance in the game. I had foolish goals like getting a calamity axe and 3 sparks.

    Anyways Archmicheal is a man a man like any other man. Every person is tempted by greed sometimes get over it. Archmicheal gets my stamp of approval no need to try to drag him through the mud clean your own door before you worry about his. I'd take a fun guy like micheal to play with, than bitter people who complain all the time.

    Last word about tournament... everytime QQme wins i am proud. Even if its total noob scum like "The_Love" who digs final chest. Noobs working together has triumphed the rank 8's every week.
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    when you have +10 equipments b:avoid
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Dragon Temple, people do that event differently, we go there to PK, and we also took 2 dig spots that QQme normally takes last week. I know ive seen 2-3 squads of Levi doing DT to PK. Or does this not count as doing an event?

    QQme PKs as well, in fact I usually just PK, this week being the first I've dug chests before PKing.

    Was pretty fun, we hit one chest group, dig, go onto another. Dig all the chests there.

    On the way to the next group I get seperated from the rest of my squad, I run into a group of 5 leviathans about to dig chests.

    Me and KingLulo manage to kill them all 2 vs 5 (although to be fair it was 2 vs 3 cause we each killed one before they knew what was going on) and grabbed all the chests.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hold up what did _Jean_ do now? O.o
    Made sweet sweet love with rawrgh.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Pvp: Kill 2239

    Shiet mang I dont go to DT.

    Anyway, wtf is up with people saying I have good gear, I really dont <_<

    P.S. Hi, I'm techomage I use water shield in Dragon Temple to survive from mobs that lower my water def to 0 anyway and fire shield in TW to survive BT b:cute
  • Nuff_Said - Raging Tide
    Nuff_Said - Raging Tide Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This thread is ridiculous. People need to stop worrying about who cash shops and worry about their own gear. There WERE so many simple ways to make coin that its hard to tell who did what to get decent gear. Hell, the NQ funded my pants and boots as I'm sure it made alot of people rich as hell. Yes I have charged zen before and due to no luck, I never did it again. Luckily, I found a new hustle b:sin, but PWI made that business come to a complete stop.

    All I know is, if you are still whipping out your credit card at this point, you are an idiot imo.
    "I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson
  • Kyleran - Raging Tide
    Kyleran - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Demon Wiz dose not count as OP b:cry
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] butt hurt fish xD
  • Bastilla - Raging Tide
    Bastilla - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    muh gear. i just need 7 more ghost masks for the 99 top (any donators? =D)
    i also have the TT100 dagger waiting for me when i lvl (refined to +3)

    oh and for some reason the pw calc is missing 1% off my crit rate but meh w/e

  • Bastilla - Raging Tide
    Bastilla - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    muh gear. i just need 7 more ghost masks for the 99 top (any donators? =D)
    i also have the TT100 dagger waiting for me when i lvl (refined to +3)

    oh and for some reason the pw calc is missing 1% off my crit rate but meh w/e


    oh silly me. i forgot my crappy lvl 1 tome thats why, disregard the 3vit and mag in the calc.
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    bastilla You Are A Dirty, Filthy And Wh0rish Cash Shopper!!!!!
  • Bastilla - Raging Tide
    Bastilla - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    <3 you too russieeboo. but it was really there so pimp could see muh stoof

    after all i AM rather curious to see how others view my gear....
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Its pro gear. But we don't see you alot b:surrender
  • ToyTank - Raging Tide
    ToyTank - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Okay , I wasn't gonna join the QQ fest but lemme clear some stuff for you :

    1st of all , you just said Toy's bm doesn't count & I facepalmed . His gear is superior to mine ( value wise , stat wise idk , but it's one's own decision on his/her choice of gears ) . We could even compare if you want b:cute

    My gear on BM is not bad but i have 0% PvP skills on a BM skill > gear in my opinion i have seen below average bm's do mutch better than me.
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • Bastilla - Raging Tide
    Bastilla - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ill play more when dad doesnt DL so much ****. i have been having lag around 3.5k m/s for the past month. makes even the simplest of tasks near impossible (like logging on -_-)
  • _Jean_ - Raging Tide
    _Jean_ - Raging Tide Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Made sweet sweet love with rawrgh.

    Sorry rawrgh...wouldnt touch that even if u paid me b:bye

    "Always use tasteful words...One day you may have to eat them"
    "when your feeling down remember you were that one sperm who won the race."
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Sorry rawrgh...wouldnt touch that even if u paid me b:bye
    You know you want it.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Tourney comparable ? Are you serious? Please tell us which one of our players matches in gears with Ben , Man , RainZ , Dancing , or Ayami ( no need to even talk about Spell , Rem & Whomper here ) . There's only 1 and that would be Miyake . Anarky , Disaster , Shelter , Bantonesa , Talim , Wolfy , Mara(not so sure in his case) would be comparable in gear with Cupcake , Kali & whoever you might have geared like that .
    Ben & RainZ never did tournament yet b:cute

    Miyake > Ayami = Anarky

    Dancing = Mara

    Man pwns for barbs at least, true :P



    actually this was my point all along wasn't it? We win tournament because our good geared people as well as weaker ones show up, whereas you have a bit poorer attendance for that event. Nothing to be shamed of, of course, and I never said you suck cuz of it. But if our people have no skill you would still manage to win the tournament despite our a bit superior gears in there... I mean imagine if we were all like Nu.

    I mean honestly do you see the weak geared people (compared to most OP ones you mentioned) like Pig, Suaver, Eriion, and tons of others, as trash or potential threat? I know they do matter for you, which means they actually know how to play and make your life difficult in the tournament - for that I congratulate them.

    Again I was never bragging about QQme winning events that was not my point, I wanted to show that we have good skilled players just like Levi, and when we got superior gear in a PvP instance we win obviously. It wasn't until Scion started to show off with Levi that I started a bit of bragging too, and it was mostly addressed to him not all of you. Peace b:bye
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Damn day job getting in the way!

    Fuzzy never make it home in time but me sure wish the panda could participate in the tournament. b:shedtear
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ben & RainZ never did tournament yet b:cute

    Miyake > Ayami = Anarky

    Dancing = Mara

    Man pwns for barbs at least, true :P



    actually this was my point all along wasn't it? We win tournament because our good geared people as well as weaker ones show up, whereas you have a bit poorer attendance for that event. Nothing to be shamed of, of course, and I never said you suck cuz of it. But if our people have no skill you would still manage to win the tournament despite our a bit superior gears in there... I mean imagine if we were all like Nu.

    I mean honestly do you see the weak geared people (compared to most OP ones you mentioned) like Pig, Suaver, Eriion, and tons of others, as trash or potential threat? I know they do matter for you, which means they actually know how to play and make your life difficult in the tournament - for that I congratulate them.

    Again I was never bragging about QQme winning events that was not my point, I wanted to show that we have good skilled players just like Levi, and when we got superior gear in a PvP instance we win obviously. It wasn't until Scion started to show off with Levi that I started a bit of bragging too, and it was mostly addressed to him not all of you. Peace b:bye

    +6 Nirvana Bow = Lunar Bow? Using that logic. Russiee = Leanderfail?
    Also i'd say dancing's gear > Mara's gear.
    I've seen Ben in one of the tournaments aswell.
    Skilled players depends on what you are doing. Skilled at PvP =/= Skilled at PvE.
    Let's say, you see a BM use Heavens Flame. It isn't necesarily being a matter of skill, more of a matter of common sense. For example, I still see Archers not taking out clerics/squishies in group PvP, but rather going straight in and trying to take out the HA classes. I'm not saying Russiee = Pro. Simply saying there is a line between skill and common sense.
  • Umbra - Raging Tide
    Umbra - Raging Tide Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    From your post. It sounds like you were USING your squad members as a meat shield and for kills. Personal kills are the only aim of your TW? I heard that Umbra had to take over from you because you were all getting ***** since you were only focused on enlarging your e-peen.

    Skyrim, ok. b:dirty
  • Kali - Raging Tide
    Kali - Raging Tide Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Russiee = Leanderfail?

    You > everyone else? b:chuckle

    bastilla, CS MOAR.

    Also, I +9 my wep, can i be pr0 too nao? b:cry
  • waaaaaaaah
    waaaaaaaah Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Show off what? All I did was be an ******* to Kyleran you went off on a wild tangent and discussed Cash shop which I responded to. Herp derp look back at the posts noone was talking about QQme or Levi it was just Russiee and Spell having their argument then you come in an go "Hahaha Levi > QQme in cash shop cause they haz rank 8 and lots of plus 5 and 6 gear which is totally superior to our 32k hp barb and a bunch of other ridiculously refined **** sharded with vit stones". What I see is your trying to cover up your failure by making a big deal over 1 rank 8 just stop.

    And those people you mentioned they are pretty bad ijs. Why would you even mention em? What they do is this go into pk fights get face stomped call in more back up when that doesn't work call in the top geared people. About the tourney I don't ****ing know I never get in a room without Lucifer or a me vs 5 other QQmes. Regardless of how bad they suck it balances out when there's OP people to help them. You should really see how bad those people you mention get ***** when Man/Rem/Insert big named QQme are not there to help.
  • Fate - Raging Tide
    Fate - Raging Tide Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    /thread forsaken world fashizzle yo.