One-time use account stash...

Riokue - Heavens Tear
Riokue - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Suggestion Box
I couldnt find anything on the account stash, so I am assuming it is permanent because of it's price. I've never bought one before, so if I'm wrong, please ignore this b:surrender

This may have been suggested before... but I know I'd really like to see a one-use only account stash item, in addition to the permanent one for 15 gold. This would be very handy in situations like pwi's anniversary, in which one may only need to transfer a single item to another character once, and never need the stash again.
Besides, chances are, if you are indecisive, you may end up buying the one for 15 gold anyway b:laugh
Post edited by Riokue - Heavens Tear on


  • Soren - Dreamweaver
    Soren - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well if you simply need to transfer a single item, you may choose to use the mail service. For 500 coin, you can transfer a single item type (or a stack of a single item type) to an existing character that you own or that someone else owns. Certain limitations apply of course (such as items that cannot be traded or discarded). Also, if you send an item, there will be a 1 hour delay before the item arrives in the recipient's mailbox.

    The mail service can be accessed at any mailbox throughout the game located in nearly every town (usually close to the banker).
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The real advantage of Account Stash is for bound items and the fact you cannot send it to the wrong player. Other than that, there is none. I prefer to use mail as it's cost-effective.
  • Riokue - Heavens Tear
    Riokue - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well if you simply need to transfer a single item, you may choose to use the mail service. .... Certain limitations apply of course (such as items that cannot be traded or discarded).

    That's what I was talking about; the items that cannot be mailed/traded.
    The real advantage of Account Stash is for bound items and the fact you cannot send it to the wrong player. Other than that, there is none. I prefer to use mail as it's cost-effective.

    As I said, I have never owned an account stash, so I am unclear as to how exactly it works. I understand that it opens up several slots in the player's bank that are accessible to all characters of an account on the server.
    If by 'player' you mean a character belonging to a different account, there would be no issue as the account stash would function the same as the present one, but would only allow one item to be transferred and received once.

    You make it seem as though the stash works similar to the mailbox system. Is this true?
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    That's what I was talking about; the items that cannot be mailed/traded.

    As I said, I have never owned an account stash, so I am unclear as to how exactly it works. I understand that it opens up several slots in the player's bank that are accessible to all characters of an account on the server.
    If by 'player' you mean a character belonging to a different account, there would be no issue as the account stash would function the same as the present one, but would only allow one item to be transferred and received once.

    You make it seem as though the stash works similar to the mailbox system. Is this true?

    It doesn't open slots in the bank, its like a separate bank. Gives 16 slots, which you can use from any character of the same account (AND the same server). It is permanent, and you can put in there anything that doesn't say it can't be put in account stash on its description. For example, you can pass a Hercules Egg through it, even when the description says it can't be traded (but it doesn't say it can't be placed on account stash). On the other hand, you can't put your supply stash box in the account stash slots (says so on its description).

    Account stash (once purchased of course) allows you to deposit up to 16 items at once, plus coins, without any fees, as many times as you want, and unlike mailbox, there is no waiting time for the items to arrive. It is very well worth the 15 gold it costs... although that would be more obvious if it gave some more space b:chuckle

  • Riokue - Heavens Tear
    Riokue - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It is very well worth the 15 gold it costs... although that would be more obvious if it gave some more space b:chuckle

    Ahh.. what it comes down to, I guess, is that I am cheap b:cry It definitely does seem worth its price, but I still wish there was a one-time version as well b:pleased
    ZAPATON, thanks for the info, btw!