if next race plz dwarf

ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Suggestion Box
hey if there is a possibility to implant new race, dwarfs will be nice xD but please not as like WOW lord of the rings like. the game has an asian style so keep it more like the race Lyn from blade and soul or mirror from dream of mirrors - i know no mention from other games but how can i subscribe such complicated descriptions.
it will be nie to select them in martial arts and some that can summon ghosts, depends on which weapon they wear can they summon physical att and magic att ghosts and have ghosts as buff which gard them. maybe books and mirrors as weapon for the ghost summoner. the ghost i imagine will be just skills not as venos you have not to tame them but first you choose a kind of buff so the ghost then you attac with the ghost spells. the martial arts would have some ironwhips or staff depends on which you choose distance or nearer attack.
as dwarfkind will be nice to have their city under earth, so u have to teleport in to a volkano where the city is. so can imagine it will be like tt kind stuff, but dont know how it will work technically and will not become full of lags. dont understand wrong this is no whish just imagines and ideas, and dont have to become real. coz this is not kind of tread where players decide what will happen. but if there is a chance to represent his own ideas it is nice to tell them. maybe other players will see the post and combine it with their own thoughts which will produce better ideas. and that doeasn mean that we dont like the game. we enjoy it, and create just thoughts in a post which shows many ideas of players. its nice to read the fantasy of other posts its realy nice to imagine other thoughts.
btw i start the game and have to say, best i know for free (know no pay to play games till now xD)
Its not like i whish it for now or near future, but if there will be a race cute small chars will be nice. so many asian mmos have them, and dont wanna miss them here too. the game is awsome and now with the new race assasin its perfect and dont stand behind some races for pay to play games. an another race will be nice some monster like races, like gargoyls. but its just an idea hope it will be readen -.- and rated by development people and not just and with playercomments like eh its not nessesary or similar. i hope for the game to be alife next years and have possibilities to improve more.
btw other games are realy bad. this is the only one that realy keeps me in.

i customized my ideas here like told

Post edited by ironmaiden00 on


  • Tygurr - Sanctuary
    Tygurr - Sanctuary Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Enough with all the new race threads already.

    If the devs decide to add another, it will be one of THEIR choosing and design, not ours.
    Somewhat retired from PWI, now playing Hellgate Global full time
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    omg so stict rules? i dont wanna start like this. was just an idea. and i think an forum is to write about our free thoughts. if its forbidden, then why is this tread for? i know decission is by developers and i dont wanna copy thoughts from other games. the thoughts about new races are nothing but hidden things in our mind that we dont remember from books or movies. i dont wanna a new race and copy some races from other games, i just had an idea of "little" chars. this will be different from others. maybe im to new, and i know this from other games. if youre new and write something like this it will be not tollerized. but if youre lvl 90+ it will be fine, and i can accetd that. coz people are more in the game then me atm.

    You maybe think i wanna this chars. but you have to mention, this havent to become true. any of us wanna give just his opinion and ideas. its not like we wanna this at any cost. sodont understand it wrong. im realy happy with that game and dont wanna change it. im happy how it is. people understand it like this is not perfect but if there will be.... then it will be a nice game, and thats a bad opinion of some pw user
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well I didn't read OP's block-like post carefully enough... but... dwarfs is a old race suggestion... and up until now I never seen a detailed one. Counts for this thread as well.
    Personally... I despise dwarfs in any game. I just hate those short-legged guys... well but that's just me...
    Anyway... now the word "dwarf" looks weird to me.
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yes maybe dwarf is an bad name for the race. but how can you subscribe such thing like this?


    or this

  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't think chibi people would fit in PWI... for that there is Ether Saga Online.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
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  • $Flash$ - Heavens Tear
    $Flash$ - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Whoever mentioned that Cursed race might just have caught a devs attention
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Whoever mentioned that Cursed race might just have caught a devs attention

    Who knows, but in any case you are going off-topic, sadly.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I think most reason why PW won't have character like those is . .
    It's a perfect world where everyone has nice body & face (basically on the lore) even barbarian that basically a beast man has manly model design.
    It's sometimes sound unfair, because the world is like saying :
    " If you not beautiful, handsome, and sexy. Your place is not in Perfect World. "

    Yeah . . Perfect World . . the name is Perfect World . . b:shocked
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hm i dont think like this, that thats the reason that everything should look like this sexy people. look on other mmos. they have also chibi (thx for the name - but it dont fit cmpletety it) in the game beside all other nice looking people. yes this cursed ones are a good thing. i have readen it yesterday. yampires would be realy cool. but back to chibi, plz dont put it beside flyff or ethersaga coz there are all chibi and they look awfull. i cannot stand such kind of mmos. maybe this kind of race will split the people in their opinion about pw but i dont know. in the end it will be nice to have a new race from time to time and that not means to get their whishes. im glad about tideborn. coz every race give us new locations dungeons like nirvana temple. and btw not everything is like it should be perfect in perfect world. u dont have to be pretty. just try to create a char with the biggest size of the head xD. i like tideborn but i love beastkind more, coz they are more different then other humanlooking races. for example this two pics are not form a complete chibi game. first one was for blade and soul, which i will never play coz it will be pay to play, and second pic was final fantasy 11. look for example guildwars2 they have also dwarfkind chars. but i dont wanna tell about other mmos. btw i will never say i wanna pw like other mmos. coz pw is my favorite and i play it now maybe 1 year and dont wanna change the game. look its the oly mmo ive played and dont end with lvl 10. its simply the best. i dont like it when someone say i want it like in wow - coz i cannot stand this horrid game. i love the atmosphere of chinese music and surroundings. it have such more look at our mounts its so cool to have more choise to get such things from asian mythology then just boring mounts typical classic horse or bear just lord of the rings like.
    bach to chibi, hm hard to explain. maybe just browse some asian mmos and you know then finaly what i mean. this shouldnt be a copy of a game, coz i think of it how then can fight. i i will love to see someone fight with ghostspells. maybe it will look funny if some elf will marry an chibikind xD
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Actually i post quiet number of mmo with chibi character but frankie (GM) edit it . . sorry i forget we not allowed to say other games name. b:surrender
    I don't hate chibi (i plan to play BS and already play D**O & PS anyway) it's just on PW lore chibi doesn't feel right, i don't know how to say it . .

    True the name is Perfect World but it's actually feel like a selfish world (sorry) where what usually said on these game advertisement is it's beautiful and have great customization. If people look around websites there a lot PW video customization and there some that has chibi barbarian or chibi venomancer. The problem is PW International version didn't allow full creative customization which why people won't see those very creative character. b:surrender

    Basically every PW character can become chibi if it's allowed . .

    Why it's not allowed ? Well some can become weird and some can make their body parts so big. (which part ?) b:chuckle Which make it doesn't sound Perfect.

    Hm ironmaiden maybe you can write in paragraph . . b:cry

    And something else i noticed . . D**O isn't made by China dev but Taiwan, i am not sure but i think CN dev rarely made games that has chibi . . Korea do a lots though.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hm yes. the thhing is pw is realy a game which have so many different things. you have realy a lot of things to choose. i think there are realy good ideas of new races, and many writes in paragraphes what skills they should have. but it was not the point of my idea. my idea was just a new thing of battle system that is similar to veno but on the other hand different.
    just a few points i was interested about was.

    -smal (not realy chibi like typical chibi mmo games) characters (hard to explain)
    - battle system like pets but ghosts that are used like buff spells
    -if ghost is chosen for battle, you summon hin as a spell, not a pet
    - then you can just use the spells from chosen ghost and buffs
    - just the ghost fight, you can just summon ghost and buff yourself or party
    -buffs looks like ghost surounding you or pty member it looks like the ghoust hug u (cuddle like)
    -some ghost do physical damage, and some do mag damage
    -there should be not too much ghosts i thought 4 max
    -coz then u have to buy skills for ghoust
    -skills are in your skillbar but can just be used when the right ghoust is summon
    -char use normal magicweapons
    -there should be a BOOK or a Mirror as weapon
    -the dealing damage of ghoust depands not like the pets on his lvl
    -damage depands on character atributes weapon and armor

    to the city of this chars:
    -i thought if the (chibi) chars are smal (like typical basic dwarfs) they should live under the earth
    -so the city could be like a dungeon, you have to enter it per teleport
    -or the live inside a volkano, so teleport could be upside the openng of the volcano

    something to the skills:
    -if there is a physical ghost he can have a buff that increases his phy def but the def of the char is then lower. so in pvp it will be hard for cha to use it if his def will fall
    -every ghost have same skill to fusoin with the character
    -so if he fusion with phys ghoust his phys def as robe will increase
    -if mag ghoust his mag def will increase
    -he is than able just to use his own skils not the one of the ghoust

    about the mane
    - it will be nice to call them shamans, coz they deal with ghousts, and summon them
    (omg littel cute shamans ;-) )

    ---!!!!The thing is when the chibi chars will fuson with a magic ghoust, they will look like human, no more chibi, but when the fusion with a physical ghoust they will look like strong not realy monster, but just kind of beast. fusion is like transform in beaskind or tideborn. no drain of mana during fusion. so people can walk around as they whish !!!!!!

    i hope there will come some new ideas xD
    i thought about the 2nd type of the race that have no ghousts, but maye can fusion together of the same kind to increase their stats. but i dont tought about right now exactly. now i fout the thread of the undead its sounds realy cool maybe we can combine the ideas together. most i love the skill to rez the peaople as ghosts. it will be realy practically for what mentioned run away from bosses. maybe please "Amencat - Sanctuary" contact me here or i will do in next time in your thread.^^ coz i have to see that some of my ideas were taken there later (ghost, and under earth first it was just vampires^^). but my idea i wanna realize is that i wanna fusion ghost with chibi and change them to another look.
    im sorry this is not more detailed. but maybe this is a thing of pw members to customise my ideas. will be happy if someone will propose some changes or will work it out. i thought if the chars will be smal it will be looking fine if they are fusion with their ghousts.
    tell me what do you think about it

  • maka83
    maka83 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    oh when i read complete, i think it realy a nice idea. This fusion think will be realy interesting.

    and to transform to human or beast as chibi is also realy interesting. but whats about the battle do you loose hp when ghost is fighting? is it a kind of tank you have to heal it? or you loose hp aswell when a mob is hitting the ghost. coz i think this will be the best way without healing, but then you have to leave this skill with increase ghost def and your reduce. or you have to loose 50% of the ghost hp if he get hits. but then you need a healskil like a venomacer. so maybe let it be like my first option.

    but im gonna like this fusion thing b:dirty
  • Infliction - Raging Tide
    Infliction - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hey if there is a possibility to implant new race, dwarfs will be nice xD but please not as like WOW lord of the rings like. the game has an asian style so keep it more like the race Lyn from blade and soul or mirror from dream of mirrors - i know no mention from other games but how can i subscribe such complicated descriptions.
    it will be nie to select them in martial arts and some that can summon ghosts, depends on which weapon they wear can they summon physical att and magic att ghosts and have ghosts as buff which gard them. maybe books and mirrors as weapon for the ghost summoner. the ghost i imagine will be just skills not as venos you have not to tame them but first you choose a kind of buff so the ghost then you attac with the ghost spells. the martial arts would have some ironwhips or staff depends on which you choose distance or nearer attack.
    as dwarfkind will be nice to have their city under earth, so u have to teleport in to a volkano where the city is. so can imagine it will be like tt kind stuff, but dont know how it will work technically and will not become full of lags. dont understand wrong this is no whish just imagines and ideas, and dont have to become real. coz this is not kind of tread where players decide what will happen. but if there is a chance to represent his own ideas it is nice to tell them. maybe other players will see the post and combine it with their own thoughts which will produce better ideas. and that doeasn mean that we dont like the game. we enjoy it, and create just thoughts in a post which shows many ideas of players. its nice to read the fantasy of other posts its realy nice to imagine other thoughts.
    btw i start the game and have to say, best i know for free (know no pay to play games till now xD)
    Its not like i whish it for now or near future, but if there will be a race cute small chars will be nice. so many asian mmos have them, and dont wanna miss them here too. the game is awsome and now with the new race assasin its perfect and dont stand behind some races for pay to play games. an another race will be nice some monster like races, like gargoyls. but its just an idea hope it will be readen -.- and rated by development people and not just and with playercomments like eh its not nessesary or similar. i hope for the game to be alife next years and have possibilities to improve more.
    btw other games are realy bad. this is the only one that realy keeps me in.

    i customized my ideas here like told


    so why not asian dwarves?
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yes dwarfs are maybe the wrong explanation. idk maybe many people dont like dwarfs (except orik from eragon is cool xD). and they are not as pretty for this game. so asian dwarfs shound be more cute looking (for example not like hobbits, i cannot sand them - it must be asian looking). but asian dwarfs, hm hard to imagine. i mean it can be a race that is just small grown. but it will look like children, so if they should be pretty, hm they should be cute. so a smallgrown race can be cute if theyre looking clumsy, chubby, like typical dwarfs but just asian looking, so like perfect world is a bit of cute looking. some kind of this. omg so much cute in the sentences. but thats how perfect world is cute, nice, pretty.
    thats the sort of thing i can imagine under asian dwarves.

    so ur right asian dwarfs is maybe the better explenation then chibi, coz under chibi i understand such mmos like, i cannot tell but u know if ur a bit interesting in the mmo area
  • SaintToadElf - Archosaur
    SaintToadElf - Archosaur Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    A new PW game, "Forsaken World" is due to be released later this year. It features a playable dwarf race.
    They are a ranged melee fighter called Marksmen.
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    omg you hit the point. like this i can imagine, but is it ok to name another game? but its better coz it from pwe. but thx. it was realy helpful. so its possible in such a "pretty" world like this to implant drarfkind. its just abaout their look. their battlesystem i would keep it with the fusionthing.
    coz such race is awsome, something different you have to watch in archosaur.
    but beside the shamans i ment that summon and fusion ghosts maybe the secont of teir kind could be such chars like there with this technology stuff but i dont know how this will fit in pw

    realy thx a lot

    omg i love the dwarves the look so cute b:pleased

    but a second thing is i see in games. it looks realy nice when the weapon is on the back when not used. i know its a gimic but im gonna realy like it
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    A new PW game, "Forsaken World" is due to be released later this year. It features a playable dwarf race.
    They are a ranged melee fighter called Marksmen.

    I say these on my earlier post iron but frankie edit my post b:cry
    Thank you for posting these saint b:chuckle
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    doesnt matter thx a lot b:thanks. i remember you postet. but i cant imagine. the link was helpfull.
    so thx its realy pretty looking dwarf. this is how can this be done
    but if some dont wanna walk around as cute small girl or man then they can walk as fusioned. so then they look like human, or a monster. omg i love the thing to hold weapon on back
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    usually PWE made games that only contain normal sized people
    A game that only contain chibi size people
    I guess these the first time made a game that has various kind of people size b:laugh (not publish)
    And i think FW is taking many influence from other things.
    (like vampire, twilight, chibi people, western life yeah FW is in western world not eastern unlike most PWE games)

    but some people saying pedo bear when seeing the female dwarf lol . .
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yes maybe, but it will be cool experience to see evil children combined with ghousts. you see the ring or the exorcist, or 2 shootergames i remember like f..r or bio.s...k? will be nice little ghoste race that scare the s... of of someone b:chuckle
    i think little link can have something mysterious scary thing that will perfect fit in the ghost fusion thing.
    and then i could say wimen that play bard are all lesb...