New Races Ideas in detail! ^^

Amencat - Sanctuary
Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Suggestion Box
countless Threads about it QQ QQ QQQQQQQQ i know...

Race: The Undead:
first choise: Vampires (for males only!)
second choise: Ghosts (for females only!)
main city: is one where sun never shines, allways dark with more moons as usuall!!!

Vampires: melee, support class
1. ability to drain 70%HP from a Squad Meber to full recover his mana ;)
2. slow casting spell, which recover a nice amount of MP, and fast casting one like IH but only affects mana.
3. new Armor build, which require 50% Mag and 50% DEX, couse all skills depends only those two
4. have the ability to bring deaths back to live as UNDEAD = means, those ppl cannot ATTAC mobs or beeing attaced by them, just run around as undeads (possibilty to run away from boss, without taking aggro), until a ghost class bring him back to live or cleric rez him.
5. have buffs to support mana and chi, and increase the players dexeterity
6. weopon: bare hands! (not allowed to use any!!!),
7. fighting style: use 80% of current mana to get 35% of his hp

Ghosts: melee, tank class
1. new Armor build, which require only 50% Vit and 50% Dex, and all skills depends and supports those two stats, like increase highly dexterity but reduce maximal hp, or increase highly hp but reduce dexterity
2. Weopon: Swords,
3. Fighting style: only vs 1 really strong mob
4. abbility to fall in berserker state = attac without control, super high damage, 80% of all damage reduced, but cannot use any items or do anything until dead
5. abbility to bring only UNDEAD ppl back to live, with full recovered hp and mp, BUT casting time is REALLY SLOW

Second Race: The Earth ones (ok im not good in naming XD):
first choise: Midgets
second choise: Plant People
awakened form sleep in they state as rocks and long forgotten statues, now they joined the PWI community,
main city: is in caves under the earth, with a lot of flamebows and so on:

Migdets: RANGED TANK Class
1. Weopon: New Weopon: Rocks and Stones to throw
2. Build: Vit only, just a little bit of str.
3. Skills which support easy aggro, but NO defense, so they will need buffs from other classes.

Plant People : MELEE DD Class (without any possibilty to make a tank build)
1. Weopon: New Weopon: plant rows and whips
2. Build: Mag and STR, mag and physical damage
3. Fighting Style: ABLE TO TAME HERBS! Which dont do any damage, cannot fight, but change the stats (like poison, bleed... ) of the opponnent, and change the stats of the owner (like 1 random short buff, which changes every 10seconds) everything automaticly without the player is able to control, only stow and summon the plant
Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
Post edited by Amencat - Sanctuary on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Plant People : MELEE DD Class (without any possibilty to make a tank build)
    Weopon: New Weopon: plant rows and whips
    Build: Mag and STR, mag and physical damage
    ABLE TO TAME HERBS! Which dont do any damage, cannot fight, but change the stats (like poison, bleed...) of the opponnent, and change the stats of the owner (like 1 random short buff, which changes every 10seconds)

    Now that creative o.0 . . b:shocked
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have to write here to you. you had similar ideas or see it before in this two threads xD

    now look at my post here:

    and then here are the two before mentioned threads xD

    Vampires and ghosts.
    but i like some of your ideas. like this ghost revive thing!!!

    ....... and some that can summon ghosts, depends on which weapon they wear can they summon physical att and magic att ghosts and have ghosts as buff which gard them. maybe books and mirrors as weapon for the ghost summoner. the ghost i imagine will be just skills not as venos you have not to tame them but first you choose a kind of buff so the ghost then you attac with the ghost spells. .......
    as dwarfkind will be nice to have their city under earth, so u have to teleport in to a volkano where the city is. so can imagine it will be like tt kind stuff, but dont know how it will work technically and will not become full of lags
    ........comments like eh its not nessesary or similar. i hope for the game to be alife next years and have possibilities to improve more.
    btw other games are realy bad. this is the only one that realy keeps me in.

    i customized my ideas here like told

    you have copied my ideas of under earth and the thing with the ghost too xD

    and then combine with the vampires of this thread xD
    jokerxdude wrote: »
    Well the other side will be opened eventually, why not start? Anyways, what about a race that is darker than any of the other races. Perhaps a race that was part of the Wraiths that are fighting for their humanity. No one knows of the race because they just parted from the other wraits and are still trying to decide right from wrong.

    Stop scrolling. Just click it: <---- You know you want to.

    Add this to your signature:

    Every race has a dark side, be prepared to take the full power of the Cursed -



    [Territory] Whispering Sands

    [Main City] City of Utopia

    An ancient city, sunken into the sands. It contains hopes and dreams of the Cursed to one day seperate themselves from the nasty wraiths they once called their brothers. It is still in the building process, looking ruined with ruins, caves, and sandy temples, there the Cursed are spending their time building their new home.



    Night Hunter [Vampire?]

    Appearance: Night Hunter Prototype (Female) Night Hunter Prototype (Male)

    Armor: Light/Heavy

    Armor Appearance: Black/Dark color

    Weapon: Whip (Made of Dark Energy), Double Whip, Nunchucks, Armblades (Double), and Jygens [Have a split skill tree: Light/Heavy Tree & Defense Tree]


    The Night Hunter came from the wraiths, but have been given the freedom of choice. This class of the Cursed is a melee class that deals in magnificent combat. Night Hunters have tricks up their sleeves to cause an opponent's downfall, especially when they can summon their own to the playing field. Their attacks are quick and deadly. If you are in their way, you better make way.



    Lv: 1
    Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Initiate
    Weapon: Melee, Barehand
    Description: A bite that causes the target to bleed and deals # damage


    Lv: 45
    Cost: Mana drain
    Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
    Description: Slice through the air with incredible speed, attacking all enemies within a 10 meter radius. Deals base damage plus 1% of weapon damage every 20 mana points. Also adds # damage.

    -Calm Night

    Cost: Chi/Spark
    Description: Takes a random negative effect off a friendly target upon success.
    Some effect can not be removed.

    -Call for the Grim

    Cost: Chi
    Description: When health is half-way or lower, summons a great wraith (Depends on location: Air, land, water) to the player's side. The wraith will attack until health is full. If the pet happens to die it will take # mana from owner to auto-revive it.
    Note: It will be set to an all-class setting for other times in gameplay.
    2nd Note: Can not be healed by Venomancers.

    -Dark Bite

    Cost: Chi?
    Description: Takes a bite out of the opponent, making bleed damage and transferring health to oneself.
    Leveled skill determines amount of damage and health gain.


    Feel free to add guysb:victory
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    you have copied my ideas of under earth and the thing with the ghost too xD

    and then combine with the vampires of this thread xD

    shame yourself to death before trying to say I COPYED something from YOU, it would be more possible it is exactly otherwise, couse i can show you a thread i maded A LOOONG time ago, example with one of my ideas as undearearth before you even thought about it! b:angry

    dont even try to deklare your ideas as unique noob!
    i just thought, if they wont change the citys exist right now, they could make one underearth with a new race.

    and for those other threads, i didnt even read them, so f*** of before deklare someone stealing from others.
    i already had those ideas before THEM posted those, proof just for you:

    i just had the time to post MINE IDEAS more in detail, so i did
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    dont even try to deklare your ideas as unique noob!
    i just thought, if they wont change the citys exist right now, they could make one underearth with a new race.

    b:surrender omg sorry im realy sorry and ive deleted this thing. i just wanna that people wanna work together and combine ideas

    but one thig is completely wrong to call ne noob. maybe youre lvl 80 but believe me pwi is not the only server in the world and that your char has finlay reached lvl 80 doeasnt mean that people that start at pwi and dont search the complete forum for your ideas you have posted somewhere or someone else where the thread it is called xyz. b:chuckle coz believe me i think youre now comletety wrong b:chuckle

    btw this one hurts realy

    and for those other threads, i didnt even read them, so f*** of

    so if you had an idea before so mention it in your actual post. who should know that youre so genious before. so next time link your old post, and dont spam again and again with similar topics
    b:sad so thx for answer
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    .... ok, i accept b:surrender

    sry, for hurting you, its only that i sit on my hell of workplace, thinking about nothing else as pwi, trying to combine thoughts together and getting a nice idea i created, hoping someone will like it, even if countless threads exist and everyone just say shut up they will never be implemented and then someone COME and declare i stole them >_< *blank out .... WAR*

    and i dont call ppl noob based on they level, i dont even know which lvl you have,
    i did it based on the thoughts, that someone just steales ideas, although there are countless ppl with the same wishes they post nearly same suggestions

    personally i think, ppl who let they time to level up, with a small lvl are much more exp as those who rush up, knowing nothing just have the high number over they head,

    im only 80, couse i have about 6 different characters 40+ i enjoy to level slowly, and it takes far more time to play 6 at once, speccially with RL ;)
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    look im not angry about such things. and they dont hurt me after playing pw since the beginning. and now im here on pwi doesnt mean i dont accept other people. its always the same with suggestion threads. belive me. after beeing lvl 99 on other server i dont wanna call anymore -.- coz it begun to suuck i was noone. here its more free but the same. if ur not lvl 100 your suggestion are useless, coz everyone call u noob. and then noone wanna changes coz everyone have fear about changes. they all believe the one class will then become better the other nmore worse. i had before problems to realize suggestions. here its more easy i see. someone post about this or that mount and finaly it will become true sometimes. i love to read other topics but pwi forum is much bigger then ur last one and its not as easy to search for all this stuff someone have mentioned. i like your idea. its a good thing with vampires. i wish them too. and you have more patience to write some skills. for example what i mentioned was that ghost revive skill, it could be realy usefull for bosses, but you have writen it in your post. thats one thing i dont have the patience. as you maybe see from other posts i write most about venos coz i was there a veno too. and its a nice race but here more expensice then on other servers when u wanna be the best, maybe someone have money to invest in the game. but not me i have to upgrade weapons and armors for just in game mone. so think about it how much work it takes to bring something to get them on +5.

    what i wanna say finaly. can there someone build (what i mentioned somewhere too) an topic that maybe will show all ideas of new race. then one topic for fashion. one for mounts etc. it will be realy helpfull to avoid something like this now. that im playing pvp dont mean im not friendly^^ so if there should be a possibility to get all races-ideas all together will be nice.
    without any wotes or something. i dont like this.
    for a conclusion i just wanna say i like your idea and dont wanna that your angry about it. and then that pw is an awsome game that need updates, otherwise it will die like other server. you maybe have to see the actual rankings 2010 for f2p mmos pw is still in the top ten. on some sites placed 3rd. and they mentioned new race tideborn. so there is no reason to be against new races. a new race will come somewhere in future. that is something i believe.

  • Infliction - Raging Tide
    Infliction - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *85% of suggested classes within the last 5 months have been Vampires/Ghosts/some sort of undead*

    Whenever new classes come out in any big MMORPG game, a new server is normally released. With the last few updates of this game, the GM's are kind of pointing it out that there will NOT be a new server. No TW money, half DQ money, making money on a new server would be incredibly hard, and for that reason, some might find it fun, but most players would hate it. If the GM's would want to open a server, they would have done it before those updates, or they will change them at some point in the future.

    * That statistic was completely made up.
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well first of all... sorry if I'm going to be harsh, but I think you deserve it =)

    Just browsed through those roughly written posts before.

    and for those other threads, i didnt even read them, so f*** of before deklare someone stealing from others.
    i already had those ideas before THEM posted those, proof just for you:
    i just had the time to post MINE IDEAS more in detail, so i did

    Next time, maybe you should take your damn time to read other race threads and maybe decide to participate on those before starting off with some horrible written rubbish.
    And even reviving your own old suggestions with only a few answers doesn't bring you any good.

    About the ideas. Have you checked the date of your old thread? Started on the 5th of May this year. Now check the date of the Cursed thread. Started on the 15th of March. Oh I forgot, you didn't even read them. Of course the idea of having a vampire class/ necromancer class/ vampire race is so old. So no one really can claim those "ideas" as their own. About details, that's just ridiculous. You haven't that much detail in your threads.

    Now a bit more on-topic:

    Gender restrictions. Vampires for males only? By the way those vampires remind me a bit of FW's Vamps... but that aside... "mana healer" that alone is nice. No weapons? Not nice. Resurrection as undead? A bit useless in my eyes... I mean a simple cleric revive would be enough.

    Ghosts. Undead revive? ... Berserker Stance... that rings some bells *coughs*

    Earth people. Ranged Tank... hm ... reminds me of my old Satyr race thread b:pleased
    Midgets remind me of the Mountain Giants of TfT...

    Plant People... ugh DD class? b:surrender Oh and Plant People... *is reminded of Saint's race thread* Taming materials Really? D: ...

    That's it pretty much. Sorry for being so rude and harsh... ^^
  • ThanosQRC - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRC - Dreamweaver Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    eeek a salvia root attacks me XD

    who can say no to free mana?b:dirty
    main: psy94
    how about having fun instead of expecting the worse?b:thanks
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well first of all... sorry if I'm going to be harsh, but I think you deserve it =)
    who the hell even are you to say what someone deserve ROFL
    no eyes in the head? i said sry when it came out it was just a missunderstanding, trying to f*** ppl here only or what?

    Next time, maybe you should take your damn time to read other race threads and maybe decide to participate on those before starting off with some horrible written rubbish.
    And even reviving your own old suggestions with only a few answers doesn't bring you any good.
    as if you have read every damn thread which starts with: new race suggestion
    dont talk rubbish
    i read a few, but they are not that similar to mine, to talk about stealing
    About the ideas.

    That's it pretty much. Sorry for being so rude and harsh... ^^
    ok your opinion, i can live with it
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hm. i think it will be nice to have subtopics here. and i dont think its stealing of ideas. there are few good skills. and ive said before that ghost revive will be nice. maybe primary this skill is realy useless, but in TT something like this make it easier to escape an boss when an ep revive u. and i think such things can be made better if someone not just criticize someone, but think about how to improve a skill. free mana too, it will be nice, coz cleric skill is not as much efective on mana.
    in first place i want so say it will be nice to do a conclusion of ideas, to avoid something like this. i mean noone look exact whats happen on site xyz, so a summery thead of races will be nice. i mean a race site is not as importat. if a new race will come then it will come, but its decision of gms. its always nice to see new ideas and imagine how new races can be made. and when will it be done. i think it wil not happen so fast. maybe one year, two years. think about how long it takes with tideborn.
    so if someone will summery all races, fashion, mounts, items, new skills threads it will be so nice and make it so much easier.
  • Osake - Raging Tide
    Osake - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I love your idea! But you know...I am avampire freek my self and I am female so...I would be very sad, if i cant be a female vampire. I bet there are many out there whi thnk the same!
    But the idea is great!!!
    ^^ vampire wings... vamp fash

    I hope they will make longer hair for female :(
    I hate the choices we have now :( I am long haired in real life too. my hair is so long it touches my buns :D I wanna look the same in game -.- gives more fun and pleasure to play!
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    yes i think too, will be nice if just vampire classes will come. and yes also nice loooong hair b:dirty. maybe to the ground. another idea will be maybe something different then just wings. whay not transform to fly. you will buy an flyobject, but if u push on fly u will transform into bat for example. coz its the same like tideborn and cleric. enough wings.
  • SaintToadElf - Archosaur
    SaintToadElf - Archosaur Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This is hilarious! b:chuckleb:laugh

    I must have the Tame Herbs skill! That is TOO cool!!!
    I have some Golden Herb, and I know how to use it!
    I like the random debuffs, that's a cool idea.
    How about a new all-class pet: the log! You can take it for a make-over and paint a face on it. It can wear your spare fashions. You can drag it by a leash.
    Thanks for this suggestion, it really made my day.