This is hilarious...
Here's some really common sense questions that would have easily made a case for perma-banning the alt account:
What name did you register the new account under, and was any information similar between the two?
Did you make an e-mail account just for that 2nd account, with a stupidly similar name for the address?
Did you even bother making any characters on it, and were any actually leveled? And no, lvl 2 does not count.
And all of Longknife's points are still needing answering as well.
And if the alt account was old, did ya not think they could check the freaking history to see it's the same person?
Honestly, he's complaining about a throwaway account being perma-banned for what he actually did, while whining that they might not have known. But from every common sense aspect of what we've been given, it really is kind of a Duh.Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
Choatic - Archosaur wrote: »Not shortly after, I was at home the first time I made the thread, I waited until the next day at work to repost it. You are right in saying that you can't trust me with my credibility. I totally get it. I don't need you to find my story credible. All I'm asking is, IF my story was true, would you feel that there is a wave of bias floating in the treatment that players receive? This account is not the account that was banned (which I prolly dont have to say but it seems there is some confusion). This is a 3rd account. The alt account that I did go on that was banned permanently was one that was created the same year as my main account. Anyway, what's really bothering me now is people like you, Longknife, who doesn't care about anyone else's feelings and proceeds to bash people just because you feel that you are smarter than them. Even if you are smarter, which I disagree, you have no right to make other people feel bad just for your own sense of superiority. I hate people like you.
It's quite simple really...
Two posts that got closed...and then a spam account created to repost one of them.
In forums that I've moderated I will close spam accounts and permaban them as well. I believe that's what the mods did. Most of them have a good inkling of how the interwebz work.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
lvl10XAssassin0 -
XylolyX - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's quite simple really...
Two posts that got closed...and then a spam account created to repost one of them.
In forums that I've moderated I will close spam accounts and permaban them as well. I believe that's what the mods did. Most of them have a good inkling of how the interwebz work.
+1000 to this.
It just shows that even though the OP has an over-abundance of money does not mean they have a brain worth a cent to show for it.
Easily assume something to attempt to make PWI look bad. Big time fail. b:bye We won't miss you for sure when your main gets Perma-banned.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Okay I'm sorry but... how dumb would you have to be, as a new user... to see a thread full of incindiary statements, that got locked and got its poster banned, and then copy and paste the exact text of the thread in a new thread? Is pattern recognition dead or something?
Any reasonable GM would conclude that the "new" user is actually you, just by virtue of the fact that virtually nobody can be that dumb as a new user.
Seriously, OP, stop trying. You are impressing no one with your assumptions. Just cut your losses and be glad your main hasn't been retroactively permabanned (yet).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
Do you people read anything that I write before posting responses...? I clearly stated that the alt account was created the same time as my main account (2 years ago). It was under a different email address obviously that do not bear resemblance to each other. The 2nd thread, in which I posted using the alt and copied and pasted, CLAIMED to have done so because I was a different person who just found validity in the points of the OP.
I still can't believe the response I'm getting from people. Hopefully this doesn't represent the majority of gaming community. No one gives the slightest care about the issue at hand, but are all jumping to attack me like a bunch of angry piranhas that just found a new piece of meat to flame. WTF? I admit, what I did wasn't smart. Call me stupid, call me dumb, fine! I never once complained about being banned itself. I wanted to show you people the injustice that they have, and all I get is ridicule? Has the forum qualify dived to such level that a wake up call is considered a troll?0 -
I still can't believe that you don't understand an account with no posts, regardless of join date, that comes along to repost a thread that had been locked and moved twice previously for content would be viewed as a spam account.
I'd say I hope people as dumb as you aren't prevalent in the gaming and forum community but I'd be sorely mistaken, already having modded numerous forums myself. Here's a little tip for you, not-so-bright-spark:
If an account with no posts comes to a forum and reposts a topic you've had to lock multiple times before?
1) It's probably the same person
2) The new thread still needs to be locked for the exact same reason
3) It's now spam
4) The second account with, until that point, 0 posts? That's now considered a spam account. Bye bye it goes.
Basic, very generic forum-running rules that occur on every forum regardless of whether that forum is about a game, or writing, or art, or anything. The fact you can't comprehend these facts tell us... you're thick and clearly have no idea how forum communities work, nor their mods.
b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Choatic - Archosaur wrote: »Do you people read anything that I write before posting responses...? I clearly stated that the alt account was created the same time as my main account (2 years ago). It was under a different email address obviously that do not bear resemblance to each other. The 2nd thread, in which I posted using the alt and copied and pasted, CLAIMED to have done so because I was a different person who just found validity in the points of the OP.
I still can't believe the response I'm getting from people. Hopefully this doesn't represent the majority of gaming community. No one gives the slightest care about the issue at hand, but are all jumping to attack me like a bunch of angry piranhas that just found a new piece of meat to flame. WTF? I admit, what I did wasn't smart. Call me stupid, call me dumb, fine! I never once complained about being banned itself. I wanted to show you people the injustice that they have, and all I get is ridicule? Has the forum qualify dived to such level that a wake up call is considered a troll?
Here let me tell you in basic steps for those slow minded here what the OP is trying to say, and how your replies are way off:
OP flamed PWI on his main that charged lots of zhen, thread got closed.
OP remade a thread, got closed and banned for 7 days.
OP logged into another old account that didn't charge any zhen with no relevance to his main, made a thread copied and pasted and mentioned this (that he agrees "with that other person" and thus why he copied - didn't say it's an original thread)
It got closed and banned permanently.
Then finally, OP's point is that ppl who charge have lesser punishments, yet he gets replies like "so you QQ cuz you got banned" "so you want perma ban on your main too?" and other **** stuff lmaoFirst 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Quit.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Equal ****
Yeah, the thing is, that's not new. Everybody on this forum - everybody - knows the cash shoppers are going to get better treatment. It's not rocket science, like this post tries to pretend it is, and it's also far more obvious in other scenarios.
Scenarios where, say, a cash shopper gets to have their Lunar cape or pack-won WHATEVER reverted back to it's original state, so they can sell it, because they don't want to wear it any more. That is a far better scenario that proves cash shoppers get a far easier time of things than this crappy little thread.
The point is that this doesn't actually prove much at all anyway. Cash shoppers can and will eventually get perma-banned if they spam the same thread over and over again that is outright flaming GMs. It takes a little longer but it eventually happens regardless.
However, an account that has NEVER posted before that comes along pasting THE SAME thread and tries to pretend it agrees with the so-called other person is so obviously the same person trying hard to spam that it hurts. And if this tard carries on the way s/he's going his main account that has put money on this game is going to get as perma-banned as his alt account. This thread proves jack.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Here let me tell you in basic steps for those slow minded here what the OP is trying to say, and how your replies are way off:
OP flamed PWI on his main that charged lots of zhen, thread got closed.
OP remade a thread, got closed and banned for 7 days.
OP logged into another old account that didn't charge any zhen with no relevance to his main, made a thread copied and pasted and mentioned this (that he agrees "with that other person" and thus why he copied - didn't say it's an original thread)
It got closed and banned permanently.
Then finally, OP's point is that ppl who charge have lesser punishments, yet he gets replies like "so you QQ cuz you got banned" "so you want perma ban on your main too?" and other **** stuff lmao
Umm... I'm pretty sure we ALL understand this much.
The part that you don't understand is Natural Selection, because obviously you would succumb to it if it were still valid in this day and age.
If you post a thread and it's deleted or locked, you're an idiot if you try to post it again. Of course you're going to get banned. And, if you use an alt to repost that post again, you're going to get banned. And then if you do it yet again... do you grasp what mechanics are at work here? No, you don't seem to.
California has a "Three Strikes" law. Hmm... maybe if you understood that you'd understand why the OP is an idiot.
/facepalmI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »I agree, I read some replies in here and they make me laugh, because this reminds me of those scenarios that always happen in movies. Someone tries to warn the others about some catastrophe/harsh truth and they bash him with something irrelevant to that subject at hand - and in the end, of course that one was right. I can't believe this happens outside of movies tbh it's funny b:chuckle
Here let me tell you in basic steps for those slow minded here what the OP is trying to say, and how your replies are way off:
OP flamed PWI on his main that charged lots of zhen, thread got closed.
OP remade a thread, got closed and banned for 7 days.
OP logged into another old account that didn't charge any zhen with no relevance to his main, made a thread copied and pasted and mentioned this (that he agrees "with that other person" and thus why he copied - didn't say it's an original thread)
It got closed and banned permanently.
Then finally, OP's point is that ppl who charge have lesser punishments, yet he gets replies like "so you QQ cuz you got banned" "so you want perma ban on your main too?" and other **** stuff lmao
Um except for the fact this is nothing like that and that we understood the implications but its not a revelation if someone bought your candy bar and called you a **** because the candy bar wasn't milk chocolate like he thought when he bought it and another guy comes up and calls you a **** because the guy shared his candy bar but didn't have a reason to call you it and didn't pay you who are you going to be more angry with?
Look, I said it's fine to call me an idiot or stupid, as long as you know what I'm trying to say. As Airyll said, I guess people do know, either now or before this thread, that cash shoppers are given special treatment over noncashshoppers. I'm just glad to get it out to the people. The one thing that disappoints me is the general hostility shown by a lot of people on this thread, but I hope that was just directly toward my stupidity, not just a general thing. Anyway, my job is done, this entire thing is giving me a headache. Hopefully I've benefitted at least one person. Idiot...out.0
Anyone with a half a brain could tell you that the more you cash shop the more you will get away with. I had an account permabanned for a first offense of any kind (ended up being unbanned after 2 weeks by claiming I spend $500/month and would never give them a dime ever again.) for supposed inappropriate world chats which they never could explain what I even said that was worth a ban.
Not long after that a heavy cash shopper was in world chat for 20 minutes talking about and they received a 1 day chat ban only.
Punishments in this game are based on how much you spend. Threaten to stop cash shopping and you will be instantly unbanned. If you dont like how things are ran just dont play. You will be much happier if you never log into this crooked **** game ever again.0 -
Choatic - Archosaur wrote: »Look, I said it's fine to call me an idiot or stupid, as long as you know what I'm trying to say. As Airyll said, I guess people do know, either now or before this thread, that cash shoppers are given special treatment over noncashshoppers. I'm just glad to get it out to the people. The one thing that disappoints me is the general hostility shown by a lot of people on this thread, but I hope that was just directly toward my stupidity, not just a general thing. Anyway, my job is done, this entire thing is giving me a headache. Hopefully I've benefitted at least one person. Idiot...out.
Look. I'm sure everyone knows exactly what you are trying to say, most of us may not even disagree with it. I don't.
However, having a thread locked or deleted basically means "STOP". You do it again, you get banned it means "STOP". You come back on an alt and do it again... and get banned, it means "STOP".
This is a commercial site run by Perfect World International. They can moderate it however they wish. Your right to free speech does not exist here. You do not have rights here, you have the privileged to post which may be revoked for any reason or no reason at all.
Complaining about it, or how they handle it is a moot issue. They have the right to do whatever they wish.
/threadI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Look. I'm sure everyone knows exactly what you are trying to say, most of us may not even disagree with it. I don't.
However, having a thread locked or deleted basically means "STOP". You do it again, you get banned it means "STOP". You come back on an alt and do it again... and get banned, it means "STOP".
This is a commercial site run by Perfect World International. They can moderate it however they wish. Your right to free speech does not exist here. You do not have rights here, you have the privileged to post which may be revoked for any reason or no reason at all.
Complaining about it, or how they handle it is a moot issue. They have the right to do whatever they wish.
They do have to listen.
But they don't. XD Most of the time, anyway.
...aaaand I'm getting out of here before the mods come back from lunch break or w/e. <_>[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
It could also be that "the new guy" posted something from a locked thread. If the thread is already locked then it is obvious that it is off-limits and you don't need a warning. In raising children there is a difference between punishing bad behaviour and punishing disobedience or defiance. It is the same reason that you will get beaten black and blue for resisting arrest, if you don't get shot. Even if you are in the right, don't disobey the lawful authority. Deal with it though proper channels.
Also, if you created both accounts a long time ago and simply didn't cash stop on the second one they could probably still correlate the two by the private user information that you entered. Was your name the same or similar? If your name was different did you still use the same or address or at least the same zip code? what about phone number? Surely you weren't planning all this and being very careful with identifying information a year ago as you were with your IP a few days ago.
Even so, it is not terribly unusual for a business to treat long term, consistent, high paying customers with greater deference. It is why older people in nicer clothes often get better service in restaurants than younger people in casual clothes. They are likely to pay more. It may be crappy but it is pretty darn normal.0 -
yeah...i dont know how you look at this argument, maybe you are envy of his money, maybe u are pissed by his dumbness, or maybe you are just here on forum to post useless things just to get a +1 on the post count...
but what i see in this thread, and already knew by some friends in game, is that:
If you charge some money (like +150$) you can puke on GMs faces and all they will do is offer you a 7days towel to clean up you mouth endlessy...
If you don't charge money at all you cannot have the permission to argue (in a behaved manner ofc) or you will get a permanet ban...
that's not that of a surprise if u think of it...but in the end if you are so upset just charge a lil and go crying all out on GMs faces to take your revenge...
yeah...they've won anyways cuz u just feed em with your money[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
GohRaL - Sanctuary wrote: »If you charge some money (like +150$) you can puke on GMs faces and all they will do is offer you a 7days towel to clean up you mouth endlessy...
That's actually not true. Some of the people who have been banned the most ARE the major cash shoppers.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
yeah...cuz that's the way PW makes you think in the end...
"i charged a lot of money, i can do WTF i want and you cannot stop me..."
maybe there's a lil of justice in this game...its just is very very deep inside some 2years old patches that has already been FIXED[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I wonder why this thread hasn't been locked yet....b:puzzled[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Corporate luncheon.
Servers are on Auto-pilot. b:sadtatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear wrote: »I wonder why this thread hasn't been locked yet....b:puzzled
You wonder why every thread isn't locked don't ya?0
This discussion has been closed.
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