Who's responsible if not the qq'ers?



  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    truekossy wrote: »
    QQers like here are most certainly a part of this problem and should all be shipped off to some other game to leave the rest of us in peace and allow our community to strengthen.

    Private servers act in the same way Georgia did long ago: good place to ditch the miscreants. On one for a brief while to make sure I was right about something, lotta douches and e-peens everywhere there. A complete lack of skill was also prevalent. We has someone make a cleric for the first time on there, got jumped by an archer and BM 10 lvls higher, and the cleric PKed em both. Never did PvP before then. Waste of time.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well that latest post from the OP certainly proves what she was trying to say, doesn't it? Sadly though, the hypocrisy lies in the fact she's trying to play herself off as one of the helpful high levels, despite how very neatly she fits into her own category of ****ty high levels.

    Calling people noobs based on their forum join date and telling them to learn to play the game? I thought you just said every noob required help. But apparently you're a liar, because if there's a "noob" who's turned around and shown you up to be the fraud you are, they're to be called a noob in a derogatory way and you're to mock them.

    You did know that the forum join date is not the same as the actual date a player begins playing, don't you? Forum join date is exactly thaat = the date you activated your name on the fourms. I had been stalking PWI forums long before I ever posted, and my forum join date does not reflect when I started to play the game. But I suppose you knew all that already, right? Right?

    You are a perfect example of the high levels you were trying to describe. You, sir, are an ****. You are nothing but a hypocrite fighting to gain the moral high ground that you don't have and your attitude reflects this, you clearly didn't get enough love yourself and as such you are an egotistical little **** and it's people like you who ruin our community.

    Kindly exit, stage right, and don't come back. For the amount of time it must take you to read and respond to these posts you could have just left and pretended you'd been helping noobs.
  • XXInvictusXx - Heavens Tear
    XXInvictusXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Things Low Levels can expect help with:

    Boss fights
    FB runs

    Things Low Levels need to do their damn selves.

    BH runs
    Normal quests
    Wicked Pirates
    Tauroc Pendants
    Normal grinding
    Earning money

    the exact point I was trying to make.

    I just would've thought someone who was into the game enough to make an alt would've known that by now, and would have the courtesy to at least ask nicely or something if they really wanted someone else to help in getting it done. I'd be absolutely more than happy to help someone who's polite (with just about anything) versus someone who isn't.

    and ExELFine, I don't care what level you are compared to me. it's just a number.
    Heaven's Tear - 8x Venomancer - Logging in just to poke around b:surrender
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey Exelfine, you're not looking hard enough. There's plenty of us old timers that help the lowbies, faction members and non-faction members alike.

    Start being a friend and you'll make some friends.
  • EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear
    EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You did well coughing before writing because this is pure ill minded. Decent players, noobs or not, require help from higher ups who just don't give a friggin' hoot about helping. Everyone -- including yourself -- just don't care anymore about the community.

    PWI has played on your greed and won. You're the losers, whether you made it to end-game or not, not PWI. Deal with it.

    Did you even read what I wrote? Did you try to understand it? It was like working a full time job, helping people out. And it went on for months and months. And we went from a guild of low levels asking us for help to a guild with high levels not listening. And, when we made our own guild, it was still us listening and helping, but we were on TOP. WE were the high levels.

    Do you know what happens when you spend 25 hours helping people and try to take an hour off? You get arguments. People seem to feel slighted if you didn't go that extra hour. Did I have some ALWAYS helping me run my BH69? No. We spent most of the 80's grinding. Why? Because of lack of help. Hey, did I hold it against the level 90+? The Barbs? The BM's? The crazy little HA anythings that could look Pole and Nob in the eye and spit? No. I didn't raise hell over it because I KNEW it wasn't THEIR problem.

    I used my wizard to run HOLE BH59's. Sometimes, without even a cleric. I went out of MY way to help people out. I still ask random people, around me and everywhere I go, if they want Bell. If I am killing the same thing as them, I will help, if asked. I spent a full hour with an AFK archer over my head, because I was killing everything he needed. Will I subjugate myself like that often? Hell no. MY debt is paid. I haven't gotten real help from anyone in a very long time.

    I haven't gotten help from people over my level in a long time because my wife and I broke our backs to do things without begging. If you can't find some friends, your level, maybe you need to get some social graces and look for people like yourself.

    I've run as a tank for BH29, BH39, and BH51. For people other than my guild. I don't go out of my way to help. I go out of my way for fun. When it stops being fun, I'll stop doing it. Like the teabagging and the tanking things barbs are supposed to.
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When I first started playing this game, it was at the beginning of the game. High level help? That didn't exist. Most of the server was in my level range. I still got my quests done.

    Is higher level help required? Heck no. We original players did it on our own when we ourselves were the high levels. I only wish the game was still that way, we wouldn't have the huge amount of bad players we do today.

    Myself though, I do go helping those who need it. I tank fbs, TTs, and whatever else is needed at the time. Be it on my venomancer, or my barb here. I like to think I'm following the path that Rofocal took on his barb before he left the game. He would pick a day, then spend the entire day doing nothing but bosses for the faction. He was the only real barb so only he could do it. Regardless of repairs, time or anything else, he did it.

    I don't have to do it that way since the faction I'm in is small, and the level range isn't that large. However, I am the primary barb at the moment so the main tank duty is mine when it comes to things hercs can't do.

    Some of us old players ignore low levels, some of us rush them to level fast, others like myself, help when needed but prefer they learn on their own as we did when we started the game when the game was new.
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sounds like a bunch of hypocritical BS from someone sitting in an ivory tower, guess what?

    jesus doesn't love you anymore, condolences b:bye

    truekossy wrote: »
    ExELFine did a really good job of proving her original point with her most recent post.

    She is a high level who happens to be a stuck up, ignorant, and arrogant fool. Her every action screams of greed and hypocrisy. In general, she makes the game far less enjoyable for those who have the misfortune of encountering her. Oh, and she sucks at debates so she has to rely on insults, childish name calling, strawmen, and generally acting like an utter fool when someone counters what she says with a valid point.

    QQers like her are most certainly a part of this problem and should all be shipped off to some other game to leave the rest of us in peace and allow our community to strengthen.

    What the? If higher level help is required, then how the heck did those of us first on server get anything accomplished? We didn't even have out-leveled cast off gear to get from previous high levels, and there were only a few who even had craft skills. High level help is never a requirement, unless bad playing is accepted as norm. We just got other similar level people and ran the quests/instances.


    No one REQUIRES help from higher ups. You can't kill that boss? Do that instance? Level up and come back later. I did all of my FBs with a squad of friends my level. I never begged higher ups to do sht for me. You're just lazy and want everything handed to you on a silver platter.

    Anyway, Princess, get off your high horse and realize PW is like real life. No one feeds the lazy homeless cos they too lazy to get a job.
    |Payne-tsu 93 |Queen-tsu 89 |Shadow-tsu 69
    Pantsu b:dirty
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Things Low Levels can expect help with:

    Boss fights
    FB runs

    Things Low Levels need to do their damn selves.

    BH runs
    Normal quests
    Wicked Pirates
    Tauroc Pendants
    Normal grinding
    Earning money

  • Rainie_days - Heavens Tear
    Rainie_days - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Where are the chatrooms where guild would help the lowbies?

    Where is the friendship that comes with such help?

    Where is the coherence that held PWI's community together?


    Players, old and experienced as well as new ones have all be swooshed by greed, their own.

    They hate the new races. They refuse to help lowbies. They think only of their ranks, their gear, their weapons. You are a disgrace to the game, with your hatred-filled hearts and closed fists.

    What we do? We leave the game altogether and join private servers, where community still means something.

    So all of you, old time players, who have boycotted players like me for wanting to be different, fearing me/us and not wanting us to level higher, you are the friggin' suckers and your misery is only the result of your own actions.

    You, the 100+, who want nobody to join your rank, have only yourselves to blame for your own misery and you know what?

    For us all, to come here and hear you QQ, it is music to the ear and candy to the eyes, for now we realize the glory of what goes around does frigginly come around.

    May you all squirm in PWI's darkest hollows, hehehe!

    (hey, the packs! hey the r9! hey let's pk the lowbies! etc ect ad nauseam)

    By then, we are long time gone.


    b:chuckle Radiance will help u solve these problems.. go ask them.. b:surrender
    -Caesar's Gravekeeper- b:sad
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:chuckle Radiance will help u solve these problems.. go ask them.. b:surrender

    Im sure we are like most players .. If near a boss and someone needs help we jump in and help .... BUT sooooo not going help someone kill 25 of their quest mobs
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    But Radiance will make FB rooms for the lowbies, surely they'll help with every easy boss out there and help the weak farm money and kill their quest mobs. They are the upstanding members of the community. When they were wiped off the map we were all heartbroken, and we might be heartbroken again in the near future.

    (This is for Steopie)
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    oken again in the near future.

    (This is for Steopie)

    I love that song b:kiss
  • Mddafailmage - Harshlands
    Mddafailmage - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    To all of you I say FY because you are the real sore losers and you are the prime destroyers of such a wonderful game PWI has made available to North America.

    I thought you were just a raging idiot until I read that part. Now I realize that you a special crack smoking raging idiot.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Where are the chatrooms where guild would help the lowbies?

    Where is the friendship that comes with such help?

    Where is the coherence that held PWI's community together?


    Players, old and experienced as well as new ones have all be swooshed by greed, their own.

    They hate the new races. They refuse to help lowbies. They think only of their ranks, their gear, their weapons. You are a disgrace to the game, with your hatred-filled hearts and closed fists.

    What we do? We leave the game altogether and join private servers, where community still means something.

    So all of you, old time players, who have boycotted players like me for wanting to be different, fearing me/us and not wanting us to level higher, you are the friggin' suckers and your misery is only the result of your own actions.

    You, the 100+, who want nobody to join your rank, have only yourselves to blame for your own misery and you know what?

    For us all, to come here and hear you QQ, it is music to the ear and candy to the eyes, for now we realize the glory of what goes around does frigginly come around.

    May you all squirm in PWI's darkest hollows, hehehe!

    (hey, the packs! hey the r9! hey let's pk the lowbies! etc ect ad nauseam)

    By then, we are long time gone.


    Am I supposed to applaud?
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Rawrgh wrote:

    Never did ask for help with those. As for you -- join date feb 2010 -- you sound like a sick oracle baby who never did learn how to do those.

    Get a friggin life if you can't learn to really play this game, friggin' noob.
    Talking about getting a life and who's noob, your intelligence clearly blows. Like, it was impossible for you to think some people may have played on an old server then come to a new one, right?

    Rawrgh played since LC first opened. Get your facts straight and get some logic into that QQing brain of yours before throwing insults at others.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Where are the chatrooms where guild would help the lowbies?

    Where is the friendship that comes with such help?

    Where is the coherence that held PWI's community together?


    i hate to say it all over again..

    When i first started playing this game, no one would help. And guess why? because not everyone goes around helping noobs all the time. Everyone was a noob before, and always will be if you continuously are being helped. just like whats happening now with the hyper stones.

    I dont think you even need help from the other players anymore with all the "Help" that you have been given by the game. ive played from the start, where there was only 2 Dailes, and that would be Crazy stone and the long world quest.

    What do you lowbies have now huh?

    1 Crazy stone
    1 World Quest
    3 Bounty Hunters
    X #s Of Frost with hyper Exp
    2x Drops and Exp For weeks in a row.

    The people that are ruining the community are people like you. Trying to blame it on the higher levels just because you cant seem to level fast enough. It should have taken you at least a year to get to end game long ago (unless u play a **** load).

    And i cant believe you even mention private severs, if you think they have such a great community and such, why don'y you move there. Thats one less person the non - Q.Qers ahve to deal with. b:bye

    And to directly answer ur question "Who's responsible if not the qq'ers? "

    No one. only the QQers
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Im sure we are like most players .. If near a boss and someone needs help we jump in and help .... BUT sooooo not going help someone kill 25 of their quest mobs

    Up to a point. I'd been grinding daily in a spot that just happens to be near a quest boss. I'm asked daily to help with it. Figuring I'd already lost a couple million in coin or more due to lost time I started requesting 100k to do it for them. So far no one was bothered by it and all thankfully paid. It also doesn't seem fair that someone use to pay me to help them bang out quests while others get a free ride. Time is money, and there's a lot of pan handling going on in this game. I've been guilty of it myself.

    *waits for greedy person to come along and call me greedy.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Silvatar - Sanctuary
    Silvatar - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Where are the chatrooms where guild would help the lowbies?

    Where is the friendship that comes with such help?

    Where is the coherence that held PWI's community together?



    As soon as I read that I thought of the faction Beloved. No faction ever did more for the commnunity on the Sanctuary server than this little faction and its amazing members (as I am sure the older players will recall). I was never a member of their faction but they were a shining example of how this game could be played while making it an enjoyable experience for everyone in the community. It was a great loss when this faction disbanded. b:cry
    This is a problem in any game because it is a problem with people, not just the high lvls either.

    The problem is that everyone lumps the low lvls into the same category, and you are lumping all the high lvls into the same category. They aren't all the same though to be honest seems like there are just not always alot of nice people in mmo's.

    The low lvls who are always begging for help and never help or say thank you, generally end up becoming high lvls who won't help anyone, because they are clearly lazy cause they didn't want to do anything for themselves, and because they only care about themselves. This is the 'me' generation.

    Some high lvls are probly just tired of helping other rude low lvls, so they generally just gave up on helping them, cause they got tired of being used, can't really blame them for that. Others are the low lvls I said previously, they got help and are too greedy to help anyone else.

    I've been on both ends in other games and prolly will be on this game as well, once I get 'high lvl' and both sides are equally annoying, and frustrating. I never ask for help, but even I've had problems with rude high lvls. Already once on this game at a dumb event, not even a prize. All I did was ask a higher lvl if he could stop one hitting the monster I was attacking. There were like 5 others he could one hit, just leave me mine. And he proceeded to make fun of me and say I was QQing.

    The only way community as a whole will ever change is if we can all learn to be decent to each other, so it will never change.

    +1 Very well stated ....though lets hope that change is possible....hope springs eternal b:thanks
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Bleh, OP is a ****-tastic tool.

    Out of all the guilds I've been in over the past 2 years (yes, my forum join date is new-ish), I've spent more of my time tanking Bosses/FBs for lower levels over getting my own stuff done.

    When BH's came out, that was the straw that broke the camels back (so to speak). I spent so much time helping lowbie fac mates get their BHs done I actually had to skip even doing TT and use **** OHT gear, since I was tanking everything for everyone else from the time I signed on 'til the time I signed off. It wasn't until I actually just started refusing to help anyone, that I got caught up on all the things I needed done.

    I still help people from time to time when they ask, but that's usually reserved for those at my level, or those on my friends list.

    Random lowbies demanding that I drop whatever I'm doing to kill their quest mobs, can just go eat a ****. I don't exist to make your lives easier.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    Up to a point. I'd been grinding daily in a spot that just happens to be near a quest boss. I'm asked daily to help with it. Figuring I'd already lost a couple million in coin or more due to lost time I started requesting 100k to do it for them. So far no one was bothered by it and all thankfully paid. It also doesn't seem fair that someone use to pay me to help them bang out quests while others get a free ride. Time is money, and there's a lot of pan handling going on in this game. I've been guilty of it myself.

    *waits for greedy person to come along and call me greedy.

    Sorry, not the greedy person you were looking for to call you greedy. However, you're greedy.

    About two weeks ago, I was bored. A friend needed some green mats and was offline. So I world chatted for a random cleric to help me in 3-1, mostly cause I was bored. So we go in, I get the mats I needed for my friend, I let the cleric have all the other green mats... then gold dropped. I didn't need it, I saw the cleric with two pieces of 90 green and the rest 80 gear. So I gave them the Evil Minion's Shell without thinking about it... told them to keep it for their wrists or sell it. I didn't care, I didn't need the coin. He probably saved me from possibly a few charm ticks which is all that really concerned me...

    Money isn't everthing in-game. b:bye
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • mywisdom
    mywisdom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When they announced they were releasing a new class, I decided to just farm mats all day and make all the coins to go on my Tideborn, I made over 200m ingame coins just from farming mats for 2 months and 1/2... It's impossible to do that now. Even when I was heading into Arch on my mount, I saw a group of players doing some quests, they were only about level 40. They looked like they were struggling so I offered my services obviously for free just out of kindness and from the free time that I had before I went off to bed. So We did 3 quests in a pretty quick time. The archer said after we finished he will give me 500,000 coinsb:shocked I said nooo I helped them because I wanted to but he still wanted to trade with me and gave me a gold spirit charm instead. It was awfully nice of him to give me anything and he thanked me for helping him, I think he was someone's alt though, he looked pretty decent for a level 40 :P But I have helped a lot of people. Got one of my level 90+ Archer guildies to dispatch Suzzie for someone, the player thanked me and that was enough. I haven't played PWI for a while so I don't know how much ingame has changed, but the forum to be honest no offence taken to anyone because I can fully understand why, but I think the forum is full of trolls and hypocrites. The game is indeed dying and that's sad.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:victory @ Mike: Congratulations, your intelligence level just went up by 1! Click here for details!

    @Xara: That seems to be a common theme for a lot of struggling factions, regardless of server. There's:

    1: The high level people trying to get things done so they can get higher levels. Occasionally, they'll help and get things done.
    (The so-called lazy, greedy people.)

    2: The noobs trying to get to a somewhat high level so they can maybe possibly remember what it was like when they were noobs, and maybe possibly help out sometime later in the future....

    The problem with FACTIONS working together is simple....more than half the players in this damned game are greedy, unloyal faction hoppers. The worst of them, I'd have to say, are either residing in Dreamweaver or Harshlands.
    My husband rage kicked like, half the faction, because nobody was helping, and people are CONSTANTLY asking him for help. None of the officers help out; they're too busy spamming TT/FC/BH to turn and ask a noob for help.
    The NOOBS aren't much better! They're ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS spamming and whining and crying and moaning for help. You get some that are so bad, you have people blacklisting people in their own factions because they get sick of hearing about it.

    Either noobs need people to hold their hands through the whole game, and I want to kick them in the teeth and tell them to grow up, or the higher levels are just being lazy, and I want to kick THEM in the teeth and tell them to stop spamming runs because nobody is a high enough level for the mats they're getting anyway!

    -_- It's aggravating to see things running this way. I blame both sides in part. I also blame Developers for ruining the game with Anniversary Packs, Coral Packs, Tiger Packs, and so on and so forth. (Coming soon! Dragonfire Packs! Get ready to throw up!)

    I'd say this game is roasty-toasty if they don't fix things. Pretty soon there's not going to be any high levels left to help.
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You really couldn't be more wrong.

    PWI has been destroying the community, not the high level players. We've been talking about this for ages now.

    I always try to help a lowbie if I'm asked and I'm not busy at least once a day. However, I do that out of complete charity because I shouldn't be expected to help very low level players. If you need $20, you don't apply for a home. We're not obligated to help someone we don't know when are 50-90 levels higher and you shouldn't expect that someone that high should constantly help others that far below them. There is a wide level range and there should be and is support from the appropriate leveled people in your faction or that you should know.

    Surely, I want more people my level to be playing. However many of those people aren't different than low levels who need help because they speed leveled their way to the top and suddenly expect to have high level friends to help teach them everything they should have learned along the way. You don't give a person a fillet when you can teach them how to fish, or whatever the proverb would say.

    Now, when I do a tideborn 19 culti, bh29 or weapon quest for one of these nubs, half the time I don't even get a thank you because they're too concerned about turning in their quest or leveling up. Sometimes when I am too busy I'll get endless messages begging for help and when I say I'm currently in the middle of something I get cursed out.

    Yes, that's the spirit of community.

    it is not high levels nor PWI...it is the players! of course i don't expect everyone to smile and say "I WILL HELP YOU! PICK ME" LET ME HELP!", but "you scratch my back and i scratch yours", that's what i heard...on other words, people are supposed to help other players kiling their bosses...HOWEVER, an ungrateful person is one of the things that angers me the most! when i help someone, i expect that person to say "please" "thank you", even if they don't mean it, it is THE LEAST they could do! of course, if they mean it, great! but if they aren't capable of something as basic as writing "please", and "thank you" and actually meaning it, at least they should fake it! b:angry
    I am always polite because i believe on civilization; i don't steal because i don't want others to steal from me, and so on...it is through that "silent contract" that today's civilization is built and kept.
    PS: I am always thankful to who helps me. Don't ever doubt it.
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:victory @ Mike: Congratulations, your intelligence level just went up by 1! Click here for details!

    @Xara: That seems to be a common theme for a lot of struggling factions, regardless of server. There's:

    1: The high level people trying to get things done so they can get higher levels. Occasionally, they'll help and get things done.
    (The so-called lazy, greedy people.)

    2: The noobs trying to get to a somewhat high level so they can maybe possibly remember what it was like when they were noobs, and maybe possibly help out sometime later in the future....

    The problem with FACTIONS working together is simple....more than half the players in this damned game are greedy, unloyal faction hoppers. The worst of them, I'd have to say, are either residing in Dreamweaver or Harshlands.
    My husband rage kicked like, half the faction, because nobody was helping, and people are CONSTANTLY asking him for help. None of the officers help out; they're too busy spamming TT/FC/BH to turn and ask a noob for help.
    The NOOBS aren't much better! They're ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS spamming and whining and crying and moaning for help. You get some that are so bad, you have people blacklisting people in their own factions because they get sick of hearing about it.

    Either noobs need people to hold their hands through the whole game, and I want to kick them in the teeth and tell them to grow up, or the higher levels are just being lazy, and I want to kick THEM in the teeth and tell them to stop spamming runs because nobody is a high enough level for the mats they're getting anyway!

    -_- It's aggravating to see things running this way. I blame both sides in part. I also blame Developers for ruining the game with Anniversary Packs, Coral Packs, Tiger Packs, and so on and so forth. (Coming soon! Dragonfire Packs! Get ready to throw up!)

    I'd say this game is roasty-toasty if they don't fix things. Pretty soon there's not going to be any high levels left to help.
    Everyone needs help, there is nothing wrong with that. However some people are so lazy that ask help for the smallest thing! like whining to higher levels to do their quests so that they can finish it sooner! i HATE to ask help! i really hate it, once i forgot my wallet in home and didn't it all day until i got home just in order to DON'T ask any of my friends to lend me money...(rather starve than stab my pride!) So i avoid asking help the most i can...i only ask help for things i can't do alone, like killing bosses (how can you expect to kill a boss alone? nobody can!).
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey Exelfine, you're not looking hard enough. There's plenty of us old timers that help the lowbies, faction members and non-faction members alike.

    Start being a friend and you'll make some friends.
    such beautiful words...too bad it only works in theory T_T
  • firedolphin
    firedolphin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In no way do I feel that the high levels are ruining the game. I owe many high levels for helping out with tons of bosses, all my FBs, culti, and what-not. How do I pay them back? Well, frankly, at the moment I simply can't, so I try to pass it on by helping out lower levels with various stuff, FB19, Krixx, stuff like that. I've only been here for 2 months, so I can't compare, but even though the general attitude of players seem to be heading more into the negative, I don't think it's at a critical stage where there's no sense of community at all.

    I'm only 71, so I haven't helped out much, but even at my level it amazes me to see that many childish newbies. I don't wear fash, therefore all players see are my glowing gear, which makes them think I'm much higher than I actually am. I get some random requests to help, most of which I answer. I helped out 2 separate squads with Krixx. In one of the squads, 2 people didn't say anything, and the other 2 didn't even acknoledge me when I finished killing Krixx, was just off in their own convo. Only 1 person had the decency to say "Hi there" and "Thanks!" Another confronted me in Ether and asked me to raise them from Lv2 all the way to 60.

    There's more than a simple "high levels are selfish" side to this issue. Attitudes of the new players aren't exactly the best. A "Thanks" doesn't take a lot of effort to say.....
    *clap* *clap* agreed! a thanks is easy to say and pleases the one who hears it! :)
    i logged in my cleric today and i was sent a pm saying "revive". I am not anyone's servant, so i ignored...then the same person whispered "please", and so i accepted doing the resurrection. Afterwards i said "thank you?" and guess what? there is the answer is received: "buffs" O.o seriously...
  • Remmi - Raging Tide
    Remmi - Raging Tide Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It gets really sad when it's higher level players.

    Imagine you're grinding spiders up north and lvl 85+ wizard ( in full sharded mold gear ) tries to squad you moments before the mobs drop and goes like "help get me exp." . Repeats it for four times or so and harrasses you with invites while you struggle to stay alive. When you refuse, he proceeds to steal your drops...

    Then after you gather your mobs for a second run, tries it again, this time by trying to KS

    It's not just lowbies... and yes, people tend to misbehave more when there is no social control.

    @ Exelfine: people who played for a long time and stay on their main, are more likely to help out others, it's the new fast levelers that tend to not care what people think of them. Their char doesn't really mean anything, and what other people think of them means even less. They can start another tomorrow and level it in 2 months to 100. Most lowbies are alts,... they are not that helpless.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry, not the greedy person you were looking for to call you greedy. However, you're greedy.

    About two weeks ago, I was bored. A friend needed some green mats and was offline. So I world chatted for a random cleric to help me in 3-1, mostly cause I was bored. So we go in, I get the mats I needed for my friend, I let the cleric have all the other green mats... then gold dropped. I didn't need it, I saw the cleric with two pieces of 90 green and the rest 80 gear. So I gave them the Evil Minion's Shell without thinking about it... told them to keep it for their wrists or sell it. I didn't care, I didn't need the coin. He probably saved me from possibly a few charm ticks which is all that really concerned me...

    Money isn't everthing in-game. b:bye

    Aren't you proud of yourself? You must agree then that there is profitability to grinding and that there is no economy problem if you can afford to be so charitable.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I try to help a random person once a day, because I remember what it was like as a noob to have a high level in squad helping. It was a treat. It was awesome. Of course those were the days when being high level really meant something.

    A lot of people seem to forget (or never bother to consider) the first players, the pioneers who ran all these same instances for the first time. I guarantee you they did them on their level, or close. With a LOT less help. No huge selection of gear in the auction house. No tomes, very few cash shop advantages... No one really even to ask questions unless you knew someone that had played before on PW-MY.

    It came to be accepted, it seems, to have high levels do your fb. Fb's used to be a very popular thing to do back in the day, as there were less options for things to do, and less high level players. So that created a more *willing to help* environment.

    Generally the only people I won't help are the ones that beg over and over and over (especially for my stuff), the ones that can't speak english, and the ones that are too over demanding and can't wait 5 minutes for me to finish whatever I'm doing.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Where are the chatrooms where guild would help the lowbies?

    Where is the friendship that comes with such help?

    Where is the coherence that held PWI's community together?


    Players, old and experienced as well as new ones have all be swooshed by greed, their own.

    They hate the new races. They refuse to help lowbies. They think only of their ranks, their gear, their weapons. You are a disgrace to the game, with your hatred-filled hearts and closed fists.

    What we do? We leave the game altogether and join private servers, where community still means something.

    So all of you, old time players, who have boycotted players like me for wanting to be different, fearing me/us and not wanting us to level higher, you are the friggin' suckers and your misery is only the result of your own actions.

    You, the 100+, who want nobody to join your rank, have only yourselves to blame for your own misery and you know what?

    For us all, to come here and hear you QQ, it is music to the ear and candy to the eyes, for now we realize the glory of what goes around does frigginly come around.

    May you all squirm in PWI's darkest hollows, hehehe!

    (hey, the packs! hey the r9! hey let's pk the lowbies! etc ect ad nauseam)

    By then, we are long time gone.

    You would have had a point if most of the whining was merely about how every single change made to PWI was going to both drive most players away or blow up their own game. That QQ is pretty hilarious indeed.

    However, concerning certain "changes", these dungeon changes, while delightfully making it more of a challenge for advanced players like myself, have now forced mid and low-skilled players out of these instances.

    They could have created new content for experts or advanced players. Instead they've alienated the average player away from instances they were used to doing. I still duo nirvana with my girlfriend. I bet we can still do 3-3 and 3-2 just fine too. It basically means we're going to make even more money at the cost of average/lowbie players. So players now must find another instance to farm their **** at, but the best coin making instances are now changed to be much harder. Now they're going to have to cash shop for gear even more now, as people presume they must have TT gear, or, legendary **** makes a comeback. Regardless of that last lil' spiel, alienating any large part of your player base from dungeons they could partake in before is most certainly something that will lead to players finding another game or a different version of PWI. Rightfully, I wonder what Perfect World was thinking.