Is this the Game ive been looking for?



  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, looks like playing Perfect World isnt such a good Idea..Thanks for the Warning. Too bad im starting to like the Community here b:tired

    -.- Many people just whine because they don't like the recent updates and they have nothing better to do. <.< They are angry because of the TW change so they say **** about the game now, to scare newbies away. I say give it a try and decide it if you like it or not.
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well, i think i have to see it by myselfe. Every1 here got good Points, which i know from other Games and understand them. As for now, i will search for more Informations, wait for new Posts etc, and check it out. Its almost 3 AM here, so i have to take a little Break. Thanks for all the Posts, and i will be back later this Day, to read the new Posts and answere them. Thanks for the Help, over and out ;D Sweet Dreams.
  • Admante - Dreamweaver
    Admante - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why would people rush into FW when it's from the same company that's trying to run PWI into the ground?
  • ugysekell
    ugysekell Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, looks like playing Perfect World isnt such a good Idea..Thanks for the Warning. Too bad im starting to like the Community here b:tired

    you relly shouldn't listen to these whining little kids, just try the game and leave if you don't like it but at least give it a chance. pvp / tw is fcked up because of cash shoppers but pve wise the game is still fun and there are still awesome people, don't really understand why you wanna run away without trying.
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why would people rush into FW when it's from the same company that's trying to run PWI into the ground?

    That's what I've always wondered too.
  • C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8
    C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why would people rush into FW when it's from the same company that's trying to run PWI into the ground?

    ...That's what I keep wondering. b:question b:surrender

    *Ninja'd by Sleepcat. Darn it.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    -.- Many people just whine because they don't like the recent updates and they have nothing better to do. <.< They are angry because of the TW change so they say **** about the game now, to scare newbies away. I say give it a try and decide it if you like it or not.

    I don't TW (much) but I do understand the plight of those that do. Not only did a large portion NOT know about the upcoming pay nerf, but PW didn't even bother to engage the community of it's ideas for possible rewards.

    Mirages ARE NOT adequate enough as a reward, especially for end-game. It's the equivilant of getting Celest stones after going through the trouble of tackeling a difficult quest. Can't tell you how many times I cursed the game out loud back when I actually got quests and that was the reward. -.-
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol, they couldn't even scratch up 100,000 people for their facebook competition, in my books, thats a fail. must have been pretty embarrassing.

    @ Longknife - not pessimistic - realistic. Just trying to save one more soul from being torn asunder. Shame its too late to save yours.....ijsb:victory

    Look, this is against the rules but whatever; OP already named some other MMO names.
    Flyff is a GOD-AWFUL MMO that absolutely requires the player to use cash shop. Furthermore, of it's eight classes, one is completely on top, two are good, two are decent, and the last three don't stand a chance in hell in any PVP fight. The PvE is also boring, lacking in quests and has no challenge to it; even bosses are easy. You just grind really stupid monsters that would never be able to kill you as long as you have a brain.
    Despite this, that game has been around for several years now.

    Perfect world on the other hand has damn well balanced PVP, a very stable economy compared to other MMO's and somewhat interesting PvE. (I played like a two years ago or so then quit. Came back and prices are generally the same)

    It's simply unrealistic to expect this game, which still has lots of life in it and still gets many new content updates, to die within a year. I just gave you a wonderful example of a game that needs to die, and all the people who created it need to be shot. And yet? And yet that game is STILL alive.

    And now you wanna tell me Perfect World is on it's deathbed because gold prices increased by 15% over a 6 month period? Balls. 15% over 5 months is freaking excellent in my book. (by F2P MMO standards, of course) I'd love for you to show me another F2P MMO with an even more stable economy.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can't help but wonder what the original chinese version that was P2P is like... without a cash shop... or does it still have a cash shop? i would guess no, but everything that we have in our cash shop would be available in game some how? not sure....
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Last Post for today :

    I will check out Perfect World for sure. I mean, i have nothing to loose. Its either Fun, or its not. I may waste a little Time, but well, whatever. I will discuss about everything "tomorrow" again, after i woke up. And once again, thanks for all the fast Responses.
  • Nella - Sanctuary
    Nella - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    NO, for PVE, you don't need epic stuff and spend a crapload of dollars - UNLESS you are impatient. I personally NEVER spent real money on this game.

    I also never spend real money and I'm fine with the coins I have. It's kind of easy to earn money in this game. I am not even 80 yet, but already have my TT80 and TT90 LAs and weapons. b:victory I think people who say this game is 'pay to win' have no idea how to make coins in this game. End-game PVP is difficult, because cash shoppers dominate, like in every free MMOs with a cash shop. The PVE content of this game is a lot more fun than PVP, anyways.

    I rarely post here, but now I had to. I'm sad to see the players attacking the game they are playing just because they are upset because of this TW update. Kind of childish, in my opinion.
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Slightly less than 2 years ago when I started playing this game, the majority of the players posting in here were very happy and optimistic. Anyone who posted something negative about the game was quickly shot down with rebuts. There was one GM in particular who was very responsive in this forum with players' enquiries and stuff (goodbye Spoons, know that you are sorely missed in here and I wish you all the best wherever you are).

    Fast forward to today and after numerous money grabbing greedy patches, the majority of the community have turned cynical. Those that quit still come to this forum hoping to find a shred of silver lining or sanity amongst the greed and hopelessness that this game has taken a turn for. That only one responsive GM is gone and it is none of PWI players' faults but this company which hire morons for staff.

    Test this game out if you want but my advice is not to sink a single cent of your money into it. Everything's nerfed to force players to spend real life money. Make a sin, farm herbs and make life powders. This is the only character where with average gears, you'll still be able to play well both in PVE and PVP.

    Anyone who's going to tell you they did it with merchandising, they've forgotten we ARE NOT playing TYCOONS INTERNATIONAL nor MONOPOLY. We are playing a **** and slash MMORPG where we're supposed to go out there to **** and SLASH stuff without having to fiddle with finance. If I want to do that, I'll just go and read my books on banking and finance.

    Lastly after you have gotten the hang of the game, go play in a private server where everything isn't a gamble to begin with and you DON'T have to spend a single cent to get good gear and the GMs are more responsive than the deadwood they have in here.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't TW (much) but I do understand the plight of those that do. Not only did a large portion NOT know about the upcoming pay nerf, but PW didn't even bother to engage the community of it's ideas for possible rewards.

    Mirages ARE NOT adequate enough as a reward, especially for end-game. It's the equivilant of getting Celest stones after going through the trouble of tackeling a difficult quest. Can't tell you how many times I cursed the game out loud back when I actually got quests and that was the reward. -.-

    Yes, but scaring away newbies won't make PW change the new TW system. =P People are now rage quitting and posting anti-PWI comments just because they are angry. I can't really feel with them, because I never TW and never will. But PWI is not TW. TW is just a part of PWI. People can still enjoy quests, dailies, instances, events, friendly dueling, meeting new people and a lot more things. These angry people hate PWI because of TW and they forget about everything else. =/
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm sad to see the players attacking the game they are playing just because they are upset because of this TW update. Kind of childish, in my opinion.

    Go roll a barb, get it to 100, get it into one of the largest TWing factions, buy 2-3 gold charms with all your coin that you didn't cash shop for, make sure to save 2-3 mil for catapult scrolls, another 300-500k for hp food and a bunch of immunity apoths.

    Now, imagine having to do that up to 3 days a week. It gets very expensive, very fast. And not everyone can or wants to spend the next monday-thursday busting their **** to get another 8-10 mil for the next weekends TW battles.

    Now, even IF in the largest TW guild on your server, the pay wouldn't cover the whole cost, but it certainly helped ease the pain. Mirages on the other hand, don't even cover the repair bill.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Go roll a barb, get it to 100, get it into one of the largest TWing factions, buy 2-3 gold charms with all your coin that you didn't cash shop for, make sure to save 2-3 mil for catapult scrolls, another 300-500k for hp food and a bunch of immunity apoths.

    Now, imagine having to do that up to 3 days a week. It gets very expensive, very fast. And not everyone can or wants to spend the next monday-thursday busting their **** to get another 8-10 mil for the next weekends TW battles.

    Now, even IF in the largest TW guild on your server, the pay wouldn't cover the whole cost, but it certainly helped ease the pain. Mirages on the other hand, don't even cover the repair bill.

    Sounds boring. O.o Why don't you just stop TWing if you have money problems? Go do FCC, BHs, TTs, hang out with friends, start a new char... TW is not the only thing on PWI.
  • ugysekell
    ugysekell Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    yes, But Scaring Away Newbies Won't Make Pw Change The New Tw System. =p People Are Now Rage Quitting And Posting Anti-pwi Comments Just Because They Are Angry. I Can't Really Feel With Them, Because I Never Tw And Never Will. But pwi Is Not Tw. Tw Is Just A Part Of Pwi. People Can Still Enjoy Quests, Dailies, Instances, Events, Friendly Dueling, Meeting New People And A Lot More Things. These Angry People Hate Pwi Because Of Tw And They Forget About Everything Else. =/

    F.kin well said! PWI =/= TW.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I wouldn't say there are less players playing the game today compared to a year ago.I still lots of catshop set up all over the place especially West Arch.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    Sounds boring. O.o Why don't you just stop TWing if you have money problems? Go do FCC, BHs, TTs, hang out with friends, start a new char... TW is not the only thing on PWI.

    Like I said in a previous post, I don't TW much. Right now I'm not even in a TW faction. I put my main in one I created (to avoid ninja fac invites), but I'm the only person in it.

    FYI, I do BH daily. 's about the only way I can make coin (from selling off the subs/chips/mirages/ecstasy cards), but TT is another matter. I get a few "good" runs per week, which is usually on the weekends.

    the point I was trying to make, is that not everyone can just dump that kind of time into doing all the pve content. Maybe they don't like pve (it does get boring after a while). Or maybe, they get all the comradery by participating in TW with all their friends/fac mates.

    There's a whole list of why people like TW over TT farming/whatever. The one commonality was that there "was" a reward or goal to reach, and that was TW pay. Mirages aren't rewards.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    Sounds boring. O.o Why don't you just stop TWing if you have money problems? Go do FCC, BHs, TTs, hang out with friends, start a new char... TW is not the only thing on PWI.

    thats the problem, to enjoy a game, why shud we have to do the same extreamly repetetive thing, that we have 1000 times, since when was an mmo about financing money just to be able to play, and this, doing FC (slightly fun), TT (insanely boring) hang out with friends? and do what? spam emotes? no ty lol, shudnt need to start a new char either just to have fun on the game, end of the day, it will soon be in the same position, except were doing the same boring things again, just to get to the...same boring things.

    on anygame, endgame is focused to the pvp and large scale territory wars aspect, the TW here has been semi-killed off and the pvp in general...well now its just who can hit 1st mainly.

    also to the morons that are saying *dont listen to the QQers about how the game has gone bad*, ever thought theres a reason, a happy community with a very...very few number if ppl moaning about something irrevelant, then turning into a huge angry mob of ppl both ingame and on forums, going into a rage cos of how the GMs have treated the players, the GMs are just lucky this *is* and *was* a good game and the loyal ppl are still hopeing it will be sorted...but were not holding our breath, just read my sig, all that needs to be said.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Go roll a barb, get it to 100, get it into one of the largest TWing factions, buy 2-3 gold charms with all your coin that you didn't cash shop for, make sure to save 2-3 mil for catapult scrolls, another 300-500k for hp food and a bunch of immunity apoths.

    Now, imagine having to do that up to 3 days a week. It gets very expensive, very fast. And not everyone can or wants to spend the next monday-thursday busting their **** to get another 8-10 mil for the next weekends TW battles.

    Now, even IF in the largest TW guild on your server, the pay wouldn't cover the whole cost, but it certainly helped ease the pain. Mirages on the other hand, don't even cover the repair bill.

    Hm... When I used to TW, I always did it for fun b:cute What's better than wasting a few friends in the enemy faction? I never took the payment that was offered, covered the costs myself <.< I was playing a barb then too... It was fun. Expensive fun... but fun...

    TO: misterdeadserious

    *Since you're only getting the new PC in a bit, I suggest you check the forums again to see whether any new changes appeared. While this game started out real nice, over time it has gone down hill a lot. The last maint has made a lot of ppl unhappy. If you search the recent threads - lots of QQ.

    *A few have posted that you need to spend lots of real life cash on this game. I'd have to disagree. While cashshopping does give you A LOT of advantages; PvE wise you will be fine without it. The problem is certain items have been introduced in game (Like HYPER exp stones that can boost you exp x12) it is really easy to lvl in this game, but it's going to cost you a great deal of resources. <.< In my opinion many new players just powerlvl, then when they hit high enough, they got no good gear since they haven't bothered to farm it or save up money; & come QQ that this game is Cash only. If you take your time you'll be fine. Due to some events in the past months that increased the drop rates, a lot of good gear which previous would cost TONS of money & was considered b:shocked wow, is now easy available & fairly cheap. Furthermore from a Supply Stash Box - an item you get at 1lvl, you get free items - weapons in some case, that can last you fine till 50lvl. A bit ago I was lvling up my alt; most of time was using weapons from that stash or lamest, cheap gear bought from NPCs & was still perfectly fine.

    *At high lvls if you want really good gear & pvp sort of well... you'll need to either Cash-Shop, farm 24/7 or Merchant on a pretty large scale. In here it can be fairly easy earning money if you smart about it. You can leave the pc on, set up a kitty shop with various items to sell while you go to work or school or whatever you do. Ofcourse it's more complicated than that -.- But if you'll start playing the game you'll see.

    *You'll be happy to know not much grinding in this game :D At least not anymore. Maybe a bit at lower lvl with quests. But once you hit 40; you will recieve a daily BH quest where you need to go into a dungeon, kill a boss & you get tons of EXP from it.

    *Not going to comment about sins & pk since I don't do it.

    *In PvE some classes are better than others. While at lower lvls it's less noticeable. At high lvls, just my opinion, such class as Wizards, Psychics have hard time finding Twilight Temple, Nirvana squad (instances where you farm materials for your gear or just to earn some coins). Also Don't worry about your choice of weapons :D at 99/100 almost all classes have 1 weapon for PvE - fists (or claws, same thing basically). They are extremely overpowered PvE wise if your char has decent ammount of -interval on gear (adds on gear that increase your attack speed). Classes that use magic casting: like Wizards, Psy; can't really utilize fists into their builds, thus they are not very wanted in parties.

    Meh dunno what else.

    Stick around the forums once in a while, all the QQ going on is fun read :D
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    thats the problem, to enjoy a game, why shud we have to do the same extreamly repetetive thing, that we have 1000 times, since when was an mmo about financing money just to be able to play, and this, doing FC (slightly fun), TT (insanely boring) hang out with friends? and do what? spam emotes? no ty lol, shudnt need to start a new char either just to have fun on the game, end of the day, it will soon be in the same position, except were doing the same boring things again, just to get to the...same boring things.

    on anygame, endgame is focused to the pvp and large scale territory wars aspect, the TW here has been semi-killed off and the pvp in general...well now its just who can hit 1st mainly.

    Okay, I don't have an end-game character, and I'm far away from end-game (main just hit lvl80), I've never tried FCC and many other things. I believe that PVE can get boring eventually. BUT I bet PVP / TW can get boring too. I mean, PVP is the same repetetive thing JUST LIKE PVE - you kill people. In PVE, you kill mobs.


    I know there are people who prefer PVP. But I hate it when PVPers forget about PVE players. Like now, people just whine about this stupid TW and don't realize that the PVE players don't give a ***** about this change. People are acting like PVP / TW is the only thing to do in PWI - and this is what annoying me, and the fact these angry people are scaring new players away. :c PVE players hated the DQ price nerf but meh, we got over it. Time to get over the TW change, too.
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Don't mess with this bro. Get I pal? Don't do it chief. Don't spend any cash on this game, its like doing meth. The class balance is horrible. There's a weapon ingame that costs 30k usd, that's disgusting. Don't believe it when ppl say you can be just as good as a cash shopper without spending money. If you believe that have fun never leaving your computer trying to be epic for free. Whatever you do, don't try to get high lvl fast, take it slow learn your class. But if you really wanna give it a go, go for it but for your own dood don't spend a dime.
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hm... When I used to TW, I always did it for fun b:cute What's better than wasting a few friends in the enemy faction? I never took the payment that was offered, covered the costs myself <.< I was playing a barb then too... It was fun. Expensive fun... but fun...

    Never said it wasn't fun.

    The point I try to make is that not everyone can afford to do certain things, like give TW pay back to the faction. If someone only has a certain amount of time they can spend on the game through the week, then utilizing the pay to help them go to the next set of wars fully prepared is in their best interest, especially if they aren't cash shoppers (like me).

    If I had to monotonously farm every playing hour just to have a few short hours of fun in TW. Then there would be absolutely no point in playing the game, as it would be compareable to work.

    There are a whole bunch of different ways of making coin in PWI, some work best for one class, while others work best for another one. Taking out one major way of earning your money just tends to **** a lot of people off, and I can fully understand why.

    Will people adapt? some will, others won't. I just know that any future attempts at TW will be limited to what I'm willing to spend (0 coin other than repairs).
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Don't mess with this bro. Get I pal? Don't do it chief. Don't spend any cash on this game, its like doing meth. The class balance is horrible. There's a weapon ingame that costs 30k usd, that's disgusting. Don't believe it when ppl say you can be just as good as a cash shopper without spending money. If you believe that have fun never leaving your computer trying to be epic for free. Whatever you do, don't try to get high lvl fast, take it slow learn your class. But if you really wanna give it a go, go for it but for your own dood don't spend a dime.

    I never said he can be as good as cash shoppers. But for PVE, no one needs 30k USD weapon. Decent gear + smart use of skills = win. Also, PVP / dueling can be fun too, just fight against people who have similar gear. *shrugs*
  • X_Diogenes_x - Sanctuary
    X_Diogenes_x - Sanctuary Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Slightly less than 2 years ago when I started playing this game, the majority of the players posting in here were very happy and optimistic. Anyone who posted something negative about the game was quickly shot down with rebuts. There was one GM in particular who was very responsive in this forum with players' enquiries and stuff (goodbye Spoons, know that you are sorely missed in here and I wish you all the best wherever you are).

    Fast forward to today and after numerous money grabbing greedy patches, the majority of the community have turned cynical. Those that quit still come to this forum hoping to find a shred of silver lining or sanity amongst the greed and hopelessness that this game has taken a turn for. That only one responsive GM is gone and it is none of PWI players' faults but this company which hire morons for staff.

    Test this game out if you want but my advice is not to sink a single cent of your money into it. Everything's nerfed to force players to spend real life money. Make a sin, farm herbs and make life powders. This is the only character where with average gears, you'll still be able to play well both in PVE and PVP.

    Anyone who's going to tell you they did it with merchandising, they've forgotten we ARE NOT playing TYCOONS INTERNATIONAL nor MONOPOLY. We are playing a **** and slash MMORPG where we're supposed to go out there to **** and SLASH stuff without having to fiddle with finance. If I want to do that, I'll just go and read my books on banking and finance.

    Lastly after you have gotten the hang of the game, go play in a private server where everything isn't a gamble to begin with and you DON'T have to spend a single cent to get good gear and the GMs are more responsive than the deadwood they have in here.


    Used to be that when a thread like this was made, the majority of replies would be positive.

    If you're just looking for something casual to play, try this out and see what you think. Archers are fun and there's always plenty of advice in the Class, Beginners Guides and Quest Tips forums to help you along.

    Would recommend you don't take it too seriously with the way the game is being run now.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What amazed me the other night, was someone QQ about not getting TW pay in WC, as he hovered in west arch on the 40 dollar fly-mount, and latest fashion, and such-n-such's husband over his head.

    You dont need to unload TONS of real money to enjoy this game. Some once a month can make life easier. 10-20 bucks a month isnt diddly, even a high school kid could come up with that. And IF you avoid the temptation of wanting what everyone else has IE best newest mounts, fashions, OP gear... you won't EVER have financial in game problems. 10-20 like is said isnt much, most games require a monthly fee+ purchase of expanssions...and you don't get any more privilaged then the next guy.

    This game atleast gives you the ability to USE the cash-shop to buffer your in-game pockets. There are some out there, what buy ONLY you keep.

    But In ANY game like that, FTP it may start out easy for all, but eventually they will make to the point where SOME kind of compensation from every player is needed.

    Want new content? PAY for it, want more ENDGAME stuff? contribute to it...
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Never said it wasn't fun.

    The point I try to make is that not everyone can afford to do certain things, like give TW pay back to the faction. If someone only has a certain amount of time they can spend on the game through the week, then utilizing the pay to help them go to the next set of wars fully prepared is in their best interest, especially if they aren't cash shoppers (like me).

    If I had to monotonously farm every playing hour just to have a few short hours of fun in TW. Then there would be absolutely no point in playing the game, as it would be compareable to work.

    There are a whole bunch of different ways of making coin in PWI, some work best for one class, while others work best for another one. Taking out one major way of earning your money just tends to **** a lot of people off, and I can fully understand why.

    Will people adapt? some will, others won't. I just know that any future attempts at TW will be limited to what I'm willing to spend (0 coin other than repairs).

    It is simple, if YOUR faction wants to rule the map then YOUR faction needs to find ways to make sure their army is charmed/geared for it. Otherwise, fight without it.
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    What amazed me the other night, was someone QQ about not getting TW pay in WC, as he hovered in west arch on the 40 dollar fly-mount, and latest fashion, and such-n-such's husband over his head.

    You dont need to unload TONS of real money to enjoy this game. Some once a month can make life easier. 10-20 bucks a month isnt diddly, even a high school kid could come up with that. And IF you avoid the temptation of wanting what everyone else has IE best newest mounts, fashions, OP gear... you won't EVER have financial in game problems. 10-20 like is said isnt much, most games require a monthly fee+ purchase of expanssions...and you don't get any more privilaged then the next guy.

    This game atleast gives you the ability to USE the cash-shop to buffer your in-game pockets. There are some out there, what buy ONLY you keep.

    But In ANY game like that, FTP it may start out easy for all, but eventually they will make to the point where SOME kind of compensation from every player is needed.

    Want new content? PAY for it, want more ENDGAME stuff? contribute to it...

    Well yea you can enjoy the game w/o spending tons of bucks on this game but not everyone. For example I love pvp, that's what I enjoy in games. I can't enjoy pvp if I'm getting my **** kicked but I don't have the time to merchant all day. I not pretty much have to spend money on CS because these days gears > skill. On my archer I spend $1000 and that's **** cleaning money for the devs so my little 1k didn't get me very far (I spent that before the packs). So point being, if your a pve person you can spend small amounts of money but if your a pvp person be prepared to pay up 'till you blow up.
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, i rised from my Grave.

    Once again, good Posts here, especialty the one from VlLKASS.

    Once i have my PC, i will test out a Archer. I realy like that Idea with the Dungeons. Maybe i can get a Friend to play it with me, will be even more Fun. But as Archer i wont use Fists/Claws, eh? ;D

    Are there acctualy Crossbows in the Game too? If yes, whats the Diffrent? Xbow = More Base Damage, Bow = More DPS? What Weapon is recommend for a Archer?

    And another important Thing to me, what on what Server should i start? Of course Servers are always the same, but the Economy isnt. Most of the Time either the oldest or the youngest Server is the best to start with, what about here? Im downloading it atm, creating a Char and hang arround for 5 Minutes, until the Lagg gets massive :p
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, i rised from my Grave.

    Once again, good Posts here, especialty the one from VlLKASS.

    Once i have my PC, i will test out a Archer. I realy like that Idea with the Dungeons. Maybe i can get a Friend to play it with me, will be even more Fun. But as Archer i wont use Fists/Claws, eh? ;D

    Are there acctualy Crossbows in the Game too? If yes, whats the Diffrent? Xbow = More Base Damage, Bow = More DPS? What Weapon is recommend for a Archer?

    And another important Thing to me, what on what Server should i start? Of course Servers are always the same, but the Economy isnt. Most of the Time either the oldest or the youngest Server is the best to start with, what about here? Im downloading it atm, creating a Char and hang arround for 5 Minutes, until the Lagg gets massive :p

    well i probs wudnt reccomend RagingTide server, getting a barbarian these days is half friggin impossible, so unless u wonna start a barb here your self and get a squad for everything then sure, Archosaur is a dead server, the devs opened it about a month or 2 after RagingTide opened, so all that went to arch is people that wanted an attempt at being *MrHighLevel* factor, ive been on arch my self for a good month, never was so bored in my life.

    Id prob just suggest going to Heavens Tear since thats the oldiest PvE server about and still has a high population, DreamWeaver i dont no since ive not been on that server.

    Ill also tell u now that an archer is a total walk in the park for PvE, if ur always down on MP and getting beat the hell out of by mobs, then ur doing something wrong, a lil hint, the skill Winged Shell is ur best friend, reduces damage till its absorbed so much and regens mp, u shud almost be able to do all ur quests only using a couple hp/mp pots, i say this cos i see so many fail archers that havnt a clue how to simply pve.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
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